THE CYCLE CONTINUES!! Attack On Titan Season 4 Episode 8 REACTION 進撃の巨人 Final Season Reaction/Review

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BOLDcast: Its still kinda crazy to me that people are enthusiastic about either side. Stay tuned for the discussion cause we talk about this a bit more; but the fact that people are rooting for Eren to Kill Marleyans, or for Gabi to kill Eldians feels like either a troll or a twisted form of social experiment conducted by Isayama. It's like many of the people watching this show are exhibiting the exact behavior that the author wants to highlight as wrong. Do you take a side in all this? If so, why? (No spoilers please, this is an anime only discussion) EDIT: Also, I realized right after I saif the thing about Eren laughing over Sasha's corpse that he DID feel fucked up about it and I did talk about that later in teh discussion. Sorry i didn't make it clear enough that I understood he wasn't actually laughing at Sasha's death (he didn't think it was funny). I know he wasn't, I just didn't correct myself loud enough. Also, even if I did think that, that's kind of the entire point of a reaction. Even if we get something wrong its not the end of the world, just relax guys.

Doccyy: Lmao 90% of the comments I'm seeing are explaining Eren's laughter to them like ok I think they got the message lol

Nick Ifill: Why are you getting are worked up over an anime of course war is bad but cant tell people not to pick sides it there choice not yours pluse you can ilke the show and the fights

JB Senajon: 'Did you see it happen?" "Neither do I" This was the most important line of this week's episode. It shows that those who are rooting for the Paradis Eldians are no better than Gabi. Just because you the viewers never saw the great titan war or King Fritz abandoning most of his people to a world that hates them we choose to side with Paradis. Even after Willy explained to the world and the readers how this is all the Eldians fault we stay steadfast in our beliefs on who the good guys and bad guys are. We are as much sheeple as Gabi herself in this regard. How about that :)

Jay Smith: Thank you for cutting your hair 🙏

Paul Watson: I've been desperate to take eren's side the entire season but I just can't. While I obviously am more attached to characters like eren, mikasa, armin, Etc it just doesn't seem right to take his side. I can't can't take anyone's side anymore!! I hate gabi for killing sasha but at the same time don't want her to be killed as she's been raised to think everyone in paradis are evil devil's. Imma end my little rant with this I'm always going to love eren and unlike some anime only fans I get the full picture however I can and could NEVER condone this.

Cecil Watson: Spoiler warning “Imagine if she just shot Eren”...Wellllllllllll

규규: You guys have so clear accent!

Kevin Iz: "It worries me on a societal level." <- YES, THIS! I have been shocked, appalled, flabbergasted. The fact that it's just fiction doesn't even matter, because that's not what goes through people's head if they're reacting genuinely. They don't consciously adjust their emotions in the moment just because they're watching fiction. It's their true colors, and the only thing preventing most people from being as terrible as they truly are, is societal norms and boundaries.

JoShawn Tha Beast: Eren wasn’t laughing at her death that’s how he react when people he cares about die he laugh cries to cope with the traumas he been like this the entire show seems like people forget about that.

Henry Nicolas: Rather to kill Cony instead, he's no one favorite

FIGHTFANNERD9 KPOP is Trash & Twice is the worst: He didn't talk so damn much this time...never mind

Anthony Odom: Everyone Don't hate On My Baby girl Gabi Please

Foobar Yorozuya: he hates Eren so much that he'd cut his hair.

PAHADI『JOKER』 YT: If i was Eren i be really start laughing more loud like light yagami 😂

Oya Oya: The way she died is more invincible than her own death

RealTimeX: Sasha would have died still if Eren did not do anything. Paradis would lose in a war with Marley. This is *HARDCORE TRUTH*

Yumeko Mclaren: The Rumbling's laughing

V G: The "I didn't see it" point is this: "I didn't see it, because I wasn't there. I am not responsible. I did nothing to these people, yet they trampled over everything dear to me." It's like the saying: "You're not responsible for the sins of your father." - Gabi is technically innocent. She did not deserve that revenge. From her point of view, it wasn't revenge, but a flat out attack for no reason. But that's kind of the point of the show. For 100 years, Paradis did nothing to noone. Today's Paradis Eldians are not to blame for the crimes of the Eldians of the past. They did not deserve to be attacked. They were innocent. And yet... Hope that helps explain.

Nikki: I'll just leave this here and be on my merry way, have a good day y'all~ *ISAYAMA HAJIME’S BESSATSU SHONEN AUGUST 2017 INTERVIEW* Q: Contrary to the wars of human history, the victorious and the defeated within a manga is decided by its author. Can you determine what is right in the end? A: Ultimately, I don’t think the series passes judgment on what is “right” or “wrong.” For example, when I read Furuya Minoru’s “Himeanole,” I knew society would consider the serial killer in the story unforgivable under social norms. But when I took into account his life and background I still wondered, “If this was his nature, then who is to blame…?” I even thought, “Is it merely coincidence that I wasn’t born as a murderer?” We justify what we absolutely cannot accomplish as “a flaw due to lack of effort,” and there is bitterness within that. On the other hand, for a perpetrator, having the mindset of “It’s not because I lack effort that I became like this” is a form of solace. We cannot deny that under such circumstances, the victims’ feelings are very important. But considering the root of the issue, rather than evaluating “what is right”…to be influenced by various other works and their philosophies, and to truthfully illustrate my exact feelings during those moments - I think that’s what Shingeki no Kyojin will resemble.

Raven Walsh: You're one of the few people whose reactions to Aot I find really enjoyable. Never commented before, but I've been watching you guys since you started reacting to the OG Naruto, and at that time I was kind of sceptical and wasn't sure I would personally like you as reactors. You did grew on me eventually, and now I think that your discussions for Aot are especially good! I like the insightfulness you tend to display, that's awesome. Though, the only thing that occasionally slightly puts me off is that sometimes it seems like Lindsey gets overshadowed by Carson's passion during discussions when she also has things to say. It's okay, if you both are comfortable with that. As for picking a side, I don't do that. There're always reasons why people do certain things, every action could be understandable if you look deep down into someone's psyche and track down all circumstances that led them to became this person who they are now. Both in real life and in fiction. Though, understanding is a rational part of our brain, emotions lay on a different level and may not be in sync with your understanding. So yeah. I'm not attached to Gabi that much, more to Falco, but I don't hate her. I like Eren now, he's more interesting character than he was before. I deeply feel for Reiener. Porco also really made me feel for him last episode, his voice actor's performance was top-notch. You know, the more you see of someone, especially when they suffer, the more close they become to you, the more emotional you get and planes of understanding and feelings even. Anyway, looking forward to your content :>

Rohit G: Eren did see the path that Sasha was going to die and wanted to know if the path he saw was true. Now the future paths he saw are going to come out, that's why he laughed out of helplessness!

a m: People who think attack on Titan is about taking sides and hype should be food for erens titans

Даниил Лукин: 2:45 Manga readers understand

BRITEcore: "We can just raise more cattle and sheep" I like to assume that that was a play on the effects their attack might have.

Lazy Town: Bro Gabi don’t miss that’s 2 for 2 😩

Sai Eshwar Mikkilineni: Few ppl need to understand that Eren HAD to do what he had to do to bcoz the world was going to come after them anyway , he crippled the marleyan army and bought time for them to prepare. If they hadn't attacked marley , more people on paradis wld've gotten slaughtered and the same ppl would then whine about how ruthless Marley is. There is no other way , you can't negotiate with brainwashing and brainwashed robots. They will just believe what they want to

KHARCHOUF Mounir: The contrast is that no one cries for Lablove death because we don't really know him!

Munnawar Khan: "Pics or it didn't happen" - Gabi "Fake News" Braun

PandaWan: Look how they massacred my girl 😢

Petty Speedy: Nice hair cut

Avik Chakraborty: Carson that miracle u were talking about, it's gonna happen

Darcy: I think it’s appropriate to support Eren’s side because we know as the viewers that there is a reasonable expectation the world would support destroying paradise (excluding the region that one woman was from) irrespective of Eren’s actions. You can see how the people cheered and supported it anyway before Eren attacked. I don’t think it’s realistic to expect Eren to think the only way forward is to try X amount of negotiation or peacetalking tactics with a almost entire world that thinks Eren and by extension paradise are the most dangerous people in the world. I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all to wonder what actions the paradise eldians should take to survive.

FalseStartpA: Love the short hair bro

Jony ibarra: 6:33 so gaby just called girl one of the supposed devils

Andre: gabi was just doing what she thought was right. she was brainwashed to believe that killing eldians were normal. she had every right to avenge her friends mad her actions were justifiable. you can hater her but at least understand her story. if not you’re just ignorant.

Jony ibarra: What happen to his hair

Nik: Yet another reaction where Eren's laugh is totally misunderstood. I'm out.

T.B O.E: Lol wtf do you have against eren? First of all bruh his literally laughing as a coping mechanism. His just as sad as everyone else Another thing is are you really blaming him for what’s happening right now? Like seriously? Do you understand that war was inevitable? Eren is taking initiative instead of sitting back and waiting to be exterminated. Yet you’re literally blaming him for not being a dumbass. Jesus take your own advice and better understand the story instead of being stuck-up about it Maybe you would of liked it better if Sasha and everyone else died on the island like a dog when Marley’s gigantic army comes to fuck them over

The Attack Titan: Imagine thinking Eren was laughing at sasha's death. Smh and you meant to be a manga reader? That face on my pfp is of someone who knew the cost and still feels impacted by it. And further fuels what his goals are. 'Didnt see that one coming'. Debatable even if he didnt see it coming his unbreakable conviction would kept him going with his plan. Sasha was just collateral.

Bilal Dent: who are those losers dislike this, this is one of the most genuine reaction on youtube.

Vaibhav Mukherjee: Most people dont take AOT seriously because it started very 1 dimensionally and made a huge fanbase out of which most people just watch and forget so you dont need to take other peoples experience of the show that seriously. I had a friend who died in a war and it is horrible how we dont realise the other side are people too. But I couldn't ever tell his family that he was in a war and the other side should be forgiven.

Daddi Red: I'm starting to dislike the people who are being marley apologists just as much as the scouts fanboys

alan li: POTATO!!!

Lucas Tardin: Really enjoyed the after-talk. good stuff about the worry on societal level, and yes, the point of the show is clear. And this episode especially portrayed that in a very elegant manner

SlothDinner: this is how the "last of us 2" should have done their take on this theme in my opinion

Jmaestro 1992: I mean... I laughed a bit too at Sasha's last words. Only because It was a "Of course those are Sasha's last words." moment. Potato girl always had food on her mind. Even at the end 🙏

ZzMac1996zZ2: 🥔🥔

yash levi: Armin killed 30k + people

Hazwan Rahim: Again with stupid misunderstanding that shouldnt even happen. Are we watching the same show? Stupid

Deazy: The biggest thing I noticed was Erin having calm, wide eyes while Levi had small, scared, or maybe mistrusting eyes

MultiZymethSK: 1:48 - the first few mins I kept switching between Erai and DDY subtitles and Erai's subtitles said that he doesn't have the energy.

ruizhen su: Feel like you guys are going too far about people's different reaction things. Unlike saving private ryan, this is total fictional and most people watch animes just to relax and have some fun. Sometimes don't think too much is a good thing to watch animes since they won't happen in real life.

Buu-chang: Perfect review. I badly want the people who mad at Gabi and make a fuss like "kill Gabi" "f_ck Gabi" on twitter to watch your reaction. It even makes me confusing like "Don't they know those kids are 12 years old???" though I know the point is not such simple...

Aditya Suresh: Like expected, Eren's laugh is misinterpreted

gracue16: I can cheer on the scouts or the warriors whenever I want to. I'm still gonna acknowledge that many people died but can't I enjoy the show? I'm not gonna be depressed and shit while watching. Lemme react to it however I want 😤

Keshawa Udana: You know that Erens has truly broken when he gives the sad maniacal laugh. He feels guilty, helpless, and broken. It's the same laugh he had when Hannes died.

LiquidFade: I get why gabi did it but fuck gabi bro 😭

Katsuki bakugo: Stop teaming with gabi .There is this theory that eren knows exactly how sasha dies from his memories, thats why he will chuckle knowing that she will die.since the memories comes from both future and past,eren has already experienced a lot when he was 10 years old when he was sleeping under a tree in season 1.anyway If gabi is left alive ,she will one day inherit the armor titan and come destroy everything in paradis,the b*tches already destroyed 2 walls,its sooner or later they will attack the last walls.this is a war and the marleans dont understand sh*t through talking as you can know by hearing reiners ret*rded in team eren .the paradis people just wanted to kill titans ,the marleans wanted to kill humans first.i just want eren to wipe out this a*s marleans and save the people in paradis.

Guts Godhand: Nice cut Carson, really suits you.

Naterriver: anyone thinks eren see the future ? like grisha and the owl? he already take that route ,even ask to conny for sasha last words , we must ready to see die everybody for his vegeance. :(

TheSilverKing: If the main character was Gabi. They wouldn't have cared about Sasha's death.

Myles Boateng: When gabi asked falco "did u see it? neither did i" I think she meant it as "why should we die for something we didn't see or were a part of". It's kinda like WW II with bombing of Japan. The innocent Japanese citizens didnt see pearl harbor but they paid the consequences and ppl justify they deserved it

Gerald the Goose: Gabi didnt kill Sasha, war did

MarvelNTW: From a fan standpoint, I stand by Eren because I've been with him longer. I know what they've been through and know the grief they've endured to reach this point. But there are no winners here from a moral standpoint, and that's what war is at the end of the day. That's why I don't agree with anyone tossing blame onto Eren for Sasha's death. She got dragged into a war that she wanted no part of and died as a result? She's a soldier that joined the Recon Corp to fight for her freedom. At the end of the day, Sasha died for her freedom. It was by Eren's call, but this wasn't a war he started and doing nothing is literal death, as we saw them declare war. To blame Eren for Sasha's death makes no sense. Sasha, unfortunately, is just one of many who died fighting for their freedom. She was called to action, fought and died so she and her loved ones could be free. Her death *here* could've been prevented had the plan been executed differently. Perhaps. Or had Sasha swallowed her morals, accepted the brutal tragedy that is *war* and killed Gabi as well. You can easily argue it was her own innocence that killed her, but if anyone in the story made that argument, they'd probably be punched it the face, even if there is harsh truth to it. Remember what Armin said. To change anything, you have to be willing to sacrifice everything. Jean and the others can point the finger all they want. Use Eren as the scapegoat because the plan was crazy to begin with. But there's infinitely more to her sacrifice than Eren simply calling on the squad.

Creeper Kingdom: As much as I agree with you guys that just killing people and winning the war Isn’t ent really The point of the story in universe the reason Sasha and the commander guy died was because they both let Gabi leave and I. Upset that Jean is about to make the same mistake.

Slymph: "didn't see that one coming tho mr. I can see the past and the future" is the best line i've heard from a manga reader lmao

sayuri jenna: It's really heartbreaking seeing everyone mourn for Sasha especially Mikasa because we rarely see her get emotional. Sasha was Mikasa's roommate since they were cadets and her only girl friend. It just proves that Mikasa came to care and love the others as time goes by coz I see a lot of people saying that Mikasa only cares about Armin and Eren.

Killer Fanatic: There’s a reason erens laughing

No more Potatoes -GABI: Guys please almost all the comments here are about Eren's laugh. Stop being so repetitive

Nicolas A: They are so quick to flip sides and make Eren the villain.

Daniel Buth: They just wouldn't let Sasha grill.

Amier Izzat: both of you are mature that why I love this channel and your commentary

K T: Our Eren is officially gone.

cormano64: It gives me hope for the future of society to see you guys directly call out the vapid readers and watchers whose only takeway form Attack on Titan is to pick sides and gleefully wish for characters' deaths. It's such a waste of good reading material to consume it like it's Dragon Ball Z or Die Hard. I really wish it was marketed for an older audience.

Zacker: yeah yeah we get it both sides are wrong sasha killed a lot of people that gabi knew okok since death is so free and nobody is on the right might as well just kill gabi too

Josh Steinmetz: I will not forgive gabi

Melthazar: Isayama continues to bring out interesting themes about human nature in his series. He continues to throw those questions at us. Within this very episode Gabi kills two: Lobov - the ex-garrison officer and Sasha. For Lobov many viewers/reactors went: "oh, whelp, whatever, moving on", for Sasha: "HATE! KILL! MURDER!". The question is, why do we react so differently to the death and suffering of two human beings? Because we knew Sasha for a longer time? Because we were emotionally invested in her? Because loosing her actually hurt us? Because it is actually not about her, but about us?

Cosmin Teacu: One of the most underrated speeches in the whole anime is the sergeant major's speech in season 3 episode 21. When grisha asks him if he gets enjoyment from cruelty he looks directly at the camera (as if he would be speaking to us, the audience) and says that we enjoy seeing cruel things. What follows (at least from what I've seen from most reactors) is everyone cheering while the titan eats him. This proves his point perfectly. Most people (in the anime world or in the real world) seem to like seeing cruelty when it's not done to someone they know. In this episode, I haven't seen anyone be even a little bit sad when Lobov died but when sasha died they all cried. I've even seen in the comments people who wanted the scene when gabi and falco get beaten up to be longer. All I'm gonna say is "everyday we stray further away from god":)))

CyberMonkey03: i like your cut g

Zia Kiryu: Eren cries coz he is sad, he laughs at his weakness, same with hannes, he blames himself, he remembers her "freedom" (food) That is why he got angry, he has to keep moving forward!!!

Artoria Pendragon: Eren knows that Sasha will die, because he knows the future in some area.. that's why Jean blames Yolena why the Jaws and Cart wasn't contained properly, but also Zeke was supposed to be the only one in the battlefield where Eren and Lara are fighting on. Eren wasn't able to prevent the future sight he saw so that's why he felt guilt to drag Scout Regimen in the plan he was about to commit

WASHINGTON _3D: I think something that needs to be mentioned is that a lot of viewers feel "hype" in a way for eren's so called victory is because there is literally no other choice. Eren demolished this country for survival, as a war to end all wars. Had they not destroyed Marley's military and navy it would have been only a matter of time before literally every country on the planet invaded paradise and made the eldian race go extinct. Sure their ancestors (eldians) were probably horrible since every country on the planet hates them but the people behind the walls don't know that, they were under the impression that all remaining humans were in the walls and there was nothing but titans roaming the lands since they had their memories stolen by the Previous Founding titan. Even after a 100 years of peace and The eldian empire didn't use titans to destroy other countries (not including marley), other countries didn't lose their grudge and Eren understood that. Lets also not forget that Marley had already declared war on the Eldian Empire before this battle went down, everything was already set in motion and the ones who did that was Marley themselves. They declared war and they have a surprised Pikachu face that eren didn't wait for the battle to come to him/

Matias Pereyra: 10:41 I feel really bad that I went back just to see this animation 21:07 that's your audience I think, that's what you get by spamming naruto reactions (nah, joking... but not joking at the same time)

Another Space Virus v:: Sasha dying already hurt my heart. But what really broke me was that part in the end when it starts to play “Call your name” on violin and remembering the part when she says Niku(meat) maybe she wanted to say Nikolo, the person that was waiting for her preparing food for when she returned home. Some of the Lyrics of the song are: “I wish I could be with her until my last day” “But things changed, Suddenly I lost my dreams in this disaster I'm crying Missing my lover I don't have the power On my side forever Oh where is my lover And I got no power I'm standing alone, no way Calling out your name” And right at the time where the camera focused Sasha’s face the song plays this part: “Where is my lover? “ P.D: English is not my language, so i hope you could understand me ;-; P.D2: love your reactions, guys!

Uchiha Madara: I hate how Jean is blaming Eren because Sasha died but nobody blames him for letting Rainer live when he stopped Hange to kill him. After in the manga I hate everyone in the Survey cops including Levi and Hange

Matias Pereyra: 5:26 connie is basically us "at least the characters I'm attached to didn't die" (except for sasha and, for me also udo) also I love that Jean Shot to kill almost immediately and then he regained composure, and that's exactly how I reacted "death, kill her now" and then almost as quick as the thought came it went away

Rom: Eren says that he was out of strength, so he couldn’t kill Reiner I guess

David Montezon: art always depends on the interpretation of the viewer, but I get your sentiment.

Qian Cai: Oh my god, Lindsay is so cute

M Billa: I think Eren laughed because he probably thought, that was something Sasha would say for sure and then he had his memory of Sasha but at the end you literally can see how much her death hurts Eren.

Castro The Prince: It bothered tf outta me that homeboy aint bother explaining further to gabi why theyre being attacked. Like dude you were there when reiner basically admitted to attacking erens home town tell that to gabi dont just be vague about it you were there to see that conversation go there tell her in full detail.

Mike K: Cringe af.

Nimura Furuta: Bro how are you gonna call people stupid for choosing a side? No matter how good the show is at the end of the day is still just an anime. Of course nobody loves a real war but this is just fiction. You can't tell people how they should feel watching a show.

Magi V: Regarding Eren laughing at Sasha's death: I feel like this is very easily incredibly misunderstood and I'd like to clarify some things (no spoilers here because I'm an anime-only, so don't worry): First of all, stress-laughter, nervous laughter and shock-laughter are very close together and a very common phenomenon, even in people without a pathological laughing condition. This is partly because the muscles used for laughing and crying are actually very similar, so it can happen that the body can't tell them apart - this is also why we sometimes cry when laughing very hard. Both are responses to different stresses. In the case of laughter, it's a response to something shocking or funny. Crying is a response to something shocking or sad. Both are a response to shock, and in this case, to high stress and mental pain. It's an effort by the body to loosen up to mentally protect itself. I actually know a person who laughs like that very often. Second of all, THIS IS NOT A NEW THING FOR EREN. Remember Hannes? He laughed exactly like that when Hannes died because he felt useless and thought it was so ridiculous that after all his efforts and despite all his abilities, he still couldn't manage to transform and save the man who was like an uncle to him. He laughed out of shock, and at the futility of his struggles. He is laughing in exactly the same way here. Partly because of the good memory, yes, but mostly, he is just done with everything. Done with seeing his loved ones die, done with this cycle of violence, and he hates what he had to become because of it. But even though he wants nothing less than for everything to be over, he knows he can't stop now, or it will have all been for nothing because all of his friends will die if he doesn't kill everyone who threatens them first. It's either Paradis or the world. And to him, Paradis IS his world. More than ever, he knows he can't stop now because Sasha's death, and the deaths of everyone in Paradis who ever raged against this cruel world would be meaningless if he gave up. And yes, that is driving him straight into a mental breakdown. And It is fucking _heartbreaking._ Wikipedia actually has a really good explanation for nervous laughter that goes a bit deeper, for anyone interested: "Nervous laughter is a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety. Neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran states "We have nervous laughter because we want to make ourselves think what horrible thing we encountered isn't really as horrible as it appears, something we want to believe." Psychologist and neuroscientist Robert Provine, from the University of Maryland, studied over 1,200 "laughter episodes" and determined that 80% of laughter isn't a response to an intentional joke. Unhealthy or "nervous" laughter comes from the throat. This nervous laughter is not true laughter, but an expression of tension and anxiety. Instead of relaxing a person, nervous laughter tightens them up even further. Much of this nervous laughter is produced in times of high emotional stress, especially during times where an individual is afraid they might harm another person in various ways, such as a person's feelings or even physically. People laugh when they need to project dignity and control during times of stress and anxiety. In these situations, people usually laugh in a subconscious attempt to reduce stress and calm down, however, it often works otherwise. Nervous laughter is often considered fake laughter and even heightens the awkwardness of the situation. People may laugh nervously when exposed to stress due to witnessing others' pain." Lastly: I'll definitely watch more of your videos because of your amazing commentary. You guys hit the nail on the fucking head with your analysis, and I feel exactly the same way. I can't feel happy for any victory here, because I understand everyone's point of view and feel everyone's pain here, and am powerless but to watch this cycle continue. And that is a GOOD thing. It's not supposed to be triumphant. It's just hopeless, fucked up and sad.

K I W I: just to be clear, Eren sucks at dealing with emotions, ever since his mom died he never took loses the same way, for a time he was only angry but as he kept losing friends and relatives (Hannes) being angy just wasn't enough anymore, and after Reiner and Bert's reveal not even crying was worth it. So when he sees Hannes die, he has a mental breakdown, disregarding everything he discovered about his mom, the wins the survey corps had so far, his own wins, and laughts at himself, insulting himself bc of how useless he feels he is, but thankfully Mikasa takes him out of that for a bit. Then, when they reach the basement and they learn the thruth, cracks of yet another low point start to show as he gains acces to the memories of his father and Kruger, blowming out when time to go to the ocean comes, but he feels like is no worth feeling bad for it, thus he asks both Armin and Mikasa, the only close people he has left, the only people that actually know his human side and never ever saw him as a monster ''If we destroy our enemis on the other side of the sea, will we be free?'' The Eren we meet at Marley, his one that killed is emotions in oder to keep moving forward and fight for the people no one would fight for, not giving himself time to feel and cry anymore, maybe as punishment, maybe bc he doesn't have a choice. But at the same time, his emotional self still exists in the form of: Even if he knows the future, he is still hoping somethin, anything of the things he saws would change, but they don't, so he has no choice but keep advancing. The reaction he has over Sasha, believe it orr not, is the same he had for Hannes, just internalized bc again, he can't afford crying over every bad thing he causes, bc in order to save Paradis he must become the monster people is always saying he is. Abandon his humanity, just like Armin said back when he fought Annie. The only reason this is not clear is bc M&A aren't in the same room with him. Eren and Reiner are equally depresssed and traumatized, they are the same, but Reiner is the only one with emotional suppont rn.

whade62000: 32:30 I kinda wanted you to SHUT UP here because she was saying good things. xD When you look at people as "the enemy" you don't look at them like human or purposely ignore that because you don't want compassion to sabotage yourself. But it's difficult to look directly at other people grieving or being in pain and not sympathize or see them as people and Gabi definitely needs to see that. to grow past her "Paradisians are bad people" mindset. (It's not that Gabi doesn't understand how people work...It's more of a general message about warlike mentality vs empathy, t.)he mindset you have to adopt to be able to make yourself fight, or lift a gun and shoot at a human being, even for a good case, vs compassion.) GREAT conversation there at the end guys, keep up the good work! : )

Big Lion: You kinda misunderstood Eren’s laughter/cry, this was the same as Hannes’ death from Season 2 Episode 12. He asked Connie what Sasha’s last words were and it was “Meat” and Eren’s most fondest memory of Sasha happens to be her stealing meat and wanting to retake Paradis and grow more cattle. Eren laughed because how much he loved Sasha and saw her as a friend, he laughed at HIMSELF cause he was helpless and he cried because he won’t be able to make more memories like that... Just like how he laughed at himself for being useless and not being able to save Hannes and cried for Hannes at the same time. He didn’t laugh at her JUST cause she died

Christian Gomez: Great reaction guys! I'm obviously not in favor of war but if we talk about whos side Im in I would say Eren just because Marley was about to do the same to them again so we cant say he is bad for trying to save his people, on the other side Marley sent a group of monsters to destroy them to obtain power and now were about to do the same whit the help of the entire world.

MADAO: Gabi did nothing wrong, just your daily reminder!!!

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