Hunter Exotics to Lock (Season 15 Buffs) | Destiny 2

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Aztecross: *If Illegal Ace is back on the menu, Hunter Meta here we come!!* Edit: "Lucky Pants still confers its fast ready and accuracy bonuses on hand cannons in this revamp." - dmg

Good Hunter: Just got lucky pants last night

Mac & Cheese: Monte Carlo with bombardier on way of a thousand cuts sounds nuts

The Blackswordsman: I still think tether needs a lot of buffs. Mainly it’s ability to grab and hold things. That shit is so slow to grab

The Blackswordsman: Bruh they should make void dodge stop supers too. That’s retarded they don’t let it but Titans having two grenades that shut down supers still

Scheme: Heard here first fellas, lasting 30 to 35 seconds is PLENTY of time ;)

Average Thing I Like Enjoyer: Wonder if the lucky pants damage boost would be enough to make erianas+autoloading rl damage meta, especially with the anarchy and quickswap nerfs

Shane M: When is the titan version coming

Daniel Justo: The lucky pants damage perk should work in PvP, its sad it doesnt

Jeff Lentz: D1 arc-strider, back in it baby.

giovis8299: “An ability to last more than 30 seconds!! I will take it all day!” I bet a lot of women out there are cheering right now!! 😂

Juulo: I feel like these are the buffs hunters have been needing for arc staff and other supers. Like it would’ve made gameplay just so much smoother as a hunter. But just happy we getting it now.

Stoopy: ive been using bombadiers the last two months of season 15 and im very excited for the buff

Coedie Clark: Hmmmm lucky pants and Sturm and drang.

187roel: I’d humbly add Assassins Cowl with top tree arcstrider and a one two punch shotgun. Stack only mobility and maybe resilience add overcharged, overload wellmaker and protective light. Concussive dampener,Dynamo and Distribution as cherry on top and you will basically rock an invisible tank with a buffed subclass and high damage output with nothing but an occasional shot from your shotgun for that one two procc. Supers also charge very fast seeing as you are throwing out dodges left right and center. I don’t even use grenades either.

Isleep: 2:22 did greg just perform a dodge roll there? LOL

Noah Raupp: I’m hoping that blade barrage gets the thunder crash treatment, making it a viable damage tool

saxassoon: I see trials hunters switching to shards just for the super, get some free regen back after use, then switching back to whatever they were using before. Like an inverted geomags

tyler rewerts: Personally I think top tree tethers and spectral blades just got a huge huge buff to from bombardiers because of the supress which takes aways ur enemies abilities and double jump, and Destiny is a ability spam game and take that away u get a huge advantage and the enemy also loses some movement with less vertical capabilities

illy E: I dunno if I'm not using lucky pants right but I felt like it was a useless exotic. Somebody convince me otherwise lol

Jacob Hogue: I’m convinced at this point that Hunters are just better Titans.

ISucc Newton: i guess its time to farm a good bombardiers roll lmao

Art W: Hunters are so cheese in Crucible its ridiculous

The Owl Bard: Two I haven't noticed people talking about are: 1. Six Coyote for Middle Tree Arc -and- 2. Omnioculus for Middle Tree Void Middle Tree's Lighting Weave now also proc'ing on Tempest Strike & dealing damage with weapons is huge! Season of the Splicer has cut down on damage and reload perks. We have buffs to handing, stability, accuracy, etc... but nothing like Outlaw or Feeding Frenzy. With middle tree's change, you could start a fight with your Tempest Strike and as long as you land a hit and land hits with your gun you can reload super quick and keep proc'ing the reload perk. A reload perk (mind you) that DOESNT DISAPPEAR DESPITE CHANGING WEAPONS!!! Theoretically, you could run Dragon's Shadow (for a handling/movement, all weapons reloaded, and your dodge back) but Six Coyote lets you have a dodge in reserve which nobody sees coming in the middle of a fight. Omnioculus for Middle Tree is more for the super. Since it's getting a damage reduction the extra bump you get from being Invis will go a long way and is a better neutral exotic when it comes to utilizing the invis on the tree.

Winter: Do u think Gemini jester would be good? Since shotguns got nerfed I’m seeing a lot more people using fusions and snipers (on console), so maybe that might be a better exotic for those special weapons that require different tactics.

Justin Bucher: I think to elevate build crafting in d2, bungie needs to make more exotics synergize with other exotics and abilities like necrotic grips an thorn, jotun and sunspot.

Amazinj Muzik: Just make One eyed mask great again

Exiled HaXxor: Everything but updating console sensitivity options

Crispy: Blade barrage boutta be disgusting in pvp

Nate Shorter: I personally can’t wait for the YEET feet meta 😂

Warden XIII: He talks about invis being annoying while using GL’s lmao 🤦🏻‍♂️

Bill Wilk: Where's the titan video?

Shayne B: Grav Forfeit was my jam already, with firmly planted. Now it's not coming off when I play nightstalker.

Lejend Dairy: Bombadiers have always been one of the coolest exotics. Glad it’s getting some love!

I'mDavid: Damn, you really don't want to play Titan do you

Nathan Flinchum: funny, i knew i should keep those, i have god rolls on graviton and bombardiers

Hypertensive: I love Hunters. I am a Hunter main w/ 6 years experience.

Tigerkwan: Blade barrage bombadiers gonna go nutts

Guile G.: You know damn well that Titan video is going to be short as fuk cuz we got literally nothing to look forward to....

static8051: Cross, I love ya man, I really do. BUT hearing you pronounce things kills me lmfao

That Guy: Use energy converter with shards of galanor

That Guy: Hunters still need a buff all the neutral game is strictly for low tier pve

Doctor Disco: I can't belive I missed graviton forfeit /_\

Andrew Pate: Honestly I wish stat eater scales were on here even tho they werent getting a buff, its so fun to use in nightfalls using arc strider,blade barrage and golden gun they just hit so hard with the 8 stack of feast it was insane especially with breach and clear

Justin Edwards: I know we are going to talk about what Titan exotics get!! Mr. "Titan" main 😂

kalule makula: hunters gonna wear stompees even if there are holes in their soles

IneedIdeasPls •: Back to Raiden flux 😭

CodiakLBJfan: im really glad I held onto my top tier exotics I earned from GM's this season. I got a couple really nice bombadiers.

Captain Jenkins: I'd say the hunter exotic that gives two throwing knife charges would be a solid option over shards for the neutral game. During forsaken I would run this often, practically up until I dropped perf nerf shards.

ProjectRipTide: so the lucky pants build been using for 3yrs now is about to become meta for everyone well looks like i need to find another meta just for me again

Dune Sleeper: Get it...? Illegal.

EonNite: Wow.... Seeing this Crucible gameplay with maps that aren't in Control rotation has me really longing, man.

Otaku_McLovin420 *: Erianas vow with lucky pants

Verke0: Im already using arcstrider with raiden flux in GMs. You can pull off two consecutive combo's before a barrier champion pulls up their shield. With the coming changes that means theyre deaded

Lois the hedgehog: Well boys it looks like hunters and warlocks are gonna be running through us Titans next season especially with the slide nerf, I think it’s gonna be time for me to stop playing pvp…

Mathieu Willhite: Please tell you’re going to one for us Titans

Random Viewer: I can't wait for Bombradiers middle tree solar class spam, I'm already using that so much and it's just so incredibly fun

Dan Latham: This video made me so sad that we lost Greg... I was almost over him

Bradley Kennedy: What about Ophidia Spathe? 2 knife charges with burn buff seems pretty good to me (albeit I don't play Hunter very often).

Travis Johnson: Any idea what’s going to happen with the exotic legs Orpheus Rig? If anything?

Kahlafia: Finally my last word truthteller lucky pant well build will be complete! Time to be the ultimate cowboy 🤠

Ángel Ulloa: "Arthur's Embrace" lmao.

Halket: that knife kill at start of video XD Cross are u hacking?

That Guy: “Exotics to War - lock” better be the other video’s title.

Spicy Potato: What is that ornament for Monte Carlo!?

Jonathan Suarez: Thanks for reminding us warlocks we don't have siva ornaments

Sean Ferrell: I think you may be wrong on Hawkmoon with Lucky Pants. They said "you won't be able to one shot a raid boss with hawkmoon." that's not the same thing as saying "this doesn't work with hawkmoon." I think they meant, "there's a cap to how much damage you can build up."

Jordan Jones: Liars handshake! The dodge, the Possibles mos next season! Come on my man!

Ryan B: Lol Arthur's Embrace sounds much more intimidating than Ay-thris (Which is how it's pronounced). Looking forward to these buffs next season but I'm really interested to see what the do to our boy Anarchy this Thursday. Thinking they'll make it so only one grenade can tick damage when you swap off to another weapon to damage

Kawaii Jihad: Bombardier = PvE baby rocket when you're out of heavy

TheWolfOfDoyle Gaming: I got me a god roll lucky pants so with this lucky pants buff I am super excited

Patrick Larsson: Raiju's Harness is a top tier pick for PvP. With the super duration buff, you now have 20 seconds of unpunished guarding on middle tree. And the ability to cancel with more super remaining! It was already good but just better now, especially since it now take two freeze/shatter combos to kill from Shadebinder, you get two chances to reflect against that super. See CammyCakes for details.

Julian Sala: YAAAHHH!!!!!

John Murray: As a titan, I've been cleaned up by plenty of tempest strikes

ImpatientTurtle: "Arthurs embrace, I hope I'm saying that right" Narrator "He was not"

Soleil Refine Please: Ophidia's Spathe is getting an indirect buff from that Knife Trick burn Buff.

ou: what's the shader and cape u're using

Carson Chudley: as much as I love bombardiers I think I'd prefer young ahamkara's spine for middle-tree synergy.

Diplomat696 YT: Don’t know but wondering if lucky pants will work with Eriana’s Vow next season in pve. I tweeted @dmg but don’t think he will reply to me. I could see eriana’s being so nasty for dps with lucky pants on top of golden gun.

MegaGaming 23: Raiju harness? And Machaneers trick sleeve as sidarms are a big part of mods/builds next season

BelvdAngelMispri: I feel like with the buffs to arcstrider, assassin’s cowl could be pretty good as it’s almost the graviton forfeit for that subclass. I’ve been having fun with it recently.

Cortney Smith: I'm SO excited for this. Been a Bombardiers main since they released, and now they're getting better? Excellent.

NubZz: Lucky pants and malf may be nuts

jpeg image: I haven’t taken off Bombardiers in an eternity, and now that it’s getting buffed in season 15, I can REALLY start having fun

Ben G: Bom-buh-deers lol

Empress Caiatl: Only arthris embrace didn't get buffed its still just as op as all fk when you pair it with monte carlo and the melee regen plus monte will have a catalyst next season and with antibarrier auto it will dominate with unstoppable throwing knives being spammed every 10 seconds

JonnyPhive: Sixth Coyote, it Breaks Stasis hunter, it has since Beyond Light Dropped... I do not get why so many still sleep on it. Sixth Coyote + Distribution + Hands On + Gamblers Dodge = Super energy/ability generator. Shuriken chain up to 4 hits and can individually kill 4 targets, combining this fact with hands on, Distribution and gamblers doge just lets you spam you melee relentlessly. You also have double melee on Stasis, add Sixth Coyote now you have Double Gamblers Dodge...Which if you give up shatter dive lets you have double Dodge Slow pulses as well, and with Stasis Shards creation and harvesting you have another source of melee energy, as well as health and over shields. This lets you /abuse break Surplus Equipped weapons because you have 5 charges and can keep max perk activation at will. My Current build on this is Mob100, Res60, Rec64, Dic34, INT103, Str62. I have near permanent ability uptime, I throw my Super - 4 to 6 times a strike, and it stays alive in many situations it should not due to the constant stasis shard health/shield buffs. I have in excess of 100k Kills on Revenant due to this build since beyond light dropped.

t Blades: I've been using Bomberdeers in PvP with stasis for months. IMO people are sleeping in these a little as the combination of dodging to slow and leaving a bomb means hitting more offen that not and offers a good counter to shotgun rushers. These buffs could make these true meta.

Ian Wilkinson: STompee will still be Top Tier.

Nicholas Thompson: You forgot Frosty’s

Matthew Ogden: Ophidia spathe might be a sleeper hit. Imagine if we get hands on for 1 energy and some cool solar melee mods in the artifact next season!

Khaotic Intent: I still use blade barrage in pvp, but i save it until i can get multikills, its wasted to use it on a single target

Jon Garman: Assassins cowl?


Chloe C: Ok Cross say "Ath" Cross "Ath" Ok now say "Rys" Cross "Rys" Good now combine them "Athrys" Cross "Arthur" Love ya dude XD

Zen War: *#BUFFWARLOCKS**!!!!!*

Joshua Frohm: I thought shards could only get back half of your super now

I am Cajostrofique: you missed stompee

LB_The_Pleb: Hunter’s melee range: suffering from success

That One YouTube Channel: What cloak are you using in this video? It looks sick

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