Outside Help | Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 9 Reaction | Lalafluffbunny

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Lalafluffbunny: Can we talk about how at 11:40 they all sportin a similar hair cut? Lemme joinnnnn

Sasha Braus: Those niccolo x sasha moments made me even sadder after Sasha's death

TBRninja 132: Falco gets jaw titan and colt dies

Mr.potato: Will u consider reacting to wonder egg priority? It is 100 percent that serie that in 5 years everyone will realise it exist and it will be one of the most popular shows Lmao xD is is a hidden gem Just take a look at the pv ( it doesnt spoil a lot) https://youtu.be/Jtb8P5aRwlg It has so much hidden lore to it so a reaction would be awesome and to hear your thoughts on it :D

Nes Ally: I AGREE SO MUCH WITH YOU ABOUT EREN!!! Not many really reached this conclusion.

Chika Ackermann: Pls react to owari no seraph and bungou stray dogs

Ultimaniac: 6:39 The invitation was just at that moment when Hange was "welcoming" the Marleyans in for tea.

Young Dagger Agent: lets just thank god that sasha actually got a funeral with her body in it and did not get eaten by a titan🙏🍖🌹

Polli Ned zip: ❤️

An Ackerman: Chad Eren is here😘❤️❤️❤️

Mal: Sasha and Nicollo could've been a perfect couple

vota casia: Plz watch Heaven Offical’s Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) im sure you’ll love

King Ding Dong Davis: Please react to uzaki Chan wants to hang out

wowすごい: they really did that...introduced a love interest after sasha died the finale of this show is gonna kill me i know it

Rodolfo López Rdz: Genial

Daniel LT: The only one who answer to a phone call in the middle of a reaction video🤣🤣

x. Sunshine: lmao I cried too, honestly this is why i prefer ur reactions more compared to other channels, other people skip over alota part to make their videos shorter but I love how raw ur videos are, with the full reaction to scenes

Matt Bayes: Ready for this twist of the knife? Sasash's last word was "meat" Meat in Japanese is O niku Niccolo in Japanese is Nikkoro They sound very similar. Maybe she wasn't saying meat

Shaunclutch: Nahh we hate gabi . Her people are the oppressors . Of the world . Eren was the opressed huge difference

Jai A.: I just noticed her eye colour, hmm nice.

Raven Remke: Onion coupon lad

Nsiegbe Rikenda: Yesss. A reactive who doesn’t hate Gabi. Let’s go

qweenshit: i hate sasha. period.

Sail Hatan: Its obvious he knows what he is doing. Its just he doesn't give a fuck thats the problem lol

ᅵ: hange reminds me of sasha but science.

Nitrixツ: Sasha eating the lobsters was actually quite emotional

hyun: niceee

Darren Banks: I just loved how it made sense for Sasha to ask about his skin. Not only has she never seen a dark skinned person, she was also still a country bumpkin with no filter. Rest In Peace.

Alstro Else: Eldians are 1/1 parallel with white race. Pre Eldians: >inherit racial privilege >Once ruled the world >Were conquerors >Spread language/culture across the world while destroying others >Incredible feats of engineering >Other races were second class >Eldian blood was sought after/mixed people got higher positions in society Post eldians: >Self hating leaders sell out their own race >Eldian empire collapses >"muh imperialism" "muh colonization" >Entire world hates eldians due to history >Eldians taught in schools about "crimes" their ancestors committed and racial guilt is showed down their throat >Some eldians try to prove themselvs as "allies"("one of the good ones") by betraying their own family, preaching anti-eldian dogma and advocating against other eldians especially those who are trying to secure future for their children(white nationalists in real world).

methk9 canvas: this translation is bad u can watch a better translation from anime8.ru just giving u options if u wanna change sites

Broken Sora: T A T A K A E

junkiex33: he's black because he's painted himself black.

Eli Gen: The "invitation" she was talking about was how when the marleyans first rolled up she said "hello marleyans, welcome to paradis. Come and enjoy some tea" or something like that before they pointed their guns at them. Yelena was just replying directly to that.

Quinton Pham: Did you realise the girl at Sasha’s funeral was the one she saved in the previous season?😭

James Ivan H. Relano: In war there's no such thing as justice and ways to kill someone as, you gotta do what you have to do. Since you have no choice either way, a nation that is driven by centuries of war, leading nation for technological research, military power, influence as well as wielding the titans that are powerful enough to destroy one's armies in a single decisive combat against an island who knows nothing of outside world, their past, and literally still using flintlock muskets as a firearm, no engineering capabilities and so on. If that's not enough pressure, what is? Deciding for what's right is the only thing you need to think about. Nothing else, well talk if the other parties want to. But do you guys really think Marley would do that? in Marley's eyes they are island without a proper army, and you also gotta remember how many active duty military personnel available on that island. (Since the war against the titans cost them so many lives that i can't even think about having a proper military divisions would be a thing specially the survey corps). Marley wants something from Eldians and Paradis wants to settle for peace. But if those two goals does not meet any demands then he'll broke loose. It doesn't matter how it's done. Because in reality, questioning one's method is just like screaming while being stabbed multiple times. Since the Marleyan goverment already declared them Devils. Why don't we bring forth to the real one? A devil that is born from hatred from the world. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS. down here a little spoiler (It's not really a spoiler to be honest) . . . . . . . . . . . . And about Eren, oh trust me. He's driven by everything. Literally everything. since he has no choice either way. He's the only one who holds the apocalypse at bay. (yet)

Jo Die: The young girl with Sasha's parents is the girl Sasha saved in S2

Ashish Tiwari: Gabi desperately trying to be eren,,

Stop The Steal: Why are you black, white, yellow or brown? because we were created by God, that's all. and I'd like to see a blue or a red skin.

Dominika Mandakh: Have you watched Bungou Stray Dogs? It’s really worth watching, and there are a lot of nice ships and interesting characters (*^ω^*)

Mega chonker: Ive been waiting for you to react to shirtless hobo man

Pusatnya Virus: react to mushoku tensei pls

John Anthony Orendain: Your Hair <3

土地タイ語: these subs are so different from what i watched this one says thousands of titans instead of millions which one is it?

Mitsuha: 7:02 lmaooo fascinated by a black dude 😭😭

iFreaky: A little fun fact, the name "Onyankopon" actually means ‘The Great One’ in Africa, and according to Ashanti in their culture Onyankopon was the name of a God, or as said online "the universe is ‘full of spirits’, but as Bore-Bore, ‘the creator of all things’, Onyankopon was the god who made them all."

iFreaky: to add more insult to injury that girl with sashas dad was the girl sasha saved in season 2 :)

Meed4453: Gordon Niccolo Ramsay

G14N Last Son: Yelena be like "OMG look at that big hairy man, i love his long arm raawwrrr..."

Paa Kofi Otchere: Fun fact: The black guy's name "Onyankopon" means God or creator of all in my native language from Ghana in west Africa. It's kinda cool to see the parallels made from his ideology of God and his name lol.

rrrin: 14:07 Same... I didn't cry for Sasha's death last week it happened so quick and easy I just couldn't take it in, but I burst out into tears when I saw her grave... that just hit me ;( It's sad when you think all the people who died in this show (or even in real life), they all had their story and their loved ones too.

Alejandro Reeves: That’s Chad Eren🥶😈

Clare V.: I love how everyone wants to push the agenda that Sasha’s last word is actually Nico due to it being only one syllable off from Niku (meat), but this is very inaccurate. In the original manga, it actually had the Japanese kanji written clearly 肉 which means meat with its furigana above it saying “niku.” So yeah, not true at all. I know ppl want to romanticize her death scene, but that’s really not it y’all lol.

erenisthefather: So basically Eren put everyone on the island in danger for 1 year by keeping the secret of the founding titan just to prevent a girl to turned into a titan? Hmm......

Kevin Santiago Matos: i really love your hair!!!!

saphir blau: You can almost hear Mikasa questioning Eren's words. "If you don't win, you die. If you win, you live." They won this battle, then how is Sasha dead? The line between victory and defeat is much more complicated than that.

Messd UP: Theories say that shasha last word meat "niku" symbolises "niccolo" the guy who made her food... His and shashas relation was one sided where niccolo had feelings for her

Kaylan Certified: I'm salty that Niccolo and Sasha probably had a thing going and that we only get to see the bare minimum after she's gone

melxdiq dooms: Yes

Zer0: What you said about being at someone funeral was too true. My closest uncle died early 2020 and when I got the news I was kinda speechless and didn't know what to the think, the day of the funeral tho something hit really hard and I had a huge breakdown and couldn't process the thought that he was gone, it's all good now but I'm felt the same with sasha when I read the manga a while back.

マキノChen: I know your feel

DrDookBear 1: I would highly recommend a licensed sub like Hulu instead of an "other" sub since there might be some context or idea missed from a fan sub. I know it's time convenient, but at the very least I recommend a rewatch.

Zann Christo: Nicolo = Nico - lo. Sasha's last word was "niku" that can be translated to meat, but... Niku, Nico... I'm just saying

Mark Louie: OMG Sasha’s last word was “Niku” (meat) BUT WHAT IF she was actually trying to say “Niccolo” ? VERY CLOSE SOUNDING TO “NIKU” omg I’m crying

Foxfire Espresso: I didn't comment about the subs before now but yeah they're pretty off sometimes haha. Most of the time they're generally close enough but sometimes what they say have entirely different meanings with the differences.

Gaby Jimenez: 10:28 omg Sasha we don’t ask people why they’re black!

Gaby Jimenez: 6:23 girl Hange literally invited them to have tea 10 seconds ago

Bryan Reyes: ❤️❤️ love you and your reactions 😊

PAO: skirt mikasa is real

tWisted niGhtmare .-: Eren tatakae intensifiles

William Sta. Ana: 1 or 2 more episodes of talking before YES....

Lazy Bop: this was a nice episode, breaking the action, much needed. reacted to it on my channel as well

James Games: Gabi is literally a creature of hatred, produced by marleyans, but you can still hate her for it, despite it being the fault of marley

Katelyn Pringle: "So, why are you black?" "Oh my god Sasha, you can't just ask people why they're black!"

セロリ: Hi from Japan! I really enjoy your reaction video ❤️

silver crow: now imagine if sasha's last words wasn't really meat (Niku) I want meat (Niku), but actualy Niccolo, I want Niccolo

Sednalee: Isayama is breaking our hearts twice in a row

平康: Btw Sasha’s grave says “Sasha Blouse, rest in peace with delicious food” in upside down Japanese.

Jacob Adkins: Someone gets it, Gabi did nothing wrong.

Pedro Guilherme Ferreira Mamedes: TATTAKAE...

Soletti: Just to say, Sasha said "Niku" (meat) when she dies. But, Nicollo was in love with her for 3 years. Yes, "Nico". Maybe she said Nico and they understand Meat, maybe she called Nicollo "Niku", meaning her 2 loves, meat and him. Well, it's free to think about it. But with Isayama choosing this name for him, i don't think there is no reason at all.

░KenLinx░: You really need to transition to using another site for anime. These subs are horrendous and don't translate the jokes very well.

Víctor G.: Onyankopon is easily husbando material.

JW Promundurr: Onyankopon is mean "God" in Akan, Ghana language.

AceofSpades: THANK YOU for not jumping on the Gabi hate train

James Osbourne: Eren firing the rifle to Sasha getting shot. It symbolizes how Eren's decision to force the scouts to come get him led to the death of Sasha and others. Every character's decision has consequences. Also, Sasha's grave is written as follows.          - Sasha Braus       ...sleeps for eternal feast Btw, Mikasa stayed by Sasha's grave 'til sunsent... I'm not crying....... ;(

Malfestio: They ought to change the episode title to "Salt on the wound" after seeing everyone affected by Sasha's death

jøcelyn barrera: ¡Notice Lala! , please react to Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! , is new very fun show comedy of anime👍

Devon Walker: Hanji offered the soldiers tea at the very start of the episode, hence why Yelena said she'd accept that invitation. It had nothing to do with letters or any sort of hidden meaning.

coffee turtle: the ship is sailing

julka czaps: I love how Zeke said “I have a secret plan, believe me” and thought it will work. And it did

Brandon Gray: The slight grammatical errors in the fan subs really annoy me lmao

yana musni: gurl, you are both miyamura izumi and eren jeager's twin

TAZ M: Eren carried that ship like it was a hardheaded toddler and he had to sit lil junior down till they calmed down

Artemis: I binged tons of crime documentaries and podcast over this past 3 weeks and seeing this episode really cemented that Eren is really a mass murderer in a making. I feel sad if he is really going through that kind of path.

TAZ M: They didnt have to do us like that man....having us feel like Nicolo and Sasha would have a chance to be a thing...you cruel attack on titan why my food girl huh? Sasha and Nicolo would've been amazing together

Ryan Gibson: Their circumstances are tragic. The situation is fucked. Eren...just keeps moving forward.

Aisha Abdi: Why do they look so surprised about God even though they have churches inside walls

Aisha Abdi: This scene of nikalo and Sasha was 3 years ago, and he liked her in the beginning so he probably develop feelings for her or may be they were in a relationship. Sasha and Erwin rest in peace 🥺🥺🥺😭

Dapper_Mudkip: It’s so crazy how Annie is still like 16 and everyone else is in their 20s now 😭😭

Boba Army: Oh in season 2 or 3 Sasha saved a girl named Kaya. That girl was adopted by Sasha’s parents :) she was with them at the grave

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