How & Why The Promised Neverland Season 2 Skips The Manga's Best Arcs - Manga to Episode Breakdown

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Abubak R: I feel cheated and disgusted at myself for feeling like the last few episodes were good. Imma go read the manga now. Thx pineapple for opening my eyes

Sakusa Kiyoomi: Yess I would love to have a video related to arc they missed

Désiréé: Yes please do a goldy pond video!

Rei_Rei -Chan: I watched season one and I got bored of waiting so I read the manga and now I got to watch season 2

MacCity_: They got the pen from the helper not Norman. Or am I trippin

Pete 44: What if tgey ate going all original Is it possible that they are ganna end up making a goid story?

Shou君: plot twist: the anime was made to sell the manga

kale e: as an anime only (for now), i was pretty bummed when i heard they skipped the goldy pond arc and Yuugo because i was excited to know what he's and the arc's about, and i knew Norman didn't die but his return felt rushed and i didnt know why the anime wanted to reveal him right away

Vishwam Cks: no one had any fking problem with tpn being original but why tf remove a fing arc which contains so many plot points and good characters holy fk .why remove goldy pond is my question casual anime watchers who say they dont mind the change is the fking reason why we hate anime watchers only

The12345stephen12345: Tokyo promised never land root A ghoul

toydinosaurmafia: honestly and truly it’s not fair it’s not fair to the fans that sit here months on end for their favorite anime to be brought to life only to be butchered chopped and poorly pushed out in such a way that is almost a slap in the face and basically says this is what we did take it or leave it and the purpose of it even taking anime original status is only to fill in the holes of the story that were not explained in the manga there is so much content and reference to this manga in particular to where what is the point of making the story up as you go when your FANS loved it as it was and the only request that honestly any of the manga readers had was to change the ending and fill missing details that weren’t brought to light in the manga


Niamh HA: I know that we’re all joking about getting a The Promised Neverland: Brotherhood in a few years, but what frustrates is that *this was their chance* to do that! They claimed that the anime-original direction was supposed to improve things, since there was a lot about the story that was criticised after they escaped the farm. They didn’t have to rush through everything. They could’ve just made slight changes where need be (which would result in a different ending, which is what they’re going for). How can these people do so good at Season 1, and now have us worrying about how Season 2 will end up?

Pat: I'm also a manga reader and I'm disappointed angry and sad whenever I watch another episode. I'll continue to watch it since I want to know how bad they butcher it, so I'm not left wondering what happened.

RhonderGaming: I swear, the only thing keeping me watching at this point is that it's like a train wreck- I can't look away lmao. The way they've butchered the story at this point is nigh un-salvageable, but since there's only 6 episodes left I'm intrigued enough to follow along to see how they continue to mess it up even further :D

Ben Shavit: well idon't want to be that gay but..., the manga is better

Divinee Tray: As an anime only i feel so cheated and done dirty like its like when u want an high end phone and u get it and ur like ooh this good then u find ur missing half the stuff ur promised an good screen a good camera a good battery instead u get a 60 dollar cheap phone its so dirty

Mandu: Ive dropped it.... im mad.... im really mad.... im sorry THE NORMAN REUNION WAS MY EVERYTHING THATS IT IM SO DISAPPOINTED THAT THE NORMAN REUNION.

3SecProp: I've been waiting for your video about this season.

liiz Love: Ok but on the anime when the kids pick up the phone call why did Minerva tell the kids that that wasn’t he’s real name? He said he’s name was Peter ratri?

Syed Muhammad Arifeen Mustaqim: Come on guys lets all put our moneys and make a production house together. We`re gonna reboot animes like Tokyo Ghoul and The promised neverland. Lets give them the brotherhood treatment :)

Otaku1015: The Promised Neverland: Root √A.

JoeFrmWork: Tell the Other ARCs pineapple 🍍 PLEASE!!!!

Miller Guy: I heard from somewhere that Japanese censors are pretty squeamish about having kids with real Guns on tv. Idk if that’s true or not but if it is, we can pretty much give up hope on any kind of true adaptation of the source material

Izumi: What chapter of the manga does season 1 finish? I find reading stuff I’ve already seen in anime to make me just hate reading manga lol. But I really wanna get into this manga since it’s apparently so much better-

E.D. Major: I mean I think it could work but I have no clue how. The manga isn’t perfect and I didn’t like how certain things were handled (including Normans reintroduction) but I feel like the Goldy Pond arc was very important to the mental state of the children (old and young) as well as show just how much work and effort they put into each answer they get. So far the answers in season 2 have been handed to the kids and I am really unsure how the story is going to go from here. If the ending is going to be similar (with the societal distress and Norman doin his garbage and all that) then I have no idea how they’re going to get there from this point. I really like the manga and would love to see improvements in the anime even if things are cut but I’m not sure I agree with cutting characters such as Nigel, Oliver, Yuugo, etc. who either had a large impact on the children’s development/mentality/capabilities, the ending of the story in the manga itself, and/or the decisions made based off experience or otherwise. Even if they cut the 7 Walls and the New Promise or whatever I don’t understand how they’ll survive the world without the knowledge, skills, and support they gain from the cut arc/characters.

Rah Rizzle123: Yeaaaa I thought Yuugo would've been at least shown up ep4 but after I saw ep4 there was no hope :') I still watch to see what that have in store

Megan Dahlin: Dropped the anime after ep 4. No yugo, no me

Faustina Asare: Why are they doing this

Ace Molina: go for goldy pond story style explanation !

John Pineda: What if they are not trying to end the series now, but are giving the writer a way to pick up at the end of the manga erasing the manga ending and continuing?

Jr Tengo Sed: As someone who did not read the manga I’m loving the anime, but I could see how this is hard to watch for manga readers

静華雪: what if the ending is the same tho? As seen at the opening part

Terrence Hughes: Do a Goldie pawn arc

50 Quarters: Wait what you saying there was supposed to be a action arc but it wasn’t in the anime AT ALL , bruh

50 Quarters: Dang all these kids getting me hungry

TDEnderPlayz: Fuck this shit, I am not optimistic in any way, they skipped goldy pond and that’s the only thing I was genuinely excited about since all is manga readers know the ending wasn’t really the greatest...

A Game: Well damn. I was wondering is this anime like what happened to Tokyo ghoul?

MyNameIs7: I'm anime only, but is it possible they will adapt the skipped arcs later? Maybe they are changing order of events? I have no idea what's going to happen but i wanna give it a chance before i call it trash like most people.

Supperあり: The only part of the manga that needed any changing was that the last few chapters where a bit rushed, nothing else should’ve been changed...

Woody: Oh man....the Game of Thrones syndrome strikes back. Pls no

ricanaruto: I miss the longer intro 😔

Woody: Archduke Lewis 'nough said

Jennifer I: Am I the only one that loves this season since we get to see Norman so early on? I haven't read the manga, but I heard that it took many many chapters for us to see Norman again, which made me sad. When I watched Season 1, I absolutely loved the trio (Norman, Emma, Ray), and when Norman had to leave, I was so devastated. Norman was the reason why I loved this show so much and with him gone, I felt like the show wasn't that interesting anymore, and I almost didn't want to watch the show anymore. Norman was always so thoughtful and caring towards Ray and mostly Emma, and that made me love the show! I thought I wasn't going to enjoy Season 2 since I thought that it was going to follow the manga and Norman wouldn't have appeared until Season 3 or 4. BUT, this season has caught me by surprise (and I'm sure everyone else), and I am so glad that it changed!! I finally get to watch my favorite trio together!!

Angelo_ 265: Can they atleast show yuugo late in the series

Jennifer I: Did anyone notice that Norman only said "Emma," and not "Ray" when he saw them? LOL that's so cute

sbbsgdgejqiadvdh: So the creators advising the anime wanted to rush the whole story?

Feli Sant: Honestly, the manga has more thrill and exciting actions and tear jerking moments. I'm really disappointed when I watched Ep. 4 and 5. :(

Yoss Ramos: what chapter to read after season 1 ep.12?

Ro Flow: where can I read or buy the entire manga?

Alex N: Please make a video covering Goldy pond

fallenshroom: To be honest I wasn't as sad or dissapointed when Yugo wasn't at the base or when the Goldy Pond arc was skipped because they could be added in later and if not, could be replaced by bigger and greater arcs and characters. What I don't like is the fact that they rushed Normans return and there was no suspense. The only way I can think to save this is for them to pull out a "It was all a dream" card and the people don't actually know Norman is alive, even though now everyone knows either way.

「 August 」: This anime is going WAY too fast

Austin Snow: I love the manga the whole manga it has its kinks but I loved every chapter all the way to the end! But I don’t hate the anime, yes I wanted the anime to be the manga animated but I think if handled correctly the anime can still be great as a alternate timeline type thing but that won’t change the fact that I still want the manga the be adapted to anime accurately

Braden Mazna: I would like if u explained that one arc in detail

Rebekah Wong: I had started reading and following the manga straight after season 1 of the anime ended, and after reading the goldy pond arc, I was really excited for season 2 to come. I got hooked into this series because of how well developed the characters and the world are, and as a person who enjoys sci-fi/mystery genre shows, I was willing to invest time into a series like TPN, which paces its content slowly, but effectively. I can't express how disappointed and frustrated I am, with how they cut out 60 chapters of material, which were crucial to the story building of the series. I admit, I almost cried as I was watching episode 5 because they f**ked up so bad with the pacing. They had ONE job.... and they didn't deliver.

Anime_OG: been wondering where pineapple went. Happy that ur back man.

De'Adrian: They skipped all the good parts too

Arcane Zero: I was honestly hoping for the Goldy Pond arc to be animated for a season 3 but, idk I just feel like dropping the anime now because it's not gonna have that spark and development that happened during Goldy Pond.

Step Bro: I like how the author said he's going anime only because the manga was rushed these current episodes basically contradict his whole statement

Zildjian Fernando: Where do i read the manga pls?

Will Roberts: Hi

Sprite Guy: Well if they did go with goldy pond that would have been the entire season 2

Teresa Schrage: At this point people are gonna make a fan anime

Kitty Kat: Ya, and this was why I dropped the anime at episode 4 and started reading the manga right from the beginning. I'm chapter 64, volume 8 in and all I can say is.... best decision I have made this year.

IzFan Art: sound like they want boost manga sell cause the story more better

Willfrye1980: Where the fuck you been

Tyrone Blacksmith: It's a shame that I had to drop the anime for these reasons. I 100% agree with you dude, I was also trying to be optimistic, even after taking out my favorite character(Yuugo) and my favorite arc(goldy pond), but after Norman came back, and the way he did, I said enough is enough and had to put my foot down. This has left a bad taste in my mouth and I might switch to manga permanently instead of watching the anime...I hope we can learn from these mistakes and prevent stuff like this from happening in the future with other manga/anime

kevin peter Limheya: hearing some thigs about the anime makes me feel cautious

Lucas sass: I honestly don’t care if it’s different. I don’t read manga so as long as I enjoy the story that they are telling, even if it’s not original, I’m gonna keep watching it

PlusUltraAlien IV: Too early but I'm excited for Zazie!

Alden Crane: I don't get why you have to watch/read one or the other like just enjoy what you want or both, doesn't effect literally anyone

Top Dawg: I already read Goldie Pond but I still want a video of it :)

Top Dawg: The Promised Neverland is being turned into Tokyo Ghoul

Stephan Smith Jr: Goldie Pond arc was amazing rip

Emily C: thank you! i was waiting to hear your opinion on this. i've only watched the anime but i have friends who read the manga. i also got confused on the latest episode, because it felt rushed and was confused on certain parts. i can't believe they skipped an important arc and that norman is back so quickly. like i know it's a short this season, but i'm sure everyone could've waited for another season if they actually stuck to the manga material. 1st season was so great and i'm sad to season this season flop.

Julia van leeuwaarden: if it is really gonna change that mutch i am happy i am planning to read the manga's because this is my fav anime and i wanna know the really story.

Jiaxi hao: what if they saved it for season 3....

Madison Waycaster: I'm so damn glad I picked up the manga after finishing season one. What's being done to this story is sickening. I'm actually offended on a personal level by the mistreatment of this amazing story.

KDA Online: The promised neverland Farm A

Daron Scott: Your advice to read the manga because the anime is weird. The anime is an adaptation supervised by the writer, it doesn't need to be verbatim and often changes mangaka wished they'd make, end up in shows like this. It's okay to enjoy both.

Noor Fatima: As a manga reader the anime season 2 is such a big disappointment. All the good animation, good ost and background music are wasted because the anime’s plot is severely lacking and their is no character development and plot buildup whatsoever. I loved the manga so much but they took out everything that made the manga amazing. The anime is just a distorted shadow of the manga now. The author personally working on this and the anime still becoming like this is even more shocking. This had so much potential. I personally feel like the anime doesn’t do justice to the manga because of the anime’s plot and pacing. Heck it’s not even anime original. It’s just cutting and pasting.

dong32117: Wait am I missing something? If the demons NEED to eat people to sustain them, then what's up with the 2 demons that saved them? They haven't eaten people and seem just fine. Or are people like heroin? Once you try it ur hooked.

BioShell XL: Thx u Vocal I’m bout to just read the manga I was so disappointed finding this out.

TogaisTHATyandere: tbh I'm so dissapointed as i was so happy for the Goldy pond arc to come- :(

Matt Troiano: Pineapple I swore months ago that I would subscribe to you once your new intro is ready. We’ve seemed to have reached an impasse.

Adam Whaley: God so glad I gave up on the anime and just finished the manga. Hot garbage.

xx silvermoonlight xx: I’m really thinking about starting the manga after seeing all my mutuals on Twitter complaining about the anime (I haven’t started s2 so I’m not sure what’s going on)

Artemis: Since the author of TPN authorized the changes i'm gonna save my judgment for last. Tbh there are some parts of the manga becomes weak at some point and I hope these changes fixes that. I just hope that the Goldy pond arc was just move since it's my favorite arc of the story

Zakiyyah BG: Yesss let them know what they are missinggggggg!!!! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💗

Maybe it's moonlight.: As someone who both read the manga and bought it, all of this was disappointing. I was hyped for godly pound and norman and Emma Reunion. I get that the author wanted told fix the story but Danggggg

SenvySimba: I still have hope tho it may go In a completely different direction, I can only hope

Daw: Promised Neverland √A

Electrininja's Lab: Wow you handled that better than I was going to in my video

Sonic Naruto: Hi

Vocal Pineapple Academia: Working on an MHA review!

Logan leal: They are sprinting through the entire series

ya like jazz ?: I’m not watching it anymore. It’s too frustrating.

unicorn whales with whales: awww man the goldy pond arc was my favorite arc in the manga i really hope they go somewhere good with what they changed

Jabari: I’m glad I don’t read manga cause as an anime only this arc has been fucking amazing so far

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