First Day of Season 11...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1302

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Mustafa Hashemi: Happy to see Gross again

Mohamed Rashad: I really liked that you stopped use sections or whatever it called much smoother

YEP: There's something unique when i watch Dzukill play yasuo the guy is unbelievably Good

Deed Paul: cant wait for nxt episode of the series: MidBeast

Stefan Cvejic: In my first game i made pentakill in new season with yasuo

ĤõõĤĕɱ ĐϸẌ: can you please do montage to the sound and make it the same for all the clips😐 ! my ears are bleeding 🙉🙉🙉

Jeffrey Makuch: Start the new season of clips right, with a midbeast fail clip.

bl0odline [GD]: No front but 95% of girls laugh are so fucking ugly and fake. I really get unconfortable seeing and hearing this

bUg clip: 1st day 0 3 go home and sleep .

Артём Залавский: So lvl5 riven oneshotes enemy with stunlock combo with only dblade in backpack, feels like her winrate still low, need buffs

Andrej Doblej: Please remove thebausffs he is soooo toxic🙄

ツCzegg: 8:30 this cringe kid literally ints and asks blade what hes doing? and his fucking chat agrees with him? damn thats next level of being dumb

Ahmed Ghaly: outro music ?

oni giri: Each one of them said holyshit it's funny. Not really.

Leung Jason: Midbeast:working on the weekend like usual

Chowdog Ekko: Gross gore is back

Botond Czinczár: MidBeast: Am i inting? *few seconds later* MidBeast: You bet your sweet bippy i did!!!

Phil Yang: o wow i was the lulu in the first clip its so weird seeing urself on a channel u watch everyday

Pang LiQi: Please stop doing the zooming in effect on every single clip. We’re not blind.

corvus: Daily dose of midbeast

Darker: Does anyone else feel like Gross Gore looks better? Like seeing his clips are enjoyable and not him being super cringe on twitter.

Dobry Rap: Karasmai without kayn u are a big 0 bro :) like boosted or some

Adrian Garcia JANY: 4:18 kayn ban counter 5 5 loses , hmmm kayn balanced then?

Ayy Lmao: Nemesis excitement cannot be contained

Blade Art: no outro REEE

Mike Dcrd: So much Nemesis clips

bonevoid: Btw coconut the subscribe to coconut picture at the end covers up the start of the comment so you may want to move one of them, great video as always!

KURAHA IS CUTE KITTY CAT UWU: Nemesis clips are cringe

Cliff Yang: Rito needs to nerf fking tanks lol. Pathetically braindead champions

Frank Pineiro: Top 50 comment

Fighter Lm: S

Darien Felix: I'm Alone 😍😥

Playero: what is this 1:03 clip ? theres nothing interesting in that

San Bonil: 3:50 really? my eyes are blooding

jeffrey tay: that was a nice memebeast intro

Dhairya Aneja: Well viego is the ruined king hope he is not a ruined champion

Matěj Libertin: I thought it wouldn't be Midbeast inting this time...

Doly Lycian: Aight, who got 0-10 in the placement?

Yeb Garge: "Am I inting" lmao lock and loaded.

Nusret: 9.10 yassuo has %38 crit

Cheeky Boii: PogChamp even tho its gone

kuroko tetsuya 11: 😍😍😍 love

Oliver Kian: I'm Alone 😍😥

Mephistopheles: that the bausff clip was earrape

Kei: I’ve been watching these for 2 years straight.

Ismail Amr Wafai: 8:51 you'd think this was an LL Stylish clip from all the q's Moe's missing

Szilárd Székely: Where is nb3 from the montage? or from any montage?

John Christofer Aguilar: hi

KatangaMaster Tc: :3

zyLo: nothing better than watching midbeast int while i eat lunch

Abde Bado: 1:35 thats a official skin??

Leilani Garcia: Hello there

Damian Hardy: Ty for the vid coconut. I don't need sleep anyway

Cheesy Stevey: Good video! Hope everyone had good day of LP gains today! Maybe IM THE NEXT FAKER?

Ryan khun: Coconut notice me 😷😷

Lj Savane: That teemo clip with the yi and zilch had to be bronze

snake2250: Got in before the timeline edits?

Liza Tanalgo: Ahhaah im too early

sylas saucedo: Coco, You love me?

MED Elhadi: Mgharba Dzeb lvy'all azwaml ❤️

Carh 8396: Greetings from Honduras 🇭🇳 Coco 🥥

Phu Tran: Me: typing m on they keyboard Person: mad Another person: midbeast ints

Yuzen: Midbeast: Am I inting? Always has been my friend

Mose Mkurnalidze: I love league of legends

CocaineMan420: :D

Epic Gamer: Season 11 is gonna be crazy

John Junmar Soriano: Letss go

MrCrabss: MidBeast: Am I inting? Me: isn't that obvious?

Eric Cartman: Viva chile

Yuzen: Lets go coconut!

Jakobeee T: hi

Tom Guo: Coconut posted 15 seconds ago :o. I'm so early.

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