OK! Aphelios Season 11...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1240

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Alan Katsiyev: Who is the streamer in the last clip on zed in the dragon pit?

Antarer: 10:20 dragon had 96 hp and she did 95 and killed it btw

Mar Artiga: hi can you add some luminum and erickdota content to LOL STOP BEING HOMOPHOBICC 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Haydes Pluto: 1:27 even yourself question why... Season 11 bois

Nekosaki Krocchi: Is it just me? Why am i start thinking midbeast sexy😶

Troy Moseley: Too many ads coconut

Aalenser Darkus: Damn. I wanna see if Yone can pass the wall 6:07

Zeronoa Gaming: Only Tyler1 can beat my content

Plague Doctor: League logic, less hp you have harder you are to kill

Aaron Lim: 7:20 damn you didn't upload the entire clip?

Tyler Morales: 1:23 ok but how did puke die? Sylas Q?

CLOREROSA420: 9:40 since when is spider man a streamer?

Ozan Dağ: 10.18 I dont think she noticed that she the killed the amumu

Josh Angelo Monte: Background music at 2:15?

Stefan Rudhager: Did Ekko just scream "penta" 6:15 😁

100 FURY: Why didnt the same happen to samira

Sebastian Ulrik: 5:58 when i type an essay to my english teacher

OE Torque: Damn im so hyped bout swordart

Mephistopheles: tyler 1 is so shiiiit man wtf

Amazed: The amount of ads here is outrageous.

Prosto DOshiK: Well, now i see why my lovely jinx unplayable now. When you have 16 kills in game 100% crit rate arm pen and huge attackspeed you just cant kill full ap kata without jhonya with 5 autos. But she oneshot you after whole this time. Cuz game literally think you are trash. Know your place garbage adc player. Back to twitch ap supp -.- Fk this game.

LiveEvil: Why they gotta meme mid beast so hard every vid hahaha

Enrique Ramirez Nonell: 0:26 bone plating

Chiao Smash: I dont know why amandathi is famous There r several guys play zed better than her Just because she is a girl who play zed ? She got no insane gameplay on zed as a zed main

thestormguard: T1 screaming for help when ahri did 90% of the damage is a good clip to show people if they ask what he's like

Gustavo Suarez: Did that Sion Q *actually* did 1100 dmg to the Baron?

Bryce Taylor: 7:15 guy honestly deserves that for using the hard R. No more of him, please.

AlickoRule3z: Am I the only one who thought someone was knocking on my door in the first clip?

inversion iiréversible: midgrief

Neibul: midbeast actually clown

Jeffrey: 8:02 Imagine saying you’re built different because you’re playing a strong character in a video game

Matthew Jung: Back to Midbeast fails...🥺

diegoro11: Buff Aphelios pls

Moath: 2:21 No one doesnt perkz

the one: its leonas passive its broken

Proximo Light: Tag still says g2 perkz

Amegatron: Leona is a yasuo windwall???

Advicio Romero: Aphelios is shit this season

NeKho: 1:06 HOUHOU HA HIT !

TABZ 22: Merry christmas coconut and guys reading this❤

John Price: Sometimes I like fail highlights over actual good highlights

Luke Cousins: That aphelios play Shen he didn’t kill the Leona, the dmg she took was from a caster minion

matheo mejia: 3:39 dude always makes me cringe to see him play, who is it?

John Price: Sanchovies at 0:45: That's not even funny as a joke. Sanchovies in episode 927: *does this as a joke*

Cacoma: 9:26 ahris death scream ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

david barlow: I'm so sick of seeing clips about this NoKaynNoPain guy. Acting like surviving 1v3 or 1v4 on red kayn is hard. Red kayn has been broken for ages and literally requires no skill. All the clips of red kayn are the same, no variety.

Erdnuckel: look closely to 06:04 When he Auto the GP One just cancled the dmg

David Yang: that zed play at the end.. got hit by everything, still managed to steal drag and get a double. lmao

Above Life: Funniest episode I've ever watched lol

%???: Yeah sadly Aphelios is so unplayable right now only bcuz of the crit chance items rItO pls revert crit chance soo fkin sad

Med Aness: 7:25 guy trying to pronounce the word "baby" Coconut :" *oh no we dont do that here* "

Eugene Monotilla: Crit ADCs are such hot garbage right now and they just keep nerfing Jhin and other non conventional ADCs instead of actually just buffing ADCs Like, they should really just make I.E. passive 200% crit damage +8% per 20%so it does not feel so bad to buy

mechanic kid: ❤️

NiKa TaBaGaRi: 5:40 auto auto auto and auto :| love this champ

Shane: Zoe is somehow even more disgusting this season

MickAizen: 1:59 T1: top gap... eat s***!

Francisco Riccio: 5:40 he just walked slowly to auto twitch who for some reason didn't kite or waited for ireliaa passive to finish off 😆

Rxile Ax: hey coconut, do u mind not putting clips where streamers use the r-slur, in respect for the ppl who watch your videos

Dodge Chance: The return of Dodge Chance to league

filip prokop: After that perkz triple i need to say: i love money

Ben Naaman: 1:02 This guy q'd in cam ult and the damage still hit ziggs.. is that supposed to be a thing?? xD

filip prokop: Aphelios got apheliosed

X4rtY: "In perkz house after stream" - FBI open up. (Zoe is underage)

Trashy: Finally after 200yrs aphelios is balanced XD

CampioneDi17: Perkz loving Zoe more ways than one.

Cabalisk: Well, here we go again. IMAGINE PLAYING ADC IN (Insert current season) OMEGALUL

Kevin Nguyen: Jungkook

محمد الهاشمي: Me after I want to end an argument 7:44

Moonlight Shawty: Coconut best channel. Remember me when you get 1millon subs

Lazaro Castillo: 7:03 Ofc , ur a Darius One trick after all :)

Artur T.: 7:01 this clip made me suffer

Your Best Friend: 2:19 HOL UP

Ennnil: I love this shots 8) c: :3

WonderBay Studio: 2:19 *FBI OPEN UP!!!!!!*

KBxFifa: Literally same exact vid of synapse

Purpliz: And some people still complain about him lmao

Scotchy: 7:59 yea u build like a stick my man

Teemo Gaming: teemo gaming

space cats: 2:36 hes likes loli fbi we got him

gum drop: 2:19 FBI OPEN UP. 2:27 Now that’s pushing it. 2:36 What has NA done to your brain Perkz?

Cristian Gabriel: 10 26 i just have to dodge the Q, has W UP does nothing and dies yikes gamer girl

Ivo Ivanov: leona is too fat

DstEdd D: Ahaha.)) Aphelios did less than 20 dmg with his auto despite being 3 (!) lvls up on Leona. And they keep saying tanks are balanced.)))

Gabriel Ioan Fekete: midbeast inting again like always. i only saw one or 2 vids where he didnt int lmao

Mardale Cristian: 10:18 The dragon had 96 HP and zed killed him with 95 dmg. Lul

Franz: when she turns around and says ''its my turn now'' 6:50

Liones456 xd: First

Some Dried Mango: You: S11 Aphelios The guys she tells you not to worry about: Aphelios on release

rodrigo corrales chaupi: -.,

JasonGoes Breee: damn 10:07 such a good highlight she must be like Challenger or something

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: there is nothing i love more than zoe 🤔 perkz you good?

Locius: his attack dealt 16 dmg lmao

Dieuwe Buijink: ahhahaha that clip at 1:05 is to good man

B is for Bob: Season 11: the revenge of non-200 years

Liones456 xd: OK MAN 🤔

cyganos: But can someone tell Perks that Zoe is underage please

LordSkippy: lesson learned never chase panunu

Phu Tran: Aphelios attack: on low health Leona Credit card: declines Aphelios 0:04

Paulo PiresF: Season 11 : + 20 Years

Jeanne More: I love the midbeast closeups in fullscreen after he died.

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