Katarina Tank Builds Work in Season 11...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1198
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Tunisian Joker: Good job man ! i subscribe :DНаписать
*S i r S t o n k s*: tank katarina more like *Katankrina*
jeremax09: 4:14 im pressing flash as soon as possible as possible
RooMster: Someone try full tank Lee sin, something like 4,5k hp?
Calexito: 6:45 Hi, i'm learning english Isn't "That was fucking nasty" and "That was pretty clean" self contradictory? XD
SonicBoom501: Oh yeah, cause she now applies on-hits with her abilities, and technically like lifesteal, sunfire is now an on-hit effect
The Sky Walker: Tbh the new items are so good, especially for Ezreal, before you only got 2 options :trinity or Gauntlet. Now there are 4 items like that with on hit effect and muramana even give you haste
CloudShifter: "Tank Katarina" bruh he is 6/1, anything you build on a 6/1 champ is broken
Michał Koguciuk: 4:15 "asap as possible" let that sink in
Steiner Grimm: it's literally season 6 all over again with the tank assassins. there's "tank" assassins and then there's tank "assassins"
Ege Yakut: Do you guys know why sunfire nerfed but draktar is still broken? Because any adc don't play draktar but kata plays sunflre
Sebastian Snopek: Tank katarina- works Katlife viewers - so old build but we are glad that you wake up
MeownaMeow: Nobody : Voyboy when a new season starts : What if I build sunfire on kata?
lionheart: 4:12 Asap as possible? did he just said as fast as posible as posible? cringe
Reis Grimery: I tried the build in s9 and have been asking for you tubers to tried it but no answered :((.
Lives: lol what a joke. tank kat has always worked, but not only that, his build is so inefficient. orb in s11? is he stuck in s10 or what
Connor Burriss: 10:22 In 5 years he will be in so much pain from the way he sits
Ilie-Nicolae Ciocan: TanKarina
serbani7: Hi guys. First of all thank you by taking from your time to read my message, by the way it's a self promote thing so if you are not interested, you can keep scrolling and maybe don't put a hate comment. I can put a smile on your face with my meme league of legends videos and tell me, who don't want to be happy? I hate to self promote, but I tell you guys, all I need is honest reviews where I can get better. I don't need any likes or subscribes, just honest reviews. Thank you from taking your time to read my entire comment and sorry by promoting myself at your video (that's for the creator of this video, you r the best keep up the good work) and have a blessed day guys!
kiss shot: pls dont show fiora clips as if she were not a braindead champ thanks
Tim L: U know there's a problem when an assassin becomes its counter-class
Protector Thresh: The legendary negative khazix damage Rio
Hosam Omnitrix: 1:18 it sounds like kayn is torturing zac
Howie Ewalt: Tank Kat has been a thing for a while but oookaaayyy.
Chris This: 0:05 it always triggers me when they dont take pots
Hardstuck Draven: Wow tobias can do smth else than int?!
Joan Perdomo: 3:00 OMFG just that, i'ts the best play i've ever seen
never ever bro: Can someone tell me why I didn't have the lucien skin yet? BTW I'm gold
Promium: Played Sunfire vlad :) Felt gud, and evil :Kek
Арсений Разумовский: 10:09 everyone: "hi synapse" in both ingame chat and twitch chat coconut: well excuse me
Toxic: 7:06 nice English. Jesus.
マスクドフォーム安倍心臓: 5:44 包!茎!dude.
Martin Ferril: Why pinkward has to say the line "i am the danger"
perez4prez: asap as possible
Pikmin 5: Pinkward: Put his name so he wants to get on synapse. Coconut: *cries intenensely*
Games FTW: Imagine if VoyBoy went and Malphite Tp-ed to the nexus turret and walked into the Fountain xD
XxBladeXx: 4:15 asap as possible lmaoooo
Robitul: When you play Katarina you can buy any item that you want XDD And win
Alfredo Alexanderick: 4:32 This dude is so cringe.
Alfredo Alde: Is amumu a new champion?
Aaron Stone: Dude s11 is so garbage.I played preseason and I can say im not having fun at all.
Deus Umbra: i cringe hard everytime voy calls himself the kid. Bro ur fucking 30
TheGingaNinja 99: Midbeast clips are 10x funnier when he’s not saying anything
Patrick Miller: Wow pinkward looks a lot better, he should stick with that look.
Polybius11: Nah, games just ruined I think
TheShiny MooN: 1:35 that's how we play yasuo kids
What a drag: Ofcourse if you are 2-3 levels up😂
Austin Daily: Did not expect the osrs music at 1:00
Kyuizard May: I really like that yamikaze plays all the balanced champs, good for him👍
Kevin Olteanu: Malphite: teleports, leaving him defenseless and immobile for 4 seconds Voyboy who hits akali e: iTs ThE fUcKiNg KiD bAbY
David Gispert Gutiérrez: 4:26 that hitbox is stupid
PawelQ: It will be easier if Riot will delete adc role in season 11... 1:13
Pants Pants: Anybody seeing and experiencing that cursor bug?
Zoroark522: Do people enjoy watching bobqin in these? The plays aren't bad but I feel like his personality is just awful, somehow he is always angry and toxic.
CampioneDi17: It’s always been working since season 5.
Rxile Ax: are u really gonna put a clip of tobias using the r-slur??? 7:53
Netone: boyboy is like a whale
Phu Tran: From Katarina assassin to Katarina Tank
lul1e: 2:41 We lost polskie wartości
Márton Böndör: any1 remembers why the outro music was funny?
Georg Müller: riot pls fix katarina. she is so busted right now
mhtsakos _st: league is getting worse every season
Sebastian Garcia: Riot how are you gonna balance broken champs? Riot: If everyone is broken then no one will be broken
9z Matty: holahola xd
Filip Ludwinski: 10:21 is exactly how I imagine khazix players to look
Tom Schut: ngl had to laugh seeing voy make a beginner mistake on yasuo at 10:05 which almost cost him his life (for ppl wondering he was to clsoe to mundo but still used the beyblade instead of dash out than q back)
Gabriel Silva: voy boy probably is the dude i hate the most in league comunity this dude be calling himself the kid and prodigy (even tho its "joking") its the cringest thing ever and hes more washed up than faker
Trapixx: 3:43 how to get big HP bars like that?
Andres Castro: Guess being 6/1 has nothing to do
Amin Husaini: Jankos got a triple kill by killing a tower.... 6:25
Michał Pranszke: 6/1 kata do 1v2 vs 0/6 sylas and 0/4 kayle kekw
G145KA: 4:16 "asap as possible", people aren't cultured these days smh my head
Mad Jong: interesting season, but im done with this game
edtuin: 10:13 hes killing his neck posture
Bottle God: 0:58 rare footage of pink ward actually 'helping the enemy team'
Frantic - LoL: Darling... Finally got stronger.
Jonas Lam: Adc XDXD
BLACK PIC: Hate my last video
Zach Cline: Its almost like buffing kat was a bad idea who knew
Victini 02: I can feel the bruiser Assassin meta coming. Pls Ekko don’t hurt me...
Robert Mar Mendez: I feel that they are getting sadder day by day with the state of League. It doesn't feel the same like the past seasons of highlights.
Ivo Ivanov: lol i play with tank kata and she still has dmg balance champ btw
Kuba Grabarczyk: 7:36 just NA
drwal132: Maybe one day we will see midbeast with his good play
Won Hyuk Do: 4:25 did saber say the n word?
Hy Level: Voy boy presses all of his buttons “it’s the kid!”
Nick: It does help to mention that katirna is fed building tank
DeadlyFeet: Tankarina ja!
Jungle Diff: 1000. like
buhus Costel: Ahri Had a fucking beautiful preduction
Martin sand: i like the new season
Konstantinos Tychalas: Tank kata always eorked
PineKnight: These sound effects are very out of sync
joost nootenboom: Someone inted my game with this build
Frozen Queen: So tank asassins is a thing now in preseason
GreenApples: 7:06 I did not understand everything Caps said.
Kuba Zagórski: Katlife made tank Katarina like a year ago.
Chris: 4:25 did he just say the n word?
Philippe Benoit: How doomed is season 11?
Violet Wings: Whenever I see jankos I know it's a flop .
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