The Chosen Global Live Event: Season Two, Episode 6

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bible man: bunch of false teachers there

Lorenzo Mtnsheep: That'd be neat if you could release a clip to the Reface app.

Sandi Miller: What is NRB?

Kim Walsh: Please allow access to the interview at the end about addictions.

Stephen Mozier: I have watched every episode of The Chosen, right up to this most recent one. Honestly, I have yet to see anything that contradicts the Bible. The Gospel account does not go into detail about the day-to-day lives of Jesus and His disciples, so it is doing quite well in "filling in these gaps". Two themes are noted by me: first, and foremost, how God will forgive you who is genuinely repentant. God calls us, and we accept, but as St. Paul and St. John note in their respective epistles we may backslide. If we do, then we can (and must) return to Him, and He is most glad to forgive us and receive us back just as the Father was so happy to have his prodigal son back. Second, and this is quite profound to me, it goes to legit reason that the disciples would not have just gotten along immediately. They had to grow together and get used to each other, and yes there would have been conflict and personalities grinding on each other. Someone like Matthew especially would have been hard to accept knowing his past occupation. Yet over time they are bonding and will form that core group that will bring The Gospel to all nations. In summary, I am enjoying the series very much.

CYRIL PANKAJ: To be the honest, the last episode made me think "What are they doing with Mary", BT gladly so they put this up. Its true we have all fallen back , and the scene where Jesus says, "What kind of redemption is it, if it can be lost". I think that's what we need to share to all the believers. A lot to say BT I can't. Great work again By the entire team of The Chosen. Praying and standing with u all. And all excited with much more anticipation for the things you'll bring to us. God bless

Hope 777: I love the characters of Simon and Matthew so much, seeing them interact together in a more friendly and tolerant way made my day. Simons reaction as Matthew asked for Mary in the Traverne 😂😂😂There is a lot funny stuff going on between these two. I like this episode (and all the others) very much. The stories about the wheat and the healed man on sabbath was again very well illustrated. And Mary was forgiven by God ... so beautiful. I would love so much to be hugged by Jesus too ... maybe one day? God bless The Chosen 💗💗💗 One question: What about the "biological" brothers and sisters of Jesus? Does they show up one day? Mary never mention them in her conversations.

Melliestyle203: Thank you for this Amazing show it’s changed my life!!

Lesley Sales: Very good episode. It teaches the lesson that once you're redeemed you can't so easily lose it. Forgiveness is the doorway to perfection and it just needs to be asked for. I love Mary story because it is mine! Thank you.


Kathleen Mathis: Thank you for being obedient in making these presentations for Jesus sake.

Simona Martinic: Salve, sottotitoli? Please

Sharon Spencer: In the Bible Simon is my favorite Disciple but on this show Matthew has stolen my heart. I love love love the Chosen. Thank you to everyone involved in its creation❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️The World definitely needs to see The Chosen!!!!! The world needs Jesus🙏🏽✝️🙏🏽✝️🙏🏽

bobi7 tanevski: JESUS I Believe in You ❤️ JESUS I Belong to You !

bobi7 tanevski: THANK YOU JESUS ❤️ !

Robert Bonilla: This Jesus fan fiction is...pretty much getting more unbiblical by the episode. Definitely a double-edged sword.

Susan Cornell: Seeing episode 6 concerned me. NOW I'M SO BLESSED!!! Hallelujah HALLELUJAH!!! PRAISE JESUS!

D Day: How to understand jesus walking on water correctly. Matthew 16:18 peter=church   ephesians 4:14 wind=doctrine  jude 1:3 ranging waves=wicked men  jesus= the holy living word of God (christ)  boat=cannon (what men say our bible should be)  the sea=kings and kingdom's, across time ( last 2000 years )  now put that with the story. and this is the correct interpretation. The canon will be battered by doctrines and wicked men. and this will course confusion and mislead believers to accept false doctrines. and the only way to rise above is to use your spirit eyes and ears. The holy spirit in Hebrew is ruach and means great wind. The logos is basically keys to understand scripture That the father raised now. Because the son raised his body literally 3 days later. And a day is a 1000 year with the lord. And according to Paul the father raised the son. 2000 years of the church age has now finished.we are entering the 3rd day. The logos is now raised and we are now raised with him. And this is how we have the mind of christ

D Day: Spiritual Jerusalem interpreted correctly. Spiritual Jerusalem/bride of christ has the names of the twelve tribes on, and the apostles. Because they where writing in the spirit/logos/tounge. And when you can see with your spiritual eyes and hear with spiritual ears, have a spiritual mouth and speak the language You become part of the kingdom. You become christs bride you know what he knows you become equal partners. One mind one spirit. When the father raises the logos/spiritual meaning. Jesus has the power of life and death. The keys to the kingdom that the lawyers hide was the true meaning of God's scripture. You won't spiritual die. Because you have the truth and the darkness can not comprehend you. And you will never become over come by death/earthly meaning. Because you are a brick of light and you are the kingdom. And when you have the keys to the kingdom the knowledge. you can bring the dead to life. Heal the spiritual blind you can heal the lame/not walking in the spirit. You can do as jesus was doing teaching in the spirit. And you become equal partners with the 12 tribe's and the disciples also

The French Gardener: Yuned in to watch Episode 6 and got an hour of self-grandizing.

D Day: Noah flood happened and it was a foreshadow of jesus's spiritual return. And when the windows of heaven opened this is heavenly understanding of scripture coming from the father. And the fountains of deep is heavenly that is in the earthly meaning/church teachings drowned out. And only jesus's teachings remaining. And he will lead us in spirit and we will be his people and he will be our God not the church and the understanding of men

Meena Moon: 1:04:10 😭😭❤

Nafta Lia: The number dallas gave. What's the area code?

Meena Moon: I heard sda's talks about the sabbath and they are right about it. However, we must focus on how to keep our faith and believe that JESUS is Lord. ❤

Jon Forrest: What struck me about Mary's confession scene is that the entire time, Mother Mary stood by her side. Mother Mary could have took her to Jesus's tent and then stayed outside. The significance of this detail is strong because, as our adopted mother, Mary is our advocate, our sponsor, and in ways, our cheerleader. She doesn't just send us to Jesus; she also makes sure we are taken care of. As a Catholic, I am so glad to see such subtleties shown in this series (whether intentional or not) in regards to the relationship with Mary that we often take for granted. It is said that Jesus is the Head of the Church, and we are the body. If that is the case, which it is, then Mother Mary is the neck that connects the Head to the Body. It was her choice to bear Jesus as her son. That is why she is important. So thank you "The Chosen" team for giving Mother Mary such an important role and respect she deserves.

Ten Ten: Please! English captions. I am learning english with THE CHOSEN 💕 🐟

Diane Hurley: When Mary came back with Simon and Mathew one of the things that she said I have failed you and I don’t feel worthy in coming back …that’s exactly what I said to myself for 30 yrs. Jesus worked thru my sister’s sickness to bring me back to him because I had misconceptions of Jesus until that time…for the very first time I understood why I was the way I was. One small word of misunderstanding got me back on the road to him. I got back into church and started learning more and the last 11 years what I have learned all fell into place. Thank you god bless.

Marina Sandu: wouuhoo!!! special effects - healing the hand! that was sooooo real!!! I teared when with Mary and Jesus and in general - the whole episode was absolutely beautiful and meaningful! The passage from the Bible telling about David feeding his people with that bread from the Temple had a huge impact on me a few years ago when I had to take a big step in my life! And all I was saying to myself: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice!" you reminded me of that period! :) so, praise Lord! my Lord! Thank you, Chosen Family!

divine love: 𝙶𝚘𝚍 𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖

rfe8nn2: The Romans were Pagans too before they found Jesus.

James Hoffmann: I like The Chosen. The production value, acting, cinematography, score, writing are all top notch. I do wish they would stick more to scenes in the Bible and have less extra-biblical filler. This episode is a good example of that. The first half was not in the Bible and was not interesting to me. The last part of the episode in the synagogue and in the wheat field which was taken directly from Scripture, were fantastic and very engaging. I was really moved. I want to see more scenes from the Bible!

M F: I cried the whole time.... I saw myself in Mary. I let Him down so many times but He always finds a way to bring me back to Him. Love that you included Mama Mary in the scene. It was so significant that she has taken Mary to his tent and stayed there for her. Thank you The Chosen team for making this! God bless every single one of you and all the people watching!

Jacquie Gruenwald: Thank You!!!

divine love: 🤩😍𝚠𝚘𝚠𝚠

Mind your: and. .. watching it again...😃😃

Cindyrella: I was saying OOOh No, Mary left the bag of money on the gambling table, they could use it to purchase more food......

marlene rdz: No hay subtítulos en español :(

Krista Brewer: Last night's episode was really good (aside from the all those scenes with the Pharisees. What was that all about)? A few thoughts: I'm just guessing that they way you shot that first scene with Mary was because of all the negativity you were getting from the viewers? I LOVED that whole scene between Mary and Jesus We got to see a better side of Simon too (who knew lol). He actually treated Matthew like a human being and at the end of the livestream, you showed previews for episode 7. Right after Quintus says, "Jesus of Nazareth, we finally meet," the show suddenly ended. What a way to end to a show! Also, I assume the sermon on the mount will be in episode 8? which is fitting to end a season with Jesus' famous sermon And also, one of the last times we saw Nicodemus was when he talked to John in prison. Now that John IS in prison, are we going to see that scene over again? Will he back back next week?

Neethu Merin Alex: Another Beautiful episode......Really luv it...

Andrea L Moseley: Love the talk at the end. So real and vulnerable. Could hardly hold back the tears. Thank you for sharing 🤠 It really ministered to me. That took boldness. God bless you!

FSHAW: Beautiful episode. I loved when Matthew took care of Mary when she got sick. It appeared as maybe Simon's opinion of him started to change.

Cobwebs & Bristles: Just amazing how this series is bringing the Bible to life for so many people! Last night was the first time I watched it live & I was touched watching the interviews after the show. I watched it with 2 friends and we made it a "ladies night" with dinner and dessert. Next week my friend is cooking. It was a wonderful evening of fellowship! 🙏😍❤

Jennifer French: I think I will have to watch this episode again. For me, the emotional moments didn’t have as much impact as they could have because there was so much going on. Too many subplots. This episode could have been done in 2 or 3 episodes.

Rosemary Inglis: INCREDIBLE, thank you so much for bringing the authentic Jesus to us...💕

Ryan Burns: When Mary stepped in Jesus’ tent and how she felt so much shame and guilt and condemnation, all I can think about was that was me so many times. Many people condemned Dallas for creating this story of Mary backsliding and saying it’s making Jesus’ not who He is. But this was so so so beautifully put together. The script was perfect, the scene was real, and the moment was pure. The moment she walked in His tent I felt the Holy Spirit. My favorite part was when He said to her, “Look up. Look at Me. I forgive you.” That was so perfect because it’s so true and I’ve been there so many times. Dallas thank you so much for creating this scene, because it has given me a perfect picture of how Jesus always was towards me when I’ve backslid. How He never mentioned my sin not once but looked on me with the eyes of mercy and grace. Best scene yet for me personally.

good man: Please in seaSon 3, do not release in bit and piece, it kills interest. Follow the normal.

Simon the Orthodox Indian: If you are investing so much on a Jewish context then I think the series should have a Hebrew audio too. The Israelis need the gospel in their own language.

Caleb Samuel Rivera: Mattew looks pretty handsome not gonna lie

Pamela Battaglia: Such a beautiful episode. Gives all of us hope.

Amofa Emmanuel: This is just not ordinary...

Multiplexorg: I rewatch the episode and I notice some a rather cute. Peter was picking Matthews head on how he describe Mary and he was like wanting to change the subject. That was so funny. Also cannot wait to see Jesus and Quintis. That would be epic.

WizzardOfPaws: This one has so many wonderful parts. The hand of GOD is on this project. Yes praise GOD, Salvation CAN NOT BE LOST.

miks USA: I hope they get Jane Marczewski " Nightbirde... that would so encouraging also.

Sarah Lipe: Absolutely beautiful! Thank you, Dallas, for giving us The Chosen

Tine Gasta: At first, I don't really like Simon Peter especially when we tried to bully Matthew. I even like the zealot more, and called him "Simon the Better"! :D but now I TOTALLY LIKE HIM!! :)))

Meena Moon: 14:35 Ohhhh it's okay 😍💕

Jen Jeffrey: I felt like John the Baptist... I don't know how many times I raised my fist and yelled, "Yeahhh!!"

Priscilla Jimenez: Episode: 19:30-1:01:34 In case anyone wants to rewatch it.

Linn Del's: When Jesus said:" look up, i forgive you" it's really touched my heart. I can't wait for the next episode.❤

Graph Guy: All He wants is your heart. Who among us has not been Mary? A scene worthy of the call for us to be joyful for the Grace of God. For all fall short of His Glory, and yet can have redemption no matter how big our sin, if we just ask for forgiveness from our heart.

MrColinwith1L: Kind of anticlimactic arc. Mary was scared of soldiers, so she just really wanted to leave the disciples and enter a basement in Jericho so she could go and drinking and gambling for one night before repenting? It just did not seem proportionate to the level of grief and shame she expresses afterward, nor did it really make sense why she felt she had to leave in the first place. And why did Peter and Matthew need to be the ones to go get her, when they really did not do anything that called on their unique talents or on their relationship to her -- simply saying "well, you helped me start to read the Bible, so come back already." The arc's conclusion just seemed to fall flat after the build-up from the last episode, which made it seem like you were going to really get deep into Mary's personal struggles with temptation and vocation, but it was just kinda glossed over and wrapped up too easily.

matt h: Wow, just wow! Fully Sick Teaser Bro, AWESOME 🙌🦁🖤💛💧🔥✝️🍞🍷🙌

Kathleen Marie: you know, I am a Jewish believer, and i am starting to understand why Yeshua had discussions with the Pharisees and Sadducees. They were so focused on law, they completely forgot MERCY and went out on their ego and were more concerned of their status and but with them there was no faith, but just do this or that. They never realized that you cannot walk it out on your own, but needed Adonai, but yet rejected him. that is why in Torah, Abba showed them the miracles to let them know that they needed Adonai to help them walk out what they could never do and to put there trust in him to do the impossible. i understand that the law is there and its perfect , but Adonai died to set us free, and redeemed us from the curse of the law. It amazes me how you look at it from a Jewish perspective unto a saved perspective in Adonai eyes of mercy and grace.

Mello Baliwag: Seeing how peter was concern about the Roman Soldier, i thought the old Peter wouldnt care, i think he is starting to change, he is learning forgiveness

Annari: Has everyone recognized how "THE CHOSEN" IS a unifying force? We are blessed to have THIS, A SIGN OF GOD'S Mercy at this time?

Chrisia Breeden: This was AMAZING!!

Catlady: No more live stream for me. It kept freezing and took away from the episode. Will rewatch when it's available.

Bernadette Lee: Amen!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Hendrickson: You are not allowed to heal on the Sabbath, Jesus breaks ungodly rules.

Chris: Dallas reminds me of that pastor Ben Stuart, like he could be his older brother! God bless all of you and keep looking up, Jesus is about to take us home!!!

Suneth Sandamali: What an Amazing Episode! I was so happy to see Our Lady (Mary) was taking Mary Magdalene to Jesus, as we Catholics say, interceding. When she didn’t have the courage to go to Jesus, Mary went with her to meet Him. That is what She is doing even now as our Divine Mother. I hope that our loving Christian brothers and sisters will see this beautiful message in the way we saw in this Episode and ask Her to intercede during this difficult time. God bless you

Mathew Sunny: Thanks Dallas.. As a teenager in sin.. So bad.. I felt bad just looking at myself.. And Jesus did the same for me.. In the middle of my shit.. He told me.. He loves me.. He loves me no matter what... Thank you for that Mary moment.. It brought back that moment..and just telling everyone here.. Jesus Loves You.. No matter what.. You sin.. Your mistakes.. Your shit..

Ruzzel Escote: God bless All the members of the Chosen, their casts, the Director and all who support them to make this series. God bless you all! “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ Shalom to you all 😊 Greetings from Philippines 😊😊❤️

Justin Rae: Was that David? He's supposed to be Rudy. Red or Sandy Hair.

Jun Abejo: 19:25 -Episode 6 1:13:25 -Special guests Jase & Missy Robertson 1:41:48 -Special guests Liz Tabish (Mary Magdalene) and head writer Ryan Swanson to discuss the backstory of the Mary storyline 2:02:48 -A new Chosen gift item 2:03:29 -Sneak peek of Episode 7

Powerranger6342: This episode is highly Catholic from the Sacrament of Confession to the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary to even the Eucharist.

Joanette Yandle: Just one word eyes are open. Thank you Jesus for giving the writer of this program the understanding of your word and the producer the outlook of your meaning and the actors the to ablity to take the characters and bring them to life ...And what a blessing and a holy honor to be the actor who played the Lord Jesus Christ .

RedeemedthruChrist: I'm trying not to cry omgoodness when he told Mary she was forgiven...😭😭😭😭😭


Ca Caa: ❤️

Justin Rae: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Home made: It's possible to have in Italian subtitle this interview with Liz T? Thanks so much. Or may someone traduce it please?

Tim Turner: Does anyone else keep thinking that Dallas is wearing a black earring? bad shadows...

Katina J: In the sneak peak for episode 7: The look on Jesus face sitting across from Quintas to me is everything. I can’t explain it. I’ve paused that and starred at it. It’s my favorite picture. Jonathan has absolutely the perfect expression on. He is perfect for the role. He brings me to tears, he makes me laugh, I thought his best part was with the Baptizer leaving, but this right here could prove that wrong. Love it!!! Thank you Jonathon!

Lisa Tinsley: Watching Matthew & Simon convince Mary of her worthiness was truly touching. It is my opinion that Jesus knew they were the best suited for this, and THAT is why he sent THEM.

Ginjo Tomson Pala: I love You jesus...💚🧡❤️

Janice Estes: Mary didn’t even have to ask Jesus to forgive her.........He just said, I forgive you! ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

Kelly Christensen: This episode made me cry more than any other! I relate SO much to Mary, really to all of them. Having doubts or getting caught up with day to day fears. Misunderstanding God and trying to follow rules (earn my salvation) vs. what matters most. Giving Him my heart, staying close to Him to follow Him and hear His voice. Thank you SO much! I can see myself in so many of them and it is SO redeeming to see how tender Jesus is w them. I walked away from God as a teenager and did drugs and many awful things but to know He really forgives and restores us. Thank you! 🥰😭💖

Penny Milligan: Beautiful way in which you showed the forgiveness of Jesus. So many think that Jesus is ready to disown us when we fall, and not The God of grace and mercy that He is.

Powerranger6342: When I heard Abiathar’s name, my face turned white because I know what Saul did in Nob.

Ste Smith: Oh my days I love this From from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Jim Beaudoin: Dallas, I purchased the season one set to show at my home to friends from the church. I am not sure what to do with the copywrite laws and your needs in this. If I buy the workbooks for all will that satisfy your needs for this? Do I need more? Jim Beaudoin

Nathália Borges: love love love this show

McLovin: To portray Mary in this light is shameful and is going way off the course of biblical narrative. This is heretical

Powerranger6342: No one has a closer relationship to Jesus than his mother. Don’t be afraid to love Mary because you can never love her more than Jesus does.

Tim & Kathy Shelton: We are loving this series ! It is the best story of the Bible I have ever seen . Great job ! This must continue. God Bless you all 🙏❤️😀

Linda Wright: I got the number, thank you. I love Jesus and I love your portrayals of the stories we know so well. What a blessed reminder that we are as believers the chosen. I love your series and tell everyone about it. When everyone was cheering for you in that room, I was clapping and cheering here at home. I love your actors each one is perfect in their part. Jesus is perfect, Mary is perfect, Matthew is perfect, Simon is perfect, etc. Love Nicodemus! God bless you and thank you! God is love and so is your dramatic portrayals. 💖✝️🥰

Master Bass: "We can't fix anything by worrying about it" - Mother Mary

Marilyn Alba: Episode 7 can't wait

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