Smite TIER LIST: What YOU Should Be Playing For Season 8!

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VANLUEX1: Nox trash ?

The Bees Ankle: I swear most people who play the trash tier gods are just bad players playing gods that are cheesy in low level.

Brian Jackson: Me being an erlang/merc main😂

ICECOLD EMPIRE: Dayuuum danzo didn't even make the list lol

Tyler Ford: As soon as I saw him put Isis in lowest tier this list became completely invalid

Austin Phillips: Why did he hate on chaac so much?

Shane Teter: Listening to this guy is herpes for the ears

Connor Courtney: I would definitely disagree on KA placement

Brian Nielsen: First time watching you, and its gonna be last time.. damn u so freaking salty/toxic, that it gets annoying as hell..

LordThunderGoose: always love weaken ignoring 80% of the player base and what works for them or as ult pick

Zontaki: I love Athena even more now as a support, the new big map actually buffed her cause she moves so fast now across the map for ppl in need. IMO A-tier.

Daddy's Deep Dish: Play all the characters he says are bad. It keeps things interesting

GOAT: Izanami is good af. Why he hating lol, she melts objectives

Sawyer Razy: Just curious adapting says merc is in his worst state he’s ever been. But you put him in S any thoughts on why adapting thinks he’s trash?

Elliot Rivera: 9:30 I love 💕 this

Michael: does he still update smitesource?

Lieblingsmensch 0515: kinda surprised izanami is low tier since she has real good early game clear for a hunter. plus she is better with the new starters as well. everyone has their own opinion though and as always god tier list

Jason Hill: I've loved Cthulhu since day one. Really nice seeing my guy in the S tier this season!

w0rshipp: Putting nu wa b tier is stupid

Nikolas Donathan: Where Danza at?

Jared Robinette: All the gods he sucks with are in the bottom tier

Malachite Heart: I really like Chernobog this season because his 2 acts as a basic attack and it works great with the new starters. He also had a global ult so he can split push and then rush over to finish off enemies

Dragon ball Legends - OPE: Where is arachne...

Katerina Baucco: is Cthulhu viable as support at all, or just solo?

Qurt Eh: Epic

Lucifer Morningstar: Chaac is shit tier?I never saw him die even with anti heal items in a 1vs5.Only when I play him,I die a lot😂

Trevor V: Chaac players: 😟😠

Jan Abdul: Cu chulainn was already good nothing changed why put him in S tier?

Den Johnsons: Osiris with manakin is a free kill at level two. Level your two and three, anyone who clears with autos is dead when you 2 the wave and pop your three and box them

Mosantos 17: Is anyone having problems with smite source aswell ?

fox king sky cat3: Finally my main baba yaga is in b tier

WW Zeal Synth: Well, someone who is starting to main scylla. Unlucky everyone else playing her.

xxEXIASxx: I got to play ullr a little bit and I agree ullr is really not super strong

Dolphin Lord: Au puch vs zeus in lane, who wins?

John Weinbuch: If I were to make some changes: - Thulu is not S-Tier. Cama, Ama, Chu are all better - Tsuki was overrated at the end of season 7 and overrated now. Merc is straight up not good. Bigger map, I get it. Fenir, Erlang, Nem, Set, Rat, Kali, Batz are all better - Yemoji is 1000% S-Tier - Danza is 10000000000% S-Tier

Secr3tSquirrel6: For Camelot of avalon

Gianpaolo Garrone: Danza?

Rawr's gaming: If Wyett see’s this comment, you already know

Smashdexer: Only one mage in S tier and it’s syclla and tbh A tier at most there are better mages

Subpar JennaTalia: Tbh I think it's good that gods like anubis are no longer consider troll or just bad.

Dan Stempky: I love chaac. Needs something more though.

TheShiningRod: I feel like this should have a caveat for 'in high ranked competitive' because Iza is really good in many games I play, her clear is great, er ult is good in team-fights, her escape gets you through walls so you're super safe, and with the enhanced speed, you can proc silverbranch very nicely. Lower level play gets bamboozled by her invis, I really don't get why he hates on her so much.

konyea doddy: Bruh weaken has to be the funniest dude “why tf are you playing chaac”😭😭😭

Tsukuyomi: Where is Danzaburo?

JBLIVE: @weak3n now that the tier list is out will you be updating the builds for us at least top picks per role. I can't even see any builds on smite source anymore 😩

Hector Rene Santos Villagran: Disappointed.... Loki not in "why the fuck you play loki" tier

Leo: You’ve lost all smite credibility ages ago

Quinn Dishman: I personally would put Chronos in A tier. I know he can easily be countered by just walking in a random pattern. But if you know how to play him well enough, which I do, he can be a very strong God. He helps a lot in team fights, with damage, and his attack speed can be very fast, allowing easy split pushing possibilities.

WheatThinPretzel: Wait so loki isn’t in the loki category....makes sense

Ryan !!: Terra in the solo w manakins is very very fun to play

MrBandoooley: Nah man I've had enough of no one putting respect on kumbas name uno how much cc this guy can put out and his set up potential hes my most used god and I had him diamond last season u need to check him out rt

Vow x Unknown: Poor ymir

Proffit: Bluestone Loki solo is underrated imo it procs easily off ur 2 n allows you to stay away from Manikin abusers

Kerel D.: Let's go Cu top tier baby, don't nerf my main I beg of you, I can feel it coming already lmao...

Marcidity P: zhong with animosity is above A tier

Takashi: What are you smoking on? I want some of it

Doug Carver: Why isnt odin in C? I wanna say he's worse than chaac.

Leon Gertz: Build chronos with Cepter... See for yourself..

Lynch: Should we go Warrior's Axe on God's like SWK or Nike instead of Bluestone?

MadGingerGaming: I can't make my team group for objectives 😂😂

I Think We All Make It Shine: I mean tbh, Isis can do much more with the nee items this season it’s just that she needs to position very well. I mean she fits into most comps too, i’f move her atleast one higher than bottom tier

Izzy Gaming: Artio solo with vampiric shroud is awesome😃

Thirzty: Anyone know a decent build for set?

Primal: No danza?...

Deshone Livingston: Can someone explain to me why Izu is bad I’ll be waiting

Andrew Brewer: Is it just me or is smitesource not working I’m on mobile idk if that has anything to do with it

metal obsession: What about danza?

Nino Aspden: Can't wait for role-specific tier list. I prefer it when you focus a video on one role so we can learn more about that specific role.

Max Nad: lol bluestone being trash for actual solos (not for just for fun builds) is true, but how vocal he gets about it is still kinda funny to me

Tyler Gob: Awesome list! I've gotta scramble to get better with Scylla!

Hiii GinGer: Wheres danza on this list?

AT TV: The danza placement was nonsense lol

Brice Goodin: This list is kind of dog shit but as someone Who plays a lot of Scylla I’m pretty happy

Luis Mangini: Bro update smitesource pleaaase! It's been days since s8 launch.. please

Jules verne: y he dissing the classiest god there is no mid baron i see it as support or solo

Force: Lol this is why I don’t watch you, you lean to the gods you like lol

Jack Lewis: been playing scylla since season 3, shes my most worshipped god, and have always said she is the strongest most underrated mage going and to finally see her played all the time and get the recognition by people cos she slaps is amazing 😂

Trayvion Tarver: I am very confused because I just played a few matches and a couple of "bad" gods were tearing it up. This must be for GM only

Clauskhe 21: I watch tier lists by swearing out the screen for atleast 50+ gods :)

Patrick Waters: What do you think about blink or other items/relics in solo that can help speed up rotations to mid since it feels so slow and you loose tower so fast on the new map?

Pizza Steve: When do you update builds on for S8? 😁

Aaron Dobbyn: 90% of my games dont even make it to late game by 15 min in ots just team rotations after team rotations then who ever wins the team fights wins game

Playboy X: Bruh where are the builds???? I want to use my Smite source!!!!

UnhandyBirch656: ur contents aight but ur tier lists are always really rushed

Joshua D: Has he updated smite source yet?

D3ViL。悪魔: Anubis s

Angelo Medina: Where’s danzo?

Grimm Reaper: I play izzy with scepter and usually snowball tho...

Tormgart: Rly good tier list video weak3n ❤ Now i know what to play and how to play the gods in S8 thx bud !

AvianXIII: 1000% Incorrect about Izanami. Build Manakin on her and watch the world burn.

boss bitch: Nox best goddess in the game and u can’t change my mind

Tatersald1234: I already played the s tier gods even before now i can pop off even better this season

Pedro Hernandez: Izanami has been very polarizing. I've seen a few tier lists and have seen her in both bottom tier and SS lol

I Think We All Make It Shine: It’s sad seeing Isis so low after me getting wrecked by an isis earlier 🥴

ZaraJacob: What y’all recommend a build for solo Cthulhu? Like what should I start with

Noah Harris: The one piece of information that I gathered from watching this video is that I should always build bluestone in the solo lane.

Nemesis: Nice

Honest Dude: Started Bluestone w/ Tier 1 Breastplate on Guan against Wukong starting with Bluestone + Round Shield in Solo. Honestly felt bad for the Wukong cause he didn't use his tiger to stun me out of Guan's 3, so I snowballed hard. If you're going to build Bluestone, build defense with it. Don't go just Bluestone or Bluestone + Round Shield cause while the damage is good, you're just gimping your defense in Solo.

Naishya: "Why u playin Chaac, you gotta go to bed early?" Bruuuh but true xD i die a little inside everytime i see him in my rankeds.

hyper 104: i played a game had 99k dmg mitigated and 60k dmg done as chaac then watch this lol

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