Apex Legends Season 7 Tier List

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The Gaming Merchant: What do you think of my Apex Legends Season 7 tier list? leave your own opinions below Check out Apex Gaming PCs here https://apexgamingpcs.com/pages/the-gaming-merchant

Kayin Kun: You don’t usually see “content based” channels that use flashy thumbnails and “meta” content to be actually good at the game but the background gameplay is actually pretty high level great video!!

PorkyHD: Wattson main here🙋

yvng._.romane 21: in my opinion i think gibby should always be a s tier character

niftyish: psychopath running wingman wingman

Prawl -: With all respect i disagree with octane

Bluelion_ Gaming: I was a wraith main then I switched to path

Gio Gabriel: Octane really needs a reword though

MOHAMAD KARIM: my man really forgot to put mirage on S teir

Voldemort's Nipple: Why do you speak with your top and bottom teeth touching together

Hanley: I know your bad because you put wattson above loba

Ha13 Connor: i’m a bangalore main i would put bangalore at B too...

Geralt01 Geralt01: i think mirage is very useful becouse the sec between activate ultimate become you invisible and suprise your enemy, or its my favorite legend:D

bradley 076: Haven’t watched it yet but path will always be s tier. Grapple and survey beacon w zip line he’s gotta be the most interactive hero

Aurora_Pandumin: As an octane main I Agree he doesn’t have much team ability and he’s super fun to play but I still play him because he’s too fun, In ranked however I play wattson because she’s fun aswell.

Ruin Trust: I’m not an octane main but I feel that he can be one tier higher depending on what aspects of the game we are talking about

Jakov Zamora: not the best list in the world but solid vid

Etxrnitoulis: I've been playing w octane and wraith. Octane is fun. Started using him this season and he's been fun. Dropped a lot of high kill games w him. Wraith is a more strategic legend. Her alt is great for flanking actually. While my team is detracting a team I sneak up behind them. Ive turned countless fights around. I prefer octane bc he's fun and you can spam his alt but I use wraith mostly when I play ranked

Synify: I’m an octane main but I do agree he doesn’t help much with team supporting.

Huhh???: Mirage should be able to create bamboozles of his teammates just like he does when they jump out of the drop ship this would make him a lot better in competitive

Mikey_man117: For me octane is s++

Heather Merrill: You can use marages ult to get a cluch revive

Brodie Sachs: Dude your sentinel shots were insane

any stolen goods are now forfeit: Wraith may be good but i hate how many sweaty double wingman ttv's use her

Eternight: I highly disagree with the mirage rank, he's an A at least with all the buffs he's gotten, they work well and if used right can be a huge decider in whether or not you win a fight or help your team

Eternight: Mirages team play ability is drawing fire off the teammates

Mars Rising Gaming: Octane is the best for movement because you can fly a cross the map

Confused Bagels: HOW DARE YOU PLACE MY BOUNCING BABY BOI OCTANE IN C TEIR he is my favorite and main 😭

Chill Gaming: Bloodhound mains we have come a long way.. S tier finally

Krypto KnightEric: I just want to say that double sentinel is the most alpha thing I have ever seen

BURKLEthe CIRCLE: As a crypto main I think he should be A tier

Pp Lol: honestly never thought of how revenant would work cause I never use him and I did not see him coming in A tier.

DaddyDucky08 Dwjr: Your list isn’t really legit because I’m a high ranked Bangalore and you definitely can use her ability’s to escape push,play defensive,rotate and cover your position with all her abilities while loba defenitly isn’t better all she has is a loot main ability which isn’t really crazy helpful when your getting pushed or need to play defense she is a only loot character

KingSuperior: I agree with everything you said except putting Horizon so high on the list I feel like some of the other legends you listed before her are higher tier than her

Péter Varga: Gaming Merchant: headshots a pathfinder while he is grappling without a scope. 7 mins later: Pathfinder is really hard to chase down.

dead1line: Is no one going to explain about those shots he hit in the gameplay

Gorgonen System: am i stoopid where dafuq is crypto?

Nicole Batchelder: How are you so good with the Sentinel

Vvx Midnight: Lifeline is an A/S tier legend

Tank Gaffney: I play as costic I have 1201 kills and over 100000 damage done

Justice Clark: If you don’t mind I wanna start a debate here I still belive wattson has the strongest defense in the game, her ultimate counters 2 characters and her fences help prevent any other pushes. Caustic is just super annoying. Wattson is good because of her long term defense and not her short term defense, her short term is worse than caustic because all caustic needs to do is toss his gas barrels wherever to stop and immediate push. But, if you can get that ult and at least 6 good fences down then wattson has a stronger defense already. The problem with both however, is that with Olympus, the open areas remove the need for defense because you’ll be relying more on third parties and just holding territory with presence. I say all this to say, on Olympus, Gibraltar is better than both

Fred Conner: Revinant should be way higher

Cat under drugs: I like, how they removed literally the only powerful thing about Caustic, because "iT wAS fRuStRAtiNg To pLAy aGAinSt!!!!!", but in the same patch they gave pathfinder and mirage even more get out of jail free cards and added a character, who's gimmick is to not allow you to move... Move... In a shooter... There were plenty of counter options for caustic, but if you get hit with any of horizon's skills, you are as good as dead. I see once again that respawn are as great in balancing their game, as they are in developing original characters.

brooke h: gibralthars weakness is how big and slow he is it makes you an easy target and makes it hard to get away

Braxton Guseman: I’m tired of octane being in low tier people just don’t know it’s potential with the stim you can run to get loot if there is another in the house and the jump pad in amazing for taking high ground

sunnysnow: (no diss) this guy:kilshs

Adam Shaw: 7:52 what a great name

Fe4rEman: When ur favorite legend is a S tier (blood hound)

GamingOddity: Haha all my mains are in s class (i main all 3)

ticc tacc: What is that mastiff skin? It looks really good

Mr Insanity: Personally I find revanet abilities to suit me really well. His passive helps him get high ground fast and silently. He’s able to straf faster in crouch. I use his tactical as cover and to also block off entrances. The effects the tactical give off sometimes allows cover which can be used to heal, loot, and revive. It can also block an entry point for ten seconds. Which allows you to heal, loot, and revive. If anyone goes though it, it deactivates their abilities, dose ten damage, and give you a hit marker that their coming. His alt is also one of the strongest in the game. It basically give you an extra 50 hp and allows you to attack, revive, and pick up banners at no risk of actually dying.

fusion516: I’m sorry but Wattson is one of the worst characters in my opinion

Dima Yuriev: Everybody: Wraith's Q is good escape tool Me: Dies been in Q and continues been in Q when knocked....

Area Furry None: Why Gibraltar is good this season his arm shield tanks everything including kraber shots and after it’s gone he takes reduced damage

Francesco: Caustic S

Jake Bedillion: They REALLY need to buff Lobas jump drive. It is so unreliable on getting out of fights. The best use it has is repositioning and hoping there isn’t another squad there, or just getting around easier when looting and moving around the map. It’s just super weak.

erik csekey: Mirage c What? He can trick everyone and he can still heal better than lifelines or gibis heal And you can use everything on him passivly or offensivly

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Raymond Benfit: Wrong.. D tier... Rampart, Bangalore, octain, crypto, loba, mirage. Absolute worst legends, nobody should ever use them. C tier, Watson, bloodhound B tier, wraith, pathfinder A tier, caustic, revenent, lifeline, horizon S tier, Gibby

cheryl hayes: No wraith is the best she is the top 1

Buttmunch 232: Cool list but stop finishing no one likes you it’s fricken pubs I’ll understand I’m ranked but if you finish in pubs then please get some help

Mario Quiros: The worst care package ever at 17:50

Beanos: Damn, octane got higher than my girl rampart 😔

Oisin McCarron: I always thought bangalore and her team should have a timer like the totem timer for her ult

Alef Leulekal: 1:16 what the hell was that? Can someone pls tell me how to do that?

Timek33per: Octane is low D, maybe F tier. No offense to Octane mains. He does have one of the most powerful passives in the entire game, but that’s all he really has going for him. Pathfinder and Bloodhound have more movement potential than Octane’s stim gives him, and Horizon’s tactical is what is essentially a significantly better jump pad on a shorter cooldown. Octane is the only legend that I’d have a problem with playing with since any octane main would be better off playing a more useful legend, like Horizon or Bloodhound.

YRN.: 7:51

Landyn Burns: Btw pathfinder is not the best legend

OwnOcean: Octane is a or s tier 100%

DirectCam: Im new to pc and I don't see how you do this. Is there a training method?

Trikki for 2020: Mirage>>>Crypto

brady gooding: Every time I hear someone insult octane I cry a little

SLYCOOPER5: jitter peaking with octane and a mastiff is way stronger than people realize. And don't get me started on jitter peaking with a PK.

Chase: I would be octane d tier cuz horizon makes him useless

iSlothavelli: Pathfinder is god

The Taco: Heeey where crypto

Bruce Norwell: I use octane tactically, like I use his stim to flank and attack other squads quickly, which isn’t a problem because he recharges health automatically which is very useful because u don’t waste syringes

Dark4Ever15: Where's Crypto

PlacekNotFound: lifeline is s tier change my mind

NRGx Galaxy: Horizon over rampart?

Krish Patel: in my personal opinion octane and mirage r both better than C class bc they both have the potential to easily disengage from a fight. especially in situations where there are third parties

flaming wolf: Not related but I got a Dominos add on right as u started with D

Pop12s Adventures: Hi I need anwsers to this question: “Who is better Pathfinder or Mirage in terms of Abilities and Lore” me and my friend got into a heated arguement over this and he still thinks Mirage is better

dennuzzo: WHERE IS CRYPTO?

Aron Garza Jr.: Where did he place crypto

Gasim Saber: do you really think crypto is better than bangalore? you can't be serious

Brion Shortt: "MiRaGe Is C tIeR" obviously never used the clone to drain ammo resources and never used his ult to push you can say hes bad all you want just know im laughing everytime i hear you got bamboozled and a good mirage steady be bamboozling

D Deb: The real reason wraith will always be S tier is because of her double passive lmao

JustAlpha: I know you all won't give a sh*t about this, but this season I'm going to give Apex another try. Haven't played the game since Season 4, and I want to see if I can fulfill my promise as the best Mirage player once again! Although I probably won't succeed, hopefully I'll have some fun! :)

CaptiveRaptor: Where is crypto? He’s not even in d tier

Wanderer: Lmao lifeline is definitely A+++

Verg: Not getting any mirage or bloodhound skins? Seems like it on the vids splashary

DaveX: hahaha wraith is best

Simone Giordano: you forgot crypto

doge!: 17:00 can we get an f in the chat for jaasalo

Orión Fiano: and crypto??

Arthur Ramos: There are a couple of reasons Gibraltar is good this season. But the main one is: *GIBRALTAR HAS ALWAYS BEEN META SINCE DAY 1* Dude, they can nerf gibraltar forever, it is still the most useful team player legend in the game.

DzzyWasTaken: Horizon should be s tier, you can move enemies out of the way in a pinch, avoid caustic bang gibby and horizon ult, use her grav lift to make block doors, and create time to heal by using her grav lift to move freely

egle goodson: Hey Merchant I would like to just say some people can’t pay to be a member and the tips are very helpful

Nikola Jovanovic: Crypto:can pick banners,res m8,destroy shields and slow them and see where enemys are Gm:b+ Seriously its a or s tier legend in my opinion

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