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MrRoflWaffles: GUYS CAN WE ALL AGREE TO CALL MAUER DLC3 PLEASE? OR DO YALL WANTIT TO BE DLC2??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Treyarch called Outbreak DLC2 in a blog post which is why I am saying this, ima get SO confused otherwise 😢)

Edwin Torres Felix: When does this map get released?

Matt Martin: Zombies is trash. Bo1, 2 and 3 were goated. Change my mind

❤️‍🔥: I’m so hyped


Boi: Mauer Der Toten kinda reminds me of Shadows of Evil a bit.

Bruce Horton: Why did I feel like this new map would be released June 17 at midnight?? Now I must sit until mid July for the new survival mode...

Homes 43: When the Berlin Wall will be released ?

Dirty Fresh Gaming: I think he’s saying “the climax is fucking hilarious, in a dry way”

F.Prince: Maxis wants Eddie back!

Scottish Gamer420: Why dont you advertise deadops arcde

PokeMania Tv: Why this mans look like he's on Adderall 🥴 get some sleep waffles! It's been 100 all week here in Cali , definitely have had my ac on all day. Electricity bill this summer will not be a joke.

Billy Brooks: Dudeeee your pupils are huge

Joshua Johnson: BS activision.. there changing the ee my ass.. I have never had a problem even making it to the easter egg and boss without ever going down. And not after the patch.. supersprinters are still there and the damn zombies are way stronger.. suk it activision!!!!!

Blake Cryer: I'm fairly certain Craig said they're talking with the voice actor of Richtophen, during one of the 3 piece bleeps.

Corrosive blast: As a fellow Uk resident I can confirm we have all died from the heat

Raphael Rivera: Its really stupid that they are just working on outbreak its already a big map..... I prefer a single map like firebazeZ and Die Maschine

Kev Keast: What happened to the new round based map

Sean M: Too bad no fixes for their servers on multiplayer ... Complete garbage

leconen leksa: Yes, the common enemy now is Dr Valentina and The One

Rickytofen: I hope we see my boy Richtofen

Tyler Szymoniak: …It’s out?

gokugodssj6 gg: the game still BOOOOOOOOOORINGGGGGGGGGGGG

Jeremy Cable: "Double tap got a glow up, just like tombstone" 100%

C4r M3n: sam dies....?

Ezra Salomons: this trailer giving me shadows of evil vibes (in the right of the first picture they released you can see blue flames)

Tommy: When they started bleeping I was confused but then I started laughing after they bleeped out the future info

DavontleBot AMX: Definitely think the new round based map takes place in the campaign mission “Brick in the Wall”, and the train bit is where bell and Adler were at the beginning of the mission. (Or someplace around there)

Nikolai the Martian: Sorry but the cheeky secrets doesn’t play too well in the dark Aether story. It just comes off as pretentious and out of touch now bc the story is a snooze fest.

xTrackShot: I think he said Clark not Clouse..?

xTrackShot: I've went outside during 90 degree weather with pants and a hoodie on for hours before. I can't say im used to the heat bc it doesn't usually get that hot here, but i prefer heat over coldness

Sensei S P: When is the new Easter Egg for outbreak coming out

Kim Genetello: the beep beep beep .... 😂 do like the new map

Kameron Cox: Look at he the state of zombies. I stopped playing after blood of the dead on bo4 and I didn’t even buy Cold War.

Danielle Bennett: I honestly thought he was excessively swearing until Mr RW tried deciphering it

jamie Hill: Damn, too bad my game can’t launch 80% of the time and freezes my computer, only game that does it, and re installing and scanning the files has never fixed it

Jaymz Keane: “It’s too hot” *Laughs in 40 degrees Celsius Australia*

DanFarrell98: Do you think we’ll need to have completed the first Outbreak quest to do the 2nd one?

Ang Smith: Zbie tiger boss wud av been awesome

Tad Johnson: Wtf with the exp rates it's like the killed exp.

Johnny Cooper: When are u doing a live stream for Mauer de totten

Petru: 0:16 I live in Belgium and I can relate! We indeed just straight leave this life whenever it gets 30 degrees Celsius…. I luckily have a fan but no airconditioning over here 🤧

Solly Taylor: You can get air con 😅

Ahmad Irfan: “Whenever it gets moderately warm, we just DIE” oh dude word

xVPoisonZx: To anybody who is curios, Mauer der Toten means wall of the dead. So the map is most likely going to take place along the Berlin wall.

Renasour2: Dude I can still read his lips a bit through some of the censoring and I swear at around 8:15 on the second bleep it looks like he says The ____maker

Ale R: Idk man it's just not giving me good vibes man. I say it's cool for like a day and then just gets boring again

Zay Wit Da Raps: I believe he says "Carver is f-ing hilarious in a very very dry way" don't know after that though

Craig McDonnell: Klaus? He did say dead fish on zoo The fish off American dad making an appearance 🤷‍♂️🐠

Austin SY: I’m glad double tap root beer is returning because the guns in zombies don’t feel as strong as they did in bo3

l l: Not sure if this is where to post this, but a friend and I just found the locations of all 4 monkeys for outbreak zoo map! If anyone knows how I can get the bingo out, pls reply!

Krous Anthony: When

Samuel Friend: The two arm gesture seems like its implying the new perk is going to have a glow up, like how Daiquiri did, with the two guitars sticking out of the perk machine. At least I think that's correct

Gabriel Alvarado: I'm honestly sick of outbreak at this point, most of what they've been adding is just outbreak maps, and yes there's another normal map coming but we've been getting way too many outbreak maps and basically no normal zombies maps.

Swiss Cheese: 10:10 hes talking about deadshot getting a glow up

-Galaxy-: I’d consider this dlc 2. Outbreak was very underwhelming for me so I like to consider firebase as 1 and this as 2

Ossbel Gomez: It would be fantastic if one day milo gets to interview julie. The whole community would participate in asking her questions and she gets to see how everyone loves her character. I dont know, I just would like to see that happen someday.

GitoBeats: They put zoo from black ops one in the game kinda whack

Jeremiah Aranda: Milo move to the USA for the AC

Joel Davis: This map better be good....

craftminer49er: Treyarch be like “before we launch this map, we are going to remove juggernog and nerf the pack a punch to only 2 levels as we felt players were having too much fun. Not fixing the crashing bugs tho 😂”

Lukoala: We all just die 😂😂

Valentine VII: We really need a playable Ravenov operator!

Alex Moreno: Plz answer do u know when the new zombie map is released plz answer

EpicDragonz: Honestly Outbreak is cool and Ive played it a ton at this point but I really hope it doesnt become the standard. The individual maps are still where zombies is at its most fun and best in my opinion

Killerbro Gaming: Zombies is dead, this shit ain't it

Owen C: The bottom or spawn is the 2v2 map with the trains, in the description of that map two it's says trains under Berlin

WonkyBomb: Dude buy an air conditioner. So many of you Brit content creators complain about no a/c. Buy one you wouldn’t regret it trust me.

Darnell Moss: I want the thunder gun for maure


Keithric Galentine: So we’re all going to ignore the fact that when the zombie jump off the train on fire it looked like a new special zombie running towards the camera

GuloGulo: "Its a very exciting time to be a zombies fan" The entire zombies community lately:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Damian: If double tap was akimbo then it would be double the amount of damage and fire time.

Spectre NRG: UK don’t have ac?

james smith: Reading from something during the interview. And no mew round base to start season 4 just out break and a new map added from a previous multiplayer map it looks like. I'm disappointed in zombies for cold war

Angel Valeriano: Milo is on speed

Alteredizzy: I can't wait to play this 20ish days after season 4 starts...

Becky: He literally says 'Good and evil and more evil and other good and other evil'. Now dont get me wrong , I like a cryptic teaser, but I sense there may be some good and evil in there somewhere .

Yokai Ramos: What if the bleeps were some sort of code to spell out a word on some Morse code stuff

Yokai Ramos: I feel like that outro means something for them to keep showing it

Adam Ogaz: The map looks like shadows

Pandaballs 123: You love her so much

Egghead: Also I think the zombies map will have berlin wall from black ops 1 multiplayer in there

ID K: Way too late in the games cycle, they lost me months ago. At this stage in bo3 we had der eisendrache and ZNS waiting on Gorod krovi to release today we have some average maps a stale game mode and a cool looking trailer lol

Ryan Villanueva: Imagine if Tedd the bus driver from tranzit is the driver of the train

ShadowDMG Daniel Davis: Sounds like you're having so much fun with the heat 😆🤣😂

Egghead: Is zoo from black ops 1 and it's remade for outbreak?

Tucker John: Thanks WAFFLE!

;-;: Damn map got delayed till july.

Schnubiq ._.: I feel like the subway in Mauer der Toten will be the spawn room and it'll be sort of like Ascension with a trap that automatically triggers

Renee Peay: New map out

Florian Bergmüller: Maybe Mauer der Toten will bring back the teleporters and thats how the storyline continues to Vanguard🤔 Maybe a kind of Origins map. Because i already have feeling that the Orda are just Riesen/Giants out of meat. Corrupted by the dark aether.

rg was here: Mauer Der Toten is from the campaign

Derek Sansone: I don’t like outbreak. Unpopular opinion I know. I need them to release new real maps, this is ridiculous.

kookie monster: its basically the berlin campaign mission but with zombies just like firebase z was the Vietnam mission from the campaign too xD

Gamer Man: 12:52 you got games on your phone?

Chase Bishop: DLC 1: Middle day DLC 2: Evening or Early morning idk DLC 3 (is that what we’re calling it?) NEW MAP: Mid Night i love the way this new map looks and Firebase Z. DLC 1 is okay but it’s just too bright for me

Rage: Yo where the fuck tranzit my home slice

3lite_Saber: bro dont even lie u know u have a celebrity crush on julie nathanson... just say it bro instead of trying to hide it LMFAO

andrew guyette: I am so ready for the spoops

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