Tbaging Every Twitch Streamer in Apex Season 10

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AFK Hershey: Hang on so I'm pretty sure zues was stream sniping nick and they still put up a damn good fight imo

Eric rick: 1:40 POV, you‘re a TTV wraith You could: A) kill someone with your portal because you’re actually good at the game B) complain about aim assist What do you do?

ImDSU: 9:02 dude chokes hard asf still calls his teammate trash nah bro ur awful

Tristan Tuohy: "seer is not really that good" holy shit bro

swenoss: Is it just me is Zeus kinda not that good, besides the aim 😩😩

MrMazza4321: So sick and tired of PC babies crying about us controller players........ if its that OP then connect a controller............ fact of the matter is, its WAY easier to be more precise with your aim on mouse having full movement of your arm and wrist on a massive surface compared to a thumb on a stick. Get over it and be a little bit more humble when you die ffs.

Colton Kalanta: homies actually cheating!! at 1:51, his bullets actually bend 90 degrees! lol either cheats or VERY unfortunate lag! none the less , totally an absolute banger of a video! love you bud!

SHASHWAT NEGI 17BCE0322: Apex is now boring because its many made of controller players .. I switch to controller when I bought ps5 and was surprised how easily it was .. 1v3 fight were soo easy.. I bet you cant compete in controller only tournament.. Stop teabagging PC gamers who dont have aimassist

Robert Walker: AUSTRALASIAS FINEST hahhahahaha no other like it tbaggggnnnn

loljasmine: 6:21 "HE'S ONE HE'S ONE" as the whole team can see he is clearly not one 😐

hi: He finally doing this series again

X-GhostRiderx-X: I like what you do to TTV they think are the best and they quit 😌

Lapetus78: 2:13 wow, another stupid ttv whinnying about controllers, how surprising

A Rut: PC players complaining about controller players will always be funny

Quixotic: Nickmercs had no idea wtf he doin. So lost my guy 🤣


Mr Moveset: Dudes crying about controller players 😂😂😂 I’m sorry doesn’t PC have oh what’s it called , Tap Strafe and OP movement and sensitivity. Not to mention the ability to re map anything to any key bind. Hmm. And the pussy is a streamer too 😂 go figure. God I love Zeus. ❤️♥️

woody Pyle: I love the fact there like they ain’t shit but you literally disrespect their entire family tree

Xz-_ Lxrd: My votes is on the second guy

H.: Apex streamers have become so cringe. Also you should gift it to Lordiee. His laugh impression and fever-dream style commentary are worth $100

Test ting: people that mad after lose a 1v1 need to see a doctor. Usually a TTV 😐.It's just a game why they have to be mad🤣

Dude Mcdudeman: 11:52 That guy does a pretty good Zeus laugh haHaHA4a4HAhaH

The Hague: What servers is this man playing on

A-State Lawn Service: Some of these streamers have some real garbage audio.

Bot Wipes: i was waitin for this day ✅

Knight of 0 Spectre: Haven't tbagged all ttvs so far.

June Yang Outdoors: All I hear is controller excuses. You PC players should have no problem, way better movement and control stop making excuses

Fritata Bean: Cloakzy yelling one tap on that guy and man's literally just got cracked 😂😂 one headshot from a long beam maybe

Logan Nightmares: I’m so sick of controller players says the pc player that can do absolutely fucking everything wow you fucking suck lmao

thewildboobert: There’s a guy on xbox pretending to be you and he yells into his mic with slurs when he gets knocked in arenas

Vinny Bombara: the girl who was worth teebagging who said, "yes, I have made it now."

isj: tbf he was definitely behind that wall lol

PotterWizard50: God fucking damn it stop complaining about aim assist. You act like you can’t move in superhuman ways, track people SO much better, and just all around have a higher level of skill that is achievable.

Abdu R: I wanna see Zeus, Faide, and Lulu in the same squad

Michael Schwab: The girl who said she made it after getting bagged

PotterWizard50: “This guy really takes life serious” lmaoooo

Jey Ro2manWarrior: People’s soooo hurt🤣🤣🤣🤣



Ethan A.: “OmG cONtroLLEr” typical streamer

time waster: T bag for life 🤣

Callsign: Blaze: Jankz- I’m on the Seer only road to Pred Zeus- and I’ll be teabagging everybody along the way

DetoxVI: I think the first dude AussieBloke should win by a landslide

JORDAN ARANAS-STURGILL: The majority of these plays would have been impossible if you weren’t playing on 250+ ping.

RivalPikachu: 17:24 she deserves it bro! That response was adorable

LV Fanta: 9:12, man looks like he’s playing on a 2009 toshiba laptop🤣🤣🤣

Nikhil Leeroy: Whenever I get stomped by TTV 3 stacks in apex I come back to these videos which gives me joy

Hades: U just got reported for smurfing sir lol feels bad.

Servers: Bruh imagine leaving the game when you still have a teammate and call Seer, literally one of the most insane info legends in the game “not good”

kyzer. D.Hartley: I’m curious how nick got to diamond on pc? He missed like all his wingman shots…

Diego Montenegro: The guy with kitty ears headset @ 16:02 . That dude was so chilled and didn't rage or trash talked, he was just like "wtf is going oooonnnn" xD

TheDonBarracuda: this vid must have taken forever to put together, I appreciate the laughs lol

Jonny H: "I was on the other side of the dome bro, when I got hit by a bullet" should be on a shirt 🤣

Jonny H: 11:45 has to be the best reaction 😂 🤣

Coolstarburst: If these guys complain about op controller players why don’t they just switch over themselves? 😂

Diego Salazar: The girl talking back to the guy was so funny lmao

Christopher Charles Realist: Lumi put this guy to work, monthly vids aint cutting it for me, the TTVS have gotten brave since Zeus became a myth in apex lobbies

Yogani -: Great video zeusy poo keep up thr good work

Megazord Tha mayne: We need Zeus voice clips for all Legends

I Am Doge: Can we give the win to the guy that got predpunched again?

Mary Smith: Zeus is literally out here making people quit playing 😂😂😂😂

Mary Smith: Jedi4Ya. The shock on his face 💀

Sean Penacerrada: I wonder why Zeus doesn't stream and changes his IGN all the time

tehkamikazekid: It never gets old "who the fuck is this teabagging me shit hacker... oh wait... it's Zeus..."

NightstalkerDG: 13:52 ayo is this guy streaming with night light on 💀💀💀💀

Egg Yolk Gaming: It is kinda tilting to get beamed around a wall by 250 ping and aim-assist tho lmao

Island King: all the dislikes on this video are ttvs. lmao

Josh Roberts: Zeus , permission to use the name “ You just died to 0.4 aim assist” just for banter

uTgrude: 3 mf ads? Yea naw

Sebastian Dumitru: THE game is broken, full of cheaters

Griffin Tyger: I’ve come to the conclusion that Zeus is just better than everyone

coolclay99: The girl at 17:10

עידן ניסנוב: 19:35 what a nice streamer :)

Don Pablo: "paused at 0:20" ahh I need to pee real quick

Justin Savoie: Ordiee takes the cake hands down lol

sterling cooke: I remember when I was 13 and thought this was funny

Random: Lmaoo i love the ones that hate the game instead of the way they play 🤣

ItzNarc: BRO id be pissed getting PK 2 taped and zues being 200 ping

Kent Santos: Pc has the advantage of tap-strafing they just blame controller players because they are actually not dogshit

Speeding Wheelbarrow: I really loved the reaction from Aussiebloke "oh it might be zeus? Uhhh he's cheating!!! :P" @0:39 But I also really liked the girl, wangle, who's now "Made it in life" haha @17:10 I really wish those two were in separate videos they could both win!!!

Raul M: Everyone on this video is so disgustingly toxic.

AsapxYahir: nick getting carried to pred

Dan Riches: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lmao rofl rage quit

Darknin Sky: I might be late but here i am can't skip the content.

Fesititi: 1:45 was just BM. You did not deserve that kill. You shot him when he was already well behind cover. Are Australian servers that empty that you have to play on 250ms?

Shado Chibi: It's hilarious hearing pc players constantly complain about controllers. like bruh. Y'all got your entire arm to aim with. Just git gud. XD

swade w: Honestly why don't the streamer just plug themselves zeus would have to include it if they said it at the climax it would be funny if they did it right and it's free advertising

Tshegofatso Moroeng: Bro best one “I’ve made it in life”

Eric Xiong: Imagine your teammate saying you suck but he got knocked and killed first

Eric Xiong: Zeus: Change his name to BackoffMyGrampzzz BackoffMyJankzzz: so you have chosen death!!!

Anthony Contreras: Bet next he won't have his ping and loss won't be showing either, whatever you're doing us sus. Wow. Just wow.

Eric Xiong: "Im sick of controller players" Controller players: blame it on us aye?

Mt_Hermit: The reactions most of these crybaby TTV give are the reason I don't watch twitch anymore. Fucking streamers are the biggest divas. And the majority of them aren't entertaining

Anthony Contreras: This video is sus af, plus it's not funny either imo. GL being toxic. And you're ping bouncing between 190 to 200, I bet if it was between 30 to 40, I know your fights would end way quicker and you would being getting downed. Dude GL

Eric Xiong: Streamers: Its not the real Zeus! Maybe it is him... He's hacking! Zeus! he is Freaking hacking!

Jose Was: I'm so sick of controller players lmao ur a joke dude we work for ours while ya mouse does all da work for ya while ya click away we have to aim ya big ttv baby

Spuhgetti O’s: The girl that made it I vote for her

fnaticMercy: 1:48 he absolutely was behind the wall

Intheflesh: 12:57 “what are we doing” yea says the guy who just got shit on for challenging with less then half shield/health LMFAO 😂

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