*NEW* SBMM (Skill Based Matchmaking) Gift or Curse, Season 5 Apex Legends!!!!

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PWN hub: #FLOOPTROOP How do you feel about Skill Based Match Making (SBMM) ?? 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐋 ➦https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVDnSxHBNnCEkbSZEtlxXg?sub_confirmation=1 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊 ➦https://gleam.io/JQV8C/flooptroop-season-5-apex-coin-giveaway 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 ➦ https://Twitch.tv/iPWNHUB 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 ➦ https://discord.gg/fYHdBbQ

w0uuFF: If you want to put only ranked mod in your game then don't cry of people creating lot of smurf ...

Steve Boyce: Thank GOD FOR SBMM!! New players get smashed otherwise... sorry this screws up high level player “challenges” of getting massive skills streaks... really feel for you....

Picky Pick: I enjoy ranked and see this problem exactly what you have said. You play plat get diamond lobbies which is cool can handle that. Get to diamond playing against masters and preds 😅 you need to understand this gives myself no joy ranked whatsoever

Kib: Dude the fucking intro.

Møtley Ćrüe: you know my last win on this game was season 3 never really played 4 cuz how hard it got im trying to get back in season 5

THY TGA: I feel like it’s worse every season. Can barely get kills anymore


Christian Hermes: Solo queue players have nearly no chance because of it. And for what purpose is ranked then if the lobbies feel the same?

Christian Hermes: Everyone is smurfing becaus of SBMM. I hate it because i dont get how it works. How can my teammate be lvl 50 while nearly every other team is max lvl? (Im lvl 350)

JDB 1113: I'm a new player, and I absolutely DESPISE the MM in Apex. Why? Here we go -> But first a bit of background on me as a player based on my PUBG & Warzone progress: a) Aim - Average, slightly above, I have 94% accuracy in KovaaKs flick training room, tracking is my weakest point, but it's far from being bad or poor. b) Mindset - Thinking about positioning and doing my best to have the upper hand via high ground and situational awareness (to avoid 3rd parties) c) Movement - Newb in Apex, I played quite a bit of Warframe so muscle memory is there, still to figure out most of the stuff in Apex d) Recoil control - 1000 hours in PUBG, so Apex recoil is about what I'm already used to e) All around - average to slightly above average casual gamer who plays 2-4hrs 5 days a week with over 5k hours in FPS Multiplayer games Now on to why I say that I DESPISE Apex MM + some other stuff: 1) The tutorial is shit. I know how to move and shoot weapons, it literally says nothing else, and that gun range is so bad I can't even begin to describe it. They should copy PUBG firing range, where you can actually practice with random players and get shot at (without getting killed) and practice your aim on a live target as well as your movement My Apex stats: a) Leveling from 0 - 10 stats: 0.8 K/D, about 40-50 games, 1 won (I was carried) b) Leveling from 10-30 stats: same + 5 more wins and a lot more games c) Leveling from 30-44 stats: same; 300 deaths & 286 kills, 7 wins total; For comparison, my avg stats for PUBG & warzone: K/D: 3-5 Wins (PUBG) - 28% Total games: 15k 2) Players which I face are usually of a much higher skill vs. me; I don't enjoy it at all, if I move - I'm dead, if I don't move - I'm dead; I'm bad - and they're better, however I can't learn anything by getting my ass handed to me by 100x more skilled players in pubs who win the gunfight from inferior positions or simply better aim and nothing else; 3) Teammates are too passive; Most of the time I'm matched with a team of bots. They drop and loot for the first 3 rounds until they decide it's time to go and get mowed by the first team we run into; 4) Meanwhile, every other team is 80% of the time organized or pushes together focusing all firepower on one player at a time; I rarely see someone make a mistake like rushing when they shouldn't etc.. which I see a lot from my teammates 5) My games are either 7-9 kills and Top 3 or a win (rarely), or 0 - 1 kills; There's no average. PUBG is hard. But compared to Apex - it's the easiest shit out there; 6) Ranked is much, much better. I have a much higher survival rate (Silver I atm), teams are not as brainless and I do feel like skill is matched 90% of the time; When I lose, I can easily spot where I made a mistake, since unlike pubs, I don't get sniped from across the map or mowed down in <2 secs by a guy spending his lifetime in Apex; I'm a stubborn mofo, and I like Apex overall, so I will tough it out and keep playing and improving, but 4 of my buds who came to Apex from PUBG with me already deleted the game and blocked the Origin site lol, even with all of their skill in PUBG, thousands of BR hours and above average skills, they literally called Apex "Playground for the skilled to boost their ego with newbs who are matched like cannon fodder to preds and masters" I don't see a lot of people investing over 20hrs in this game before they delete it. I know I almost did like 20x; If the MM was just a tad bit more forgiving, it would be a beautiful experience that I would enjoy very much. For now I'm getting my ass handed to me until I improve and invest enough hours so I could clear lobbies of newbs who just had a shit RNG in matchmaking; Is the MM fair? No, it's fucking disgusting, this is the worst thing I've ever seen, but since this is EA, I guess I should've expected a huge fuckup instead of an enjoyable experience; Will fighting better players help you improve? I seriously don't believe so. Throw in a nerdy geek who never threw a punch into a ring with Tyson - he can't learn shit because the opponent is at such a higher skill level that everything you do is essentially a mistake. I believe there should be caps in terms of levels and other set of bendable rules (when less people are playing) so that any player at any given time has someone 1-2 tiers + or - in matchmaking. Never higher or lower. PUBG and Warzone nailed it much better, and even when I get mowed down in those games, I can still say that I did _______________ wrong; Learning curve is huge, even for people with thousands of hours in other FPS multiplayers, I can imagine how shitty it is for complete gaming FPS newbs to come in. Imma stick with it just because I'm as stubborn mofo who doesn't whine and bitch every time he gets killed, however I will complain about the complete lack of MM logic in Apex, be it SBMM or otherwise. It is shit.

PoPaTo Chisps: I only have 100+ lifetime kills,lvl 28 and I get matched up against players with 1k-5k+ kills on a single legend,a time i got matched up against lvl 500,this is pubs which i think is ridiculous

Sam Panchot: IMO the problem isn't as much in casual lobbies, but it's in ranked. I would say that I am pretty good. Currently, I am in Gold, but am going against Plats and Diamonds. Kinda sounds like BS to me, like what is the point of ranked tiers if the game doesn't follow them???

The RedneXican: SBMM kills games!!

Fifa Fifa: Sbmm is the bigges curse ever seen in video games

slumpeddashh: I won’t say I’m good at the game, I’m pretty decent I’m lvl 400 & I always ALWAYS get paired up with levels 20-78, noobs basically, while the champions are apex preds, & from their I’m pretty f*cked because, it’s a shit squad.

Hi Koie: why not put players with the same level in the same lobby. like level 100 players to level 199, and level 200 to level 299.

TheAnc316ientone: Another fucking thing I hate, is that im pred, and if I want to go I to a regular pub lobby without a team, I get stuck with the two fucking bots in the whole lobby....I hate system based matching making. It should be totally random.

TheAnc316ientone: Apex is literally a stupid fucking hot drop now where everyone lands in one fucking place to get a 20 bomb, and literally half the lobby is killed off before anyone can get any type of weapon

TheAnc316ientone: I fucking hate dropping into a pubs match with four other pred squads every fucking game

Zach: Getting rid of sbmm in pubs could be as simple as making it harder to rank up in ranked but go back to non-split seasons so you can still attain the rank of your skill level if you are in favor of playing people of only your skill level. Right now ranked is essentially about game time rather than actual skill, when it could be the sbmm that people want if they aren't as good and want to have a chance, or are the professionals who need good practice to be at their best.

Bob Skadoodle: There's just no way I can earn the 20 kill badge 4k badge in lobbies full of 20 kill badge 4k badge enemies. I got better to earn those badges but the goal post just keeps moving further as I get better.

Chris Jones: Skill based matchmaking is a good thing if done right. Apex has had skill based M/M since release and its not great. I'm 1.5 K/D player and I only play Predators its not fun I have to play on Smurf accounts to have fun and drop 20 bombs

RedNebula: Let’s analyze this: Assuming that the player base is 80% Lower Tier, 19% Upper Tier, 1% Predator, wouldn’t that mean that the overwhelming majority of the matches would be lower tier players? Let’s create a scenario here. The game creates ten matches with the player base percentages stated above. The matches go as follows Match 1: All lower tier players, since they make up the majority of the player base. They are only fighting against each other, so they have fun. M2: All lower tier players. M3: All lower tier players. M4: All lower tier players. M5: All lower tier players with one upper tier player who does good and has fun because they are facing players worse than them. M6: All lower tier players with one upper tier player. M7: All lower tier players with one upper tier player. M8: All lower tier players with two upper tier players. M9: All lower tier players. M10: All lower tier players with one or two upper tier players and a predator. The predator has fun because they roll through the game. They only face real competition when they face the upper tier player. But regardless they have fun. Everybody has fun. If you’re a lower tier player queuing, you still get punished for being bad as there is a 50/50 chance you will have a fair match. However, you still get good, fair matches most of the time because people just like you make up the majority. If you’re an upper tier player, every game you play you will do decent in and get rewarded for being good, but face competition when going up against the predator in about 1/10 matches. If you’re a predator, you will do great in every game but occasionally face challenges from the upper skill players. It’s a win-win-win for everyone. Not to mention this would fix smurfing, queue times, solo queuing, and make it easier for people to play with friends even if they are at different skill levels, as they will always get the same matches regardless. Finally, luck may actually make it so that the predator dies occasionally and the bad players win against them, or the good players get to 3rd place and due to three lower skill players pouncing them. Luck and randomness will balance everything out for everyone, while keeping the spirit and feeling of a battle royale alive. Keeping the game fun while punishing the bad players somewhat and rewarding the good players somewhat. it gives incentive to improve. We don’t want two ranked modes.

Sermed Marcel Jaber: pubs are currently unplayable for me. i just 1v1 people in firing range or play ranked with friends.

Polo Rican: *SBMM should be random players no premade squads, and players should be matched by k/d*

Chcuf Cicufufu: Curse

Mark Loeffler: SBMM is shit. Every lobby I’m in is filled with predators and people with 8million+ damage and 10,000 kills. I’m a level 60 with a .6 KD, all that it does is make me hate this game

Oily Dogshit: I don't think sbmm itself is bad but the way it's implemented is straight retarded. putting a solo or even a good player playing with nooby friends against full pred squads makes no fucking sense. It would be immediately clear how different games would feel if everyone who solo queued were in same lobby. those tryhards would be less annoying without their buddies to immediately push you when you're weak 😣

sugarfree1985: The sbmm this season is rough, like it's definitely way worse than last season to the point that I don't want to play anymore. I literally get on to complete my daily's and get off, I have no desire to play anymore because I just get clapped every game

Son Goku: The way you stretch this out to 10mins is painfully annoying

Pingu 4life: The sbmm in apex is shit I’m only level 85 and I have to go with people who are over level 200

StoopTV: I'm new to apex.. So far my lobbys have been ok, but i had no idea people will not revive you because they think you're bad.. This is why solos sshould be a thing. If you're a person who is for not reviving, you are a cancer seriously

Chanel #1: Sbmm should be a thing for new players not old players tf that's it

SirOliveOil: I feel like sbmm is nice to have in light dose age to help players getting squashed or players dominating to overall have a more fair and more competitive and fun

CJay: Dope video!

karissa Flores: My biggest problem with Apex is I started playing in season 3 and I was going up pretty well in the ranked part of the game. But then every time they drop a new season they demote me 2 levels so even if I make it to gold and I got to start playing with some competent players, a new season drops and bam I'm right back to being in the bronze level which is very hard to level up from considering most of the people I get partnered with are idiots and they land in the hottest Drop Zone so I just died over and over and over and over unless I just completely bail on my team.

zllTU MUERTEllz: I’m level 40 matched up with all rank 200-300 I disagree with the Sbmm so toxic just a bunch of sweaty tryhards with loud headsets I’m not a bad player but it’s so stupid at the same time having this Sbmm

Cleyman: To all those people saying "Why you wouldn't just go ranked if you want sbmm?": I see you're point, and to a degree agree with it however I feel like you're missing a point. Sbmm is basically there to "protect" casuals who only want to play for fun and try out some stuff maybe troll a little etc. and not tryhard (so they would go into casual mode instead of ranked), if you then wouldn't have sbmm they'd just get trashed by some preds who are also fooling a bit around but obviously would destroy casuals or low rank players regardless. Having no sbmm would only be fun for high rank players who for some reason find it "unfair" to have to play against equally skilled players. And since you guys asked "why not just go ranked for sbmm?" you could switch the question and ask "why would high rank players not be able to play casually against equally skilled players who also play casually? No one forces you to tryhard there, you could still fool around." To me it feels like those who don't want sbmm feel like casual should be a mode for them to be able to shit on some noobs while not even putting much effort into it, but the problem with that is that this would ruin the game for people with little skill or who don't play to often and only want to play purely for fun. So ranked is not an option since it's too sweaty and you need to tryhard and casual would be unplayable because you'd get wiped within seconds each match, making the game as a whole nearly unplayable and inaccessable for many.

LJ Ruth: As a masters on Xbox I HATE skill based matchmaking. I always am playing ranked even in pubs. It sucks I like to have a fun time pubstomping and trying to get 20 bombs. But now with sbmm playing pubs is miserable. Since they put in sbmm in season 2 or 3 I hardly get 20 bombs or 4ks anymore. I’m always queuing with more masters and preds. I’m all for having a protected bracket for disabled gamers or new to controller players but still why do I have to be forced to play ranked all the time. It’s makes me really want to quit the game and play something without skill based matchmaking.

Benzo Faatiliga: Lol I’m new here great video but I subbed before you finished the intro 😂😂

Didrx: The only people worried about any kind of sbmm are the people that don't do well consistently, they have to get lucky with the bot lobbies to do well

Jonathan Kailiuli: I rarely play with friends and been solo play for most of my games. I dont mind going against higher tier squads, the challenge is good and makes for high action games but my gripe is I normally end up with 2 donkeys who play like 5 year olds who've been fed candy and red bull all day and just been let out for recess..they're all over the place. Loot to long, separate across the map to loot but duck in corners when you're in a fight, don't push or spend the whole time trying to punch each other off the map. 98% of the time they're toxic, only a level 33 with 1 kill and hot drop your squad where half the lobby drops only to be the first one on their knees begging to be picked up and guess what? After they die they're repeating the same process again!! Fuckin' insanity man. I just want to squad up with people at or around the same level that I am. I know they've put in the same amount of time, have knowledge of the game and know the objective. I don't need to be carried and don't want to carry anyone..I just want same level players😵🤦🏽‍♂️

riley caffrey: The problem with SBMM is it does NOTHING to stop top level players from Smurfing. If anything it only makes it worse.

Onlyy Mirage: I detest SBMM with all my heart. It has destroyed my favorite game all I play now is call of duty warzone, bought their battle pass and a skin, not a dime will be spent on apex anymore

ZENZY_ TEMPEST: Sbmm needs to be removed how are the new players supposed to get good if there fighting with people around there skill at like lvl 10 there going to get better quicker if the fight better players and learn from those mistakes and get better

Cooler: The work around to not constantly play against skilled players is to purposely do bad in a match. Get a few kills or so, but lose the match.

Corey Scolaro: The regular lobbies are painful atm. Ruins the game, if you get in an early fight get ready for 6 teams to rush in

Akuma Gaming: We dont need a ranked system for a public mode. If bad players tired of public they can play and enjoy ranked on their own skill. Every decent player try to enjoy the game and having fun in public and wont sweat in public like ranked. Its very frustrating to play solo or with friends they didnt grind as much as you. Good players that plays a lot should be rewarded and dont get punished for that reason for being decent or better. Sorry for my bad english i try to learn to be better with it.

I am the Avalanche: I would enjoy playing with team mates with equal skill/time put in the game

Nxf11: Me: *gets shredded in first minute for 10 matches in a row* Game: "SEND OUT THE PREDATORS"

smithy94_: My last 5 or 6 games have been fucking awful on ranked because of shitty noobs or quit earlys

Rad: While I know some matches can be unfair I belive that the random matchmaking keeps the game fresh. I think Apex should have a set number of guarantees and keep everything else random. I believe ranked is a fine experince for skill based matchmaking or the closest thing to it.

Roy Zuniga: Bro did u have a different channel before this u sound like a og YouTuber 💯

General_zx0: that point i never got if everyone is getting bots so who's the bots then

Alex broomfield: I think its completely fine to troll randoms like that, maybe if they start losing there player base for it the WOULD ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE FUCKING COMMUNITY

Bruh Sound Effect: Sbmm is dog right now idk I’m level 49 and champ squad is like lvl 279

Jern Nava: Bs I'm still getting shity ppl

DF4UL1: On one hand I'm for it and on the other hand I'm not. Yes, I want to be matched with people that are equal to me and not get shitstomped into the ground by some Shroud wannabe who's on his third cup of gfuel. But I understand that isn't fair for higher skilled players to have to be put in sweatfest matches constantly with long queue times.

Noble Gaming: Stopping by to show some support nice vid 🙏

Mangled Mind: What are you guys talking about? Im a bot. 8k kills and a .77 kd lifetime. I get stuck with guys that have 20k to 40k kills in most lobbies since the end of s3. Thats sbmm? There is no sbmm anymore. Just cuz theres another pred other than you in the lobby that doesnt mean the whole lobby is preds. Maybe you should talk to your friends that are of lower skill and ask about their lobbies. Glad it's all about only you having fun while you smash guys that have no chance against you. I'm sweating my ass off every game. Big fun!!

King Nibba: Honestly i done playing and fighting with a bunch lvl 200 to 500 players

Iyobosa Joshua Owie Josh: I hate it

Maddox davin: can someone give me 20dollar giftcard so i can change my name, my ig is mdxcrz

gummyme •: bru why didnt he just pick up that first triple take in the begging but picks it up later on anyways. Might as well take any weapon you find in the beginning lol

Sam Tab E: Sbmm shouldn't be removed but it surely needs some adjustment. I feel as if it's not doing what is suppose to do because there's always those full pred squads with double or triple my kills and 20 bomb/4k damage which I don't have either of them. I don't know how sbmm is supposed to divide the player base like which factors are involved but it surely needs to be reworked because it's definitely not working.

Savage T: Thanks for addressing this issue still. There is still a lot of room for improvement in SBMM for this game. The glaring issues hit hardest at the end of the season and affect the most dedicated players.

Ian Pleasant: No skill based matchmaking. Ranked should be based on your rank purely. And pubs should be a mix of good and bad players so new people can improve instead of being stuck at a low skill.

Ian Pleasant: As an apex predator I don’t like it. Can’t play pubs without sweating for the win.

Nolen Fox: It great

Essence: I just started playing Apex on ps4 and I be going against lvl 500 and predators like how I’m suppose to win

jisification: I just got back into apex after not playing for a year and have maybe 40 kills on wraith (my "main") and am getting into predator lobbies. I'm literally level 17 and i'm pretty sure the game thinks i'm a smurf. It's IMPOSSIBLE to win.

Donovan Cano: Hey guys if you want to play casually, play the game casually. Skill based matchmaking is literally there for that reason. Low level/casual players get matched together. If you’re level 300+, an apex predator, or you get 10+ kills a games then obviously you’re not playing casually and you’re only bitching about SBMM because you’re getting into lobbies with people of your skill level. A lot of you are just mad that you’re getting into lobbies with people who don’t allow you to drop high kill games because they are sweat bags just like you. Quit bitching about SBMM, it’s not a bad thing.

NightstalkerDG: There's rank tho pubs is for casual just chilling I don't wanna try or sweat every game tbh

Cream Sicle: No today is session 5

epic chiwawa 1000: people mostly just do normal then go on sbmm killing everyone and winning

A People: You can’t res teammates if they won’t let you. P.S Stop leaving when you get knocked or thirsted!

Idfsg: They're going about matching players the complete wrong way. They should have a score/point system in pubs that works slightly different than actual ranked. You can't see your score but it's on your records in the game. It deteriorates over time if you don't play, and you are matched with people that have a similar score. When playing with friends you are matched with other groups that have the same average score so you can actually play with bad friends

Antonio Beltran: The only people who have a problem with sbmm are those who are already good and don’t want to work for the kills , wtf do you expect when you’re a predator ? Get stuck with bots to get easy w’s? Y’all are a joke , play with people in your skill level or don’t play at all

Thunder Gamer955: I think SBMM is currently broken. Every time I play a game I team up with new players or players under level 60. And the champion is always someone level 300+ with a noob. Somethings going on right now

feachi: I am level 65 and have 17 wins in season 4 and i get matched up with level 500s with 20 kills badgets and 10k+ kills

Apex—: Sbmm should stay the same.

Rafi: I don't get it. If SBMM truly working as intended, why do I feel like I am always playing with bots instead of people that have similar skill as me? I feel like SBMM has loosen up a lot ever since a lot of people complain about it, and honestly it kinda got worse because now I have to carry even harder than before :(

Conner: I have never seen or heard if this guy, so I kinda panicked when I saw his intro

Isac Daniel Cosarca: i have almost 10k kills but wvery game i play i go agains atleast 5 6 3 stacks do 10 20k + players ... and i have a top 1k kills teammate. lets be real about this topic

JusCallMeDeaniss _: I’m literally almost rank 200 with about 2,000 lifetime kills, I really hate getting paired with champions to have nearly 10x my entire kill count

Ethan Blair: If sbmm was limited or removed feel like ranked would feel more rewarding for most players

Latin Letters: Setting kill records ruining the game for new players making them not want to play ya know all that good stuff

fredior 97: I mean why need rank when u have sbmm. My point is if I wanna play against someone equally good as me I go in ranked. But in pubs I wanna play relaxed and don't sweat my ass wound. If I get utterly destroyed by a Predator squad in one game but the next game is I get like 9 10 kills and win next game is another Predator game fine. I lose this match then. But I don't wanna play against a full Diamond / masters Lobby every single fucking time where every one can literally one clip you if u make one mistake.

Logan Edwards: I just wish a game actually had enough players for sbmm to work

Richenel Panchoe: And yet every game I play is filled with predator or master players.. Platinum rank but every game has predators in it.

Mario Colacino: I’m cracking up video game Terrorism.

Blnkz: Hi PWN HUB I did all the entries to try and get apex coins bc I was going to get some apex coins but now we have to stay in (hope you are doing well )

Senpai3027: Is there really sbmm in pubs? Coz if there is, I REALLY don't want it to go I play the game quite often, I'm level 186 with about 3000 kills total, yet in pubs in being paired up with preds, Plats and diamonds with over 10 000 kills on their one character, frequently I'm slowly starting to dislike Apex Legends, it's bad enough that because I live in South Africa, I have high ping (200ms+) but I can live with that, but it makes it worse that I'm paired up with people who have much better ping than I do, and are a lot more skilled at the game than I am, when I just wanna play and have fun with my friends who also, live in South Africa Respawn is a great company, I mean Titanfall2 is what got me into online gaming, but please, it would really be amazing if they could make public matchmaking pair people up with those on their skill level

Adrian Dziemdziela: Loba propalby change the fights for other level, she can teleport, steal loot, I can imagine that when you see the golden armor and it disappears xD

Laura Reis: Never heard this guy speaking so fast lmaoooo

Az31 Ben: Kill record vs noobs i guess is not a record lol

superspecky4eyes: Seems to me it's just a bunch of high level players complaining because they can't noob stomp as easily anymore.

Tacoss 10: I keep forgetting about your intro , man it's like a death wish

Sozenblogin: I'm joining games with predators, while I'm stuck at gold.

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