Elite: Season 4 | Date Announcement | Netflix

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smit more: Finally wait is over👌👌😍😍😍

A C: Can someone tell me what’s the song title 😭

Vic Laurence Alolino: wjxjxucisabzuxuajausuwncxi

M. Meidiano Al-Fajri X IPS 1: "I really like you, do you wanna see my hair? " Netflix realize that we watch netflix too right? It's a huge market, and yet they disapoint us again and again.

Edin Masic: I thought season 4 would be okay without my faves,but now I am not sure lmao.

M.L Soll: Why did Carla, Lu and Valerio leave the show? Does anyone know

SHANI: Please also dubbed in Hindi

Gavin Macwan: If manu Rios kiss arón piper in Season 4 I will die

Tabby G.: I need Carla back

Krusty The Australian: Omgggggg

Geoffrey Willemsen: That’s interesting to see coming to Netflix

Edin Masic: So not only are you destroying Carmuel and Nuzman,but also friendship between Guzman and Samuel lol😭😭

Clemel Narjie Gabato: Where tf is Valerio?😭

Only For U: Dubbed in Hindi

marie from the internet: love the new urban outfitters ad

umesh bandara: A new gay boy and lesbian girl!!!!!!!This will be fantastic!!!!!

Jaden: Oh God that Enrique iglesias kid is still here?!?!

Trix Ramirez: I miss the original casts but can I just say that i am still so freaking excited for this season!! 🤍🤍

Sandeep Official: elite is nothing without carla, lu, polo, nadia and valerio...god im gonna miss them especially carla and lu

Ramona Flowers: Dont ruin Nadia Guzman please

Kelvin Spiff: Probably won't be the same without carla

Andrea Arnedo: Osiiii

Ali Akil: I’m here because of anderrr soo exitedd can’tt waitt 😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️

Laurana Mabiala: OMG ! I’m so happy !!! just sad bc there is no Lu, Carla, Nadia and Valerio ( my fav ) anymore 😭 but I’m happy Elite is FINALLY BACK !

Kyron Biosano: Manuuuuuuu’s role🤩❤️

Mark Justine Aropo: happy twerking

jiejie rivera: sex education season 3 waiting

Priya Shrivastav: I miss the old characters 🥺

Nellyn: it seems like new relationships will be very interesting... I can't wait for June 18th!

ItsMe Plords: Bring back Carla, Lu, Nadia and Valerlio in s5 please!

chocoWhite: Hmm nt too sure going to enjoy this seeing hw guzman and samuel is getting a new love interest aft making us wait so long for guzman nadia and samuel carla to be a proper thing last season....not to mention samuel and carla were not officially dating or had legit date moments in last season...but then bam suddenly samuel guzman is in a new love triangle?

veronicca ‘: but please in two monthss yall really got me so excited for this just to tell me it’s dropping in 2 MONTHS

Aparna Avadhanam: Stranger Things Season 4 !!!!!


Ali Yıldırım: Carla'sız asla! 😤

Makeeda Roberts: I can’t lie idk how this season gonna be without the rest of the original cast members.

Alwin K G: Really missing carlaa😔

Marta Brignola: What's the title of the song?

Jamaica Badjo: yey! can't wait

LanaDewey: so... who died ?

sleepymemories: ❤️❤️❤️

RigherGo: Garbage show

veronicca ‘: i can’t be the only one who’s not sad that some old characters are gone, this is gonna be new and exciting to watch can’t waittt

Drew Barber: That was hella cool

Rajshree Rajawat: I m so excited 🤩🤩

Danny O'Hare: Hey while you got the date announcements why not announce the release of the Loud House Movie trailer?

sleepymemories: Ahhhh my fave show

Shania Corraspe: FINALLY A DATE !!!!!!!

sleepymemories: I still wanna see some of the old cast tho😭 do you think they could have guest appearances or is the new seasons going completely diff ways🥺

Gerald Sanchez: Migueeeeeeeeeeeeeel

VithorPrestes: I'll miss Carla and Lu, but still excited

sleepymemories: So hyped

Volleyball is Life Ph: Lezzzgooo 🔥


rene baebae: already missing the old cast

Marcello Evan Valerio: Manu seems so interested in Ander are they aiming for a poly relationship with the three of them?

Danny Perez: Ready, I need to finish the last episodes of season 3 💀😂

sleepymemories: Omggg

adnan ahmed: Why do u have to add manurios with aron😑

Lucky Saini: Carla I miss you

Rhaegos the Lightning: I can’t wait for the next season.

celestial blue: i’m tired with these neverending omander love conflict, omander season 1 remains superior.

Casandra Couanga: 👍

Yassene • sm: Wtf 18

RI Ehaan: Missing Carla,Nadia,Lu and Valerio

Gabrieli Brassiani: Nunca vai ser a mesma coisa sem a Carla, a Lu, e a Nádia

RI Ehaan: Man💥 can't wait❤️

sathvika prakash: Are you telling me I will not see Nadia and Guzam and also Carla and Samuel together again ??

John Robert Alano: People who thought that it's the trailer 👇

joseph Mellett: Season 2 date announcement remains unbeaten

Summer Bummer: Manu&Ander Me:🛐

George C/H: Okay literally don't even dare to make Guzman and Samu rivals again for a girl 🙂

Ahmad Rizky: Nadia fly away then omar goes to school, lol nice trade so i can see more omander scene 👌🏼👌🏼

Mstfkd: where is the CARLA!!!!!!

Easy Tips: Lost in space kab ayega

Sav D: Carla babe🥺💔!

Dante Rogers: Julie and the phantoms Season 2

Marina Pparada: con esto nos han dicho la serie entera lol

ATkhan: Carla😢


Hilal Yılmaz: 18 Haziran çok geç ya beklemekten çürüdük. Bence yeni kadro daha iyi olmuş hem de yeni bir heyecan katmışlar.

Nakul Tibra: Without the former cast especially Carla, the show will not be same

Carlucay: So sad there is no Carla 🥲

_AliWay_D: Oh myyy Ukraine artist NK! Nice

Michael Bech: wtf

TheWobolo: song is Nathy Peluso: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 36 if anyone wants it :)


R E N: Waiting to seen who's dead next😀

Ampli Cablear: This would be the fastest click I've ever done in my life!!! I can't wait!!!

Bruno Montoro: Nada vai superar o final da terceira temporada . Foi lindo , foi necessário e acho que se tivesse encerrado a série ali ia deixar aquela saudade gostosa com gostinho de quero mais .

lale ismayilova: i can't waittttttttttt

Dilip Sc: Carla 😭


DontdeletetheXOs: Please just let Omar and Ander be happy 😭

Jade Montalvo: All I am going to say in the show lu deserved her happy ending in New York and Nadia with Guzman and Carla with Samuel

Jack Harper: ELITE Season 5 = 15/07/2022

Saif Hussain Ansari: I see my phone is started getting heated and it will turn into dust on 18th June, completely

Bu Achraf: عمر المحوي

Justine TheoMatrix: Yow, Can't Wait. 😇😇😇

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