The Chosen Global Live Event: Season Two, Episode 2 (and 3?)

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Awesome Beard: Cinematography is much better this season . I'm so glad they greatly reduced the shaky cam. Thanks, That was the only fault I found with season 1 which otherwise was perfect.

Bey Santillan: let's make the WORD comes ALIVE!... this is MASTERPIECE!

Larry Grindstaff: The Anointing on the Music & Lyrics & "ahhh, ahhh, ahhh" ... , in all of the Episodes; it causes My Spirit to respond, past my intellect & overwhelms me. What a Blessing!

arina bohler: there are other parts of the world that is not so advanced to watch via an app on a TV. it is sad that it won't show on youtube anymore. it is seriously excellent.

The Ryan Clan: Interesting twist in the 3rd episode. It is important to delineate between Torah, and the Jews Oral laws (Talmud) . The Pharisees made their "laws' nearly impossible to keep. Yeshua pointed back to his FATHER's law/Torah. And reminded us that it was easy to do and a "light burden". To answer James question "Why do they suffer"?.... SIN... Israel Sinned seed blended with the nations and forgot the Father Creator's ways. They abandoned Torah.

Gameboy538: Simon: ''Speaking of Matthew, you know he is writing down everything You do'' Jesus: ''Of course he is'' Simon: Surprised pikachu face

Tharsis Vinicius: No Subtitles Brasil (APP). HELP!!!! 😱😪😪

Sarah Schreiner: Wow. I have so much respect for him for calling those rude people out and standing up for himself. Take control!! ☺️

Johan Fritz: Thanks for two amazing Episodes...

King Cabuag: Aww why stopping on facebook and youtube 🥺. Let's spread God's words

Aseweje Tosin: Jesus doesn't love everything about religion!❤

Kevin Woodell: I downloaded the app and I can stream episode 1 from season 2, but I'm unable to download it. Is this a glitch? Does anyone else have this issue?

sheentheexplorer: Jesus still prayed even if he’s really tired from healing. It eminded me how I should be more like Him, sometimes I forget to talk to Him before sleeping because I don’t want to miss my sleep and I feel so tired.

Manorama Bara: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Emerson Neri: Translate portuguese?

Tina Dehart: Wow episode 3 was amazing! I cried. my eyes out. How much whining and complaining do we do over things that really don’t matter in the end while Jesus does all the heavy work! We are so not worthy of his love! Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace that you saved this wretch! I so adore you Lord Jesus.

juanita diaz: Beautiful

Dose1Of1Brad: Great show!!!

EmmausRoad: Wow. WOW WOW WOW! I have no words for this except WOW!!!

Giovanni Paolo Austria: Has Nathanael been an Architect/builder in the Bible before encountering Jesus Christ? :O

Chelsea081 msp: The ending too, I felt related to me too. Yesterday I was braking down crying in the shower, and then when JESUS IN the show said, I saw you crying, I knew God was using this to speak to me. While crying yesterday I was asking can God really see me. And those words “I saw you crying...” By Jesus in this story, I know God was using this to speak to me bc He does speak in mysterious ways. 1:13:25 ( the wonder lady! I relate too )

Zahava Ilan: Incredible! Thank you

angela angel: It tears in wrecked..☹☹☹😭

deon rodden: Watched this, took me about an hour into the movie before I figured out the timeline. But once I did it came alive to me and it was like a lightening strike right up until the last seen. Wow is my best described response. Love this so much.

A J: Beautiful testimony, Dallas between the two episodes! I love that connection to Nathaniel's character!

Chelsea081 msp: When Nathaniel met JESUS is so beautiful 😭😭 IM CRYING

Jeremy P: Of course there's probably no way to historically verify this but unless I misunderstand, it looks like you are portraying Matthew as a bit of a mildly autistic savant with a touch of OCD. This would effect his ability to empathize and truly fully understand and comprehend all aspects of right from wrong. It would make him have a natural propensity towards statistics and pure rational analysis without a full grasp on morality and ethics and this can be misunderstood by the observer as narcissistic behavior. I don't know if my observation of this is accurate or if it's just my takeaway but it's an interesting concept to me. It's also interesting to see Peter portrayed in this way. He's a bit self righteous and doesn't understand yet his own faults. Even after Jesus is gone and Peter is bravely standing up against the Jewish establishment at significant risk to his own life, he's still somewhat arrogant towards gentiles and it takes a lot of debate from Paul to get him to recognize that salvation and the gospel is for all tribes of man regardless of their customs and ethnic cultures. You have to start somewhere. This series really makes me think about the entire story in a much different light and shows me that there's a bit of all the apostles in every person. God bless this cast and crew for making this production.

Pamela Mitchell: To God Be All the Glory! ⚓❤️

M S: I love The Chosen, but the never-ending conflict between Peter and Matthew is getting old. You can assume with Matthew's previous profession there was likely some animosity, but why is that such a main focus in this series? I could be wrong but I don't remember reading anything about the hatred/unforgiveness in Peter's heart toward Matthew specifically. Or did you guys get Matthew mixed up with Paul in Acts? If anyone has a scripture reference pointing out this Peter/Matthew conflict thats worthy of so much focus, by all means let me know.

Jessica Dembo: I found myself shouting at Simon but I am just like Simon in my own way. I felt the conviction. I repented straight away about being unforgiving, at the end of the day everyone has a right to be judged, not by man, but by God. That will never be our place. This episode was good

LaShaun Currie: When Jesus told Nathaniel "You will see heaven open and the angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man was amazing imagine that!!!!

Maggi Normile: This season is amazing so far. I am loving Philip!

Ken Vanepps: how do you know what Nathaniel was doing under the fig tree

teresita leonard: Before I write this comment, I want everyone to know that I write this out of pure love for all my brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. I was a huge fan of this show in season one but the third episode of season two lost me. For the past year and a half I’ve studied scripture and have grown more intuitive in my relationship with Christ that I hear his voice loud and clear when something wrong is interpreted about scripture. The parts where Matthew is degraded by Peter for his past and being a tax collector and blaming Matthew for all the sins he committed is wrong. The moment Jesus chose his disciples and they forsook all and followed him they left their past behind them and Matthew was no longer a tax collector and Peter was no longer fishermen for fish. Matthew gave up his wealth and status in life and forsook it like Peter forsook his wife and family to follow Christ. Even though I know that the disciples were human ,had little faith and probably had disagreements. There is nothing I’ve ever read that has ever mentioned tensions among Matthew and Peter. The only tension I’ve ever read in any scriptures I’ve studied was tension between Peter and Mary Magdalene and his contention of female discipleship. It’s as if this show is starting to take a turn where they are trying to change the authenticity, truth and modernize the gospel to fit the world as it is now. The Lord and his words never change. The gospels never change and I as a believer in Christ and his word can no longer participate or recommend this show to anyone. My prayer is that all that want true knowledge and true relationship with the true authentic Jesus of Nazareth and a true authentic relationship with him to study, pray and ask for his guidance Knowledge and interpretation of it. I can tell you from experience not only will he give it to you but you will be blessed beyond measure just as he promises. May the lord bless you and keep you , turn his face to you all and give you peace.

Patrice Booth: Phillip looks like Jesus

Kellie R: Thank you for describing those moments and putting a name to them. I've called them my "Let go and let God" moments or my "Jesus take the wheel" moments, one time a literal "take the wheel" moment. There have been many. What's interesting about a lot of those moments is at least half of them were ones where it wasn't me who needed to learn to have faith in God, but someone else who needed to see what it looked like and how God works in those moments.

Tammalian Grundlingh: I want that hoodie Dallas!!!

Kevin Gruver: Nathanael introduction story is amazing. I always loved the line, “Come and see.” Jesus invites all of us to come and see, and he changes our lives.

Johanne Fortier: I listened to The Chosen the first three episodes of season 2. The scene where Jesus has been healing the sick all day and it's late in the evening the disciples are around the fire quarrelling, accusing each other while Jesus hasn't eaten, is totally spent fatigued to the core, heaves His way past them says good night, heads for His tent and His mom who previously had said how amazed she had been to realize that the Son of God needed protection, He was a baby and that she had been chosen to protect Him, to take care of Him and then had said sadly "until the day He didn't need me anymore" rushes to the tent Jesus is leaning on, bends down and washes His feet. And Jesus hugs her and says something along the line about how thankful He was for her "what would I do without you" having her know that she was stil needed. He took care of all these sick people, all day long and then ministered to all the disciples and His mom in such a powerful way, hardly no words just love in action walking past them in His selfless broken body bidding them goodnight. How sheepish they must have felt. This scene is profound to me, exactly how Jesus would have walked this earth, it is Holy Spirit inspired.

Joan Eybers: Thank you.. it was awesome.. but sadly some scenes are very dark.. God bless..

Liudmila Y Vasilyeva: Новые американский сериал. Субтитры на русском работают хорошо. У меня, во всяком случае. 🇺🇸🙏✌️

Liudmila Y Vasilyeva: Glad 🙂 I had managed to create subtitles in Russian.

ananthaswami rajagopal: Talk too much Dallas !

Ken Shackelford: Our house church watched these episodes together and we were just tear-filled and speechless. So very always.

Liudmila Y Vasilyeva: You cal be healed by everything which guide you into bliss And then to peace. From where you can go and follow the flow or float when you need a rest but mind can take its turn as here it can do it’s best. 😇💎🎚 🐞 07.07-07.17 am April 03, 2019

Michael Green: God bless this move of God. Amen This is so needed today

Cat Sapasap: What a freebie!!! Thank you, Dallas!! 💝💝💝

rob pacheco: The dialogue the script makes us in our time relate i dont know. I realized more that Jesus is so human that time and the disciples are just human too they must have been this way like their conversations. Oh i love all the dialogue.Makes me feel what they really feel and think. Makes me relate. God bless the show praying for opportunity to pay forward and support you guys in prayer. This is Gods show ,God will provide for this show. My favorite Is episode 3 ,love it!

MAGurue: I'm just a portuguese lady, everything about me is peripherical and this series and your words as director and mentor for this project meets me in my core. Thank you

Alexander Soderstrom: The Chosen is so beautifully performed. I couldn't help but read some of these comments. Most of them are positive and encouraging. But just like Simon Peter and other disciples none of us is talking much about Matthew the tax collector. Can any of you think of something you did in the past that have separated you from other people? I know I have. Even though some people won't forgive you for what you've done God indeed has forgiven you and me. For now while we are waiting for more episodes Matthew is my favorite disciple. From the very beginning of The Chosen, Matthew has been an outcast. Even after Jesus called Matthew to follow him he was still an outcast. I would rather be friends with an outcast than with someone who already has lots of friends. I hope that Simon Peter will eventually warm up to him in later episodes but for now I am feeling Matthew's pain. I am on Matthew's side.

Aldreena Mariya: ❤️

Robyn Solomons: Spent most of episode 2 in tears.. Phillip's kindness towards Matthew and his genuine interest beautifully portrays Jesus' heart for us.. It also convicted me not only be kind and show love towards those who look like me, think like me or agree with me. But to love all people as Jesus instructed us too. I never want anyone to meet me and feel unseen or unimportant. Lord help me to see and love people the way you do.

Cheryl Coleman: Jesus makes your heart melt and you all did an excellent job at that

Cheryl Coleman: The Jesus that you have created in this series is the Jesus that I've always thought he was. Loving, forgiving, merciful, patient and gentle. I know the Lord is pleased with The Chosen. God bless you all and God bless us all.

Cheryl Coleman: God knew that we needed this series. With all that's going on in our country and in the world. It seems like everything is spiraling out of control but this series has helped me to put things in perspective. When's the world is going crazy we don't have to. All we have to do in the midst of a storm is to keep our eyes on Jesus. Nothing else matters but Jesus, my relationship with Him and out of that, my obedience to Him. This is a God focused series. Thank you it has been a life-changer for me

whatmatters MOST: Search this on YT: “is the end of days prophesied in the first word of the Bible?” I checked out the author (Rock Island Books) and his statement of faith is biblically solid.

Mary Rose Santos: For all of The Chosen, thank you all so much. ❤️❤️❤️ I see we’re all connected - the joy, the pain, the suffering, the aspirations, the efforts, the failures, and each piece of living...we are one in Jesus Christ, Amen. 🙏🏼😊 I love how you all live in HIStory. 🌹🕊

Caminho Ysraelita: The best work of Cinematografic media. Congratulations!! Israel is more Alive than never

Carmen Saito: When can I get the entire season two please!?❤️😢🙏❤️

Winds of Change: Oh my Lord, Nathaniel, the truth teller....and that is good and important. Praise God. I am also an avid truth teller, and people don't always like that and make me feel like I am a horrible person for just telling the truth and laying it out there. Maybe it's a good thing. (though yeah, sometimes I am too blunt about it maybe)

patrick aduwa: Awesome!!! When you meet the Lord you know because He is the truth.

Lawrence Smith: Thanks Dallas

EggMine: Hey Dallas, don't misunderstand. I love listening to you talk about things going on during the shoot. What I did find uncomfortable was you talking right before the airing of an episode. When you announce a showing of an episode, I plan my time for just that, and a 15 to 20-minute monologue from you kind of throws a monkey wrench into my schedule, that's all.

whatmatters MOST: Here we are, together, the end of 6,000 years since the Fall of Adam, just before Jesus returns, 3-10 years, and God uses a man named Tim Jenkins to remind us powerfully that we are to be...remorsefully repentive of our sins, forgiving one another, and serving each other and, yes, even those who hate us. Let’s not be shy or afraid of what faces us, but remember that by faith in The Risen Jesus Messiah, Holy Spirit dwells in us...we are not alone...God dwells in us...and we need to tell others about the love God has for them through our Savior. I stand by these words brothers and sisters, my name is Paul from OKC, USA. Goodnight.

Winds of Change: the guy that plays matthew is VERY VERY good at being autistic....just saying. He reminds me of my autistic nephew he's so good.

Vidya V G: i have been watching this daily....thankyou Dallas and team

moesha taylor: John 1:43-51 is where the end of ep 2 is located in the Bible

E C: I was actually a little offended that they promised the next episode was coming soon and then took like 2 days longer than I thought they should have and then a week later find out that episode 3 was in the same episode as to

E C: At one point I was even sad thinking about how this is independent and these incredible actors will probably never get nominated for anything well known but I guess after watching this I realize maybe that's not the point and on top of that maybe it'll start something new this really is such a huge change for TV if you can't see God in this I don't know where else you could see him

E C: Also I wish I could tell covey how much I hate religious movies. They've never been good. And on top of that I hate TV shows I probably watched three in my entire life all the way through and I'm 33 but I can't stop watching this and the acting is incredible for people that aren't professional big name actors it's just unreal it has to be ordained there's no other explanation and I hope even after they do the crucifixion they continue to make more

E C: I literally watched episode 2 an hour after it came out, And then was like yep done okay let's wait next week for season 3 and didn't realize until a week later when I got an alert this season 3 was in the same YouTube video lol I don't know why you guys are doing this it makes no sense but it's kind of awesome because no one does this lol

MizBee28: Just when you think you’ve seen your best episode yet, there’s another one that tops it and has you bawling 😭 That oner in episode 3 had me wondering where the strength of the camera man came from!

susan jacob: To watch I need one box of tissue

moesha taylor: This show always makes me want to step up my prayer game

Debra Bargerhuff: The App is going to be the only way to watch in the future? I currently watch on Pureflix. Are you going to stop putting The Chosen on Pureflix?

Sara Keeler: So sorry for those saying you should be quiet, I enjoy your commentary!! I'll be buying some apparel and the DVD's, thanks!!

Rizza Agpalo: Thank you Jesus for everything... Forgive me from all my sins.. The last part made me Cry.. 😭😢

Caroline Andrew: Re your comment at 17:30 - honestly, some people have the attention span of a goldfish and patience to match!! 😂

Jeanette Todd: Thank you Lord for these episodes! God bless you Mr. Jenkins, staff/actors of The chosen! May our Abba Father God continue to use you all for his honour and glory!

alchemistking dickinson: Kuduri recognized Messiah was human 2003. Is there somebody here can take right actions as Kuduri did? Is there somebody here seeking Messiahs face? Establish communications and cherish the face and voice of Messiah and evidence manifests heaven on earth please!

drrarah73: Episode 3... Amen. Amen.

mgonz76901: I would like to suggest a scene for a future episode. Show Moses on Mt Sinai, when God tells Moses that His name is "I AM". Then show Jesus telling the Pharisees these four statements: "I and my Father are one", " When you see me, you have seen the Father", and "If I say this of myself, I am a liar" And lastly, " My Father is witness of Me". The next scene will drop peoples jaws!! Have Jesus tell the Pharisees "Before Abraham was, I AM". and when the Pharisees pick up rocks to stone Him for blasphemy AND for not having a witness, return to the scene of Moses on Mt Sinai as God says "I AM THAT I AM" directing His words to the Pharisees (not to Moses) as they are holding the rocks to stone Jesus. In other words, God (the Father) on Mt Sinai becomes Jesus' witness by saying "I AM THAT I AM", that Jesus claims to be. And the Pharisees drop their rocks in horror as they see the Mt Sinai scene in their minds' eye, as God Himself becomes Jesus' witness. I hope this will help you understand the mysterious statement that God said on Mt Sinai, that has mistakenly been interpreted as "I AM WHO I AM" which, if were true, would then leave Jesus at the mercy of the Pharisees for blasphemy and not having a witness, and rightly so.

Timo & Sarita Fehr: Thank You Dallas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcie Corda: "Can You start tomorrow?"

natalie hidalgo: I feel bad for Thomas.

Silvina Leonetti: ONE million VIEWS ... Not too shabby :)

Vio Vese: I love the show, it's great and I even loved the slightly comedic tone of season 1 in places. I did however fear it would head more so in the direction of silly comedy the second season and it's looking like it is. I hope it doesn't any more than it has, a little is plenty and this is Jesus after all, The God of everything so please don't overdue it. God bless

Lisa Stahl: Excellent! Enjoying it so much!!! Thank you for making these👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

C.L. Van Horne: ThaNK You.

Lisa Edge: The story of Mary is my story! The same thing happened to me that happened to Mary in season one. The first season and first episode. I was sobbing thru season one episode one because it was like seeing my own story. I love this series! I paid it forward at season one. But I am going to pay it forward again to help with season 3. Love you guys!

Nicholas Onuszkanycz: That oner at the beginning of Episode 3. Wow! That person working the camera is a master at their craft.

Patricia LJ: Wondering why you sold out to social media.,,.you never started that way.

Patricia LJ: Forget the app...go to you tube.....sad.

Patricia LJ: Went cool to, ...not so much.

Marcia Diehl: You need to be aware that your app is not compatible with all computers. I tried to download your app and Apple will not allow it. It says my laptop isn't compatible. So I hope you continue to show your episodes on YT through the completion of the series. Otherwise I will miss the episodes that will only be on the app.

Patricia LJ: Click on an episode and it goes from horizontal to vertical??? Really???

Patricia LJ: Why did you mess up THE CHOSEN app soooooooooo much? It is really sad. You click on an episode and the screen changes. I was a part of this from the messed up!

CJ: I think the last scene of Episode 3 changed my life.

Silvertip 8k: One thing about the campfire scene...if I was there I would have confronted peter seriously...mathew would have been my friend...obviously jesus had not yet taught them the lords prayer..."forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those that tresspass against us"

Beth Morrow: Love these episodes!

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