The Worst Legend Gets Her Biggest Buff So Far (Season 8 - Apex Legends)

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Krashevil: i got my first 3k badge with rampart idk what that means

altoid Robbins345: Ok, how about this. SHIELA she can be placed,she can be carried like the heavy from tf2 but it takes up a gun slot and if carried she had limited ammo, 3 mags. Cant be used while sliding and reduced movement while spinning

C Dezelah: I keep saying... I stead of her ult being a turret... make it a damn mini gun. She already carries it all day on her back.

Probablygeorge: i'm rank 330 with only 1 2k, on loba which i have about 20 kills on, tried rampart and got 2.48k i mean im kinda triggered but it's still a 2k also question, do teammates get hurt from friendly fuse ults? because that seems to be the case but that's strange

Bizzare Human Breed: People say Rampart is the worst character but I can't remember the last time anybody made a video saying crypto is good.

Bizzare Human Breed: I started using Rampart alot this season as opposed to playing two games with her total for season 6 and 7.

Zeptik_Trik 101: every new video he releases i see his hairline receding

Mark Kish: @Kandy you need to use more shield while using her. Create small fortresses. Her shields come back pretty quickly and if you get pushed you won't be able to put down shields anyways till the fight is over (enemy's will destroy them quickly close range) put 2 shields down one infront of the other so you can use the bullet damage increase for a longer period of time. And have more protection from bullets. You need to build around you a little. In my experience playing her you get sniped from the side a lot. So always put an extra wall down. Or 2.

Will Walter: I hate rampart she’s awful

ThermalRain_YT: Lol remember 2 buffs ago when all the streamers were crying saying how broken she was and ruins the game hahaha I made a video about it and said just wait 2 weeks and you wont see her again. Entitled content creators saying they play this game all day and know what's best and they need to nerf her and the turret. Maybe if you could actually move with the turret and have a shield you'd be like a juggernaut in cod then yeah it could be op af

Cleyman: Tbf, I feel like Rampart is decent in many situations but Kandy and most players are not using her right. Most people just leave the wall and Sheila where they placed it. I feel like it's really important for her to constantly pick up her stuff when relocating to prevent things like at 5:50 from happening (plus she gets her walls immediately recharged if they were not damaged and Sheila gets a lot of cd reduction too, which I think many people also don't know). So I feel like the best way to play her is to set up (don't forget to cover the sides; Kandy rarely did here) and when you realize it doesn't work pick everything up get all your wall charges back up (and Sheila in about 30 seconds too) and set up at a new location. I think most people can't use her well because they have an aggressive playstyle and want to push instead of tactically cutting of or securing areas, which doesn't suit Rampart (even though in some situations you can also get good value of using her walls more aggressively as e.g. TheGamingMerchant does).

Robert Garcia: If respawn noticed the tachanka problem they probably would've allowed her to walk with the gun and make her significantly better

iiTzAntfarm 1: I would main any character i just dont want to give up my main lol

Izawa: 180 isnt engouh Devs: okat 360 should be engouch Top2 your enemy is rampart in turret (she is Alone) You have 2 teammates Rampart won

KyXanthrus: why is it at 5:00, 8:00 and 10:08, sheila's bullets are very obvious (you can see the yellow lines). However in my game, i'm unable to see the bullet lines at all, only the blue amped effect. Tried changing video options but still unable to see it. Anyone knows why the difference?

M4V35: like the worst legend is rampart ahhahahaahaha

Regular024train 0: Kandy:the thing it’s so hard to use at range” *downs someone*

MAX AJ: She should be able to carry shela and shoot with it .. I mean she carry it in her back so it would make sense that can carry it and move with it

Vilakshan Dixit: Came for the.buff , stayed after the investment in fuse bit 😂

Nathan Hazlewood: I can hear TheGamingMerchant crying from this

RogueAsteroid52: I have an idea for rampart ult buff maybe make it mobile and have a small shield like gibbys

VebZZ: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Sharp Teeth: Rampart is not the worst legend she is just underrated

Marth667: As usual, a defensive hero that no one likes to play or play around because they're incentivised by other battle royal games to be as aggressive as possible. You can't have a pug team that doesn't want to play defensive and expect that legend to perform well. Rampart doesn't have anything to attack a building? Yea, that's her point, people attack her not the other way around. Contrast that with a tactical team that has a line up like, watson, caustic and rampart and then any space they occupy becomes unassailable. Do people want to play that way in battle royal games? No and any legend that goes against that grain is punished for it.

Otaku 069: When do you stream? Easter Standard Time,please.

Isaac Tejeda: Rampart has been a top pick for me since she dropped. Alot of fights were won because of my shields and Sheila's. I guess maybe people don't see how much potential she has

Sharp Proxy: 12:37 I hope I'm thinking of the wrong pit in the Gulf of Mexico cause...

ICy: Still don’t like ramphart

Carolina Prince: Don’t disrespect my main with this title

Smithy Chris: How can you call Rampart the worst legend when Crypto still exists?

Eric Amundson: Boom’s comment about crafting ult accels made me think what if rampart could craft from anywhere without a replicator? That would make her more useful to herself and her team

Freddy Pog: as a rampart main i am offended im not a karen tho cool vid btw i need heirloom day 24 of asking apex youtubers this

Quatro Draws: Complains that a defense character is not a good pusher lol

Detronix3: @kandyrew can you make a Video about the combination between Fuse and Horizon. Its op as Hell when Horizon throws her Ult and Fuse Nade spam inside :3 Would be a fun video to watch!

here: Dude, you used the mouse macro right? I see that your bullets are only stable at one point for the whole game, with or without gun accessories, are you really that good? Better than the pros? Even aceu has a slight wobble when you press the gun, and you can control the recoil of LSTAR so well? It's funny.

N3Ryze: as i was watching this i realized your game colours look so off and dark you can hardly see the players lmfao

Guillaume Labonté: One of the main problem of apex is that sometimes they buff things that dont need buff, they need rework, tweaks. Sometimes they nerf things they should simply change the way it works to the point it's just bad.

Francesco Caterino: Quick tip: if you don't use amped cover you can see way better with sheila

Skullninja316: Kandy Caverns

Joshua Braeden: Thank you for explaining her new buff right from the get go

Yoeri Pham: ayo subbbbbeddd

Atombomb115: I’m in the kill feed 2:20

Senshai: Rampart is super fun ..I love using her shields to block the doors . Especially towards the final ring ....

Ascorasion Kaditahsa: remove that deploy delay on amp cover so rampart can be more usefull

man of power: She is honestly in my top 3 favorites. I do think she needs some more work but i have a blast playing her. You just have to get creative with her wall and know when to use the minigun

JP: The way Apex is played doesn't really lend itself to playing defensively. Unless you're in the top tiers where everyone's a turtle, but then you basically HAVE to have a Gibby on your team so there really is no scenario in which Rampart is a good strategic pick. She's fun as hell to play though.

Nero: Rampart is so underrated , but very funny and strong legend if you know how to play with her.

Daemion Walker: Give her 360 degree on shiela, and faster reload times on shiela then she'll be a tad better

Nightmare: „The Worst Legend“ 💀 How can people talk about her like that when she isn’t that bad ;-;

Bartending Panda: 26K crafting? Da fuq

Jade Rabbit: Wait why is this video ajout rampart the tumbnail talked about wraith

cringe can game: My idea for rampart buff 1. Make it so that enemys can use your shiela but if they use it on you and teammates it does no damage 2. Make shiela turn a full 360

byron debrowsky: Worst legend? Actually yeah she is the worst Watson is better

Josh Low: I’m so upset😭. I got 1946 damage on Wattson. I don’t have 2k as yet

Caden M: 4:00 um, by holding an extra 8 bullets in her mag she is effectively also freeing up an extra 8 Bullets in her backpack

Shizzy Wizzy: 2 simple buffs to make Rampart viable: - decrease time to place amped covers - make it so that if you pick up the turret you gain some percentage back on your ult depending on how long you used the turret

Felixelod 21: You know that the granades in thies boxes dosnt do damage

Jixaw: Ramparts abilities don’t work because you’re not using them how they should be. But that’s only because the game meta is always to move and push and stuff. I think Rampart is just unlucky with the meta they were brought in with

Josh Spontak: “ I already have an established arm network.” LOL

Nemsis 19: Rampart id my fav :3 no hassle bro u can still use her like any other character but sheila is just perfect :3 without forgetting th shields :3 and yes the spitfire combo makes the difference :3

noah reyes: Your camera quality is very nice.

Gordon the Frog: It’s clear you’re not a rampart main, but the recent changes were very helpful. She’s still not in the best of spots, but it’s the right direction to take.

Sufelixtulfan: Rampart > fuse

NiktoBruh: *The Gaming Merchant would like to know your location*

Kei: At least now, Rampart's walls can be used reactionary, instead of it just being broken by a sinlge p2020 shot before it stands up

giveitall1992: Pubs are sweaty trashhhh

Garciaa Guy: Ngl still is dogshit lmao

Llcoolj247: Rampart is my favourite legend

Fawad Fawadi: Wattson is worse

fingers808: “Look at my arms. I already have an established arm network” LMAO

Og Skeete: Now i wanna play rampart just to hear her say : You get a bullet, and you get a bullet EVERYONE GETS A BULLET ‼️ Like she said at 15:00

Misfit: Your channel is trash!!!! You bring Great Shame 2 ur Family with that 🙉

mistrjab86 11: trench warfare is the only reason i liked and subbed :D

Edrem07: A good buff should be that her fences recognize what side she and teammates are so you don't get screwed by her own passive.And maybe her ult should have a time limit so you can be able to move it from one fence to another during battle.

Blue Pearl: I'm a rampart main and I'm happy with this new change

Faze Ripples: I love this Channel

Thudi guy: instant amped cover and accurate mini gun will make her top tear legend for ranked

Mtrx Floppa: I would like to see loba’s ring get a buff, I would like to see it where you can run and move around at a normal speed after you throw the ring.

Anuj Haldar: React to anniversary collection event

Dr. Tree: The only one who knows how to use rampart is TGM, fight me.

John Mencke: When you were expecting rampart to now have infinite ults

Mari R: Rampart should be able to stack ultimate accelerants like Watson

Derp Fox: "How's ur mum?"

Hexyila: Me: has the most consistent team wipes with rampart out of all of the characters I play (which is really just crypto and rampart) Kandy: she is the worst character in the game Me: 🧝‍♂️ Also I think the best way to make rampart better is to make her ult have two forms. One where it’s just the basic turret and a secondary version where once it’s initially set up she can take it off the stand and use it like a machine gun but you would be unable to switch to a different weapon or reload the machine gun after you run out of ammo but sheila would have slightly more ammo and it would slightly slow rampart and have a slightly long winde up kinda like a havok

Evan Hu: Crypto is actually the best legend. People don't realize since his abilities are not as flashy. He carries from the shadows. Put your drone in a tree so the enemies can't see it and u win

*Zander: Ok is it just or does everyone hate how people don’t show their stats in apex when they load in a game they just skip until they land you know what I mean😂

BlackPhantasm: I just got a 4k badge with her today!

Big SMack: Honestly the L-Star hits so hard tho and once u hit ur shots they just die in like a second or two haha. I also they they should let Shiela be detachable with Rampart. Make her super slow or something but like rotatable

Socs_SocK: Why is the Lstar a bad gun?

Sakawaka Plays: Yo kandy if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be where I am in apex before hand I was just playing and raging but ever since I saw your videos i realized I gotta get better so I did exactly that and now I’m a sweat and my goal is to be exactly like you.... But my friend still thinks whenever he sees someone with cool stuff he thinks he’s better than us and we will get carried every game😒 That’s why my other goal is to show him that I’m not trash Thanks kandy😎

John Ryan: What’s the point of holding more ammo in the mag if you can’t carry more in the bag? Reloading less. Of course you know this, its a DPS increase.

boiæ _: people say rampart is the worst character as if every character only matters in ranked

NoteWorthyYT: Does anyone no what headphones he uses?

Apex Lounge: She will always be the worst legend no matter how many buffs she gets

Brentlee Carrier: sheva not shela

James Pugh: I dunno man, the L-Star on drop is very solid. Close quarters in a pinch and it goes off.

Miltia's Pogfrog: L-star + Rampart Kandy: “the worst legend and worst weapons” Me: he has a point.

Chii Mate: They did the same thing for bloodhound back in sason 6 i think. I was a bloodhound main but everyone was saying that he was the one of the worst legends in the game at the time and now hes a top tier and everyone uses him.

Nick Grant: They need to just give shelia a full 360

Δustin .D: They should just delete rampart

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