Regina Hall on Nine Perfect Strangers, Doing Psychedelic Drug “Research” & Serial Killers

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SexiSelextivSunShine: I love Regina Hall!

Kartel M: Regina looks FABULOUS AT FIFTY!!! Girrrrl, where can I get those heels? 👀

Whisky James: Regina Hall... Regina Belle... Regina King!💯❤

Ann van de Kew: A girl goes into a bar with a giraffe, orders beer for herself and for the giraffe all night long. At closing the giraffe falls over and the girl gets up to leave. The bartender says, 'Hey! You can't leave that lyin' there!" The girl says, 'That's not a lion, that's a giraffe."

Ann van de Kew: A girl walks into a bar near Trump Tower in Manhattan, sits down, and says: "Give me a beer. I've had a rough day at work." The bartender asks: "Oh? What do you do?" The girl replies: "I take care of the Trump children and the dogs of the Trump family." The bartender asks: "Tough job, huh? The girl says: "Yeah. All that inbreeding has led to low intelligence and bad temperaments. And the dogs aren't too smart, either.

Joshua: Regina is so smart, people don’t even get it😂 pretty as well.

Whizone: So what you've discovered is that Sagittarius are obsessed perfectionists.

Masechaba: Regina is so pretty, it always shocks me how old she is. I'm 25 and I look older than her😂

Cheer & Travel Tube: Why are they promoting drugs? I see a lot of American TV doing this...

M Murph: It's nice to know Sarah and Jimmy are on good terms.

Umutcan Ustundag: i cant believe... how independent strong and smart they are...

Corey Garnett: Beautiful lovely ladies ❤️❤️

luvyou baby: The interview wasn’t flowing,.In the past Sara has made these interviews way funnier & interesting

New Message: If I had to remember every minute of every day of my life.. yeah, I'd load my pants pretty quick too.

O: It’s crazy that they are both 50

Elijah.j: Regina hall deserves a star on the Hollywood walk of fame now

Nathan David: I love these two!!! 💪👌😂💚

Canadian Person: 9 minute video starts with like 6 minutes of mutual masturbation and ridiculous talk about astrology when the title of the video is important and why we clicked on it. Click Bait from Jimmy Kimmel Live? I miss Jimmy.

Joshua Hess: Sara is a natural fit behind a late desk. So quick and damn funny.

Victor Escobedo: Pray for Chente Fernandez 🙏

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