Here's Literally TANK Season 11...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1202

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Flugzeug aus Wuhan_ Status: Landung: My worst encounter was an 9k Health Cho'gath... He had 20% life or less and I didn't done 5% damage to him as shaco.. Maybe not even 2%....

Error 404: ornn wasn't balanced in any of the seasons, tank which can do 12% of your max health 3 times in one fight

turtle King: URHHHHH WHATS THAT SONG @ 3:01 ?????

DKoKoKDK: Tanks are not even op.. Only role that cant kill tank in season 11 is adc

cheurtry: 1:15 when did sumail start playing league omegalul


Koro Sensei: Finally i can bully samira

Malachi Hormel: 10:45 my best guess of ghost Yasuo based on my vague understanding of League spaghetti interactions: When Yas uses R, he summons a clone which dashes at high speed toward his ult target, while he blinks there. The clone then disappears, but sometimes acts wonky (instances of visible Yas clone death exist, as well as Yas clones taking the Eye of the Herald prior to a bugfix). My guess is an interaction caused the clone Yas to take damage (can't be more specific without knowing the builds), and for some reason it happened to be near Lissandra when it was destroyed by said damage. Similar instances of random global positioning have happened in the past (global Lee Sin Q2 hitbox comes to mind). tl/dr; Yasuo's R clone took unknown damage and died near Lissandra

philippus: What's the music at 3:04?

Anson Hung: 9:08 should be the ult of Yasuo

JE .M: Last night I encounter a onhit katarina With nashors and lich bane Btw freaking dealt 1.5 k damage and killed me my grand entrance is not finish yet

JeriD: 00:04 thats literally a lvl 14 tank and a lvl 12 adc ofc adc loses

Bench: 11-2 samira vs ornn

Paul John Catalan: 3:24 music?

UnderRatedRock: I cant play this game anymore

Moll Ey: There are 2 types of champions in league: 3:50

Tiagocf2: "TANK META" bla bla bla 2:00 literally one shots 2 tanks at once lmao

Lmao Zedong: Wate did voyboy do the swore?

achref ben hassine: Yeah good

Josh: 4:42 When you remember you ain't black😂

skinnymon123: Tanks have been like that ever since brambles been in the game, so forever

Robyn: 5:56 that ulti 😂

Alexander Smolentsev: wow a tank with 5k gold and 2 level lead beats an adc in melee, its almost like its supposed to happen. Meanwhile I have never seen anyone call out adcs when vayne, lucian, kalista, quinn, etc bully melee toplaners harder than nerds get bullied in 2nd grade and then outscale them. Top tier delusion

Ask Hansen: I love seeing these tank mains malding in chat

Pablo Ayende: F neckito y su Fiddle


King Samuel: hydra ALMOST works on every hero

Haitham Swaidan: That kat dodged 2 rengar jumps, I’ve never seen that

TrueWarrior008: Hey Coconut, what's the name of the song at 3:17? I would appreciate it

Poske Yugituber: some feedback that splojsh sound effect when someone dies sounds like a shit dropping in the toilet, it just sounds disgusting YUCK eww, might as well add a fart whenever someone dies.

Rodney Shen: When you’re uber driver comes to pick you up 1:20

Patrick Seretin: Wait a fed top laner can kill a behind adc who would have thought...

Kew The II: Pretty sure it's mostly just ornn. Seriously how is that champ even allowed.

Paulo Filho: This season itens are so more expecific. samira built to survive burst, not to kill tanks, eve though she had the option to

Renz Umali: 6:05 hes gragas

iNxЯIuтo 火: Lol einfach kev1n im ersten Clip

Renz Gaming: Why LL Stylish has no uploads to his channel ?

Berkay Umut Aydın: This new game looks like fun, gotta try it ASAP

Antoine Passieux: 3:56 Camille’q : 656 true damage Cho’s R : 633 true damage Rito Gemas

Asking Why is Free: tanks are basically the exodia. end game before they complete the pieces.

Jiether Pie: Just wanna ask, was Ryze really nerfed to death?

Zetzuno: Hey coconut just wondering, If our clip doesnt get shown should we wait a few videos before resubmitting it or ? Just wondering Thanks <3

John Yurell: i literally 1v3 amumu top yesterday

Onzaga of the East: Full armor Ornn against Samira with no pen. Wow. Like thats not an easy match up.

Zeke Haskell: 15 kills and you can’t buy a last whisperer?

BlackSuperman: every fckin clip of bobinq he just screams its so fckin annoying

Kirn0o4: And they wonder why vayne vayne lol

Ed: Crit Jhin: 2 abilities and 4 autos against squishy to get a kill Lethality Jhin: 2

Arseny Amunary: RIOT: nerfs Viktor. Viktor: My power is infinite!

filip prokop: In season 11 everyone is broken till new champ release (sneak peak riot annouced its support hyper tank)

Games FTW: You mean Ornn in Season 11?

cale shoemaker: Kindred: *Just walking past, minding her business* Bob: *One-combos the kindred* Bob: "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!"

Astijus: Remeber when people said tank would be usseles in this season?

Gamboon: 9:35 exactly person I imagine when someone says "Malzahar main"... No offense :D

Kalo: SpaceAidz playing Malz, pog

Anthony Kim: Ornn has 336 armour- including randuins and Thor 7/2 with strong cs- into an all AD champ they obviously can’t do shot

Citadel: 1:23 song?

CampioneDi17: Permaban Ornn. What upgrades does he do that’s bs anyway. He can upgrade mythic items right?

Dawcio: ❤🙏

tedthexeopian: Every season is tank season

Bruno Buciarati: 2:50 song ?

Anthony Twinto: Note to sanchovies - your pc isn't dying that's my normal fps and ping when I'm not team fighting so imagine what it's like when I am. Spoiler it's 1 fps 😎

Tom O: What is it with the league community that they just hate tanks. They just don’t want that class to ever be good

Kobe Toles: Why don't people just build pen if tanks are such a problem? You can get like 70%+ pen on Ad champs with the right items, idk about ap champs, might be less. Seems like a pretty easy solution

Michael Thomas: Ornn was 2 levels up and 6/2/3 with 330 armor, what did you want to happen samira 1 shot him?

MyNameIsntPat: Sad thing is that samira is 11/2 and still does negative dmg

EFE ŞALİŞ: 0:52 watch voyboys mouth while tf

FAILNAM3: That Sanchoives clip when his PC dipped to 48FPS was hilarious XD

GonzFi .R: are we gonna act like Ornn wasn't like that in season 10? lmao

G̴h̴a̴n̴e̴d̴: 2:50 song name ?

Љубојевић Страхиња: In my opinnion amumu is just perma banned

Xerathiel vi Darquise: Eclipse: 20% pen Spear: 30% Blackcleaver: 24% Dominik: 20% Vi w: 20% ...

Yosf QML: wait midbeast can make good plays too ? when did that happen ?

The Senate: I mean just build tank on adc at that point

zakk Messai: FPS drops to 49 Sanchovies: my Computer is dying :'( time for a new PC me who has a Laptop since 2012: What is new PC ?

ForgeCrow: I love it when they go "Omg this is so nuts" As they have a negative score proving it is indeed not

Sora Kashiwagi: 8:45 now that's what you call a super minion

simply gaming: 11-2 game is stil winable

fuko: tanks always did that. season 11 isn't special to having tanks be broken.

NightHauntings Yugioh: And here I thought tanks were useless this season.

Kodein02: Zoe is a hard champ

Agustín bravo: 2:49 XDDDDDD

Veeharos: "AMERICAAAAA !" 4:17

ghost 115566: the only losers from season 11 is the bruser class

ArkSynix: Oh shit its tank season all over again

Fitiwizz: 2:45 Vladimir gaming

The_seVen_: 1:50 Achievement get: "Who's the Assassin now?" : Give an Assassin a taste of their own medicine.

Lost time memory: 7:49 amature

Pirekk 15: When are going to start including hashinshin in your videos back? He already cleared all the accusations.

church of the tea: He's 2 levels above that samira it's totally normal But yeah tanks are busted

Niggatube: 1:15 OSAMABINLADEN !!!!! POG

Ghone Frv: 2:37 what is the first item called ?

Khalil Samet: it's just lissandra's black magic

MindTheGas: Why are we watching spaceaidz clips from normals

fallen_2120: Season 11 gonna be so toxic im going to need a few extra keyboards

Мойщик Окон: 8:32 Music please?

Kevim Ribeiro: 5 Item Ornn vs 2 and a half items ADC "Tanks are busted this season" LMAO, the nerve.

EpicSkrub730: 4:24 Bruh kindred literally inted and he thinks he's clean.

NowYouSeeMe NowYouDont: Nobody: Hi im Coconut: Tank season 11 One shot Season 11 Adc Season 11 Assassin Season Ap Season 11

Alexis R: I miss my daily content of Pinkward outplaying everyone xD

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