Streamer Loot is REAL - Apex Legends Season 9
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Prathik Pawar: That’s a good phononenomenonНаписать
Indian Techsupport.: Who were they talking about in the beginning?
Etash Sinha: Happy Birthday Rich!! its the next day so i think this is your day! Congratulations!
Mr. Red: How come I feel like I just want to sit and chat with Rich for an hour and listen to him talk about stupid shit over a beer lol
M. Ali: Are we gonna get a 1 mil special?
Ulysses: "I'm hiding behind a bin though so I'll blend right in." Lol!
Jamshid Ochilov: Happy birthday, Rich!! AND SOOXFAR YOU SUCK FOR SHOOTING THE MRVN!! >>:-(
ToMT07: Phe nom o na
Miles Cobley: Happy birthday! (Tomorrow)
the bread: Is this ps5 gameplay?
Wiener Bros.: The ending with the mrvns was hilarious
Matt Vass: We got the same birthday happy birthday bro
Luca Pasanisi: why just why the marvn
Tricolour Llama: I feel like they secretly buffed hotzones I got two gold bags helmets and knockdowns in one zone
T black Gaming: Happy birthday
Paxer 92: 1:26 Sooxfar almost said a F word lol
Luca Pasanisi: happy birthday for tmr much love
Christoffer Sloth: Happy birthday
Abdul Wahid: TIL i share my birthday with Rich.
Byron W.: Well then, happy birthday, Rich. Enjoy the day, bro.
julez nava: Phunumunun
Charlie Beattie: Happy birthday in case you don’t play tomorrow
Invocation Chaos: Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎈🎁
Lynn Moorhead: Watching you guys play, always makes me feel even worse about how badly I play in comparison. LOL! Great games.
Tristan Nicole: And without the MRVN arm, you wouldn't have got the self rez !
Jhonny Arroyo: Ay happy birthday man have a good one
Wambo Kalambo: Does rich ever post ranked play?
RandR215: Happy birthday Rich 🎉🖤
jordan battle: Rich my bday is two days after yours!! Happy early bday from one of your season 0 apex fans
Treyvon Lorente: Yo! Happy birthday ITemp
Jacob Young: Happy Birthday Rich
Ravi Chohan: What is happening? Jankz says he doesn't want Kraber. Rich says he only has G7. I guess sooxfar will say "i only have flatline" soon and then Shiv will say "it's just me Solo bang" lol i'm jk haha. Rich you fuck people up with G7, we all know this. You have motivated me to get better at using G7.
Alberto Gonzalez: What’s streamer loot ??
Wade Crocker: Day 1 of asking rich to not play the game on his birthday.
Chill_XD: happy early b day
Devin DePlacito: It hurt when you said playing apex on your birthday would be so sad... Today was my birthday and I played ranked until I hit gold. I know gold rank is nothing to brag about compared to you and Sooxfar, but its progress for me 😅🤷🏽♂️
Quinn McCay: Happy early birthday rich 🎂
Water Monke (Max): Day 30 of asking for pistols only
Sweaty Slurp Juice: Rich, today is my birthday! Me and my favorite youtuber have birthdays on back to back days!
Alexander Trejo: Happy birthday Temp😃
Thomas Tripp: Yeah yeah
Jeffery Brown: 1st game: Should've kept the Spitfire you had so much ammo. 2nd game: How DARE YOU! He was a child!
Kang: Happy birthday Rich
Gabriel Gameros: Happy bday 🎂
Gemma Cowell: Anyone else see the res happen while they were running to the marvn in labs? :'D
Chemicals: happy early b-day
beri: I like how hard you tried to mispronounce phenomenon.
Leke Lyerly: Happy early birthday rich
Bearbear Soares: He did the first thing on purpose
Eric Blevins: Been watching vids unsubbed for a minute, and to be honest it’s the “i’ll see you all in five and a half seconds my friends” for the millionth time that made me sub. Man deserves it :)
Ben Calloway: “This loba just wants to throw hands!!” 😂😂
SpectrumGoated: LMAO phonomen!! He practiced and still messed it up! I love it Rich 😂
Cloud Strife: Well, I had that exact thing happen today. Just we attached the arm, got the loot, then got another arm from the looted marvin. I'm not sure 9ther people knew about this though.
Spence TheFence: RIP Marvin, you will be missed.
Seth Linindoll: Use me as a wow sooxfar button
Victor Mojica: @itemp Happy Birthday 🎊🎈🎁
Giooo: Happy birthday rich!
Aesthetic Gamer: Rich: "try not to play this game on my bday, tht wud be so sad" Sooxfar: *streamed apex on his bday*
Guardian0fRats MC: Happy birthday Rich 🥳
Taylor Gant: Idk when you made this video but happy birthday rich!!! Love the content and the energy you bring I wish you all the success in life man!!!
MOON: With the video's information, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
THOMAS GAMING: great game gg happy early birthday
Isaiah Andersen: happy birthday my man! great vid
Lane Siegle: hey rich i like this video 🐐
Johnathan Card: happy birthday rich 🎂
33 & Me: can't believe he shot MRVN
shane plamondon: Rich how could you associate with that murderer,I'm ashamed for you
xXxassmonkey69xXx: Rich is the people’s player. He may not have skill but he does what he needs to do
Joakim Joseph: Happy birthday !
Bear X Bear: I can't believe SF did MRVN so dirty
The petting Hand: Can someone type the name of the streamer they mentioned in the start
Josh Reynolds: That MRVN troll… 🔥🤣☠️🤣🔥 Happy Birthday Rich!
Kristen Pack: My jaw dropped when soox killed mrvn LOL
Gideon Bell: I freaking hate when people just throw punches it's so annoying
Brandon Pratt: You should have used the arm on the mrvn then shot it, it still would have given you the arm either way less distance to run
justinlapointe11: Lets see if this works eventually. 😁 DAY 10 REQUESTING RICH DO THE JOHN WICK CHALLENGE. (Pistols only)
D D: Y’all should play warzone
Lucas Antonello: 14:50- I’m hiding behind a bin. I’ll blend right in. Rich’s octane skin looks like a lollipop on steroids! 🥳🤩🤪😜
Collin Gunter: this is my hateful comment about sooxfar shooting the mrvn
AJStylz1: I never woulda thought THAT would be the word that finally gets him
GrimaceB1: Happy birthday, Rich. You make great content, have a great day.
Terrell Pitts: Dang Rich 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Zombie Shuffle: I'd watch a video of Itemp just trying to pronounce phenomenon.
SyncJr: Hello, Yes, Hi. Hi, my question is for Sooxfar: Ahm.. what the fuck is a battle beaver, mate?
Zykon_Ree: Who are they talking about at the beginning? I'm always looking for more good people to watch
Lenya Hart: I laughed at the intro flub, but now I've genuinely forgotten how to actually pronounce phenomenon... sat here repeating "phe -nom-a-nom" to myself like a fool :')
jesse flynn: That mirage at the beginning had to be the worst player I’ve ever seen 🤣
General Tophat: Happy early Birthday!
Abdullah Mahd: day 19 of asking rich to use colorblind mode
Mr.GoldKush: Some people are just built different and I’m not one of them 😂😂😂😂😂 I laughed so hard
Noah Hill: 💀💀💀destroys marvin
PurpleMonke85: 1000th like Lol no one cares
Heidi-Lee Rodgers: I was shook when SooXfar shot Marvin
Ezio Auditore: What the hell is stream loot?
TheTinyFishyGaming: "Phemominon"
Jake Oliver: Rich, at 3:02 of your video you said you can’t climb up to get to the roof. Freeze frame at 3:02. You can climb the boxes and get to the roof from there FYI. Happy early birthday goat !
jonathan lizarraga: Day 12 on asking ITemps to do a Spanish video
Vissnett L: Last time he got two lvl 3 shields both games
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