Season 11 is Literally One Shot Season...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1200

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Kuro Usagi: broken patch baby hahaha

Michael Hunter: that damn kekw face

Merlin Nania Drinkwine: Considering Ammummu can take the equivalent of sixteen nukes without a scratch, I think some champs can still survive

Pepega Letuchi: i gonna uninstall lol

Pepega Letuchi: i think fizz is absollutaly balanced 0:30

teddy tolentino: wow

asdasd: League is turning into a phone MOBA

MunHing: This game is dying , unbalanced af

Sake Rift: I'll be honest, I was expecting a lot more oneshots with a title like that but still great vid.

Ákos Dalos: season 11 is like duels in the West: "Who (one)shoot faster, win."

Honzík Preissík: The clip with nemesis when He was in fnatic

pkphantom: What I've taken from this is that all adc's will be gray screened for the entirety of season 11, regardless of the player's skill level

alynxss: love that outro

ImuglyPete: Ok someone tell me who that chick is from zac dragon steal

Evsiz Dilenci Dante: Tyler was literally feeding and he died to Fed graves that has 4 lvl more then hım and starts bitching

_Constan _: That ahri was tooo bad

Stan Elwood: I'm 90% convinced that you can build funfire wincape on any champion and be successful

Hikkari West: What this streamer on 10:40? Her twitch name pls

Mosechka Woof-Woof: 10:51 Give me this moment pls

AgustinBre: 1:28 as a main ahri high diamond elo i recommend you: dont play ahri, is garbage sadly

Omar Volkin: Tristana it self says watch the brush 0:28

Byakko21: That's what u get for playing Quinn Top

NoGame NoLife: teleport through the wall? dont worry, that is normal in season 11

Gonourakuto alma: I mean most of those 1 shot clips are overfed people killing underfed and under lvl people so yeah no shit they gonna get 1 shot

NurS Wasser: ngl mid beast deserves a perm

Lord Paul Philipp Fernandez: 1:30 Normally I'd say Yasup is broken or shit like that, but in this case, it's all on him... like why the hell did you just stand there while allowing yasuo to hit every damn skill.

MISTYPEAKS13: A whole minute of tyler getting badly wrecked.

Herford: asd

GG Glenn: this is worse than URF!!

GG Glenn: i wont be surprised if the game dies. almost no outplay gonna happen now. its just a matter of who goes first.

Dan Kim: 6:36 I saw that xD.

Marko Btzr: 8:45 this is how i always thought seraphine players look like

Revd: Does anyone noticed that the tower doesn't target the shaco clone? 2:33

Mic 102: 5:19 nisqy solokilled caps, worlds is nothing but a dream for the west, confirmed PS. congrats fnc, there is no way that another western team wins the world championship

July D: Sword, quantum, noway are the next generation of midlaner. They r so fking insane

Jordi D: 4:50 didn't this guy get exposed for talking to minors?

Kayn The Shadow Reaper: the collector really should not exist

ez pz: "Pls fk me in the ass''. That was what she said..

HEARTHSTONED: karasmai cries when no penta EVERY game with a yuumi perma attached to him lmao

Anthony and Sherri Hopkins: Tyler1 "look mom shits broke when you feed 13 kills like a fucking moron"

Felix Sena: Lmao you totally ignored the comment about yourprincess. Fuck you coco I'm going to synapse

Flugzeug aus Wuhan_ Status: Landung: I deinstalled the game when I put the enemy ADC (Irelia lol) to 1/6 and got killed in 2 seconds for some reason after she just came back from death.

Rose002: I thought season 10 was one shot season

jaron villiaceran: this season just aint for adc's

Masked Boy: Penta kok ngemis

Dawo Vlad ϟ: 3:11 she look like thebauffs girl version

Kyotairu: Powerspike? More like powermountain

Chris Clarkson: Except rengar. Rengar isn't allowed to oneshot people.

psycho sss: That Zac steal tho I was honestly not expecting that

Oguri Hatshuharu: Tyler got one shotted and he didn't even rage nor scream. Feels weird man.

Requiem: Season 11: Its either one shot, or live forever.

jose abraham camacho arce: true

SaMo: Can someone explain what happened at 6:46? 😂😂

Leonel: League of legends is broken :/

Bros Play: Alerta de spam . . . . . . . . Buenos dias/tardes/noches quien quiera visitar nuestro canal bienvenido, darnos una oportunidad y si te gustan los video dale like y suscribete, gracias <3

Nick Jiang: wow its really rare to see onefingerman gets outplayed, ... or i mean oneshot

Empoliyis: adcs: *first time?*

Back Nugs: I'm starting to see that the one shot season is featured by tyler1

Pepper and Snowflake Adventure: Season 11 is either you get 1 shot or you 1 shot them

dadadada379: kayn mains are all washed up elo inflated noobs :D

Tyler The goat: 5:05 lol i saw that today in jankos Stream, you are realy fast

JustAlex: well till Riot finally gets someone with some brain in charge of these changed i will be gone , need to find something different to play

Matthias Blackwolf: 8:35 As Jhin main I can say quadra is better <4

Jeffrey: 1:17 definitely never touched a woman before

Shurda: *oneshot tank meta*

Arctic™: 4 Level head fed graves against an "ADC"

Israel Navarrete: 7:41 did i just heard the gamer word?

Cat: 0:30 Tristana says ''Watch the brush'' 0:34 he dies to a Fizz in the brush

Lucian: don't add casual clips like 09:00 please

Rosegold Beats: pink ward looks like a man that wants to quit life

Natherd: The collector is such a broken item. It’s because of that item I don’t have fun anymore

Samsam TLS: You put in the clip of Quantum's chogath game but don't choose the full health one shot with one Q ?

Tahm Eats Ass: i'd rather watch karasmi pentas get stolen than to hear him exclaim some stupid shit about how amazing he is while he flexes his noodle arms playing the easiest jgler.

Yassine Zoldyck: finally a midbeast outplay clip after all the struggle xD he missed the combo tho

Murád Pitsáyev: 8:37 chat - one of those dumbs who prefers to lose than give a penta

7183D hadwaka: this is not weird just Tyler have 4 lvl in the back than assasin

Anmesker: _"One shot or get one shotted"_ - Season 11

xarispro4 xarispro4: 2 questions that will never be answered: is rekkles gonna join g2 and will riot stop make league worst every year . yes and yes

Kyu: idk why but i hate nemesis

Yiğit Galip: hah nisqy

Noahsoccer22: Tyler1: gets one shotted by a basic attack Chat: KEKW Inting! Me: how many people in this chat have actually played Season 11 or better yet League?

MoeZaic: @7:00 what is t1 trying to show??

ISAK.M: No shit

Berkay Aydın: How viktor upgrade his q at 5:40 ?

BegenBc: One shot game anymore boringggg

Mateja Panic: 4:38 Can we just appriciate how clean swiftys Rakan is

Jan Steinacher: what music is Pinkward at 2:35 listening ??? i love the nordic cold vibes

ahmed hossam: S11 is a oneshot season: Me:laughs in tanks while soloing baron @20m🙂

Tomi Tomi: Hi cool vid

HChen: Literally the most dog shit thing riot has ever done.

Hoko Butterfly: I mean if you feed someone thats pretty normal

bahaa ahmed: gj

Monja Mo: 3:21 he looks like an adult, his voice is like of a 13 yo and he is dressing like a dad in the morning

Random: the video is 11:11 make a wish

Joe wang: Youtube is getting too comfortable with these double 15 sec unskippable ads

Martin sand: Anyone know the song at 1.09 ?

Silvertongue: is it just my impression or is seraphine too strong?

ZwierzuXXX: 8:40 Discord moderator ?

Francisco Reis: 2:58 the fact that akali is faster than hecarim that builds triforce is kind of hilarious

Blaine Sider: ayye look the normal midbeast is back! 1:30

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