MASSIVE SORC CHANGES LIVE! Buff or Nerf? Season 5 Diablo 4

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@Rob2628: SEASON 5 LIVE STREAM! Twitch: YouTube: The community is divided a bit, is this a Buff or Nerf for the Sorcerer? I am very curious, what do you think? Let me know in the comments! Bluepost: Blog:

@omgkeiren: Same three classes that dominate ( sorc , barb, rogue) via bug and being op druid and necro still need huge changes.

@simonevalia1505: Stop bitching nerds, if it was a shadow patch none of you would had felt any difference at all.

@Maxcom19: Conjurations can make servers slow or have issues??? omfg. Are we playing on what?

@joshyjorge07: Was about to comeback but Imma skip this season still big L why they nerfing mid season they said they will not do that anymore.

@ps6015: german barbarian player XD kekekekek

@arekcccp: Best build in game after ww bleed barb

@Oh_its_Mike: You know whats fun and won't ever get nerfed? Immortilizes hydra build. Take that society!!

@gianniplay2442: not sure about a single thing... is rob launching frozen orbs? that button seems untouched

@carlfowler1160: i remember rod fergusson saying "leave it and let them have fun" - Blizzard couldn't lie straight in bed!

@pasachaisongsomboon8919: Please develop the fray barb

@trikztar: Can someone explain the 'W + skill toggle behaviour' thing to me? Not really sure what Rob means.

@coreyhill7830: still lags like crazy, didnt do anything.

@gametenor: Deleting my sorc

@CallumGreen-zr1pn: I have a 4 ga Esu's Heirloom for sale 75 pound

@derkommtsehrgefahrlich9538: ye blizzard better nerf shit than fixing their bugs insane

@stiles5621: I think they couldnt fix the Frozen orb lag issues they dont wanned to nerf/buff it they wanned to fix the laggs, but thats good in my opinion that they dont nerf it to the ground they rather buff something else in the build and fix the lag issue with that

@RH-jj7ck: lol, just made switch yesterday. will check today evening how it goes

@GabberKabber81: dont you know the diablo num lock trick ?? just assign one of your skill keys to a num lock key, activate two, then press the assigned numlock key and turn off numlock at the same time, then the skill should run by itself

@truepelican: I like when the developers kindly nerf ( change the winter glass amulet) because was making some instability due to many animation I guess, meanwhile fire ball covers all my screen and my neighbours to but that is ok.

@TotSki-k8s: They should have deleted fractured winterglass instead lmao

@Mephonis: What determines how many conjuration stacks you can get? I rarely get over 30

@phuoctruong9054: Does anyone missing 3 points in paragon board?

@jameshunter6289: Bro rambles on to much

@braddlesticks: "!DPS Build is in the description." Where?? lol

@bobbyb1852: I'm trying losing storm swell - and adding starless skies. seems ... betterer

@Nudels99: Is 1h now better than 2h?

@Metallicahardrocker: Yeah... season over 4 me. Sad blizzard, i had fun!

@tehjoch: Using fof (290) and raiment makes my dps vs boss worse so idk how yours is improving. I get more stagger but like 50% less dps

@db3413: That's why I was lagging, freak fractured winter glass

@Juggs_WoW: I’m confused, should we be using a tyreals and all the other uniques or the pit setup?

@xx412xxbluntz8: I followed his exact dps build and it sucks for bosses

@boomboss81: You will notice this to be a nerf when you don't have enough CDR to spam spears more often.

@itsAvP_: long story short blizzard dont want us to enjoy stuff!! atleast The first decendent do acknowlege us about stuff and let us enjoy

@ScaredDonut: I knew my build felt different. Sucks that they hard to nerf the amulet

@insanepolarbear: When the season is over youre going to see even more changes to the build.

@tylerkraft2390: why 1k over armor cap?

@SirDomselot: Bouncy ball is more fun anyway

@marselss: fucking sick, barba useless with compare to sorc. Soo they buff sorc moooooaar

@Krautkopf8: Cool, now buff the barb back to being able to do damage again with more than one build

@maledicofortnite7867: guys but besides the cooldown lightining spear, what is it that makes the seconds pass faster? I notice that when there are 5 seconds then they quickly scale to 2 seconds...

@madladconrad: Because of the splintering nerf I just simply slapped doombringer on with a focus, still bringing a lot of damage and I’m tanking T7-8 hits. No longer squishy

@_HungryGaming: Why is he running around picking up aether, just equip your pet and it does that for you.

@heyyoo8435: its a buff

@Lordo1010: I had been doing horde right when the hotfix hit. And from one wave to another, the dmg to big elites suddenly raised and the bosses at the end died quicker than before. At first i didn't know what was going on, but a bit later i read about the hotfix. So defenetly yes, I think it was a dps buff.

@Tovek: Nerf overall. It's so noticeable. Sure it feels a little punchier but overall it is slower and less chain. I have not ONCE noticed any lag issues. Tons of world bosses, countless Maidens and no issues with server. This is such BS to me. Mekunas numbers are NOT small. It is obvious. Don't try to justify the devs BS.

@mvang1: Looking for help with my keyboard/mouse controls. I cannot get the hold+move to work for LSpear, or any skill really. If I hold both skill+move it won't cast unless I release one or the other. If I stand still and just hold the skill it will repeat. Skill is on 1 and move is set to spacebar and left-click. Also tried checking the combine move+skill+interact option and using Force Move, same experience. Tried using autocast with numpad, was able to enable autocast, but it only cast if I stop moving. Toggle Skill Behavior is set to Hold All.

@YM-ex8hh: sorcs enjoy - knowing blizz it wont stay stronk for long

@frankabele5268: Whats happens this for the players which play frocenorb build ?

@WintersGao: So this is where all my lag came from, ok, acceptable

@janih777: Thanks Rob for good content. Your videos and build guides are great tool to get better in game. GG

@omnilothar: The Accessibility setting, whats the other options do, toggle on off? I am looking for auto-cast without holding the input key if possible.

@Riffraffgames: based on previous mother's blessing events there is no reason to expect the infernal horde's gold chest to get the +50% buff

@jtillman8251: Here I am struggling while trying to run my own jank lightning spear build without winterglass, while having no idea that lightning spear with winterglass is the build of the season lol. Every other sorc I see is running incinerate.

@robbiehall5139: Y not just buff the lower classes this season. Balance…..

@vasili_pupkin_1: Didn't feel any difference. Already got 100 lvl and still don't have f*****g Winterglass!!!!

@kclsevsw: I got nervous for a second. Just reached 100 with my sorcerer and was gonna start transitioning into this build

@SpenserLi: It’s obviously a buff cos otherwise how can we explain Barb is not nerfed more

@WooootSD: They nerfed Infernal horde hellborn and aether outcome + boss mythic droprates.

@AnthonyXiong: Was playing sorc mostly all day min maxing my build and I didn’t notice any changes lol. But it’s only my 2nd day as lightning spear sorc

@XRaidenXxX: This game is a fucking joke at this point. Its like some little boy is running shit and he finds it funny to let people spend hours on a build just to nerf it and laugh. Who the fuck is this even for? So i lost my barb this season, switch to stupid mage and now right when i get my shit together they nerf it too? Yep thank CHRIST i didn't preorder the POS expansion im done playing a game programed by a twelve year old.

@OboroHikari322: 100% stronger. The nerf of frozen orb is nothing but an additive to more fluently gameplay = more damage can be done by gameplay. Because at +12 masterwork you got below 8 sec lightning spear CD and it took only 1-2 sec to recast lightning spear again which mean less frozen isnt effect the cdr of the lightning spear that much, it just lower your damage all around the map which only annoyed when you are doing high tier pit.

@ryanrickett7408: No barb buff such a shame

@michelosbelmont: server issues from an item?let me guess each time i cast frozen orb i load a frozen orb from someones inventory cmon Bli$$ard ur not even trying

@msl2356: Boo Hoo... stop complaining compared to Barbarian, it's nothing.

@KatapultGaming: I tried a horde (T6), and it felt about the same as before, maybe even slightly faster

@rodswoodworking7151: Trading is enabled btw. I already traded an Umbracrux to my buddy after this hot fix.

@Amatsuichi: HOW can they program a game which can break their servers through spells of a single class.... this is just beyond bad game design

@michaelangelu: do u spam FO ever or just hold W for all mobs also, what are the atk spd bp's

@animegeek6118: Man F$&@ this game. Right when they had everything just fine they friggin mess with stuff.

@MrBloodygrip: i dont understand. my spear cd is 11 seconds howre you spamming it like this?

@manuelmoralez2257: The nerf is way bigger than the buff

@YellowEyedPuggle: Don’t come back to barb if sorc gets nerfs. You already sold out.

@kav5477: !enter

@TheseusBadger: YachinMuryo#1571 fist or winter me, please

@xSpartanzz: Winterglass pls <3 Spartanz#1338

@hellsbolt: Zubra#11392

@ivangarcia6593: winterglass Darkwing#1400

@escanor2124: @Rob2628 Escanor#14459 Winterglass and Esu

@troyreid090689: locklocklock#1540

@Phitzgood: Tag phitzgood#1515

@gregorykwstakogloy1586: Gregory#2708

@CODGOD19: i need ga wg😭 CODGOD19#1953

@hansrainiertolentino1618: Winterglass please Madman#31661

@jamesallen4034: Hiki#11379

@Coasters10: Coast#11418 lfg man! great video and thanks for the help

@TheRicecracka84: MadMartigan#12829 pls

@BravoMUFC: Bravo#11877

@alchemistgametech4846: Alchemist86#2263 for winterglass please

@kav5477: i am desperate for my first winterglass Rob please Kav54#2673

@justin5047: Demonax#2537

@samuelbabin1677: Xplik#1967

@ronin_-it3hc: Tellixia2112#1465

@TheMajorTool1: TheMajorTool#1776 LG Winterglass and Fists

@escanor2124: Escanor#14459

@fellipeluann12: Fellipe#1665, winter glass and the ring maybe? thx

@Nikolyonz: Lyonz#1930

@markvilla6949: Savage#15481 esu and winterglass please and thank you

@ItsShowTime-si3oi: TemBerg#21838 winterglass or fist please

@BerserkVibes: @Rob2628 can I please get winterglass & esu heirloom BerserkVibes#1594

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