Horizon was OVER Nerfed in Season 9! - Apex Legends Season 9

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Ulysses: What they did to Horizon and the Hemlock is a travesty.

Robert Reeve: Sooxfar is so good. Especially his aim on the last guy. LOL loved the duo, love the banter, love the aim.

mzwethu: I wouldn't say she's overnerfed. She came out waaaaaaaaay too op and now that they've balanced her people are comparing her current kit to the op original kit. She's pretty balanced now

kristex team: that ttv wraith didn't event started playing and she already alt+F4

Harperd5: Yes both Horizon and the Hemlock suck now but that’s what you guys wanted. Youtubers and streamers wine about anything good they don’t use when they die by it and Respawn nerf shit to the ground. Guess they’ll get buffed by season 13 smh

YoInTIMidator55: “I spent most of that game not being able to see.” 😂

FROZEN WILDS: What about a game with mozam and p20 loudout?

SlimReaper415: “These b**ches love sosa” lmao Rich your funny talking bout chief keef

Heneaux: Rich, when are you going to get merch?? I would absolutely buy a Sofar and itemp collab hoodie

Elijah Pinales: I gave up playing horizon honestly to make her good again the gravity lift speed needs to be increased and you need to be able to stay at the top like before

Ronnie Reel: I wish my ex-wife and I had as much teamwork as Rich and SoFar

Just Dom: They really did horizon dirty. I was one of the guys that hated all horizons even if they were in my team I wanted them dead. However she needs some love apex needs to stop nerfing ini the ground and just give slight nerfs over time to find the happy medium, balance in the game

JP: Caustic needs a little buff too. Yesterday off drop I landed next to an enemy Wraith and dropped three gases like I normally do. She just ran through the gas and downed me with a p2020. Didn't even look like it slowed her down the same a wattson fence or valkyrie tactical would.

TL_AZAZEL: Man plz don't call horizion over nerfed c's balanced right now not over nerfed Don't encourage ea 2 buff her

Rob Antico: U are a magical youtuber

AnnFrankasaurus: Don’t like hemlock??? It’s my favorite gun for 3v3 right now

jaekins48: Bruh I want to hear the rest of you and sofar’s drill convo!

Ignacio Uchiha: LOVE SOSA

BlazeGodYt: Bro said “no ones weed man is 100%” and I even felt that shit 😭💯 this why we come to watch some videos 💪🏽 let’s get more content bro

mewoozy2: Horizon better no be buffed back, she was basicly a cheat character they came up with because every other new character was so terrible and they where losing momentum in the public eye.

justinlapointe11: Lets see if this works eventually. 😁 DAY 8 REQUESTING RICH DO THE JOHN WICK CHALLENGE. (Pistols only)

lilnishy80: Recently started using the G7 again and love it!! Would love to see you use it again

James Neel: Rich: gets into huge fight Also Rich: doesn’t use his ULT Me: USE YOUR ULT PLEASE RICH

Larry Hudgins: Rich love sosa

akaurfear: It was because everyone and their mother cried about her

Waltz Norost: "Horizon was over nerfed"... and the game has never been in a better state

Taylor Leer: The way they dissed the hemlock in the 2nd game just hurt my soul ngl I love it even tho it was “nerfed” still op af if you hit ur whole burst

Tipsy Wolf: Has anyone noticed how incredibly bad apex is for solo queuing ? Like almost unplayable. It’s like all the good players just decided to leave and not tell anyone lol .

Gorge Chavez: She was my main after the Nerf she's basically useless

Itsjohnmon: Not nerfed enough, she was the worst when OP. Worst character EVER when OP. She should be nerfed even further and then "buffed" to the point that she's at now.

shadow_fps: She wasn't huge problem for pc players as much as she was a problem for console players.the main reason pros want her to get a nerf is the straight speed that doesn't respawn has to nerf her entire kit.plz respawn give some power back to her kit

Michael Nix-Walkup: If we want to talk over-nerfing, I feel Caustic definitely got hit way too hard. He definitely needed a nerf on his damage, but he barely dissuades anyone anymore in my experience

Antony M: Don’t want to seem like a redditor, but who playtested and approved of this Horizon nerf? It’s obvious she needed some quality of life changes, but this patch cemented her grave.

Nathan Bogard: “I spent most of that game not being able to see” 😂😂

stussy fm: Shoutout Sooxfar for teaching Rich about American culture shoutout to Cheif Keef 😂

Javier Diaz: Chief kief huh? You stoners.....same

Jeffrey Lopez: Maybe I'm a masochist but I still main her and solo queued with only her to Diamond last split. Yeah, she might have gotten overnerfed. I think that reverting ONE of the nerfs to her lift would definitely get her to be played more. I can't tell you the amount of times I watched enemy Horizons throw their lift and get on it just to get beamed (especially in Diamond lobbies) Everyone was using her lift like Wraith's Q (which I don't think Respawn thought about for some reason). Now, I use it mostly as a team repositioning tool and to block doorways or chokepoints. It forced Horizon mains to actually think of how to use her instead of just getting a free "get out of jail" card. If you're creative with positioning, she can still be super oppressive.

Amilcar Quintanilla: Day#10 of asking Rich to play some games with me 🥲

VGCAlpha: The volt is so op man

Joel Conolly: Couldn't agree more. The fact that she's a scientist and her gravity lift became sort of a 90s elevator means that her work has definitely been disrespected.

Tony Crossman: Finally someone agrees!!! She has totally gotten useless.

KimJongEWN: I really wish we could hear the conversations before the game started. Both games started on a cliffhanger lol

G B: I think she was over nerfed too they need to bring back the Ascending speed for the Lyft that would be a fine buff for her

Justice B: and why are they still talking ab drill rap 😂

Justice B: day 3 of asking rich for a double wingman video

Xavier Coleman: Rich Keef

śłôťh gôđ: I feel the only need that made sense was the reduced lift speed but nothing else makes sense if your were to choose to stay at the top of the lift you were already a sitting duck but now especially because of the reduced strafe

Caleb Buckingham: I’m gonna be honest I don’t think she was over nerfed personally. I think that they could maybe give her a little power back and she remain balanced, but as is she’s still a mid tier legend. I think it just feels like she was over nerfed because she came out so overpowered that the drastic change makes her feel worse then she actually is by comparison. Maybe she could be buffed slightly but I honestly don’t want her to be like super meta again. I think in terms of the games health as a whole she’s in the best place she’s ever been since her release, because she was way to much before.

Martin Durand: You're not that guy

Smeltz13: Did rich really say 10 ft??? Is he some crazy american or what? Say 3 m, lol

Yag Onu: Also, when will I be able to play with y’all?😭

bustedugly321: Increase radius or power of black hole, let people stay on top of the lift. I think that alone would balance her

Yag Onu: Is the havoc really that good? I’ve tried using it just feels awkward and bad without the turbo charger

Eric Bullock: So what do they use for the AIM

Jerry Gutierrez: No she was not, she is in a good place considering that she is meant to get high ground not meant to be as a get out of jail free card

Chris Dudley: Hey Rich, you’re not that guy

Keegan Leighty: *see’s title, laughs in caustic main*

David Vasquez: Aceu’s wing man is always godly 😂

Nick Farish: I genuinely believe they nerfed her so hard that way ppl would see Valk as a better movement legend and choose her instead. I played Horizon ONE time in S9 and said no more. Literally nerfed her lift in every way imaginable. wtf respawn🤧

Water Monke: Day 28 of asking for pistols only

Matthew Ramsey: And I'm happy she was over nurfed she was way op. She was used and adused

THOMAS GAMING: nice game rich

Gideon Bell: The hemmy is an amazing gun. Apparently Sooxfar just sucks with it. It's not like the spitty or the flatline where you can just spray and pray

Damian Pacheco: Rich we need a G7 video where you just poke poke poke poke and farm damage those are the best

Josh Gordon: Do a challenge where you have to run the whole game with the guns you pick up off the drop! What ever guns you pick up first you run for the game, doesn't matter what guns ;)

coolclay99: Hemlock single fire goes crazy

Earphonic Gaming: Love his hemlock skin 🔥👌🏻

Shqdowshqrd: I think she balanced

DieselDemon 360: They nerf lifeline every season. Horizon is fine 😂

Cap Gucci: I’m glad she got nerf she took no skills she made bad players look good !

rafael cruz: Lobby full of bots

curc649: not being able to sit at the top of the tac is what ruins it for me. Horizon was such a unique legend to play. All they needed to do was either slow the elevation or the strafe (probably the strafe) and leave the rest. Respawn doesnt believe in tweaking i guess.

Jessie Lopez: Wing-Mahn! ... ok, so Rich (and Sooxfar) confess that the gun's not always there for them either. Anyone else see the irony here?? A Wingman is supposed to be reliably there for his mate. ...but the Wing-Mahn is NOT. Some days it's your ace. Next day, it's like every shot is a No Reg - not acting like a reliable wingman at all

Joshua Stanley: Day 4 of asking for a alternator video

Nathaniel Gordon-Richards: Mans talking bout Chief Keef while my cousin doing a whole 10 year reunion tour in the background had me rolling

Ryan Williams: When she floats to heal...she gets beamed.. When she floats to lay spitfire cover...she gets beamed To be honest since she came out she wasn't op for me/against me at all.....and in late game if she didn't have ring, high ground or building to lift too she was average in final ring..

hendrick prock: "The pathfinder treatment" is such a perfect way to explain the nerf. Its understandable but way too much.

Please Use Chip: baited me with chief keef but dislike soofar why yall gotta pair in every video just gimme one

Jak but from Jak and Daxter: Her Ult is a wee lack luster but other than that she's my main.

Bloodhound main: Day 2 of asking rich to use the volt cause it goated

Marcus Lopez: the climb glitch also happens on the other side as well

David Dickson: Wouldn’t is make sense for horizon to keep the same factor for the tactical but have everybody else have the 30% movement reduction and can’t stay at the top of it. It makes sense since her passive is one of a kind also

X Reed: Constantly apex wants to nerf to balance characters, they always end up overnerfing in some way. If they would just buff instead to make it more fair, everyone would be happy. But i don't even play anymore anyways, for this reason and more, so its whatever at his point.

Dr. Plague: 6:57 absolutely

cj handley: Caustic for nerfed to much.

JESS MATTHEWS: why do you hate the hemlok 😢 it's not THAT bad

jonathan lizarraga: Day 10 on asking ITemp to do a Spanish video

JESS MATTHEWS: i think jankz's wingman is probably 100%

Pyro 11372: I don't think she was nerfed enough, but I could just be salty from last season

TheLawEnforcerHD: I feel like overall she's kinda in a good place now. Plus I have quite a few Platinum rank dubs solo with her this season so far (split 1)

Brayan Plays: I can hear u sayin “bitches love sosa” and its hilarious

Togi Tiafau: 16:03 😂you’re not that guy

John Davies: Idk dude it’s still not as bad as the caustic nerf lol

K1ng Rat: Idk about you but I would love it if Rich did a Q and A video

KrystalWolf24: We gotta chill with the nerfs, i know she was good but these needs always go too far

the bread: Horizon needs a micro-buff to her tactical

Quail Land: What they did to horizon is just sad, they really massacred mah girl 😭.

uses0ap: I want a sooxfar shirt that says "what is this audio"

Leoosgaming: I’m more surprised how long that wraith lived for

uses0ap: 4:01 I love it when Rich does his 'gamer' impersonations. My favorite-- "I smoked him, he's isolated"

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