Apex Legends Season 9 Tier List

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The Gaming Merchant: hope you enjoy this video! Leave your own thoughts and opinions, or create your own tier list below! Would love to hear your opinions!

Capistans: Imo valk is low s tier

Jagkan: Thank you for putting path on a high tier ive seen a lot of different tier lists with him in like c or d

Slameo Wylde: What do you guys think about the idea of giving Rampart the Fortified perk?

Jonesey4242: Seems to me that Lifeline's revive is faster than anyone else's. That, and the fact she can revive 2 at the same time. Wouldn't change her placement in this list, though.

xeref: Octane literally only got nerfed because he’s popular, people finally start playing because he’s viable and respawn nerf him.

xeref: Ad: Earn free crypto😩 Me: I already have him🤨

Jordan Kirkham: Great video and list Merchant! I'd love to see an arena tier list, and a weapon tier list if that interests you. Keep up the good work!

Mc Poop: I think he forgot gibby doesn't have fast heals in his bubble anymore

Enzo O: Hi , lol I remeber most of the gameplay from your stream, have a good day mate

Dom Dom: Rampart is my love, first operator. I saved up for 9 seasons to get her.

Steven Babinski: It's a shame. I used to be a caustic main and it's really depressing to see what they have done to him. He absolutely needs d a big buff

Chill DellNYC: I didn’t hear anything he was saying while wattson was being adorable

NatetheKnower: Bangalore doesn’t really need a bath

AgntZERO: What do you think about Valk's hitbox?

Demon Rick: give me my caustic baaaack respawn!!!

Ghost Flossy: Fuse is the only poorly designed character to me , Wack powers , Wack gimmick, lol

Benington: I strongly disagree that Mirage and Gibraltar are better revivers than Lifeline. They can revive safer, sure (unless you saw the Mirage start the revive or push into Gibby's shield), but they still are stuck in the revive animation which locks them out from even just looking around, let alone move and shoot, which Lifeline can still do. Also one small upside to the Shield removal is that now there isn't a big blue "REVIVE HERE" sign which means a Lifeline might actually revive someone with nobody noticing

Eternal Gaming: Did anybody get a rare animation from Valkyrie cause I think I got one yesterday.

MysteryPlays: Just sayin you forgot revenant

Mubtasim Mahbub: Wait, Where’s Revenant?

Jesse Mower: The only thing I didn’t agree with is horizon. She’s a b tier character at best imo. She is so much easier to shoot now while using her tactical. Yes her other abilities are still good but Valkyrie does a lot of similar stuff with a better ult I think. And a more effective tactical

YerJ3lly: bruh that headshot mini flick at 8:12 was insane

Junk into gold: Yes caustic has a big nerf but I can still play him very good, can apex bring a little buff or something.

David Gorgiev: Really like the vid, but the gameplay is way too toxic. Really don't need to emote that often after a knock.

Ammar Ahmed: mirage is the worst legend

complete_newb: I can't take you seriously fater putting mirage in b tier 😂

Their Teammate: Lifeline buff concept: the downed ally can still use and aim their knockdown shield while being revived. Currently, in certain situations, being revived at the ring place/time can mean you’re a fish in a barrel. You can’t move or protect yourself with a knockdown shield for several seconds. All the enemy has to do is notice you and dump ammo into your body to finish you off, and you can’t do anything to prevent it. The small knockdown shield will still limit how much Lifeline can play around the teammate being revived, and the shield can still break if it takes enough damage. Thermites can also be used to easily bypass the shield to kill players being combat revived.

BigPro 1123: I would put Bangalore as the worst character the smoke benefits no one besides characters with scans her passive is good and her ult is ok but you never get hit by it

Dondon Hochberger: Damn, as a Wattson main myself this season hurts to play

Devin Harry: I love Rampart but the huge issue is that the wall takes too long to build and 45 health on build is nothing heck you don’t even need a sniper to break it instantly just use a Wingman.

Futuristicbus 61: It makes me so happy to hear a good player speaking nicely of my boy Octane

Im Straight: Valk should be in A

N.E.M. o: Am I stupid, or there is no revenant?

Feed Me To My Enemies: Thank god cracked players play Lifeline. She would have died a long time ago.

vfflixted: am i trippin or is revvy not in here?

Raphael F: "pretty balanced" >mfw wattson main

FahadPlays: Loba is powerful!

AllanNotSteve: Is this gameplay sped up or am i just really bad ad this game

Jesse Jerome: I’ve been a bloodhound main since season 0. I like being able to see where people are and react to where they are. I push with it and also escape, seeing people through walls is a hack in my book.

Mint Broz: Valk is really fun to use

Adellyne Leach: Oh trust me I’m stupid with octane

Adellyne Leach: Oh no I gotta tell my BFF who mains lifeline, and my other BFF who mains watty

brawlernado 3: Where is fuse is fuse a joke to you Edit:never mind

That Tricky Trickster: If Loba is higher than Lifeline, then you know Lifeline got nerfed pretty hard

Pabro Rodriguez: Merchant should do a S9 grind with Wattson

BetrayFate: Rampart is so fun to play with me. People mainly go for kills which means aggressive play and that's just not how she operates. She's the type of legend that avoids fights to find the perfect spot to set up shop. So many final rings can basically give you free wins with her kits strength of locking down an area for you and your team

RegentSPX: the amount of emotes he's doing

Elementary: As a Caustic main who even has the Death Hammer I feel betrayed when the developers say they like where caustic is right now. He's incredibly weak right now and is the 4th lowest picked legend in the game only beat out by Fuse, Rampart and Watson. Edit: They also left his gas density bug which was supposed to be fixed in season 9 like with Bangalore. But instead they say they like where he is because he's a "Monster in the Fog".

Broksonn: Love that gas/smoke visibility was considered a bug but they deliberately fixed it only for Bangalore and not for Caustic, who unlike Lifeline got 3 nerfs in one patch without anything in return.

El Fresno: first win of this season for me was wattson

Tr3vix YT: someone that can find revanent??? i think he forgot

кosτส ツ: Listen, Rampart is a S Tier Legend, if you have a Problem theres the Door, I had a 20B and 4K Solo ☠️ (im not that good it was luck but anyway)

Planet Infinity: What is the r301 skin that he used for rampart called? I really want to know if I can get this

Not_cruZ: Huh where’s rev

CrimeStreet_EAgl3: Fuses tactical is surprisingly good in arenas.

Kelly Lee: I personally think that octane and valk should be s- because I think that they are better than path but worse than s tier

smithy Rocks: They should have it were when crypto ALT you it should disable shield healing for 7 secs

smithy Rocks: As a caustic main the thing I want to see changed is make the distance for his ALT and tactical have more distance

Makcraft: I was wondering - today Octane is considered a prime legend for "his ability to reposition the whole team with his ultimate", yet a couple of seasons before all of the lists had him on C rank (before the change of the Jumpad jumping arc). Did Octane actually change this much, or it is the meta that changed - pushing out the defensive Wattson and Caustic - to more agro Octane, Revenant?

ddoogg88 tdog: Fuse's ult is best used indoors

Kermit le Frohg: Guys! I finally got my first 2.5k damage badge!!!

Passion Plays: trash game with shittty teamates, please make a solo game mod

Damien Solomon: I actually really hate caustic but they did him so so wrong smh

Samuel Davenport: Arenas tier yes please

CJ: As a mirage main im pissed that loba was put higher on the list

Paul Mims: Horizon too high imo. Her gravity lift was good because it let you get angles on people. You're also a sitting duck when riding it. Only nerf needed was strafe speed nerf. Respawn went too far this time.

Mark Vance: Yay I was looking forward to this video!

David Solt: How does mirage make non mirage clones

Aram Abdulwahed: idk why for me, but every time i use the worst legends im the best wit them, but vice versa, every time i use good ones, i could be better

Spark gaming: Hi I am new player and am very confused in deciding what to unlock crypto or mirage or revenant any suggestions?

SxldMyKid2Coles: Weapons tier list?

Laoz Druni: Someone tell my why octanes take the good backpack when they have a bang, mirage, gibby, or lifeline on their team, than they die and disconnect

Laoz Druni: "Caustic was dominant at the start of season 8" Me: "Are you sure about that?" Idk about y'all but he was never much of a threat to me. So I don't understand why he was considered strong when I killed caustic really easily and I'm not even a good player.

IamAser: Has anyone noticed that his charge rifle skin changed automatically 11:20

Sidious Gaming: I would love to see an arenas tier list

Alex S: Everything looks good, but I'd like to know even though I'm not expecting a RANKED tier list, but I just want to know, even though Watson and caustic are viable for ranked, since Loba and Lifeline are strong now, will they be viable in ranked or competetive like them?

defaultroblox: Respect for using bloodhound pronouns

Justin Mabb: I want that flatline skin the iron sights look different

The Godly Hawk: Who skipped right to S tier

GreenMcBean: Everyone in s8: Yeah, Wraith is B-tier now... definitely not too great... Everyone now: OH MAH GAH LOW PROFILE REMOVED?!?! INSTANT S-TIER!!! In all seriousness though, Wraith was never bad. It amazes me that most people just arbitrarily put her in B-tier for a while there. Literally the only buff she has got since then is getting low profile removed, and while that does matter a lot, that certainly wouldn’t elevate her to s-tier if she was B before lol. But again, she never was.

Novriz VT: Revenant Valkyrie And Octane Ultimate Is The Meta Now!

Kmn483: Arena tier list pleaaase! I've been looking for a reputable one and found zilch. I've yet to play a game of BR since arenas dropped.

Ren P: id like to see a arena tier list!!

Somebody Once Told Me: It would be cool if you can change the grenade throwing style with fuse, kinda like the gibby’s arm shield (like how you can disarm and arm it)

iiTzMonka: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂if I if he's being fr this tier list is jacked

Cup of Swing: i like that when Respawn set out to buff Fuse by making his tactical ability better they also made his passive worse by making the time between throws slower. I think that was so cool.

lule: Sry but this list is stupid no hate btw love you merch

Lenny E.: This is a great and well explained list. I agree with everything pretty much. But, you got to make a list for Arena please! Here’s my list for arenas: (I’m not a god tier player, but play a fair amount) D Tier: Crypto, Loba C Tier: Wattson, Caustic, B Tier: Bangalore, Fuze, Pathfinder, Mirage, Rampart A Tier: Octane, Revanant, Wraith, Gibraltar, Valkyrie S Tier: Bloodhound, Lifeline, Horizon If you don’t agree I understand, there will inevitably be someone who thinks Loba is gods greatest creation

Jalon Bird: I'm pretty sure Pathfinder lost his Low Profile a while ago. He's been a recon legend for a few months

Ben: Arenas tier list

Jester Jack: Give us the option. Bring the shield back. Give us the shield if we choose to manually rez, or no shield if we decide to auto rez. Bring our teammates back at 50% health as well.. For god sakes, she's the MEDIC!

Danger guy: They shoul make fuse ult wider and make the fire higher

MaximTopHat: Can we please talk about the wraiths leaving immediately after they land across the map the push four squads fighting and die?

Jester Jack: I'll say it again.. Mirage should switch to the support role. His passive allows him to rez more efficiently than other legends. His tactical and ult helps take the pressure off your team with a massive distraction. On that note, I believe all support legends should be able to open the second compartment from the blue pill chests.

Elian Quezada: Arenas tier list plsss

Camille Cruz: Crypto A plus

Sebastian Ruvo: Bruh Bangalore and Lifeline are at least A tier separate and S tier as a duo. DON'T KILL ME I'M KIND OF KIDDING. They ARE underrated though.

Cerbius25: Gimme the arena tier list, and no one gets hurt.

Daniel Borghese: Should I get Watson?

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