Will this Build be S+ Tier IN 2 WEEKS!? | Destiny 2: Season 15

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KackisHD: I am so happy I get to use Subclasses I haven't used in YEARS! NEW AdvancedGG Flavors ► https://advanced.gg/khd/ Join the Discord ► https://discord.gg/pzDWPuEtas Save on Astro Products ► https://astro.family/KackisHD More Destiny 2 Videos ► https://bit.ly/2uGjcJt

woogsjr: Rick "First give me the lamp!" Kackis here

Giliam: Aside from the super, the subclass in pvp was actually very strong. The buffs to hold time and the supers activation and movement is deffinetley gonna make this meta.

Yuukadess: Rick Roling Kackis Here

EchoKane: Rick “let me know what you think my next intro should be. That comment section is absolutely wild” Kackis

Lord Fijor: Rick “Raging against the Warmind” Kackis

ShakaarGaleed: Rick "finally, some good f*cking food" Kackis here.

Zachary Smith: Rick “I wouldn’t throw Eris outta bed” Kackis here.

Extectic: The void grenade spam build is tried and true, but right now you want to go top tree. The charged grenade there is ludicrously strong. You can do this build today but using top tree and absolutely shred everything. The top tree slowa is also one of the absolutely highest damage supers in the game. It will definitely be interesting to see what middle tree can do after the buff, though. As will using bottom tree Dawnblade, with better melee and better air move.

Hairy Mammal-Smile: this build and top tree dawn ive been swapping on and off since this subclass was released, even after they nerfed it, and took away the ability to kill your teammates… this class is way underrated

Neo Sharkey: I think this build becomes insane if oppressive darkness comes back and if you just use attunement of chaos.

Hennie Nel: Void Walker has always been good, folks just haven't been playing it because of stasis, Void Walker is my go to on Warlock, LOVE IT!!

lankzz: 😂😂What the hell are the subtitles

Rivaan Karachiwalla: Rick 'scooby do papa' kakis here

360theBlake: Rick and morty kackis here

Steven Parks Jr: Rick "suck ma" kackis here

Death Scythe: RIP Cayde-6 ... oh yeah already had this built for Mayhem 😂 going to be fun being able to pop clap shit again... astrocite verse going up in value too... nova warp blinking across the map to nuke shot going to be funny as hell 😂👏🏻

Claire Dowson: Rick ‘varicks clicky noise’ Kackis here

Starzaria Guy: Nova warp with Astrocyte’s is super fun, just teleporting across the map at super speed.

DomTapper BBX: Rick “never gonna give you up never gonna let you down” roll here

SneakyPete1525: Rick "Sick Tricks" Kackis is in the Hizzle Fo Shizzle Babyy!!!

Bryant Mattison: rick “guardian down” kackis here

The Winning's: Ur using grenades wrong u must be 6 stacked with charged of light to get 50%super back.

Sam Davison: Rick “we have awoken the hive” Kackis

KingOfDaStereo: Rick “Mara Sov isn’t dead she’s just sleeping” Kackis here

Juan Sandoval: RICK " THE TRAVELER CREATED GHOST TO... open doors" Kackis

Akis 89: I feel like adrenaline junkie will find a new purpose with a build like this...

Bryan Connolly: Rick 'were only here for chick' kackis

Snoozer: Sure it’ll be cracked the first week. Then it will get nerfed in 7 days instead of 9 days.

Alex Maldonado: My favorite exotic is getting it's day in the spotlight. Ohhhhh yeaaaaaaa.

May I Own You: You just ass at the game bro lol build slaps. 😂 you just don't know what your doing

Christopher Grainger: While I agree the Nova Warp and Handheld Supernova aren’t (currently) great, they are (currently) awesome for creating Warmind Cells via Warmind’s Decree; they pop all over which is great as anything not cleared by Nova Warp gets disintegrated by the Cell blast. I really hope there’s a Void splash damage mod in S15 so I can carry on using this. I’d also consider the synergy of Nezarec’s Sin with the Dark Matter perk for ability regen as you’d be effectively double stacking that with void weapon kills on top via Abyssal Extractors. I’m psyched to see what Bungie say about mods in this week’s TWAB as creating synergistic builds to maximise offensive output or defensive capability is one of my favourite aspects of the game.

Miska Walter: Wtf is there to even do in d2 anymore. Literally nothing. Oh cool thx bungie ill go do more bountys and patrols. Fuck this game. Its been dead for 2years.

GraphX C: Rick “shmackish” kackis here

ליעם נוטמן: Rick "this will change the meta next season " kackis here


Kirishima: you could also add elemental charge to this build to get charged with light returned for every grenade kill

ox4297: I don't know why, but it seems that my favorite builds and weapons are known as the "worst in the game" Glad one of my favorite builds is going to be meta soon

Middest Minion: if youre not using blink are you even using the void subclass?

Brooks Manis: I honestly thought the subclasses were going to be like the stasis subclass pick our own nodes instead of the same old same old not bashing but oh well.

Shawn Knopsnyder: i already use supernova with the singularity grenade and nezarics sin, so pretty nice that its gonna be even better than it already is. Void warlock top tree is king

Dylan WRX: Energy converter only works up to 50% of your super once your super is at 50% energy converter does absolutely nothing

Austin Sutton: What kind of 10 year Olds are you taking intro advice from?

Hundredriver 0: Rick "my wife took the kids kackis here and today we are reviewing your mom" kackis here

edijs rozens: Just give us opressing darkness back next season and this will be damn OP


MOHIT MAROO: Rick "Legen..... Wait for it..... Dary, Legendary!!" Kackis here

Justin Picard: you're using a grenade build, with high stacks of charge with light, and you're using elemental ordnance...and you're using taking charge??? use elemental charge. you're spamming grenades, you're making wells that match your subclass...why not get TWO charges of light at once? you're spamming grenades, grenades can't make orbs to charge with. also using super charged with charged up gives you 5 cwl stacks and the super energy from a 5 stack energy converter vs a 4 stack is pretty much double. it gives you around 45% full super

Diavolo: Rick "Please Buff the Malfeasence" Kackis here.

Nathan: One thing is going to hold this build back: The combination of having a close range super/melee and the fact that things absolutely murder you in grandmasters if you get to close to them. Pretty much anything in harder content that has a stomp mechanic (pretty much everything does) is going too still own nova warp and handheld supernova just as it does right now. That being said, I more excited for bottom tree stormcaller. At least that super pop will have a ranged aspect to it, not to mention how much better arc soul is going to be.

Barok Bonglover: Rick " Reskins kick rockus " Kakis

MediocreSix: Rick "Fight FOREVER Guardian!!!" Kackis

Rossem Klyn: If you use Claws of Ahramkara instead with mod for melee back, you have three melee stacks and infinite grenades too

Wolf The Iron Lord: Rick "Iron Banner grind made me block my wife" Kackis

Johnny Nutpunch: New intro should be it is Rick rack patty wack no crack kakis

Ibraherm Isleem: Rick " hey three eyes " kackis here

Alexander Lopez: Rick “that comment section is wild” Kackis

Yajiro: Just realizing how many exotics I'm missing on my hunter and warlock after dismantling the old armor versions. I guess that's what I get as a titan main.

Shubham Balte: Rick "It took me 18 days to see this comment" Kackis here

SavetheTURTLES: I’ve never stopped using this build. Since they introduced this subclass. Nova warp main have been waiting for this day forever

YelloToaster: I've been using this exact build all season with top nova and double artifact grenade mod plus void warmind and let me tell you, I'm bloody addicted to it. Even after the buff I might still use it with top nova

Chips Salsa: If you put glitter on fecal matter, it's still fecal matter.

David Ortega: I have been doing this build for a while now

King Wurtle: Variks: " RICK KACKIS THE DEFILED!!! " Yes I want that meme back

Doop1dr: Rick “Contacting Destiny 2 servers” Kackis here

NRGaming Nexus: Rick "I'm coming home ace" Kackis here

M F: However....next season will these mods still be available??

ᖴᗩT ᗷOY ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇ: Rick Catpiss

Trey Nelson: I’ve talked about this with some friends, it’ll be so op, with that 100% damage boost irl be insane with infinite grenades

MASTERGAMER0801: me who has been using contraverse builds for months now

Nick Acosta: I use this build for my warlock and Titan. With Titan ashen wake arms + middle tree solar is crazy good it’s also getting its melee buffed too!

Drip Goku: Rick “Sorry mom I’m too busy grinding to do the dishes” kackis here

Stvticx: Rick” my fps is just fine at vog” kackis here

Caleb Jacob: Rick " Orbital platform breached. Status calamitous " Kackis here

skull kingdom: Finally something for warlocks

The American: Rick "that comment section is absolutely wild" Kackis

Aceofclubes 24: Demo or wellspring

Enju Nestoris Lapidemsibilus: You don’t need a demo gun. Font of wisdom. Literally font of wisdom. 40 seconds of improved ability regeneration? I’ll take it. ~ your friendly neighborhood, Enju~

Takadaroba: I have loved Nova Warp conceptually ever since it was ANNOUNCED. I used to use it back in Black Armory forges just because I loved its kit and super, but it's always been so underpowered. Needless to say, I am beyond hyped for this update and I literally cannot wait

Craig Hughes: So I used this build on a welllock and have for over a year now Supercharged Charged up Stacks on stacks Energy converter Taking charge Phoenix protocol Ashes to ashes Absolution This returns about 75% of you well of radiance

BCS II: Rick “Hey it’s your boy Ric- (thunk sound), MTashed here”

Bayequation1444 21: Rick "slide into those dms" kackis here

alex bergmann: Rick "will of quria" Kackis here

I am Art3mis: Just a little modification on your build instead of energies converter i would have used firepower i prefer using my grenade a lot more than my super and using that mode will allow you just that spamming even more your nade at the cost of your super energy.

Dbzmaniac6: Rick "They call me the bread stick king" Kackis.

Scott S: S tier = sh*t. HHSN charge time is too long. In PVP it will still be crap. These buffs just shows how bad bungie has neglected Void Warlocks for a long time.

Fy W: Rick "That comment section is absolutely WILD" kackis here

Zugashii: Get your RICK off my map KHAKIS here

Ishan Singh: Please make a hunter one too...

Jorge Madera: "Rick always contacting destiny servers kackis here"

Halfad: Rick "that comment section is WILD" Kackis here

OBM_Fitness: I have a feeling that running this with Felwinter’s Helm is going to but very busted. Plz make a video on that

Darksun: Imagine if we get opressive darkness as a mod next season...

Jeff W: No. No it won’t

Jordan N: Rick "that comment section is ABSOLUTELY wild" kackis here...

Gage Merrell: Nezarecs Sin for me

GoodSpartan117: Rick "now let's go to prison" kackis here

Relku: I dont know but this has been my build since the last season. Love me some void nades. I also combine it with warmind Decree and Ikelos its perfect.

Anam_Magnus: Rick "AND MOVING ON FROM THERE" Kackis here

TheTitanYeet: Thanks for stealing my build

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