One Burning Question: The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4, Episode 10: Who's The Villain Now?

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Monster Queen: I just hope June isn't the villain now or ever. I thoroughly enjoy her as the antihero.

Tammy Martinez: Which fiennes played Voldemort on Harry Potter! Ralph or Joseph?

Will Michael: She looks like Anna from frozen here

Marvin Vliet: Why wasn’t the return of Hannah part of the trade?

Tashira Lott: Serena reminds me of Cersi from Game of Thrones a little. You have to keep your good eye on her at all times.

Ravyne Hawke: You know what one sign of an excellent actor is? When you take some as talented as Joseph Fiennes and he does such a great job with his role, that you hate his character and rejoice in his demise and then you realize... oh no! No more Joseph Fiennes for eyecandy! And while I detest Serena, Yvonne Strahovski has done an excellent job of playing Serena. I think there will be a reckoning next season. Lots of resistance. Lots of fear put into the Commanders. What I would love to see of Aunt Lydia is that she will help liberate the Handmaids and help Joseph and June. However, I think she enjoys being mean and torturous too much. I think Serena may get deported back to Gilead and it would be fitting revenge if she became a handmaid. And Nick is still a toss-up for me. I know he loves June, but I am not sure where his true loyalties lie just yet. I hope he will be a part of the resistance though.

thegirlbehindthewords1: I feel like Serena would be okay with Fred. It felt like a full circle moment from where she had her finger cut off as punishment and Fred didn't do anything about it, to Serena being sent Fred's finger and ring. It somehow felt like both a gift and a power move from June to Serena

Diane's Perception: June will get rid of both Aunt Lydia and Serena after she gets Hannah back. Ijs

shawn Wenzel: Tough question: who's the next villain? When I first saw this, my very FIRST thought was : it's June

Louise Robertsson: MAKE SERENA A HANDMAID!!!🙏🙏🙏

Nikki Loves: Ummm... Serena is and has been the Villain!!! A woman who uses authority to control another woman, ugh!!! Beautiful Serena & her wicked mind... Perfect Villain!!! Nick has a wife & maybe a family we haven't met yet!

Mary Kate R.: Um, I'd love to explore Nick too...

SABEEE9999: June will be the villain and I dread for whoever dares to cross her on her path to vengeance against Gillead, she doesn't tell apart between friends or foes anymore.

Karen Ogo: Joseph Fiennes is such an amazing actor. I hated the character but I also felt so bad in the finale. He makes you empathize with the character.

Tanya bohra: I just want in next season Sarena becomes a handmaid cleaning and getting scold from aunt Lydia

k p: Please don't let us wait a year untill the next season!

Dreams & Teddy Bears: Yvonne barely has an Australian accent now! Go Joseph for keeping his natural accent more in tact!

Abel Tesfaye: Love their accents!

John C: Good fortune may have initially assisted Nick climb up the leadership ladder - however to become so powerful in Gilead, as he is now, he must be up to some fairly horrendous stuff. Really, there's a lot of villainy happening; June, Nick, Serena, Mark, Lydia .. the list is extensive.

R P: ooh what if nick had custody of hannah with his new wife

Tomislav Klauski: Lydia is going to change Gillead

huff huffington: Umm Serena??? Serena is the villain now

Ruth Ellen Wearne: Yvonne has read The Testaments.

Ruth Ellen Wearne: A: Serena, she’s full of wrath even though she doesn’t want to go back. That, and Gilead.

Ludmila T: I thought Lydia had a soft side from the flashback of her past. And i thought June was getting to her when she told her that she was responsible for all those handmaids. But after the part where Lawrence tells her that she has to make people like her, i can't but interpret all her kindness afterwards as manipulation advised by those words.

Alice “Alice” Alice: apparently they forgot that Serena is a villain

matin shiri: it feels like June is in the highest place of power in gillead

Wisline A. Charelus: Yeah your all delusional if you think aunt Lydia is going soft. You have have seen four seasons in this show. Have you guys forgotten that each time someone seems soft they go deeper down the road of evil. Serena after giving Nichole up. Aunt Lydia in her past life.

trixie898989: This was SUCH a satisfying episode! 😲😄

Subversively Surreal: why would the *actors* have *any* insight…???🤣

Darko _: Serena’s turn 😏

Roselyn Garcia: it just hit me fred was killed of meaning we’re not going to see him anymore 😭 i was so happy for jume getting her revenge but now i’m sad we’re not going to see joseph anymore

I'm Not Ready For This: Serena is a bigger villain than Fred imho.

Paizon Ryker: Baby is not Fred's the twist will be the FBI Agent Mark is the father of Serna's baby. So you got Serena and June juxtaposed with Nick and Mark. Don't get my Aunt Lydia as the villain, she can go either way... full-blown save the girls or full-on rage.

Jennifer Brower: Fred wouldn’t have been a villain without Serena.

d boehm: Nick is gonna turn. He is in the best position to become a serious threat.

kisslena: Clash of the Titans: June vs. Serena Joy. Aunt Lydia and Nick are a dark horses. Who knows which way they will go? 😘

Vero Destef (Verobin): Ans i had noticed that eech time he reacted like an evil man, it was most of the time because June had relation ships with others than himself. When he s beaten Serena, it was to break the start of a friendly relation between the 2 women, he was violent with June when she asked him to be posted in the same district from " Hannah ". Cause, for him, it means to be separated from her, he insisted that he wanted to keep her in his house, he was bad with Nick in season 3 for the photos only to humiliate him cause of his jealousy, he married NICK also for for jealousy, and wanted to put away Lawrence..for jealousy. I beleived i was crayon to think that, but the Last episode he did prooves that i was right considering " his declaration of " Love" he told June when they speaks together". Waterford was not the worst . When i saw Putman or Calhoun .....We saw when he was young that he was a romantic man ,while Serena was was more brutal. Power Serena gave him was for him,, who was weak, the only way to be SOMEONE .

Eddie Essen: God bless the Waterford’s. June is a bird face monster lol. The show is great but Elizabeth Moss is so homely looking

themeltedchocolate: Serena's a villain alright. One of many on the show. Most of whom are men and have done far worse things that anything she had done.

KissMySuccotash: Joseph Fiennes looks so different without the facial hair! I would not have been able to see him as a villain without it bc my first memory of him is with Gwyneth Paltrow in “Shakespeare In Love.”

Veronica Weston: Serena is and always be the top villain IMO. The true gender traitor.

Jennifer O'Donnell: Nick could be double agent.

Emilija Novakovic: Fred was deviant, Serena is the real devil... She deserves worse "treatment" than Fred!!!

Wayne Smith: June's husband is the only Christian in the entire series.

Cali Harris: When she blew that whistle it reminded me of aunt Lydia

K P: I’m hoping that Serena will get deported back to Gilead. Her child does belong to the state, and she may be married off to another commander or become a Handmaid due to her own crimes…

Mel Ody: From an emotional point of view, I totally get June and the other handmaids and their anger and their pain and their thirst for revenge. Gilead has stripped and broken and beaten and abused them in every way humanly possible. Of course they are not the women they were going in. Of course seeing their abuser go free and unscathed won't do. And after everything Gilead forced them to do to survive, of course they are not above taking the law into their own hands when it fails them. Knowing everything that happened to them, having gone through the emotions with them... I could not find it in me to feel bad for Fred, even for a second. And I am fundamentally against a policy of revenge, but this.... this was earned. But from Luke's point of view.... This is SO messed up. How do you bounce back from this? How do you continue loving this violent, angry stranger the machine spat out? How do you trust them ever again?

Sonya Castillo: Top villain status - Serena Joy! Under the guise of a new mom.

Ann MacDonald: Due to how raw it all was I think a lot of people would have done the same. Ask any parent whose child has been victimized. I think if a year or so had passed her rage would have subsided somewhat. Under Gilead law he got what he deserved. They taught it to her. Not sure why she has to leave Luke and Nicole though. Can't wait to see Serena's reaction. Especially now that Tuello has seen her true colors.

epapa217: It’s so different hearing them speak with different accents

K. McDonald: June becoming everything she hates and fears is so heartbreaking.

James Davison: TAKING OUT VENGEACE on gilead is not becoming a monster

Philip Moore: What a fantastic season i already cant wait for season 5 next year

James Davison: No She DOES NOT "become the monster" Sorry

loungeblogger: June didn’t do anything she hasn’t already done under gilean law. All the salvaging she had to attend. No one thought she was a villain then. You reap what you sow.

Priscila Viana: Yvonne is such an incredible actriz!

Agnes V: Joseph Fiennes thank you for 4 seasons of great acting! You will be missed but I am happy about what happened to Fred .

esosa omoregbee: Not surprised the us official took June's offer he's in love with serena

Muggles Cake Sniffer: I think Nick didn't know what he was getting into starting out as a driver. (Remember he said "once you get into bed with the government it is hard to get out" I think he was speaking to his own predicament as well) I think that was before Gilead. So, they say he was fighting during the "crusades" but we see him being a driver then becoming the Waterford's driver early on so did they lie about Nick being in the "crusades"? I think top villain could be June depending on where they take her story or perhaps June is the villain to Gilead and Serena is the villain OF Gilead. It depends on how feral June gets with her anger and she has lots of anger. I think she has more anger than Serena does at the moment as we left it in the last episode.

D Perez: This episode had me in knots! And NO June is not a villain! She and the other Handmaid’s, and Martha’s and Jezebel’s are victims, who were denied justice. This episode is the beginning of an uprising!

Janina Carter: To me the Villain has always been Serena! She would pretend to give you clothes for your baby while cutting it out of your belly!

Deborah Rose: It is war.

Ronald Bobeck: Senna better hope she does not get sent back , Here to a breeding farm the the child raised by the State. Totalitarian governments do that. Think of the Commanders as the Taliban. Just better dressed.

Velma Queen: I can’t even look at Serena. As a black woman Serena triggers something in me

M R: I’m surprised the interviewer isn’t interrupting as much as she did the last guest 🙄

Arkk the Alien: I don’t think that June has gone too far. You have to remember, her firstborn child and what she’s been fighting for this whole time is still not with her.

Cindy S: Serena has always been the most evil in she show. IMO. She'll only act nice because she's manipulative and smart, but does sometimes lack in common sense.

Andrés Lara: Joseph is so beautiful

Arkk the Alien: I don’t think it’ll throw Serena off of her course too much that Fred’s dead. She only wanted a baby to herself and now I’m sure she will spin everything to her favor so she can look like the saint/victim. So she can look at her “properties with security” lol

Arkk the Alien: I wonder how the rest of the council of men in Gilead will feel about how June and the other women were the ones to off Fred…(no pun intended, lol)

Family Is everything: Joseph’s accent🥰

Happy Girl: I think the Aunts! Lydia will have trouble with them, cause she loves the girls und start to become soft... Giliad is still the villain..Nick: please not! Then I quit this show...! almost did ' cause of June: visit an island and calm dow , dear!...what about the other kommanders?!

Dona Harrell: I think Nick, Joseph, June and Mark become leaders in a sort of justic/revenge squad working with the resistance.

vaishi67: Serena

Akash: Commander Got It coming.... He deserved it way more earlier.... But June and Gang took it slow.... ❤️❤️ That's more sweet & Satisfying.... ❤️❤️😘😘 Time For Lady Waterford to be taken Down.. Love Handmaids Tale...Love June...And Love u HULU.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘

Vadosa Valentina: Soooo upset we didnt get serenas reaction to the ring and finger she got in the mail!

Daisy Calise (Trinityxc): Calling it it will be based on the eye of the beholder who the villian is cause everyone in some way is a villian to others

juan arnulfo leon gonzalez: Love Víctor season 3 please

Pam Hubbard: I think they should start the next season right away, because of how long it took for season 4 to come out. 😉

Calhs: Finally joe and yvone interview

Halycia Paz: Love this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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