The Eyes Can't See Everything | Handmaid's Tale: Inside The Episode | Season 4, Episode 5

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Silver mask traveler: What’s the first music named?i know the second one is dauntless.

JustFraan: Always shocks me to see "Janine without the eye patch

MasonFPS: This season is terrible lol

Courbyne Bufford: Is she still loveable when she makes a mistake? Because I am just annoyed at this point

André I. S.: JANINEEEEEEEEE 😭 😭 😭 😭

Vivian Nez: Hulu: Ya'll better keep Janine alive!!

Jaz Zuniga Hernandez: Why was this episode so sad?! I was sobbing.

Tootie Q: Janine is my favorite character. She had better not be dead. 🥺

swan: June cares only for herself and Hannah. She is getting too many ppl killed.

Sky Kang: i wish they had more episodes on chicago and canada, less on the little town aunt lydia's in

Amber Averbeck: Why did they get rid of the cubs logo for this??

Rochelle Balulis: I wish they’d just release all the episodes like so many other shows.

Alexis Capetillo: SPOILER jenene dies

Augustin Guy Paulin: This serie is very special and different,this is why I love it.

Rhys Wallace: Janine better make it out alive. I swear to God.

Courtney Sheffield: Janine you are strong without Sebastian and he may not feel the same way or maybe he does he may only want to be platonic then what think it through for your heart and safety and mind alright okay for your daughter Angela Charlotte to be with her

Ken Nicholson: Nick bombed June and may have killed Janine. He was only following orders, though. Do you think she can forgive him?

Nikki T: When June saw Moira, I was finally able to take a breath. I feel like the entire show Ive been holding my breath because June would take one step forward and two steps back. Despite me feeling the Chicago episode was rushed (from when she got there to seeing Moira) I’m so happy it ended the way it did. Praise be Janine is okay. ❤️

Kevin Ortega-Rojas: I hope someone from Hulu sees this: WHOEVER DECIDED TO PUT MOIRA AND JUNE'S REUNION IN THE TRAILER SHOULD BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY! Literally the entire episode I was waiting for the bombs, for Janine to go missing and Moira to show up because you showed it to us two months ago. Ugh.

Akash: This show just knows how to be Magnificent... Doesn't it ?? ....❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank u HULU ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Noel Derek Hillier: Good Aunt Lydia is back at the helm again & in control of OfJoseph this will be interesting.

Koley W: Fantastic series, loving it.

Tillie: If Janine didn’t make it I swear I’ll be so done with this show

Keegan Daley: it's interesting that the cubs logo was put on the hat during post-production

Kylee Dawn: I'm still crying over Janines death =(

Gerry Jackwagon: I hope June takes the help from her friends. Next week’s episode can’t come any sooner.

B S: why would lawrence bomb the place june is

Guardian GM: Who in their RIGHT MIND puts a LANTERN in a WINDOW when a GUNFIGHT is going on outside???


Adoro Filmes: Janine is alive or not?

Annabelle Fins: Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack! Earn 30,000$ every week from your own investment . Let's take a walk into the world of cryptocurrency. Ask me how

halemackenzie21: Early to the show- DYING for next weeks episode :)

l u c a s: 3 and this ep THE BEST🔥😭

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