The Apex Legends Tier List (Season 9)

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Macro: S tier fans follow me on twitter @theMacroShow

Yasemin Ay: For every Legend they should change the look of abilities with the skin you wear

Kittie Kat: Im sorry but mirage is a C TIER!?!?!???

Sadboy Sheesh: Gibby main here. Just vibing 🤙🏻

Alexandra Raikos: me as a lifeline main: :C

Polak: imagine putting octane in a tier lol

Scott 3.0: Octane crypto and blothhounder

Nubby Child: The best legend in apex season 9 is.... gIbbE- Macro 2021

mYStiC: The best way to nerf bloodhound is to make him a attack character instead of a recon character. It will 100% change the meta of ranked and competitive

kzbtw27: How to get predator! , PLAY GIBBY

36 KARTHIK DEV R: Hey macro,I saw as the champion squad in a game(season 8).I killed you with a spitfire.It was such an honour.Love you man

Jude Cullen-Smart: I agree with every character in that tier list , thx macro

??????: idea for mirage buff: he could work more with invisibility, every time does one of his decoys be shoot he enters in invisible mode, with if he shoots or being shot he will leave invisible mode automatically

alphabird someone: Do a halo mcc for noobs

Nighthowler6657's channel: Maybe instead of the bubble having a health bar, it could act as Watson's tactical and be deactivated when the device for the bubble is destroyed?

Rowen Reyes: The best legend in Apex Legends is Macro. S tier

Иван Филиппов: Fuse is pretty weak, but he have a good combination with Horizon. Throw her ultimate and cover enemy with grenades and fuse ult. Pretty good i think

I want attention: Strongly disagree with this

Kamau Rabouin: Wraith is still the best character in the game

Kamau Rabouin: They should make Ramparts walls setup instantly, and be a lot stronger.

Priori Fern: it honestly depends on the player and not only on the hero so dont be sad my fellow mirage mains :)

Monty-4k: Prob the most accurate tier list

murderofcrows: Love to see maybe an areana tier list

KitKat 0459: “valkyrie is balanced” didn’t she get nerfed

Unknown: The valk comments were way off. She’s absolutely overpowered. Her Q ability hits you as hard as a Gibraltar ult with the stun... she can fly and gain information and then stun the person from 100m away then beam them. Her ultimate is absolutely busted... I mean it’s the most mobility on any character at no risk plus when she’s flying she’s a UAV. You can’t say she’s balanced and then put her at almost S tier lmao

Andrew Davies: You should make destiny 2 for noobs . I know it’s not a popular game and you may not even know it exists but it’s a good game that needs more exposer

fifa pro: In my opinion, mobility is the most important thing in apex and i would put octane in s tier and Pathfinder in A Tier

Guillano Granadillos: GIBBY!

BeanzMaster69: 11:54

Itachi Uchiha: Macro should create a Spotify and upload his songs there like skull town road

Miguel Antero Devs & Gaming: gun tier lisy

Ayhunt: Bro I am in ur video being killed! 10:59

Gopal Sss: My only reason to use lifline was for sheild and all the kills i made with her. Now if i use other charecter there will be no kills on that character and people will think i am new.😑

Manoranjan Mahanta: macro play warzone

Doro Hedoro: I'm probably the only guy that doesn't like Gibraltar

pizza pizzza: horizon deserves a higher spot. you can throw her tactical on enemies so they can float in the air and be distracted from you. when you are floating on top of horizon gravity lift, players will focus on you and forget about your team because you have the high ground. her ult slows pushes, making her a good choice for offensive and defensive playsyles.

acct del: Bloodhound scan is still buggy where theres enemies and they don't show but not a bad legend

Beal728: Really mirages placement. Dude I swear this community does not know how to play mirageuke at all

onion: I need help from a pro like macro should I get Revenant or crypto

Funny Turtle: Real talk though, I hear a lot of people saying that crypto is good, but I don’t see a lot of him because, well, bloodhound exists. Something I just wanted to mention is that if crypto’s drone is the destroyed he just becomes “the guy” for like 20 secs. His passive, tactical, and ult stop working entirely, he might as well jump into a revenant tactical.

Genasidal: My only genuine complaint with this tier list is revenant being at A tier, especially when the passive was intentionally glossed over. His passive needs some tweaks in my opinion. His climbing needs a buff to say the least, and I think maybe even introducing a new passive to make him more of a "Wolfpack leader" would be interesting where if he gets an enemy close to death, they are visible until they heal their HEALTH. specifically HEALTH. and whenever you get within this range again (I'd say around 20m it starts to dim and at 50m you can't see them anymore at all,) they will slowly show back up again. THE CAVIATE? This only activates for him meaning team coordination could be important. The reason for this, is to add to the selfish nature of revenant as a character but from a gameplay perspective, so that team coordinating is a priority for high skill enemy routing in engagements. It allows revenant to be on the front lines of a push to apply the initial pressure whilst his team play clean up on anyone who manages to escape him IF the revenant player chooses to (so anyone who is not a dick). Alternatively to this, you could have a voice line that activates when he does this. Another idea for a passive buff I could imagine is giving him the ability to ALSO fully replenish his health with a finisher at the cost of making all of his finishers 1s longer in total (it's a lot more than it sounds). Regardless of any of these random additions I suggested, his climbing height needs buffing PRONTO. It seems baffling to me that you can have all these movement based abilities being fine, down to LITERAL FLIGHT, and yet my boy reve being able to climb higher/faster is an issue. The way I see revenant as a character? he should be one of the most competent things on the battlefield at doing ONE thing: hunting down targets. for that matter, his abilities should reflect his ability to hunt and overwhelm targets at the cost of slow cool downs and (if the finisher idea is implimented,) needing more to savour his kills.

Dama Thama: I think lifelines carepackage should keep the same loot, when it lands it gives her teamates health and sheilds.

Immatheloser: Yeah boii


Polaroid YT: i bought rampart with apex coins *everybody facepalm*

Charlie Sumners: Macro got his mic buffed

onekobee on Instagram: Stopped playing apex since the season when the girl who can put walls down came, just downloaded it back this morning bc of a friend that wanted me to play. Never in my life I’d expect to come back with Octane being higher ranked than Wraith ....... wow times have changed

Andy Hernandez: The sad surprise coronally stop because advantage electrophoretically arrange including a vengeful alligator. male, highfalutin study

Jake Paul The 2nd: #BuffMirage

My Bad Highlights: So basically turn fuse into junkrat


Swissy Needs Sleep: Octane is my favorite class cuz I like borderlands (he also motivated me to use drugs)

Don pepinillo: Hey macro I think it would be a great idea if you play knockout city and maybe make a "Knockout city for noobs".

Incredible_beast: Hey give me the Arena tier list

NikPlayz ps4: octane looks so silly in the thumbnail lmao

XxOOFxX: My best trio would be bloodhound gibby and lifeline what about u guys

shoshana192: make lifeline alt be like the dummy alt and basically do the same thing as they did for Mirage

jxa 20: i think loba could be placed in b tier not c she is way to useful not to have

Aiden Farmer: Every legend in a nutshell Bloodhound: I see you Gibby: THICC Lifeline: medic moment Pathfinder: half of Titanfall 2 players be like Wraith: TTV Bangalore: smoke Caustic: gas fard fard gas Mirage: bamboozle Octane: drugz Wattson: F r e n c h Crypto: I stalk people Revenant: Lobas parents = dead Loba: THIC... I mean THEFT Rampart: fortnite Horizon: I used to rule to world Fuse: b o o m Valkyrie: I own the sky

sentient shredded cheese: Can I just say I LOVE the little chibi versions of the legends that you use

redhead9: My opinion. A passive should never completely be a part of the ability, Example: crypto's passive is literally just saying his drone can tag targets and other things. This is so lazy. They simply wasted part of his ability set to say that the drone can do something instead of making it a default part of the ability. TLDR: it's lazy character design to use an entire ability slot just to give the main ability a boost that should just come as default.

Sports boi: Do sports boi for noobs

joe roDent: Gibbyy main

itsmetyphoon 999: I feel like some more games should take the ssbu route to charachter changes. Don't nerf high tiers, but buff the low tiers.

Emerald Gaming: Unpopular opinion: Gibby should be in B tier

Shubh trivedi: I mostly agree

Vebsy: titanfall grapple for pathy would be soo so nice

TH3G4M3R23: Yesss bloodhound my fav legend is at the S TIER!!!! Les goooo

Lucas Fernandes: That moment when you want more overwatch content from macro 🥺

1 tomuch: Ayo macro can we get Bayonetta for noobs?

Remi 28: i had an idea where instead of the ult watson has rn instead you could make it an emp where you heal to bars (like shield cells) and if it’s too op then they could change it so that if your too far it heals less or maybe heal half a bar or something like that

Jay Forlino: Will there be an arenas teir list?

Khattar Ramy: U should do a arena tier list

orion shaner: In my opinion gibie kinda sucks for me hes d tier his hitbox needs a buff he has a little big of a hitbox thats my opinion

Keontae Turner: As a fuse main I feel you did him wrong the way I use him he's good for pushing teams into the open and adding pressure in general and his ultimate is good for masking a escape or if you do trap someone in the fire you can shoot your knuckle cluster in and maybe get a few hits personally I think he's better than revenant and horizon and mirage is only above him because his ult sometimes gets me


Mr. Banshee: 0:21: Noice

thejerkypatato: paladins for noobs

enelyy: i think making 1 specific character able to break through gibby’s shield would be amazing

Boogie_Hawser: MACRO where is mirage 2.0 for noobs :C

MilkshakeMaster: Now do arenas

Woboy 730: What if caustic's gas does return to being overpowered, BUT, if you thow a thermite or cluster in the gas, it will explode like a big grenade, giving fuse and thermites more use

Oliver Kelly: I thought about crypto becoming invisible when he’s droning but if someone gets near him he becomes visible

Spidey-Pool94: So basically turn Fuse into Junkrat

Allissa Strunk: agree with everything ecsept gibby

Quint Benson: No one: apex music hits different

xCinnabar: I play Loba a lot she's definitely my main Op, and I gotta agree with the points you brought up. I mostly use her bracelet to get to high ground which is hella useful, and it's saved me more than once when I'm taking fire behind cover. Personally, I wouldn't object to having a new passive entirely. Something that fits the whole theif-esc character that helps the team somehow. I was thinking something along the lines of effecting death boxes; like if she interacts with a deathbox it locks it so that only her team can loot them and not other enemies. Have a lock indicator on the box to show them they can't interact.

Ashly Plourde: You could do a gibby nerf by putting a destroyable emitter in it, that way it can at least be popped in a pinch

Myles Telemaque: The overconfident overcoat distinctly remain because screen aesthetically colour upon a mammoth calf. cooing, nappy bonsai


Ashly Plourde: 360 degree rotation on Sheila would make rampart much better

Sarah Brady: I love mirage like we he gotten so bad..🥺

Alex Crivat: Mirage is good macro!

Lzb Knight Of Shark: If the Libra leave bracket is actually a thing it will be just like the death totem

Draglor av: If they nerf blood (my main) I swear I'm unsubscribing cuz they are balanced just no one does their job excerpts crypto but crypto does it in a way to passive way pls not nerf my bois blood hound

ghost man: Your sleeping on Mirage bro he should be B tier at least, a really good Mirage main can do some crazy shit with him

Josh Hartley: One thing about Gibby that gets underrated because he’s gotten a lot better over the seasons, his hit box is massive. Maybe lower the duration of the dome shield, but honestly I think that’s the only thing they can do to nerf him. He’s great but also has plenty of flaws that somehow go unnoticed.

Josh Hartley: The nodes on the ceiling for Wattson is actually really smart.

1stAid: #BuffMirage

Mr Nabby: i thought im a noob.but when i started to play bloodhound i got the highest kill of myself till still bad in this game btw.

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