Canon Fodder – Myths & Mysteries | MCC Season 8 & Sick New Armor!

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Alex Day: These are really cool, I just wish that they looked more Halo

Ghost: I'm sorry but it sucks that these aren't for Halo 4. 343 don't even hide that they've coded the armour in Halo 4 to be backwards compatible for Halo 3 as that's what all the Halo 3 additions in the seasons have been thus far. Hell, they even added the under armour from Halo 4 as an option in Halo 3. So it makes no sense, Halo 4 should come first or at the very least, release these for both Halo 3 and Halo 4 at the same time so when you unlock them, they unlock for both games. Seen as though they've no made all armour customisation interchangeable between Halo 3 and Halo 4, why not release them for both?

Machu Pikachu Picchu: This is seriously making me worried about Infinite now

Procharger: Tearful bishop is the best by far. Deus vult

Lykin Apollo: I have Been waiting my whole life for them to honor Ancient Greece with an actually Corinthian Greek helmet! I mean ffs they are named the Spartans !’

Moff Thrawn: What if they are from ancient humanity that actually fought the flood before the war with the forerunners? Have a Assassins Creed style lore.


Gary Lococo: These look cool they aren't very halo but it's cool to have a variety I know test hardly any Spartans look the same on the enemy team and ur team

Jedi Spartan 38: My original reaction to this was "I'm stoping you right there and saying get that s*** out of my Halo." Although I may around to it. Also I'm surprised 343 haters like Xgllx haven't already started ranting about this.

ScizorLord5: From the way you talk of Kerberos, I feel like you've watched OSP. Kudos.

Jedi Spartan 38: I wonder if we'll get 'crossover' armours in Infinite through the Fracture events. The Scorpion skin seems to be a Mass Effect N7 reference. 4:50 I think that may be pronounced differently... then again, my idea of how to pronounce it is based on 3 playthroughs of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition with fighting for or against The Illusive Man and Cerberus. 10:42 I'll probably use this for a bit, more so for Marvel than Norse Mythology, "I am Loki, and I am burdened with Glorious Purpose!" Also given the name of Spartan Armour, it would have been fun to have seen one based on Thor (maybe called Thunder if it were introduced as a canon armour as MJOLNIR CLASS Mjolnir sounds a bit weird).

alex:r.c: is this halo anymore?

Demon King Lamb: Came here to learn about the new armor. But what I got instead was learning ancient history.

Dino Dan: Feels a little to far from halo themed way to close to Destiny armor for the titans armor. The fantasy doesn't really fit 😕 or at least seems like it to me.

Dorian Kellum: Now I want a, Halo… What If? series. Well Done 343

Garrett Wilson: I love em all, I'm a Sucker for such armors.

patton3rd1: That armour is the ugliest thing to come to Halo since the half-naked elites in Halo 4

supershadow343: they look amazing tbh as much as they may not fit in to halo i think its fine plus knowing that this is more of a "what if" make great fan stories and machinima stories for seeing what goes on in other timelines/dimensions

Cryptonian: Yuk! where are my migraine pills 💊 🤢 I just wanna know if 343 is grabbing these graphic artists straight out of high school?? 1. Not lore accurate. 2. Who the F are these Hoplites in Mjolnir armor variants? 😆 3. Professional film-level choreographers are deeply needed for promotional trailers!!! 4. 343 keeps wanting to change Halo into something it’s not, or could be successful with their “version” of it. Need to stick to the lore. 5. Let’s put them back into War of Warcraft 😆 🎤 drop.

TK 797: I don't like this new armor or helmets this does not look like halo at all

xAy3x: They are cool looking, but not for halo.. They could've easily done them in a way that made them fit well, rather than going over the top with all the horns and stuff..

Knight 1029384756: This probably not going to happen but I would like it if they would give a female body option for Spartans and Elites. That would be really cool.

TrashCan: Dragonborn helmet lol

Basilick: I’ve gotta say it. This isn’t Halo. I don’t care if it ain’t “cannon.” Just my opinion.

James Burgess: Late reply but you could argue the Odin helmets embody different aspects of his role in Nordic Society The first could be a reference to his role as the Trickster, full of cunning and schemes with the Tyr helmet referencing his role as a War or Death God Tyr himself is weird because certain traditions had him as a high ranking God but I’m unsure

Brambo: "It is better to rule in the shadows, than serve in the light" *gaze slowly drifts towards ONI* Memes aside though, I really like these helmets and that 343i is experimenting more like this. The next area they should experiment in is doing this same sort of thing, but for Elites! Imagine the possibilities, not only for MCC Elite games, but one day for Infinite perhaps!

Nuckerfuts: They use the word chosen a bit too much, other than that the helmets in the beginning looked pretty ok, dunno how it'll age with the game tho.

cloudcleaver23: Shit like this is why people keep asking for toggles. This is absolutely stupid-looking in a Halo setting.

Everyweapon: Those helmets fit nowhere into the Halo universe. Cool designs, but for another game...

Isacc Lyons: The kingdom of Valdemar is also the setting for many of Mercedes Lackey's fantasy novels, although this probably isn't a reference to that.

Kaffeekatze: I can finally walk around in Halo 3 as Skeletor

Echo 1: For all those worried about Halo infinite! Don’t be worried, as leaks of some armor have come out and they are definitely going to be keeping the halo aesthetic with most of the armors, like said in the videos these are experimental and not canon, most of the armor shown off for infinite looks awesome and very Halo in terms of design, I’m sure most of the armor will go along with that aesthetic, and even have a toggle for these Norse/Greek/gothic helmets in infinite as they are going to have in MCC.

DarkShadow 1177: FOR SPARTA!!!!! DEUS VULT!!!!!! TO VALHALLA!!!!! FOR HONOR!!!!!!!!!

I zilux I: i actually spoke to Horia on Twitter and he said that some of the gothic style is inspired by the haunting vibe of dark souls which made me insanely happy lol

Benjamin gonzález: Why people didn't like season 6 armor because ruined the halo 3 artstyle yet they like season 8 armor that looks like it came from for honor and certainly ruins the halo 3 artstyle? P.S: In my opinion yoroi still looks halo, as hayabusa did all those years ago

GATEWAYFLMZ: These are so sick I hope so see more culture inspired armor like Japanese or even Aztec. I also think it would’ve awesome to see old armor return like mark 4 armor

Herrlin: Why, why would they add this instead of just porting armor from earlier/later games to other titles

lunatic lucas: hey hiddenexpiria, you wanted icebox ported to MCC, you got it ported to MCC!

lunatic lucas: I love the carrion crow helmet!!

SethTFP: They should add them to halo 4 as well, more suitable for the 343 art style than halo 3 anyway

James Bowman: So here’s the real question… why in the hell did they use all the assets of halo infinite and why are there banished troops and a swords of sanghelios phantom and the new current day Spartan armors???? That will bug me until I die like ugh 343 please PLEASE use lore accurate assets and not just throw shit together (still the video is amazing and I’ve rewatched it multiple times). Also the armors are slowly growing on me but I still just am not the hugest fan of them being in halo 3 the art styles are just not very good at mixing in my opinion. I would have loved to see them in the halo 3 classic style of armor. But I am one person and what I say ain’t gonna change anything😂

NavyBr0wnie: BROOO that mood when you're gonna be able to play as legate lanius in campaign soon! Kinda wish the full sets made it to reach tho... but new anything is nice for reach.

John Cole: If it is 2552 does that mean that there were Spartan 2s/3s active on Earth during the battle using testbed MK7 suits like Naomi?

Josh Foust Community: Question, wwhyy wwooulldnn’t people like the armor!? It’s bad ass! I would even ssaay it’s the best armor in the gaamme!😃

M G’s: Being Scandinavian and a believer in old norse faith im pretty hyped about these Drengr armour

Halo 3 Rat: Having an actual Spartan helmet is cool but having a ton is kinda not halo

Josh Foust Community: Does anyone know which halo game is going to feature this 1800s armor!?

Simte: If they add an Aztec/South American tribal inspired set I swear I will die man. Haha.

Morhek: So, out-there speculation...we've seen from Heian that much architecture that we recognise today - graeco-roman, buddhist, japanese, etc. - was present in the Ancient Human colonies. Perhaps there were recognisable gods? The Indo-European family of pantheons are wide-ranging, but interrelated, and go back a LONG time ago. Perhaps the Ancient Humans worshipped recognisably similar gods, and the revival of those faiths was part of the Librarian's guidance of our cultural development post-devolution. In which case, these armours could be Ancient Human suits being used by a (non-canonical) relict population who escaped devolution by the Forerunners and survived the Halo Array.

NorseFireFighter: Finally I can be a space Viking again.

Wonkaworker: Kur-ber-ros??

Keanu Cheems: I don't like this direction. The armor looks like someone took a screenshot from destiny instead of halo.

Slade Indominus: I can't wait to see these helmets in reach cutscenes, some would be badass but others will be just comical!

Cyrosphere 01: Ngl they do look cool. Hedonist better than most halo 4-5 armor

Zack: I like the idea of non-cannon alternate reality lore, but I'm glad I can toggle this stuff off

Marco Moreno: Damn. And here I was hoping 343 wouldn't have a repeat of H4's inconsistent cutscenes to lore. 😑 In any case, although I'm not a fan of non-canon material in general, I like to think that these impractical armor sets (including most of H5's armory) is simply aesthetic liberties that Spartans get to pick during war games. Whether or not such armors can be used in specific war games that utilize medieval history and strategies or reenactments to study fundamental principles while also improving CQC/CQB tactics, is a separate argument that can be made. It can, in some way shape or form, be considered canon.

Cyael: why the hell isnt this in Infinite instead?

Jorge Barrera: good lord I just saw the thumb nail

Kanden: I'm still waiting for more visor colors in Reach...

Nick White: Blackguard Carrion Crow *Gangsta’s Paradise intensifies*

Spagheddie: Love the research you put in to the cultures the new helmets are based off

Phinx Snow: A little to much for Halo, especially if it's relegated to just European or Nordic images, if you going to play with aesthics then go all out representing all of Earth's cultures as the UEG and UNSC. But overall not impressed but a few of them are ok

Treesapien: called it on the date of the invasion of London!

Amphibian Annihilation: Man, these look, iffy. Can we just get Halo 3 armor in Reach, and Halo 3 and Reach armor in Halo 4?

Unknown_Dragocian: These helmets looks like something out of destiny...

AQG Arts: I'm not fussed. I have my hopes. One mainly is the armour coating. I wish we could keep it the way it was in other games, but what can you do? I mean, now we can have the plague doctor meme in halo now. I really wanna see that. Let's just hope it doesn't become a sword fighting game...

Treesapien: just please don't let these mess with the hit boxes.

Nicholas DiRienzo: Anybody think that the Drengr helmets are basically a nod to Gimli’s helmet from LOTR? I can’t be the only one who thinks that.

EvilEnjar: An alternate universe where Humanity joined the Covenant sounds cool as hell. Imagine what their weapons would look like. Imagine Sangheli Swordsman and Human Blackguards dueling each other inside High Charity.

Chaudhry Afzal: I think I'm the halo universe a guy obsessed with history and fantasy might have designed these armors.I mean if you had the resources ,money and time you would make armor like this right?

The Wraith: Mixed but I do like them , I’m still hoping for more halo online armor for lore and content preservation ,hopefully they add a few in this update as well

Mr. Squid: your probably thinking wait didnt i just give this guy a heart

Vincent Harding: To be honest, I'm pretty disappointed this is all just for Halo 3 again. We've gotten new Halo 3 armor permutations en masse in the past few seasons already for both Spartans and Elites. Meanwhile Reach just has 3 (?) pieces of restored cut content, and Halo 4 has a single helmet in Keystone. I just think it's a little crazy to only ever be giving Halo 3 new permutations like these instead of spreading new content out among the other 3 games that support it. What happened to H2A? I don't know about anyone else but I barely get matches on there. Maybe a season adding content to it would boost its popularity. It just feels like a shame to only give 1 game out of 4 this much stuff while seemingly leaving the others in the dust.

Luke Davies: I’d rather they have just made some armours like mark iv which feels more like halo. Don’t get me wrong if this were a different game these armours would be cool and there are some here I actually like, but they feel so out of place its distracting. I’m in a bit of a dilemma since I want to turn the bad ones off but I dont want to get rid of things like visors, or the good looking new armour. Bit bamboozled as to why 343 made these. Maybe something to do with Bethesda?

Ryan Petty: Not gonna lie with what you were saying about what the lore could be they should make a game out of that

MrCoolSmoovie: The Armor looks okay…but it doesn’t rly look halo

Tryggmundur: I'm so bored of 343i making armor that doesn't look like it belongs in Halo. Instead of fixing their terrible multiplayer experience in MCC they add awful armor pieces. They have the worst priorities

Aidan Rivera: I love almost all of those armors the lore that combines halo and greek mythology together

Ledaric: Yessssssssss

Starboy Interlude: When you learn more about History in a videogame than in school...

Griffin Gower: I'm so going to be investing my time on mcc on unlocking all of the Blackguard gear

Dragonfury999: Offital destiny vibes

BigBoyBandon: Im fine with this stuff in MCC but if 343 goes down the "non-canon" path this hard in infinite im gonna be little pissed, not only will there not be a toggle, but 343 used the excuse of multiplayer spartans being canon to remove playable elites. They're playing both sides and its a little frustrating, go full canon or just say its not canon at all. No need for this "fractures" buisness, we all know there's gonna be Doom and Gears style armor sets so any talk of "parallel Halo universes" is just a cop out to sell us wacky and more expensive things. Very excited for campaign though, and hopefully some multiplayer spartan missions like spartan ops but executed well this time

Matthew West: I actually like it

Juan Ramirez Ruiz: I'm loving the song you used in the beginning of the video, who made that cover? It's beautiful

Andrew Otaku: Design wise, I'm not in love with these. They don't feel Halo, though multiple helmets wouldn't be out of place in Doom or Doom Eternal.

Community Gamer: Warhammer lore when?

Mike: Even though i dont like several of these sets I think the Fractures idea is ALOT of fun. Not only can we have this "what if?" type armors, but we could even have crossovers with armor sets inspired by other franchises. Like imagine a COG Spartan or Spartans who look ready to "Rip and tear until its done"

Troy Lewis: I’m not really a fan on non-canon armour sets. I love how the sets are a part of the lore and are real, having non-canon armours when the multiplayer is supposed to be canon just ruins immersion

sinister is random: For those not aware many of these new armors are not canon. They're simply being added for player customization aka the personalization of your armor. That and I'm pretty sure 343 really did want to add Medieval and Fallout-themed armors cause they can not.

Denlim Wolf: I feel as if these armors are a bit disconnected from the Halo theme but I do enjoy the dragon helmet. It looks like a dragon full helmet from OSRS.

023 Studios: I’m trying to decide whether to main Plauge Doctor or Mischief God.

Matthew Leto: This entire video made me think “do some UNSC personnel call Chi Ceti 4 ‘Nidavellir’ because of it’s strong ties to Mjolnir, and by extension Gungnir?”

Lupus590: This has got me thinking, what did the armour of the ancient humans (as in the ones that fought the Forerunners) look like, perhaps it was like what 343 have just shown us in these fracture universes. If the ancient human armours did look like what we've been shown then that could mean that the Geas that the Forerunners placed on humanity started trying to make humans rebuild their pre-regression armour designs before they rediscovered the tech to do make them properly.

Dat_plaguedoctor: The made me into a helmet.

monk1junk1: I really hope we can opt out of seeing fractures in MP. I really hate armour sets that don’t fit in with the lore well.

monk1junk1: I hope none of these are coming to infinite, they utterly ruin the Halo aesthetic

Toa Kraadak: fuck it, * unhalos your halo *

The Wanderer: I can't wait to cosplay as Dagoth Ur in Halo 3. 'WELCOME MOON AND STAR, COME TO ME THROUGH FIRE AND WAR!'

Michael Finley: What no Night Sentinel armor and here I am sitting and waiting for some DOOM X Halo crossover armors to help explain fractures in the most blaitent way possible.

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