The Chosen Global Live Event: Season Two Premiere

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Kyerba ruffin: The John in samaria and the John who writes the gospel speaks to me a matter where we encounter Jesus, If we stick with him and trust his words and his ways, he will bring us to where he had intended us to be from the beginning. The scripture that says, before you were in your mother's womb, l knew you, and had a plan for your life,.... to prosper you and not to harm you...rings so true (ps. I have combined 2 scriptures here, just for the scholars who think they will need to correct my theology)😊

Precious Joy: 1M streams/views in a day and almost 1M subscribers! 😇🤍

Florence T. Ladion: Wow!!!

Maria Faith Joseph: Absolutely beautiful! <3

Agustina St Clair: I just can a way to watch it ?? Where is the link to go and watch this ?

vernjudi johnson: Wow! You have nailed it. I cried in some of it because it reminded me of myself.

Renaud Theis: Thank you for such a good show. Could you drop the fake Middle East accent?

Mr Selekeh: i can't help but think that the comment john made about greek syntax is a nod to his actor's greek ancestry (remember him mentioning it in one of the interviews)

MultiCreativeArtist: For my next edited trailer for my Revelations Series, I actually needed a good voice of God saying ¨let there be light¨ and surprisingly Jonothan Romie has finally said the words!! Because in my Bible Cinematic Series i'd use Jonothan Romie to voice God (like in genis, he would basically, literally be God (Well, Jesus is God anyways).

Daniel Hernández: Vamosssss! De verdad estaba desesperado por la temporada 2. Gracias a Dios por sus vidas y por el enorme proyecto que tanto nos bendice! Un abrazo desde Monterrey México!

Javier Aragall: It was incredible how well written was the script: everything is balanced, respectful, and even those parts which are not found in the Scriptures are treated with such care making them believable and purposeful. I loved how the link between John 1 and Genesis 1 was crafted: It was so carefully done that gave it enough pathos to close the episode with perfection. It was uplifting.

angela anderson: Finally. I have been waiting for what seems like a lifetime. I loved season 1.

Isabella Schneider: can you make it so we can pay it forward via paypal for those who dont have credit card?

Tammatha Rogers: Wow. I am crying. This is so well done. Thank you for this. Amazing!

Kathy Varden: I love this series - The Word of God literally jumps off the screen and the actors are so perfect and you did such a good job casting. I love all of these episodes - Please keep it up and God Bless you all for doing this!!

Sitting with Hope: Episode starts: 23:10

Telma Mendes: That's simply perfect💙

mytwosents: Love it!!!!

jg1way: Thank you for sharing and creating this Dallas. It is so touching and God's grace is working through this series to touch hearts.

V F: The gift of these series is truly a blessing beyond measure. The Salvation of Souls and Return to the King of Kings is unmeasurable. The awakening of or coming to the Lord - I cannot verbalize. I have been a believer for many years & the Lord is using this series beyond our comprehension. THE LORD BLESS YOU & FAMILY EVERYONE WORKING ON THIS SERIES & REACH THE WORLD FOR THIS GLORY & COMING.

king James: I cried like a baby. Cant wait for the next episode.


Mary jane Rose: Thank you everyone on the production team for this amazing series. Also, thank you to everyone who donated to finance this series. The world is watching and we are so grateful to each of you. God bless!

Bianca Cortez: Thank you for this show. I am moved forever. God bless you. May the whole world know Jesus and love Him and follow Him :)

Dave Colson: Love it

Yolanda Petronelli: WOW! thank you Dallas and team. My eyes and my heart want more...

Dave Coulson: AMEN!!!

Averyl B. D'sa-Saldanha: Thank you Dallas and Team Chosen for this emotional start to Season 2. So many goosebump moments in this episode. I loved the way you presented the future with the Apostles after Jesus resurrected and then went into the flash back, the beginning of the Gospel according to John. So many powerful moments, the one that immediately touched my soul was when Jesus tells John "I am a man too. I am who I am". That means everything. The Word of God is indeed transformational and impactful, if you believe.

Ivan Hrytskiv: Ukrainian Language Please !!!)))))))) Need translate !!!!

Robert D Henderson: I looked forward to the premiere

Josephine MacPherson: Thank you for clarifying about the abacus.

Life in China with Patrick Freeman: Watching from China. Inspiring, encouraging...I couldn’t say enough. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and bringing a fresh perspective.

Anita Simic: How can I play this o my MacBook Air? Any simple ideas?

82Beckiboo: So glad to see The Chosen is back. LOVE THE SERIES and share it with all my friends. Did I understand correctly that after a couple episodes you will be streaming on the app more You Tube? It looks like the app will only stream to a hand held device and not my desktop itself. Not sure how those of us without WIFI will still be able to watch. I live in the country and have satellite internet and my cell phone doesn't work at my house. I may need to wait for the DVDs to come out if you leave You Tube.

Elimei Gangmei: ❤️❤️❤️

Ivonne Lantigua: Awesome!!! Can’t wait for the other episodes. Great work.

Eugene Barr: The Chosen is absolutely outstanding!! Open your Heart to the Word! He is risen indeed!

AoC Network: So amazing! The writing, music, acting, message, set design.... God was in this.

Sabina Hernandez: What I love that y'all show Jesus as human as us laughing joking but he has authority truth wisdom understanding knowledge. People need to see that he was kinda like us, the only thing he didn't do was sin. He shows us that we can live right and not have to behave like others in this world.

L R: A very beautiful episode so well narrated. The other character of the good Samaritan story was so well brought out. This is possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit. The whole world should watch The Chosen. God bless you and protect you and your team.

Neil Taylor: Truly remarkable... smiling with tears of joy....

Lydia Inghida: I just started reading the gospel of John and read those words the night before, and the morning of I watch this, truly god is great!

Sabina Hernandez: Im from San Francisco CA and I have binged watched all the episodes of season 1 and season 2 episode 1. I love this story I can't watch Jesus' story and God's stories and his great work but most of all his great Love for us all. My soul jumps, rejoices, praises,worship instantly. Thank y'all for the program

Shanna Carlan: This was so good, we had a watch party🙌🙌🙌

Home made: In 2 days I have seen all the episodes of the first season, tonight I will see the first of the second, but since my English is school .... could I have at least the subtitles in Italian? thanks and congratulations is a very well done series!

Peter Hlavacik: You got me Jesus, again! I am a sinner, who begs for Your Merci. I heard so many in church that I have to proclaim that I am winner in You, that you already forgave me everything. But I know one, to say "I am a sinner" from deeps of my heart is what you wanna hear from me. There is nothing else what I can claim about me. After 22 years of our first meeting, here is still a same sentence, same as I used that first time. "I am a sinner, Jesus, forgive me, please." This is an everyday base from where I have to start every morning. And I know, You never ever judged me, but You call me by my name... Peter, Peter, follow me! And I am trying my best but You see, same fallings after 22 years. But one is sure, nothing can separate me from Your Love, from Your Forgiveness, from Your Joy!!! This is so crazy, You love me above my weaknesses, fallings. I can dance in Your Joy! Because Your Merci is great for everyone who knows that he is sinner and is able to admit before Your Face.

GRANT POHLSANDER: but is there going to be a season 3,4,5,6,7,8?

James Bond: when Jesus walk in the river Jordan, John saw him and said: "Behold, am eating a new bug!" 😂

Bible Films: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away..." - JESUS

Braynt john De guzman: Great is your faithfulness🙏

Mia Kiceh: Loved this episode... (and found myself wanting to binge watch Season 2). - i.e. I'm looking forward to more wholesome entertainment. Thank you for sharing online. Blessings <3

SunStoner: I notice yall don't have a Judas. Can I audition for the part?

Ann Rachel Wilson: When John suggests the passage about Creation for Scripture reading and Jesus says "it is a favourite memory"🥲

DigginRev: Loved the focus on Jesus and when he said SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND....Amen

Lauren Potts: I see 1M views

Austin Roberts: Love it

Sona Blue: It was absolutely amazing!!! Thank you so much. We are watching from Czech Republic and I already got couple Czech people watching the app and told another 4 about it, they non believers.

Vida McCurdy: OMG...that's all i can alone cannot describe how this series has touched my spirit,renewed it,gave me hope again..thank u,thank u thank u for this series

Liza Marie Rico: I want a hug ! Just like the one Jesus gave Thomas after welcoming him. After that stressful trip with a grumbling old man, it was refreshing to be hugged by Jesus. And he called out his name lovingly.

Kithy ManningFauth: ❤❤❤

Rinie Flaum: Thank you Sir for you and crew and a big thank you to a precious Lord and Saviour for blessing and guiding you to make this dream a reality for the world to see...o what awaits us for eternity...may we hear that trumpet soon xx

Richard Lethbridge: Wow what a phenomenal start to season 2 of a block busting series . I was completely captivated as I was with the whole of season 1. I really feel like I am being transported back to jesus's time on earth, the thoughts the emotions and feelings of those closest to him really give the whole Bible message a real touch of reality. I really believe this will have a profound effect on people who already believe and those that don't and are seeking God in their own lives .. INCREDIBLE!!

Powah Wave: Jesus is two greek words that mean hail zeus, zeus is also the greek version of Marduk and Osiris who was resurrected through immaculate conception and born as horus through Isis who is also known as venus, ashera, amaterasu, Alat. Osiris father is Amen Ra also known as Saturn or Cronus and Baal

Farrah & JP Joubert: I am so completely touched and moved by this... I just want to go deeper and explore the heart of God... Just so Grateful❤️❤️❤️ Jesus is Love ❤️❤️❤️

Robbie Evans: Christianity, Islam Judaism...Different sects of the same Abrahamic religion...All stem from ancient Egyptian monotheistic religion Atenism..,,Basically sun worship..light over darkness.

Priscilla Taylor: Absolutely beautiful! My heart is so full ❤❤

tim b: such and incredible series!! God bless!!

anne: Thank you so much for everything you do❤❤

Carlos Arredondo: A moment that got me thinking a lot... When the word (Jesus) was reading the word (scripture) ...

Teresa Dichiera: No matter how many times I watch each episode, I still cry tears of joy.... In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..............and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...Christ Jesus the living Word of God...when I first received this revelation, it changed my life forever...thank you Lord.

Lisette rijkelijkhuizen: EZEKIEL 13 GLOVES + MASK + LOCKED UP + GOD WILL SET US FREE in the BIBLE KJV 18 And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make KERSHIEFS upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? Ezek 13:18 (Proposed Translation old jewish) 18 SEWING patches of darkness upon all the JOINTS OF HANDS, Deep study Did the magic wrist bands made by the false women prophets in Ezekiel 13:18 actually work? - Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange Please study EZEKIEL 13 Its mentioning that We are LOCKED up like birds in a CAGE and just like the MARK OF THE BEAST 666 from the book of Revelation it mentions FALSE PROPHETS, FOOD, HAND-FACE combo and LIFE DEATH choice. Btw JESUS HAD A MASK IN THE TOMB, JONAH HAD A MASK IN THE FISH THEY BOTH STAYED 3 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS LOCKED UP IN THE DARK, REPENT PEAPLE THE TIME IS COMING, JESUS IS AT THE DOOR and sorry, dont want to yell i only wanted it make it easier to read, stay safe and brace yourself,.

Valerie Ousmane: When John was writing about him it brought tears to my eyes. Holy Spirit filled my heart of the truth of who Jesus is. There is no other like him in the heavens or on earth. We long for you Lord come Lord Jesus come quickly.

Melissa Kirk: This is the best story of Jesus (Yashua) I have ever seen. Thank you so much and I feel blessed to be able to watch it. May God continue to bless this project and those helping to make it possible for us to get to watch it. It's not just a show but an experience. ❤🙏🕊

Bob Culp: Boys and Girls, we we have seen a great Light.

Kaylan Streck: Oh my gosh, the haunted bedroom scene!! 😂😂💕

Isaac Reang: 😭😭😭it touched my heart

Elvira Kalaja: So amazing 🙏

Withel Rongavilla: Thank you so much. Such a heart felt episode, as always. I thank you Lord Jesus for giving Dallas the opportunity to be an instrument of your love and to spread the good news to touch our lives. In Our Father's glory.....

Simon McMillan: This was just so good!

neelika murugaser: Bless and thank God for all the donators and may they receive in thousand fold

neelika murugaser: superb cast too soooooo natural and awesome

okoye darlington: Listen, Dallas? You are awesome. Why? cos you are obeying Yeshua in ways I know I am also called to and it is resulting in such beautiful brilliance. You are an inspiration, sir. My faith expands watching you. God bless you mentor.

neelika murugaser: Wow Awesome this is marvelous production. So thankful for such productions...... marvelous work for children of God

Ghislaine de Cuba: So... When will the children of God be given His autority to perform miracles...?

Annette Bouvier: Loved it. I laughed and cried

Navin Kumar: Keep telling JESUS CHRIST Love

Navin Kumar: With HOLY SPIRIT only u doing this without GOD we are ntg

Navin Kumar: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 NKJV Thanks, Jesus child for your post You are the proof of Jesus I thanFor God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 NKJV I not force u to accept him becz god even not force anyone to follow him Just think without creator how the creation one god is there he created everything and us also so think about God and please him After our death no one come with us God alone judge us U are so special and beauty and precious gods child k God for u All glory to God only Keep telling Jesus love. . With holy spirit only u doing this without god we are ntg ......

Gül Tidim: Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Katrina S: Praise Jesus!!!

Veenaygee Rungadoo: Love it, beautiful words

Ghislaine de Cuba: God is great. God is intentional about spending time with each and every person.

Ephesian: This show has increased the intensity of my longing for all of us to be with him praising him for eternity.....he’s coming back so soon

Lorena Javier: Thank you 😊

The Faithful Entrepreneur: The scene I kept replaying the most here... when Jesus picked up Genesis and said "my favorite memory". That was subtle yet powerful. ❤❤❤

Rodi Yesus: I LOVE JESUS 😭♥️

Josi Lim: Thank you for a wonderful episode 1 of Season 2. Can't waitto watch the rest of episodes. God bless you more.

Dn Mikhael: Feel so blessed by watching episode 1 of season 2. Again it felt very real like Bible is happening right before me! The show continues to impact my understanding of Jesus and motivate me for all the good.. Thanks Dallas and the Chosen team. God bless you abundant.

eunice idise: eunice idise The Samaritan: If you knew who I am, you would never have helped me. Jesus: That’s not true! Jesus loves you regardless of who you are! Come as you are to Jesus, you’ll never remain as you are!

Priyadarshan Nag: The ending made me cry. The way you connected Genesis 1:1 with John 1:1 to conclude the episode to exactly the point where it began. Dallas, you are awesome! God bless you and everyone who is watching this show.

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