Revenge On Fred | Handmaid's Tale: Inside The Episode | Season 4, Episode 10

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C Del: I think Serena is going to lose her baby and be send to Mexico as a handmaiden

Kriszta: I particularly liked this ending, because it makes the whole 4 seasons complete, even without a next season (I am really waiting for it though!!) And finally there is a mainstream female character who is not the typical forgiving, empathic etc. woman, but someone who punches back.

Mj Nelson: Now I need to see Serena punished. Take her child and make her a handmaid.

Rebecca Swanson: When the former handmaids and June attacked him, I thought two wrongs don't make it right. June looked like a animal when she bit his lip off. Joseph did tell her that revenge would not satisfy her. I'm afraid that is true. I understand why she killed him. He was evil, but she is going down a dangerous path. Now she will probably have to leave her husband and baby. So very sad. June is losing herself and her mind.

Valerie Slover: So many great actors in this show!! But Fred was wonderful! He will be missed!

Rebecca Swanson: Fred was a really wicked dude. I bet Serena gets her baby taken and gets sent to the colonies.

Phillipa Mchugh: She went over to the dark side.

Roxality: Please, give more details in the episodes, more story lines, longer episodes, and make the season longer than 10 episodes. Why not 20 like some shows? Come on!

Roxality: It was too much for me. I’m not impressed by the ending.

A B: Bring on season 5👏🏻

A B: Praise be!

Jon Coombs: The look on Luke's face is perfection: devastation, horror and realization that 'his' June is gone forever. I think this, for him, is worse than if she died.

Libera Lucia Cappitelli: Film molto toccante...attori straordinari.

Being HOLY even possible: When Fred was going to face his KARMA he has to face all those people ,to whom he hurted once, Lawrence his wife died because of him, Nick whose love hurts many times from Fred ,June and his wife who was young and killed because of Fred, and all of females ,when he says of his son to June , flashback viewers about june asking for Hannah ,pleasing and crying Infront of Fred ,and he done nothing .same Fred ask mercy for him because of his son..... It's so ironical

leah finch: I thought it was a brutal, unintelligent take on revenge.

thegirlbehindthewords1: Even though it was really good, I think it was really sad as well for June and Luke. June crossed a line and now there's no coming back from it, she knew it when she got back home and Luke knew it too. That's why I said in a previous video she should have focused on healing and not embracing anger and revenge even though it's understandable she would feel those emotions. But her actions in the finale is why she can't have a happy ending, she doesn't want it and I think maybe part of her think she doesn't deserve it after everything in Gilead. But I'm curious to see how it plays out after seeing a commander on the wall. That whole scene was just sooo brilliantly written and portrayed

thegirlbehindthewords1: The finale was beyond perfect. A full circle

Miss Jiff: Glad to see Luke's character develop and have something to respond to. The scene where he crumbles to the ground after realizing what June did was heartbreaking.

Mary Stella: I want to watch the finale again and again.

Erika Olivia: Now for Serena, take her baby and make her a handmaid

Emily00Strange: I noticed the episodes directed by Elizabeth Moss tend to be a bit favorable with her character compared to her co stars. Her lighting & numerous close up shots seem egotistical.

Ruth McDonough: Good!

Jettera Ismabash: Does anybody else find June really annoying and unlikeable now

Nadine Mcgregor: Great loved watching it as well as I like knowing it was made in brant county where I live.

Pagansong: And if June were a man, no one would question this decision. If anything, they would question him if all he did was forgive.

Michael T: I hope June is present for the birth of Serena's baby. And I hope she takes the baby away. Also Fred literally tortured June for years. This seemed too quick. Wanted to see Fred truly scared.

joette: when does season 5 start ??? I am so hooked thanks for the diversion !

rueluv 82: Why was i feeling sorry for Fred😢

KDrop: Nick and June forever!

KDrop: Tuello is going to protect serena

KDrop: I was scared for him. It was so unreal

Happy Girl: How can everybody say " satisfying"?! I think it was desturbing and sad...June became what she actually hates- what we as vievers hates....the Giliad- systhem is brutal and dark! Of course I do understand the wish for righteousness, but self-justice und brutality- is that what people really desire?! Would be sad to live in a world like that....Please June: come back... but indeed: it was an incredible end with goosebumps 'cause of it's brilliant atmosphere and awesome characters ..but still a shock for me...curious to see how this journey will go on!

Rilly Kewl: I am a MAN! I have RIGHTS! Son? What are you doing, son? Son…? Son!?

Love&Peace: Best actor (June) by far in the acting world. No other actress comes close in my opinion no one!!!!

J: Now for that foreshadowing that Serena hinted at, she might go back to GIlead and become a Handmaid

Henry Hill: This ending was disappointing because the women chose to partially cannibalize Fred and execute him with no trial. It was a pure emotional reaction to the brutality the women endured under the men's rule. I had hoped for the women to take the high road, and offer forgiveness while still pursuing justice. If women will act with the same brutality as men, then what difference would it make, who our government representatives are? We may as well just keep the dog eat dog system we have now because at the end of the day, humans are capable of the same evils when placed in similar conditions. Bummer.

Debbie Bunny: Is it in character for June to be willing to get Fred's blood on her baby??? It's definitely in character for her to want to wear the Commander's blood awhile as a temp trophy. But not to get it on the baby!

aliaq95: Serena has to be next!

Brizza Nathielly: Vai pro inferno Fred!

Akash: Yoo...FRED had it coming and he deserved it... Fantastic Finale...I loved It... ❤️❤️ Time to take down LADY WATERFORD.... Thank u HULU for this Awsome Series.. ❤️❤️ Luv u HULU ❤️❤️😘😘

Diane's Perception: Just a superb ending! I felt the buildup in June and I knew she would not allow him to go free after all he has done to her against her will. A despicable crime! When all is said and done...You reap what you sow! Looking forward to season 5. They have to get Aunt Lydia and Serena to deliver their just reward!

R P: oddly i think june will be in n a position to help Serena and she will hate it of course

Koki 17: Joseph Fiennes, thanx for your brilliant acting!

Georgina Daniels: this was so satisfying i am still not over it

diagss: Next up, Serena

Oksana Dudko: Скажите, это последняя серия или будет продолжение?

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