The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5 REVIEW & REACTION

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daedmorgon: Who cares if they change Pedro pascal? I can tell you not me

elchamber: Gambit? You sure not Nightcrawler or Mr. Sinister?

elchamber: If they have too many spin-off shows, it’s gonna cheapen the tv shows example the movies.

Tŵm H: No lightsabers in rogue one... mmm Vader?

Tŵm H: My favourite rumour/hope is that Mace Windu answers the call.

Adam Mold: Disney DIDN'T create the character. Again, they are riding the coat tails of better minds - name Lucas and Filoni. They are lucky to still have the latter and I hope he gets creative control over it all.

Leo: Two things to make Ahsoka perfect. 1. like Grace said more trying she needs so be more graceful and use her sabers as two parts of the same weapon and not different blades they compliant each other. 2. her lekku that head tails should be cgi like they did for Hela's horns in Thor 3

William Tovar: nice recap. there was some more easter eggs inside the show and i taught they nailed it! good job star wars!

wade lindeman: Tritip lol

Darien Chase: I would love a Star Wars anthology series. Then you could test various characters from novels, animation and comics.

sharp52092: I'm hoping we'll see Boba by the last 2 episodes of the season.

Derek Ford: Jesus Christ, this woman is obsessed with reylo, even in videos where there is no reason to bring it up. She's still mad they killed Ben Solo, and thinks he deserved NO comeuppance whatsoever for all the mass murder and torture he did just because she thinks he's hot. Makes it really hard to sit through her Star Wars videos ngl

brian rodriguez: I loved Ahsoka! I was so excited for Rosario, I thought she did a wonderful job. The Anakin reference was wonderful! But some of the fight sequences were so awkward to watch. I'm excited to see more

XDspacemanJD: I need an Ahsoka Movie, with Rosario Dawson as older ahsoka and Laura Harrier as Padawan Ashoka and Hayden Christensen to return as Anakin in flashbacks!!

rmmj7 James: Ahsoka could easily be lead in a brilliant Thrawn trilogy movie. Too good for streaming, honestly. If anything got folks back to the cinemas in huge numbers it would an Ahsoka lead franchise (as long as they concentrate on making good movies and drop pushing politics)

Jak Attakk: Never liked star wars aside from rogue one before, but this is just my favourite show on TV currently! Why don't they give us more of this stuff in the movies?!

Akito: Groogu is starting to grow on me

D Rock: I absolutely hate the name Grogue

E S3: R. Dawson lightsaber fights were AWESOME. I didn't see a single bad frame. In fact I thought they at times made it to savage and predatory how she was stalking down her victims, but it was still some of the best lightsaber work I've seen. Better than Mace Windu and Palpatine light saber duals, and both of Ananikin and Ob1 vs Dooku fights.

Dervishhh: Being a casual fan, I really expected to hear that Grogu is a character in one of the other series I haven't watched and that everyone would be all excited that they get to see him (her?) grow up. Guess not, oh well.

Alan Miller: Was paying attention until she said that she was a Batman devotee 🙄

Anthony Gordon: Everyone knows Grogo will be the next leader of the Mandalorian that will yield the black saber. For the fact that he is raised by Mando makes him officially a Mandalorian like Mando himself. Mando is probably seeing the value in Grogo for being a jedi raised by the Mandalorian ways and what it can probably do for his people.

yw1971: 14:44 - Exhausted? Rey? How can she be - she's so perfect.

Sahil Mehta: Lots of nit pick here

Three Dee: Great review you are spot on.

Ross Honde: 16:47 "That's Nice!".😁😂😂...I felt that one

1c3 sLy1: 4:26 she said, "That is the way." No. "This is the way." I'd prefer one or two great shows. If two, Running consecutive, not concurrent.

HOLLY HOOD: Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka is definitely radiating Angelina Jolie level vibes. Now I can’t wait for Eternals too.

HOLLY HOOD: What a sureal epsiode... from animated Clone Wars to live action Ahsoka! Truly Incredible!

MintyNinja: I’m liking the Star Wars Cinematic Universe idea Grace!!

xenophonBC: ahsoka had spunk when young. grew more serious with her experiences.

Aaron Barlow: Luke and Vader ROTJ sabre fight is still the best.

Aaron Barlow: 2 actresses of colour? What does their race matter? Enough Identity politics nonsense in our entertainment!

Aaron Barlow: Putting women front and centre and relegating the male hero to the background? Who saw THAT coming from Disney?

Matt Foley: The mandalorian has become The LOVE BOAT of star wars. I like Mando big mando, with new characters. Not pushing filoni bologna. Keep it fresh

Con: im not a fan of this weird trend of ethnic people in colored makeup

Xenthorx: They nailed it, she nailed it. I was shocked by how good it was

moeomoton520: Lol, The Clone Wars had spoiled me seeing Ahsoka's fast rapid fighting movements . Especially all of her Maul duels, Wow! Happy for the introduction though, Ezra next please!!! Love the "Gambit," joke btw!

West Coast Chicano: I had my doubts about her but she did a gr8 job. Gr8 review, my Gracie! 📽️ 🍿 🌺 😘

flare 156: I have a theory that when baby yoda goes to the Jedi temple the Jedi will be Ezra from the rebels show because the creators were involved with the clone wars rebels and now mandalorian basically some of the best stars shows and much better than the Disney movies

John Christopher Robert: The writers dropped the ball on this one. Asoka by her own admission is not a Jedi. The writers should have use that fact as the reason why she couldn’t train the Child. I also thought their was too much lightsaber in this episode. If they needed an intro fight seen the viewer should have only seen the lightsabers and not Asoka. I was also disappointed in the final fight scene. Asoka would’ve destroyed that woman with little to no effort. The viewer should be reminded that Asoka defeated Maul and held her own against Darth Vader. My final criticism is that Rosario Dawson didn’t represent the essence of Asoka. Dawson didn’t speak or move like Asoka. This is probably more the fault of the director than the actor.

SouthPaw718: Remaining Star Wars fans: "Help us David Filoni, you're our only hope"

Hairy Pancake: It’s official boys Grace is cool from behind 😝

Medusa Concepts: Gotta love a couch potato critic criticizing her fight moves. When I see your amazing stunt work on screen, I'll value your opinion.

MeTube: Split shows has worked out well for The Walking Dead. It is doable, with the right talent.

Evilutionary: Everyone is behind Ahsoka because she earned her power. She's not a Mary Sue like so many other female characters that Hollywood tries to dump on everyone.

Edmondson Off Grid Homestead: Why does Disney hate blonde women? I think Grace should have a cameo or stand-in.

Nathan Lewis: I think we should completely wipe the last trilogy from canon and start over with the Mandalorian. I enjoy this show so much more than reylo.

Cinema Guerrílla: Anna 👏 Diop 👏 walked👏 !

Garbage Human: I think Mando will at some point have to leave the _insane, religious cult_ he was raised in (becoming a child soldier) and will therefore take off his helmet more. Also, he will face discrimination when other "born & raised" Mandalorians reject him for not having Mandalorian parentage.

Ivan Salguero: The drama with Pedro Pascal was that he didn't like the fact that his face wasn't shown right? i cant remember if that was the drama

Greg brown: Clearly Disney is aiming for an MCU movies/CW Arrowverse type set up. With potential annual crossover stories. I’m cool with that.

Carlos Millán Castillo: This episode was really great and Im just a casual SW fan jaja

leyla zhane: This episode was a masterpiece.😭✨

Norma Yescas: Les

Raja Wajahat: Can you please review Mirzapur from Amazon prime?

ArtFreddy1: Grace grogru will grow on you then you can say it grew on you. Get it grow grew.

Logan Moore: I’m watching Clone Wars now since I never finished it when the show first came out

Catman DUU: Asoka mentions Grogu was trained by many masters at the Jedi temple. Wouldn't that include Yoda? It's very possible that Yoda was the one who hid him after the Anakin massacre of the younglings.

Zach Hess: They're a tri-tip lololol yummmm

ghost of dubs: They can’t deage Mark Hamill I don’t think for more than a few like maybe one episode so Luke’s probably out but he’s out there in the world

ghost of dubs: The child

ghost of dubs: Yeah rogue one is the best Disney Star Wars the force awakens man set up great potential but they failed horribly

ghost of dubs: I’m torn between I think they should do a really great Star Wars show and maybe a couple others but I’m really torn I don’t know

Sean Fitzsimons: Don't forget final 4 eps of Clone Wars (season 7, eps 9-12). Those in the running for best Star Wars since Rogue One

luke yznaga: Where is Jacen and Jaana?

Michael Bowman: 1 Show. BUT, they would have to have full one hour episodes, and 10-13 episodes a season to give everyone the time they need on screen and to develop as big a story as that would be. At 8 episodes, 45 minutes each, that is NOT enough time to do justice to that many iconic characters and that many story arcs.

RVL Roger lewin: If I was to vote, I'd vote for an amazing GOT styled series opposed to an arrowverse one.

King Wes7: Liked this episode A LOT. Didn't even know that Tython was already canon through a star wars book already! Love that Filoni is always trying to sprinkle in the Knights of the old republic lore that everyone loves. Can't wait to see Tython in live action sense we've only seen it in books and the MMO video game The Old Republic. Also loved Ahsoka in live action and they did very good with the costume. Now for the big question, will we see Ezra Bridger or Cal Kestis??? I kinda don't care which one but it seems from the Rebels connection that it will be Ezra. But there's a real actor they based Cal of and he can easily play him in live action. But to me i think Ezra will be more prepared to train another force user then Cal right now alone. But Cal do have another former jedi knight by his side to probably help if possible too. And the whole point of the video game was to restart the jedi order again by the jedi knight that saved him from the opening planet. So it could very well be Cal or maybe even both of them if Cal found Ezra looking for jedi to join. I just can't wait to see which one answers the call for Grogu. And yes Im actually fine with the name. But I'm sure Baby Yoda will stay the fan nickname.

Arik Heglund: Review the last 4 episodes of Clone Wars!

Jesus Ramirez Romo: I wonder if Asokha will show up in movies now, Given how popular she got

Anthony Guay: We need more Jedi/Sith/Lightsaber and less non-users

Mick Fox: Can't say I like the name Grogu either

Daniel Higley: What was the big change you mentioned was coming and WE WOULD KNOW WHEN WE SAW IT??? Did that happen in this episode ? If so what was it ? Or is it still to come ?

Michael Deal: Proves men can do female representation perfectly, and this notion that females have to do female characters is dumb. Considering Kathleen Kennedy couldn't do it.

Melchior _1: Love you Grace for your insight and surprising analysis of a beloved subject.

Edward Hight: Best they don't oversaturate us with a billion different Star Wars TV shows. IMO.

theheebs100: talking about the headpiece, it bothered me that you can see creases in the.....what I assume is latex. wish they had fixed that

RED UNITED VIEWS: Its funny what happens when Star Wars people make Star Wars stuff ain't it?

Jack Wardrop: Great episode. The headgear was an eyesore.

Ace Bashige: One great Starwars show.

Natalie Payan: Hun, next time please do not add a very BIG spoiler on your thumbnail video. There are people out there who do not follow the news of who will be on the show. That was a really douche thing to do. (You also did something similar with Black Widow in your Endgame thumbnail review.)

Decon: She has a weak character. There was nothing interesting about her. Her head piece looks awful. Disney has cut funds to this show ,you can see it in the special effects. Disney is a horrible company that has no idea what to do with this franchise. Shame.

jamesway: Sorry. Not on board for that rise of Skywalker lightsaber fight, found it underwhelming and not among the best.

stefoehmen: grogu?! everything else was epic

Kyle Rohan: The fact that they gave Ahsoka a potential aesthetic for her spin off show is amazing. Just like Mandos episodes are framed like a western, they had all of Ahsoka’s scenes be like classic samurai films. It was amazing. They’re finally referencing the old republic with Tython and it’s just so amazing. Ahsoka is my favorite character in all of Star Wars and I look up to her so much. This episode was amazing.

J B: So it looks like they're bringing back Ezra Bridger .

Big Brax: If Rosario Dawson is lacking spunk she can have some of mine... ...just sayin'

Jlinus: Is pedro pascal still playing Mando? I thought he quit

WyzGyz Entertainment: ROFL, Rey and Kylo are some kind of tri-tip?! LOL Grace, you mean Diad, I think. I think that's what it's called. A tri-tip is a piece of steak. :D


Luca Leone: I was always planning on watching Mandalorian, but it wasnt until I saw that she was in this episode I finally sat down and watched it! Thats how much I love this character lol

Saw Boaz: I truly love Mandalorian TV series.

Joe S: I want to see Grogu in Mandalorian armor (Mando did just pick up some extra Armor that could be refitted). I can see him jet-packing behind Mando now that the floating baby carriage is gone.

my names jeff: I taught the light saber battles in the trigolgy where so shit way too slow

Peter Thowsand Ho: Don't you know why people don't like Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman? Simple, Wonder Woman is athletic, more than being athletic Wonder Woman is the number one athlete in the comics and received the gifts of the Olympic gods, Gadot didn't even bother to stay in shape and for me this is disrespectful to actresses who try to match to the men's salary, and she managed to match but without making any effort for the role, she doesn't deserve any respect and I don't even need to talk about the lack of acting skills

Veer Chasm: The Magistrate is Dan Inosanto’s daughter, he choreographed Denzel’s kickass fights in Book of Eli

Veer Chasm: Rosario was amazing, totally into it

August Mills: Please let it be mace 🙏 just imagine a mando/windu team up Samuel L Jackson has been said he wanted to return

Rikudo Acnologia: Best casting choice in history imo

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