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bedo sabry: Really hurts me when he insta e after throwing a w on wave

Owl: Sorry Mike, 7:49 was my mistake ;-;

Ben Simon: Why not play him bot?

Cristi Dumitrescu: 900 AP ONESHOT

Raijin: You see Mike dying before 3 minutes you know it's gonna be a hard game

Johan Liebert: why not liandrys

Clarence Fernandez: Runaan over demonic wouldve been better late game.

Clarence Fernandez: Ty for doing this but the w stacks until max if they stand on ur pool of poison. Same goes for minions.. so if u w the backline amd e it at max u instaclear it.

Tarek Tadros: wont name names. but someone threw that game haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarddddddddddddddd. :)

a Micronized Pal: the damage output potential of AP Twitch is unforeseen and unexpected, and he deals damage in an abnormal and weird way. the poison is really lethal but is dealt over several seconds, and people do not associate the poison with something lethal. by the way, the poison is dealt in true damage so you cannot counter that unless with HP. the poison burst skill E is also really lethal, and the damage is mixed, the physical part is still hurting it won't be nothing just because you went AP on Twitch.

LJ Savage: Hey mike if you q then back before the cast happens you can recall while invisible.

khufure: this gameplay hurts my brain

yousef almasri: Why didnt u get hurricane!! I was screaming on u on the phone, GET HARRUCAIN !!!, wp bro <3

Tariq Hardan: Love your videos and content as usual. BUT not challenger for plays like such.

Adrian baisden: GG

Yamileysi Chávez: dale cabeza de rodilla :3

Look Behind You: test comment

Ed Frame: Thanks for the content

Jair Artis: It’s better to play this mid, you shove wave with W and auto-ing each minion once or twice followed by pressing E, then roam with your stealth. Against assassins like Talon or Ekko take double adaptive armor/MR and bone plating to survive in lane. Easy peasy.

Heath Alexander: was hoping you'd buy a Hurricane, I did this playing years years back, can't wait for the next urf with s11 items

Lucas Bortoluzzi: the best part about rift maker is the dmg, the healing doesn't maatter all that much when you get oneshot^^ the passiv is great tho just extra dmg over time you got the full effect once the passive is maxed out, i think that triforce is a very nice item for ad twich for this same reason

Dennis Loen: I'm not sure but since E is your main DMG .. you should consider to get some Ability Haste maybe Cosmic Drive

zachary durose: I'm so stoned I heard my pocket talking I guess I butt dialed this video xD but I was tripping for like 5 minutes before I figured out it was my phone lol but I love your videos so much that I stopped what I was doing and restarted it :) life is good

KJplayz 21: Ap Twitch if he has too much frontline Autos you twice presses e then 3/4 of your health is gone

Ματθαιος Παπανδρεου: And yet he never learn that W is a stack every sec. XD

Saeid Ashrafizadeh: Well i saw u always dead

Biruk Mekonnen: If I could.give more likes i would

Manuel SeNNN: 6ix9ine is so old in League.

Hamza Kovac: You trolled hard this game😂😂 but ggs

ansi hussain: Olaf won the game bruh ... he took all the objectives

Ruan Britz: Pls do Udyr 👌🔥

J Z: Really bronze farm this game :d

Cutter Bruce: Has anyone ever actually seen SRO's gf?? 🤔

Mathias Ingerslev: Hype game! Gg

Polly Butter: Zwag was 1st play this build... And dude I like to watch your stream but man... The sound of keyboard klick so annoyed.... Can you took other some pls...

EKOY Ch: how to connect obs studio?

Emmanuel Mbah: I don't know if this is true and maybe this is just me but it looked like ap twitch's late game damage kinda fell off really hard compared to other champs in that game.

Anthony Arsenault: anyone else like the video after the "easy, simple, OH SHIT"

William Burns: oh hey mike got a kill now for his obligatory stay for too long so that someone comes to kill him....check

Hari kishan: Ravenous twitch build please

Hanitcal69: Imagine if he had good cs this game

Maxime Caron: 100% unfair for who, twitch player or enemies because you died 15 times. That's insane.

Slayz z: Dark harvest is better on AP twitch

Normie: I would only play some champs if riot give me skin, twitch is one of them lol

H. E: does SRO only play in the top lane even if build works better elsewhere?

pete makrygiannis: I think I have liked every video since he started saying he missed cannons cuz I didn’t like😂

Total Bro: Lol that moment that you face checked the gragas and got deleted. Are hybrid builds not worth trying?

fredfredburger95: yeah..... i'd wish the title of the video was a lie but ap rat is actually ridiculous xD

Matt Williams: 130 cs at 38 minutes one shotting people. Fix your fucking game riot

Joe Crawford: Ravenous would be so good tho for sustain, also do you think 4th item should be hurricane for AOE passive spreading

chocolate42: That "Oh shit" moment is too real haha

Eyem Knotdum: League of Legends 2420: All champions build one single item that evolves throughout the game based on their needs. The items gives healing + shielding when taking damage, extra damage + of course on hit % health damage when attacking, movement speed all the time + extra when moving towards or away from a champion, a dash that goes over every wall in the game and has no cooldown, and a Karthus ult upon reaching level 2. You also no longer play the game manually, champions act on their own and you hope for the best.

Andy Van Meter: Been seeing this everywhere 😂

Arben Kica: Last item could be Hurricane?

Whitney Gillespie: I feel like SRO would enjoy playing ADC and do well, he has the orb walking down. Just needs to know limits

Xander Felargo: Whenever he says, ” I'll take it" I always think: well do you have a choice? lol

lipayy: Why are you running it down so hard this video lmao, literally respawning and running straight towards the whole enemy team

Brainstorm Surge: I think it's better to go for the double burn. Night Harvest if they're all squishy is good too.

Gaming Gamer: I don’t know if you ever noticed it but the W applies multiple stacks. It applies another stack like every second or whatever. Seeing you let it stack once on minions and then clicking E was making me a little upset lol

Qning: Pretty sure it's 5 stacks for Twitch poison. But I haven't played Twitch since last season so maybe it changed and I'm just not aware of it?

Murilo Sena: Twitch can't proc on-spell hit effects like luden's, liandry's, demonic embrace, etc. His passive doesn't proc it, and W doesn't deal damage, it only applies his passive.

jeff de lu: I like you as a person, but I hate the way you play

Riot God: What about lichbane for those autos

amsd1231: Mike I'm not as high rank as you but I noticed that you miss a lot of cs because you're in the habit of using the ability then auto attacking to clear waves. Clearing waves quickly is necessary and important for wave management and sometimes csing takes a back seat when trying to push fast. I get that. But just changing the order of auto attacks and ability usage may net you a few more cs in the end. I'm not trying to criticize your gameplay. I'm just shining a light to an aspect of your gameplay pattern that I think that might help you if you noticed it yourself.

NihilisticJokerz: HoB is nice but I think lethal tempo is the better tune choice for AP and AD twitch

zackisbored1: I wish he’d dye his beard again 😍😂

Данила Нещерет: 0:11 sweety-girls24.online

STXY: we liking the videos, SRO, stop missing them cannons!

gr33n: i usually forget to like the video, but then i see a canon minion :0

Z: comments for the youtubes

Evan Schumacher: 57 seconds ago... boom what up

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