A Stupid Cycle of Hatred | Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 11 Reaction | Lalafluffbunny

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irredeemable: Man I don't know what website she's watching on that does such a poor job at translating but this ain't it. Crunchyroll's translation is so much better and you lose SO much by word choice.

Over Supremacy: Buen video 👍

KitKatze: I want Falco and Armin to be friends and to find a way out of this madness, best boys unite!

Frank Houttave: Gabi is exactly like Reiner. Revisit AOT season 4 episode 3. It's not her fault. She is brainwashed.

Shvde Yvrds: I love your reaction for the simple fact that nobody connects this whole thing to racism in the real world, and so your takes are often unique in that way. You draw real life comparisons and it pokes holes into the ideology of humans merely 100 years ago today.

RoLan: This horse is the best character in aot

18 hiki: Cool reaction .So smooth watching this

Nina Reacts: Guard: *gets skull bashed in* Lala: "Is he dead????"

Nnedinma Eneh: Falco didn’t deserve anything that happened to him, They should’ve just killed Gabi and her alone

MisterPikol: ur so based

ASageCalledQ: Fritz was trash.

Dapper_Mudkip: I have NEVER seen a reactioner with so much intellectual insight it’s literally so rejuvenating,, like you were VOMITING facts ma’am.

Dapper_Mudkip: Not only did Kaya see that the living Eldians aren’t to blame, but that the young MARLEYANS aren’t to blame either. That girl is playing 5D chess. It’s not just “I didn’t hurt you”, it’s ALSO “you didn’t hurt me” (for young Marleyans that don’t know any better)


Neil Stelmach: This is one of the most realistic takes on war I've seen not just in anime. There are no good guys and bad guys, just people fighting to protect or avenge their loved ones. In doing so they create more people trying to do the same. People like Falco and Kaya who focus more on making themselves happy then hurting their enemies are the only reason there is still a human race.

ImJustMekai: I’m just confused how you didn’t recognize Sasha’s dad when u first saw him

torinkyifh: Your connections to the racism we face today and the real-world applications of Attack on Titan I feel are the author's intentions and main theme....I'm so glad you see it

Animakz Media: I like the way you think

Black Jeezus: "Is he dead"? "No, tis but a scratch"

Fire Pitch: Crazy to think that Connie's father was the titan that ate kayas mom

Patrick Adutwum: Bro this girl gabi over here killing people like she is playing a black air force game

Starcored8: Lol, he can "release" himself, it's called escaping xd

leaf village hidden in the hood: Falco has the be one to end this cycle hes the chosen one.


Tellight: I cried at the end.. :( I love Sasha

S Villeda: 3:18 something that was not animated from manga is that an Eldian from Marley have to wear the arm band otherwise is against the international laws. And the titan that ate Kaya's mom was Connie's father Mr. Springer But yeah Gabi is like a fanatic religious 👀🧠

Anwar Alomar: That horse is Jean's cousin

v幽玄_: I don't know why but i love you 💞💞

J. R.: ''You just happened to be born in Marley'' I was holding my tears in when she said that. Best dialogue ever!

almost christian: To end the cycle of hatred, I think everyone needs to look at the past with clear eyes. For example, google "who owned the slave ships", to find out that not all white people are the same when it comes to the history of slavery. In fact, Slavs are white, but the sword 'slave' came from their ethnicity. Also, a lot of Irish people were sold off as slaves by fellow white people.

nova: Falco and Gabi is the only thing that's left for Reiner. He only cares about them now

Hugo Aquice: 13:00 the king didn't think like that, he was ashamed of what eldians were doing sp he run away and wait to be killed, thats why he and his successors didn't use the rumbling

Gogo: (Manga reader here) Without spoiling anything, I know where Gabi ends up. Some facts: - If Falco isnt around to keep Gabi on a leash, - She would have pounded the guard's (who was concerned for her) head into the ground She would have bashed the Girl (the one Sasha saved) with a rock, or impaled her with a rake She was proud of killing Marley's enemies BEFORE Eren busted up Marley She was stripping down to her underwear in the middle of battle to throw bombs at a nation THEY were invading (Again Before Eren Came into the picture) Like the prison Guard, everyone who didn't kill Gabi up to this point, didn't because they wouldn't shoot a child - and they all paid dearly for it. Before Reiner and his party went to break the wall in the very first episode, Eren, Armin and Mikasa were not military trained, and all they wanted to see the ocean. Eren before his trauma =/= Gabi before her trauma. (Disclaimer: I don't condone what Eren did to Marley, minutes AFTER they declared war on Paradis... but I dont Condone the US nuking Japan TWICE during WW II either ) Falco is from Marley, he's combat trained, he's pretty much raised the same way as Gabi, lost the same friends, subjected to the same trauma. But he ISNT a little SHIT like Gabi. Can you imagine the trail of blood she would have left behind, if Falco (who she doesn't mind beating because he's taking away her NAZI / KKK symbol away) wasn't around? So why do people like Gabi? I don't see the appeal in a psychotic, self centered, combat trained, racist Murder Girl who only get angrier after experiencing their first War Loss. Would you still like her if you were born on Paradis?

Mantaren: Allow me to remind y'all that the reason for Marley's attacks on the island was expansionism, not revenge. We know all this already because the commander and other military officials have discussed this in previous episodes. The Marleyan government is expansionist, they've been using the power of the titans to expand their territory and secure natural resources. They've wiped out nations for that reason. The island has an abundance of valuable natural resources, which is both the reason they've been self sustainable for so many years and the reason why Marley hasn't given up on attacking them. They don't want to get back at them, they needed their resources because they were continuously waging war against other nations and then those other nations retaliated and united against them when they lost 3 titan possessing warriors (Jaw, Female, Colossal). So revenge may be Gabi's motive among other things that have to do with redeeming the Eldian name in the world (which is Marleian propaganda and will never work), but those are not the reasons Marley attacks the island, they're just made up crap used to brainwash the Eldians who live in the intermittent zone.

Throne Raider: Marley is not only oppressing Eldians, and it’s not only that they are continuing a cycle of hatred. Marley is also USING the titans (that it claimed are devils for trampling the world) to trample over other nations and colonize them. Marley is committing the eldian sins. Gabi irritates me on so many levels, and I understand that she is extremely brainwashed which I empathize with, but she is saying Eldians need to atone for their sins and yet she is witnessing wars that Marley is doing, and she is dying to inherit the armored titan to commit the same sins that she is hating eldians for..? What kind of logic is this?!

Brandon: This episode was heavy in the the best way. Anyways, fuck Gabi all 2021.

ildiran: The root of the problem Gabi has is the idea that 'The Sins of the Father are the Sins of the Child'. She genuinely believes that every Eldian, regardless of what they've actually done with their life, is born with this 'sin' that literally will never go away and is permanently there. Having to undo that sort of mentality is hard but this episode gave her a good shock in the right direction.

Mega chonker: Honey wake up! There's new video on Lala's channel

Oberdan silva: Look at Jean biting Gabi's head. Getting that revenge lol Yeah Falco is such a good kid. Its great that Kaya dont put a blame on Gabi and Falco for what happened with her mother, but I am worried about if she find out that Gabi actually was the one to kill Sasha. Because in this case Gabi was involved, like literally

Samy: Kaya really said "Since you're so smart, why was my mom killed ?" OMG EXACTLY 15:00 I don't care about what wypipo did centuries ago, what I care about is what you're doing to change what your ancestor took centuries to put in place (for example white privilege, colorism etc)

Gradi Dodo: People need to understand that Gabi is going through enforced self hate. Imagine if the country you grew up in told you that the reason u are enslaved is because you share the same blood as people they consider devils. What’s hard for Gabi to accept is that the self hate she was raised to believe in is a lie. You’ve worked so hard to dissociate from the the parts of your race that were said to be the reason u can’t have a normal childhood. And now all of that is being called into question. Why Gabi is stubborn is because her whole life is built on a lie. All the cruelty and injustice she had to endure in life was justified and only makes sense when told through this lie. Now ur basically telling her that it was all a lie and ur whole family suffered and worked hard for nothing. That is a hard thing to accept as a child.

JoJonoDIO kamiyano: 16:48 "You all killed her btw" ? Falco he's not kill Sasha, only Gabi that annoying brat did that ! 😡 don't you remember that Falco he even stop her to keep shooting bullet at Jean on that airship ?

Justin Ooi: i think the flashback mikasa had was to remind her that eren would do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves even if it means killing others

Fateha Hossain: I never hated gabi but what does falco sees in her?

birisi: Was trying no hate Gabi but it is impossible. She should listen to Falco for once, like please.

Jose Silva: The only thing i disagree is that the king did the right thing, he literally ran away that's all he did he let his people get killed and he also took their memories away from the outside world and take it all worst is that he would let his people get massacred when the day came for them to get invaded. That king was nothing but a coward, with so much power and he choose to do nothing, but let his people suffer. A king that doesn't protect his people is no king at all.

Heylon: Really liked this episode and I’m a big fan of this season overall. The cgi in certain scenes, however, is jarring and I’m not a fan of the censorship when characters get killed/hurt, although this was a bigger problem with Wit’s adaptation. The prison cell scene in the beginning of this episode is one such example. In the manga it was obvious that Gabby killed him, but many people react with “is he, like, dead?” when watching the episode. The manga is very explicit and impactful when depicting such moments. Those scenes just don’t carry the same weight in the anime, but they still manage to get the point across, I guess.

ɨռċʊʀֆɨօ: Man AOT is such s beautiful show im not ready for it to end

Ser Kingslayer George Zeral: Uhhh the eldians didn't conquer the world for thousands of years or anything like that, that's just Marley saying it cuz they can now that they are the ruling power on the continent/the globe. If Eldia did all of that, how come Marley is still standing or any other country or culture on their continent? Because it's not true, they are lying

Blink-_-_-_ B: No..no no no no no no no no no no

Cookie: This whole "your ancestor committed a horrible crime" argument is such a controversial topic in today's world, that I'm surprised no one has tried to cancel AOT lol.

Cloud FF: too bad you cut your talking it would be interesting I think

Moon Shadow: Brauns are such an annoying family tbh =___= even without the "look from their perspective" bullshit!

suraj 2020: And I also LOVE how all black reactors equate it the enslavement era centuries ago and hold no grudge against this generation white people(the good ones lol) ALL FACTS 🥳🥳💞💞🔥🔥🔥🔥

Jerico: great discussion!

AgentSephiroth: That hoodie..... <3

suraj 2020: Wait, how were the Marleyans oppressed? In grishas flashback, they eldians used their titan powers to spread prosperity and happiness and build bridges and monuments and stuff right? Am I missing something?

MoonLight Blue: 6:16 LOL

Why falling in love When you can fall asleep: It’s really sad to see Gabi being this brainwashed and conditioned to hate them. I feel for her

•Mimi •: wdym? the king left half his people in marley and thts how eldians became the bottom of society outside paradis

Itz AnniePlayz: I totally agree all u said btw I love your reactions your the reactor/YouTuber that I love your the best ik

ᄋ: Can you react to demon slayer valentine's day? I swear there are not spoilers!!! Here's the link! This is Eng sub😳 https://youtu.be/IcYEdrJau1Y

Cola Dad: Not as much about the episode, but I just wanted to point out what a lot of people seemingly forget. Eren's attack on Marley wasn't the only mass slaughter he has done. It was the only one which he planned, but he has killed masses of people before- his own people at that. Season 1 last 2 episodes, where Annie and Eren fought. Let me remind you, Eren literally ran through a building in blind rage against Annie. So, if he is willing to kill his own people for such goals, slaughtering his people's oppressors shouldn't come as such a surprise. Just wanted to point it out, as I haven't seen anyone mention it before.

Bintang Timur: Marley didn't totally wrong actually, that because false history... The reason why marleyan hated eldian paradise because king fritz make it himself

Hey You: I know Gabi has her reasons but... please tell me I’m not the only one who’s annoyed of her?? Ever since she killed Sasha, her constantly trying to kill people for no reason, when they are WORRIED about her ugh I’m pissed

cusumike_11: I love ur reactions and commentary SO SO MUCH

Coco de Sol: I cannot stand Gabi omg. I know why she's the way she is; knowing why doesn't make her likable to me. She's gross

Naiko: that little conversation with Gabi and Kya summarized the stupidity of revenge cycles SO freaking well.

Deadline tugas: king fritz try to break the circle by a path of peace but he fail and just give up so that's why Eren chose another path, that's not because Eren hate outside world but he simply just don't have a choice

JayJoe: It's like Germany. All children here are taught to be responsible for what happened in ww2. Which is absolutely stupid. You can teach kids to never forget history without making them feel responsible for it.

Mr Jaeger: Next Episode Is Intense🔥🔥 #YEAGERIST

Hakuraita: Jean's relatives are taking vengeance for Sasha.

AceofSpades: Funny thing is, what the Eldians did all those years ago isn't a "fact", it's just what history claims happened. None of the people alive today were there when it happened. Even Eren Kruger mentioned how all people have to do is believe in something for it to become "truth" (like the belief that Ymir was a goddess vs being a devil).

Ame Kgomo: The problem with what the king did is that he just left, was the world supposed to just move on like nothing happened? Obviously they couldn't.

Andrew Li: I wouldn't say what the First King did was 100% correct. It's not really that he stopped the cycle. It's more like he just ran away from the cycle. Marley still used the titans for warfare just like the Eldian Empire did. King Reiss also let the future generations of Paradis Eldians suffer for the sins of their ancestors. He literally told Marley that they could destroy Paradis whenever they wanted. He only wanted a respite of peace before that for himself. That's incredibly selfish. That's like if Abraham Lincoln told Canada they could destroy the US without retaliation in the year 2000.

SturmErtan 55: Kaya : what did my Mom do wrong Gabi : and what did i do wrong

Jony ibarra: 18:54 and annie

Anon Nymous: Strangely this mirrors current politics a lot. offtopic (delete if you think it doesn't belong here) My parents weren't even American, they immigrated before they had me, but other "whites" are pointing fingers at me for not showing any guilt for slavery... like, my ancestors were brutally oppressed by the ottoman empire for 400 years until the early 1900s and I still remember my grandmother telling me stories about how her grandmother was burned alive in a church. "White people" is a pretty big net that catches a lot of people not involved in anything or that were themselves oppressed for centuries.

TehutiDG07: Where you from shawty i like how you talk

MikeMcFly: Reiner would’ve killed himself already if not for Gabi and Falco.. makes sense he’s ready risk dying to save them

shin shira: Just to sure Nicolo maybe the one who smack Gabi

phenompy: OMG Now that you mentioned I can see the Horse actually thinking Gabi was Sasha and that used to happen to her too!!!!!!!!!! ;_;

Calvin: The king had the right intentions, but he executed it terribly. He left the world and leave behind a false message that if they come to invade paradis he would unleash the titans to squash the Earth. Marley then also became the new colonizer using the titans. The kind should have take responsibility more directly instead of just leaving. He should have just announced his peaceful ideal to the world and use his kingdom power to restore rights to the enslaved people. The king leaving would be akin to the US just leaving the war zone after we already got so involved. He need to have taken responsibility and fix it.

FiragaJJC: And you know what's crazy. Gabi going on about shit that happened 1000 years ago that was taught from the Marley while Kaya brought up a good point... what did her mom do? People go on about shit done in the pass and the crimes done by the ancestors instead of seeing what people done now. What the Eldian ancestors done have nothing to do with the Eldians now. And that's the point that escapes Gabi... from that point on... I said FUCK GABI.

yonkou animes HD: Mikasa realizing that eren has always been a psycho.

FiragaJJC: When this episode came out as a chapter (I forgot) This This part with Gabi is the reason why I hate Gabi.

Fox: The person that saved Mikasa became an extremist, the person that saved Sasha became a very good person... Mmmm.

Kareem Jordan: Gabi just wants to sleep in the big house with massa.

SCF#: This might be a stupid cycle, but it already happen in real world

s02 Pzychotik: -__-

Angel Carmine: IDK if someone has mentioned already but that horse who bited Gabi is the same horse from the survey corps, who likes to bite hair, Charlotte

Abilawa andamari: Love the message in AoT nobody is responsible for your ancestors sin. P.S. Gabi needs to sit down

eren's hoes: 13:21 Yeah exactly thats the whole point of story here and if u recalled the last episodes where Eren disagreed with Zeke's plan and he wants to end the hatred by forming a peace w Marley but unfortunately like he said he tried and tried but Marley rejected it and they didnt want a peace besides Willy itself declared war against Paradis. Thats why if u understand how Eren's think he didnt hve any choices left but to resort to WAR to protect his people. So its Marley's fault here because they wanna continue the cycle of hatred meanwhile eren and his friends tried multiple times to seek for peace but to no avail.

Slothful: The irony is that everything Gabi said Eldians did in the past is pretty much exactly what Marley has been currently doing. They are oppressing, colonizing, and attacking other groups of people Eldian or otherwise. It's quite literally what Marley's current power was built upon.

melxdiq dooms: Gabi

Qwerty53: no mushoku?

Anime & Chill: Gabi: "your ancestors commited horrible crimes for hundreds of years" Kaya: "did you see that happen?"

Ao Sora: I know alot of ppl hate her but I still feel bad for gabi it's so sad to see a child that's so brain washed and filled with so much anger and hate ;( i can't wait for her development though 👣 and I hope reiner can save gabi and falco ☹

shopnnut: Why do you hate seeing previews so much, they're literally 12 seconds

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