Fortnite Season 5 STORY Explained (Part 1)

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Creators Collide: Y is no one talking about the trailer when he says “he all why we get ready for the next phase.” Btw I’m talking about John Jones. Is he talking about rifting skins in or stabilising the zero point...?

ghjsa16: Maple Syrup Hmm.. Its Almost Christmas. ELF IN ITEM SHOP

EnergisFN: Ant farm =Ant man

Mj Gaming: I have a Theory that Agent Jonsey was the first Jonesy to exit the loop (sorry for the spelling if I spelt anything wrong)

dog animations: Steve the bounty hunter

yaseen nasir: Men in black could be the glasses

Tommy O: so basically, If you want to know what will happen next season just look at what happened in chapter 1 season 6

Mantass Krivickas: Ant farm i think is ant man

cute mini crewmate: The ant farm is ant man my theory

ProGamerMiner089: I already went in the zero point and it did nothing :(

Sondre Løkling: i tink that star trek is coming

Isaiah P: I think from the ant farm

Isaiah P: Ant man

Drew Edwards: What if space bananas was Steven universe

Xaz Z: Did you noticed that agent jonesy said All we need is ANOTHER SNAPSHOT of me inside the LOOP

Nogie: here before 1 million (999,437 veiws!)

Jonas Burkhardt: I saw space bannans on the list either its a monkey for stealfy stronghold or a space peely

Asteroid: Walking dead will come cuz of baseball abt of negan

Aaron R: theory: the black hole is one big loop reseting everything which would mean this chapter actually happened first and chapter one will come back.

kaos gaming: If the cube comes back the zero point will take his power

Ryan: the sunglasses probably are probably referencing Neo from the matrix

FTT_Flasher _YT: I always tought john jones is the good one but hes the bad one so the seven are good

SacksideMassive: I think the walking dead will come

SSN Green: Do you think galactus will come back

grace ewen: The red Face paint could be linked to the IT skin!

grace ewen: The everlasting thing could hint to a boxer or something maybe somebody from Rocky?

Etta Holmes: The gifted stock classically bubble because margaret unknowingly tap an a torpid ghost. workable, delirious farmer

TheDragonBoiYT: Also I have a theory I know they already did this before but here it is: Someone escapes the people start to escape the loop so they are going back in time right now to stop them from going in the loop because John Jones already went back in the loop and saw people already escaping in the future. (Like so T5G can see)

TheDragonBoiYT: Guys what if the 7 are the bounty hunters because after seeing the first trailer I noticed there were exactly 7 bounty hunters


raider skater: the ant farm could be related to hank pym or scott llang

James Rasnake: Any man

Matthew Best: A theory about the hundred players and one person remaining, there are a hundred different timelines and each timeline has a different person who wins making a hundred different possible outcomes. So in a way, there are a hundred different alternate universes.

Aryaan Raghavan: Bro he can literally predict the future, he said that "There might be a Halo skin" AnD ThEre IS oNE In ThE ItEM ShOP

Mochi: Imagine if fortnite has a crossover with jjba which we get new people like giorno with ger and what can ger do? Search it up

a 6 year old: What if the default skins are the io jonesy is so why wouldnt the others

RFG Fishy: Imagine if the space one ment among us and there was a game mode

Mochi: Guys if you know how llamas appeared in real life from fortnite what if those monoliths that keep appearing around the world are for fortnite?

Cem Doruk: Ant farm=antman

NoodleHq: I have the feeling this is where tomato town went in chapter 1 season 5, idk why

Dragon lord: Ant farm = Ant man?

cool _yt: 8:45 master chief is part of it as we know now

Mehaan: ant farm will probably be ant mans reference

teddy bear: I bet at the end of the season the seven return because he did not hear the warning so that’s kind of scaring me oh my god John Jones wait into ghostbusters and bring them into the game they are either a clone or the real one have fun if this is real and I subbed and liked your channel and put notifications on

teddy bear: The seven have known this for a long time it all equals up the minus from the loop was the actual minus so might just went back into the office and a replacement clone got put in it all makes sense the clone had to stay equal with the loop so they had to make a whole new clone

teddy bear: So everyone in there is a character am I have just figured it all out every time a new character is the update into the game one of them have entered loop so we saw a lot of characters walking by or running by him in the like the trailer so one of them has to be a character of the game

Perita Alvarado: All the default skins are probably snapshots from the IO agency

teddy bear: Midas a double oh my god everyone in the background is a part of the story line and it will confuse a lot of people but they’re hiding in suits so they don’t get undercovered by us so we just need to figure out where is Midas. The office of John Jones it’s everyone from this universe of fortnight

Perita Alvarado: I feel like they don't let the people from fortnite escape the zero point because after there will not be no one to protect it and if someone consumes the zero point everything excisting even in the real world would dissappear

ShadowedFate: I'm sorry did you say PREDATOR AND TERMINATOR?!

Meffn: Top5Gaming Is The Best Creator For Fortnite!! I actually created my own channel called Meffn To Show Even MORE Fortnite Gameplay - Come Check It Out And I Will Always Follow Back!!

Riley Sposato: Theory: I feel like jonsey is gonna gather up too many hunters that it draws the attention of the seven because lately we have had Kratos and master chief and the walking dead coming soon and if you think the master chief thing was for fun well read the news thing right now on Fortnite it says “defender of humanity and destroyer of alien ringworlds, master chief arrives to claim bounties and contain the zero point”. So master chief is helping him contain the zero point just like the rest of the hunters which speculates that any other future gaming skins or movie based skins will help Him. Jonsey even left the phone when she said don’t draw the attention of the seven as well which will probably make this seasons end event jonsey vs the seven for control of the zero point. I don’t know this is just speculation.

SUCAAD MOHAMUD: So midas was a clone welp ;/

Tumford: Maybe fishstick is in the loop as well. He has I think 5 versions.

PaintedReboot: Could the coins be a reference to the Witcher? I think it’s funny that Jonesy is also the name for Ripley’s cat in Alien :D

krishank daga: I think screenshot means its skin therefore agent jonsey skin is very likely coming and he could now be stuck here

Mayowa Olusetire: Based on the snapshot theory, all the defaults are probably in IO Organization. Maybe agents? Won't be surprised if one is Jonesy's boss.

Alfie Smith: Ant farm could be ant man?

DaneJuris Hylen: mabey theres a space money or someting

Vincent Singers: the fortnite youtube channel has posted jonsey finding more people and bringing them to the island. i definitely suggest adding them to a video.

DaneJuris Hylen: midas took oro's power he changed the shark into a prisin and kept oro there theres proof that he was there and he broke out thats why he has more edit styles of him gradually losing his power

Bubba Klipp: i got the galactus live event recorded it was awesome

The Gamer Jayson: I feel like one day the visitor and scientist and the other 5

creeper exploads: what about peely

Harribo Rabbitx: Pink hair in the top right is belle delphine 😂😂😂😂

Gamer Jackson: I have a theory about season 5 and its origin. This is going to be long but it's worth that you will read this cause it might give you ideas of your own about season 5 what if we were put into another dimension when Galactus got teleported because our world was lost to the zero point being exploded our world with the marvel points are gone and we have traveled to another dimension/reality where john Jones has to secure this new reality given to this mission from singularity to gather the warriors around the realities without reality lost this sand area is from the zero point never being blown up from the meteor which means riffs were created from the singularity given to us in season 5 it also means all of the pois we had from season 3-up I'd you think about it all the are we got is from season 3 except the viking village witch that storyline still continued. Now if we take the info I just said you can connect the dots and basically galactic was successful on destroying our world but the rift brought him back in time to season 10 because he has a job to be in the loop to destroy the chapter 2 map and gain the zero point. Galactus gets teleported into the black hole causing him to get healed and this is where he meets Thor when the black hole receded away Thor was faster than Galactus and was able to get to a nearby land to get teleported to the fortnite map where there Thor sends the marvel MCU into fortnite. Hulk couldn't fit in the teleporter/it didn't work on him this is why he was never added to the fortnite loop. Singularity could have been one of the seven, she found and broke the loop but it ended in us being muted and vowed to create the organization and broke the zero point with the robot. So with this info i have come up with do you think we can secure the zero point and the portable dimension portal John Jones has…

EnderBot 1: i see blood so maybe JAWS?

VD Kaitrex ➓: Fortnite is a loop. Chapter 1: Season 1, boring Season 2, op meta Season 3, space themed Season 4, super hero themed Season 5, world's collide ... Chapter 2: Season 1, boring Season 2, OP weapons Season 3, space themed Season 4, super hero themed Season 5, Our map has now areas of the old one.

Ahmed Naasif: Gold coins relating to jack sparrow

aquaa RX: are you a clickbaiter or is all this real???

Matiasmarculescu Mărculescu:

George Smith: maybe siona and dio were also bounty hunters and thats what the astronaut ice cream was about

Arpanb Gaming: Grease mask is for joker

Ryder Hathcock: Fortnite has one of the best story line ever

JayIvy Gamez: Ant farm is ant man

20Juicy: I want that girl Midas skin, I think it’ll be fye (also Master Chiefs came out today 😳)

Alexsis Monsivais: Has anyone noticed that thre were kevin plates in the gate what are they for🤔?

Daniel Hiatt: Fun Fact: If you're reading this you have like and reply to mx329's comment or else the fortnite gods will curse you

Dalia Neville: It's the seven Jonsey's

Dwighscrazyside !!!: The tooth might be for a dinosaur 11:50

321 boom: Asking if it is stable or not somthing fishy

brice brillo: i got the feeling that the sevens are going to return and finaly complete sevens

321 boom: Guy's i think that jhon was talking to mida's in the domsday event

Kristen Mead: Has anyone read my comment? Yes you yes no maeby so?!

Kristen Mead: Then in that case dun fact

Leo Johnson: I have a theory what if every time we grab a reboot card it's a little bit of that person and that creates a snapshot of the original character when we reboot them because the vans have zero point in them?

Agent T-Rex: The dubloons could be pirates of the Caribbean

Steven Treece: Maple syrup could be for elf Tell all your friends Maple Syrup = Elf

ZoNe K3V1N_: Here is the bigger question who is Jon Jones’s boss????!!🤨

I am AWESOME: Just sing Siri eyes think it’s because like you know when you go into it you get Health probably it gives people power to escape

Corey Thrash: The wig lavagirl


46 Media: I saw ants. Could there be a Hunter from HunterXHunter coming. They had a Chimera Ant plot in the show

FNSweat basic-drama1: So what happened to ghost and shadow

Julian Yee yee: Idea: since they made football and soccer skins why don’t they make a baseball one because there’s a bat and spring is close

Jaxon Rountree: A skin going to be added is JAKE AND THE NEVERLAND PIRATES!!!

Kristin Kaylor: The blond wig is for link from legends of Zelda Mabey the next gaming legends skin


Razor clan: Who is waching when mastet chef has came out

I E: I NEED a seven event

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