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ProHighlights: 13:37 Thumbnail! *25K V-Bucks Giveaway! * THE GIVEAWAY IS NOT FAKE! THE GIVEAWAY IS NOT FAKE! To Enter: 1- Subscribe and Ring the Bell! 2- Like the video 3- Leave an original comment YOU NEED TO HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT The winners will be announced on August 15th (I extended the giveaway duration)


No fear Anthony: pee pee poo poo yaaaaaaarghh maties

100 Subscribers With No Videos Challenge: 8:33 Actually destroys lol Read my name btw

X2 Cody-Clixy: 2:51

Froxy Kvarg09: Hi love your content

Hinata ma bae: Is it weird how I never got vbucks

Elite Andrew Gaming: Floppers not clippers

Elite Andrew Gaming: The one guy with the clippers was a hacker

Brxklyn: CAAAARS

Mateo Campos: V-Bucks i have do all

Ryan Benavidez: Who wants clix to play warzone

Football cards: I ready

Kyly Satoc: i have done evrything i liked sub with notis on usernameAc3_DAKOTAZ

Arjan Sinani: I watched the whole video

Arjan Sinani: I liked i subscribed with notifications on Epic NotJanyy

Albert Houmann: Caaaars - Epic is Twitch Thunmann :-)

Javier Alejandro Durán Torres: Good brother video I hope to earn my turkeys

Landon Solo 9: I subed liked and turned on notifications epic Landon Solo9

surfxces: 8 min, Clix woke up my whole house @ 3 am

Octv_BBX: Caaaars Fortnite ign is Lil Octavius I like your guys' channel because u post regular twitch highlights and clips and I find it very entertaining.

Octv_BBX: Caaaars

mohdrafi shaik: Awesome clips.entered giveaway my epic mask_ruhi

Myk Yeet: Bro CAAARS

avery zhu: My favorite was when mongraal no scoped

Its_Rxflex: Fearless is back

Murks: An original comment 🤷🏽‍♂️ Gimme my vbucks 😂

Just Twitching: nice work, keep it up!

djajfbsnjs: Hmm comment something original how about First or gifting to who every likes my latest video and subscribes to my channel

djajfbsnjs: The 0:33 clip was insain loved the video today man<3

NME: To the 1% of people who read this. You are amazing and blessed please stay safe. Have a amazing day. I have been struggling on views so some help is appreciated.

RPT Sizzle: I was eating chicken nuggets when I like the vid

Lighty Fish: great video and I entered the giveaway

Ясенов on 60 hz: What do you think of the cars

Cool123 kid: 16 ppl cant be first

Donut Schwe: I don't have a PayPal but hint is caaaaaarrrrrrs

Max O’Reilly: CAAAARS

Mr. Noob: Instructor where where you learn to fill up gas me nowhere 12 years olds did it for me while I was in my lambo

Mr. Noob: Bro loved the dancing at the end another banger video like always

Blawlmasted 101: This is for the giveaway *Mongraal: kills someone *Me : Prepares to lose my hearing *Mongraal: SHITTTT ONNNNNNNN

josh matot: I did everything my name is Flopper W

3 Star Motel: 4:50 if link isnt cheating idk who is

Mushman: This vid has the best content lmao

Bu Ben Alaka şimdi bu gün: The new hunting rifles are better than shotguns R||y

Pootyツ: YT-Pootyツ My epic

VxlueFN: Hey ProHighLights my favorite part was when he kept shock waving himself into the storm

FK Matías iwnl: 9:40

FK Matías iwnl: 7:24 sanku y rustyk

RobertGamingRO: 21st

nayzeFN: Nice lol

NiccoFinni: Me: *sees a Lambo in Fortnite* Let me take that Me: *wants to buy a real lambo* My wallet: I'm gonna end this man's whole career

The Dab Brothers:

LordBoy: Driving Instructor: where did u learn to drive? You: Fortnite

Tabz: To the 1% of people watching I hope you have a goof and blessed day it is hard in these tough times,it would mean a lot for a sub I’m trying to grow my channel my goal is 10 subs

Keith Runs: when you think your early but there is so many comments lol super hype for the video <3 i make videos

Tariq A.: hey you going to give me that 25000 v buck? :) my epic is cloud766

EcoStrat: prohighlights please reply this comment

EcoStrat: 5 people cant be first tho

sub for sub: To all of you reading this have a great day

Iceboy: Hello just hello

EcoStrat: am I first? Not saying i am, saying i might be

II Matex: Hi Have a great day 👍

Kyromix: To the person reading this: You’re amazing and blessed, stay safe and have an amazing rest of your day✨ My Dream Is To Reach 5K, I’ve been struggling to get there - ph

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