Season of the Lost New Artifact - All Perks & Mod Unlocks Preview (Wayfinder's Compass) [Destiny 2]

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TWW: definitely gotta go for the fusion and sword mods i think

pharoah212: Big downgrade from last season

TheVizBin: I hate the fact that the only overload options are a bow and a fucking sidearm

StrayTraceur: Yeah, overall, this artifact is not doing it for me.... .... But I'm still gonna make it work lol

Hmm: haha last mod make merciless go brrr

Paul Stefanich: With these champ mods, what’s the corrupted solo load out boys?

Abdul Muhaimin: Grab some Sleeper, Vex and Arbalest, guys!

Phoevo: So if you main void or arc youre screwed

Maximilian Zhan: Finally Eso and I are at the same power level lol

snipertoaster: Particle Deconstruction and Merciless, oh no. Also, did anyone realise that Thermoclastic Strike with Athrys' will enable that armor piece to stun unstoppables and overloads? Not to forget that with Withering Heat, you weaken champions when hitting with them a solar ability...

Shadow 2025: Which artifact mods do you recommend?

Greg Baroni: Season of the Mythoclast

DB: Other than that last mod (hopefully with Merciless) pretty disappointing. Nothing exciting, and I hope there's not many anti-barriers this season, can't be arsed with auto rifle and Eriana

人半夜: I'm seriously getting tired of all these damn seasons

Nafiz Al Mamun: also its The Season of the Vex Mythoclast.

Nafiz Al Mamun: focusing lens.. i called it

Foxintoxx: Season of the mythoclast let’s gooo .

Marcus Tristao: Dude! Vex mythos is litterly gonna become a top tier dps weapon in raids at this point

Rob Manning: Disappointing artifact imo. Only 1 barrier mod to top it off

OneSieb: Withering heat is “solar class abilities temporarily weakens the enemy”

toktokk666: Holy shit that last mod. Looks like I'm never taking off vex mythoclast this season.

The Best Username: Almost off work bro I can't wait

Bic Kure: What a garbage artefact

SleepyBard: Anti barrier auto? AGAIN?!

Rich4198: Particle Deconstruction oh boiiiii

Bobby Collins: Does thermoclastic strike work with Athyr's embrace ?

Cody: Season of the Fusion Rifle

Max Perrin: Really...only antibarier auto.....what...the...fuck

Gabe Castillo: What’s withering heat

Joon - young: l feel lost this season lol

ThatNovo Guy: so there’s an empty mod?

Oppai-sama: Oh, so I wasn't the only one who couldn't see "Withering heat". I thought my game had bugged out for a moment there

MasterJunior93: This is good.

Empirin: second

TheTTV: First😤😤😤

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