This Healing Machine Aatrox Builds Work in Season 11...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1218

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Ruberrwood: I feel sad when people in the chat write "synapse" they alwyas forget bout coconut :(

atomisten: where did vayne go at 4:11 ?????????????????????

Niklas Anders: 4:00 where did she go?

Add: you go the 3 omnivamp items: eclipse, sanguine blade, and ravenous hydra

Fighter Lm: E

Ivo Ivanov: but aareox still kinda weak

James Garrett: where did vayne go . . . ?

yunus cakir: ımFMI is begging for pay rent it's ridiculous he is playing game and want money from other guys to pay rent ? why ? he cant work like other people ? people are getting being parasite '!!!!

gum drop: 2:03 what is this supposed to be?

Jack Grevil: shutup karasmai

papi cheikh: Wait but seriously though, where did Vayne go?

Dimi: goredrinker is very op on aatrox since he has around 50-70% self healing while his ult is active

Zealot: Tyler walks around: "AHHHHH"

Pablito Alvarez: Grande Necko guanaco

Eyal Meschman: 4:38 Coconut did what Synapse didn't, ty Coconut 🙏!

Data Boi: 8:09 Dibuje Necko Dibuje

Mohammad Assaf: Its crazy how people cry about adc getting 1 shot while the buy the assasin item instead of the adc one that give shield

Zaidoun Azzam: Time traveling sp4zie 3:38

John Penny Galaura: Karasmai playing tank has more skill expression than him playing blue kayn only one shotting with auto ult.

Titus Fyffe: These are now just compilations of Drew (Midbeast) failing tower dives

Tadahitori: So Taco´s chat is spanish now? That´s quite Interesting...

FRIUS - GAMING CLIPS & GAMEPLAY: Do ppl still enjoy tf blade smurfing vs unranked and low level accs?

X4rtY: I like how "Hi im coconut" shows nisqy the new fnatic mid laner fail, and right after that how the old mid gets outplayes enemies:D

Seven Saske: Hashinshin is doing things like the first clip in the last i think2 week...nothing new


Panka Kocsis: That Vayne escape Pog

Ludovic MF: everytime I see a nemisis highlight playing Kayle, I skip. nonsense

Iam Braindead: 9:05 photograpers after the photoshoot

David Cevallos: When she is really skilled with her mouth 7w7: gentlemen 0:44 vs virgins 1:06 vs normal people 2:32 vs alpha males 5:24 (don't forget alpha males get two in a row 7:02)

Monography: Nemesis: im dead...unless im not

Drei Gian: The 4:05 clip i want to see the vayne pov

MrWadeBarrett: Pls stop featuring the caitlyn onetrick pony, he is so boring

Nah: Where the fuck did that vayne go pls someone answer 4:00

ARSA :D: 9:41 when you play no skill champ and say how good am I? xD....

Abinash Tripathy: 8:09 omg so funny... Seriously why not just cut the clip before he laughed

the kajus: 1:20

Abdullah Naseer: 4:15 any 5header know where she go

Jaouad Hboub: why MidBeast always fail are u sure he s challanger xd?

Fake: ohh yeah there is one streamer who main aatrox he complain how shit aatrox gonna be in this season i think his name ha-ha.. what is it hachinchin if im not mistaken

Dariel: Grande necko!

Demir Deliduman: Why nemesis is playing the game like a silent ghost ? Does he got any health issue ?

Andrew X: I love how every midbeast clip is a fail xD

Johnny joestar: 8:16 Vi : Powerslam Jayce : very poor choice of word

Eugenio Toscano: What's your guide animal? Do u know midbeast?

Chris Wright: amumu more like apupu

Bouke engel: Kind of frustrating how bad the sound effects are


Youmu: goredrinker busted on aatrox with that ult healing they buffed and the cdr so good same for riven except she dont get bonus heal

DstEdd D: 4:07 where actually did she go ??? she nash recall ?

Krptic Flame: Cool men doenst look at explosions -midbeast -0:48

Tomáš Vodenka: it's just midbeast aganist his greed

Domasiukas: 3:30 Isn't it better to get executed and tp back to lane?

KOI Cerberus: 6:15 i miss froggen's laugh :>

Timberly: "I love supports, they are so balanced" - Jankos while playing Ekko

Ell Bardo: 1:20 LathyrusTV?

RAMMUS ARMORDILLO: 9:55 Aatrox this could be you if your just a girl champion

Ferdinand Joyes: "Just buy grievious wounds" yeah like if you can ever reduce that healing. gj rito

Antonio Cruz: Ah Froggen’s laugh

Max Jhonson: min 1:27 grande Neckito

XSLAYERKILL5: Where's Hashinshin

Артём Залавский: Riven need buffs, i guess

Vem Pl: best outro ever 😆

rodrigo narvaez: VAMOS NECKO

M G: Dude where did Imaqtpie go?

Garen Demacia: 1:21 imagine saying that while playing ekko

Lucky Luke: Karasmai is so cringe holy shit

Slooma: Fiora heals instant half health, hashinshin: FUCKING BROKEN ASS CHAMP FUCK URSELF RIOT. Aatrox heals full health , hash : welp , it's Nice to see aatrox a bit stronger!!


Vinicius Klein: dude 4:17 where she go??????????????????????????????????????

Dylan chapire: Está el neckardo en el vídeo uwu

THICC Razor blade: Idk why but all the highlight chanels stopped even acknowledging the existence of hashinshin After what happened to him its actually really sad . Instead of supporting the poor Guy who got falsely accused of lots of things he didn't actually do. He gets completly ignored by coconut and synapse and other highlight chanels . Really fucking sad dude

Swingtity: I see midbeast in front of the most free kill in history. Not a doubt in my mind he fails to kill it. Just curious if he manages to get himself killed. I don't get how this guy is consistantly that fucking awful

Turab Aras: Where is RTO btw

Alma Agic: aa main here,go ign or bramble and u'll win vs aa. 60% healing reduction on ign hehe xd

giorgos pap: I rly want to know where this vayne went

Nox LoL: Nothing : Nemesis : Holy Moly!

Herbie Martinez: What is cool about that nisquy Akali play

Klynx22: This title should be marked nsfl it's so gory

Manuel Lanthaler: T1: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nemesis: Holy moly.

Volgrath 1337: 5:38 this mundo actually predicted flash

Hans Loo: 2:20 boom whaddup, solo "kled ult into no one and flash into the wall" only

Mad Darkin: i pray to god riot doesn't nerf my boy aatrxo because now is is acctualy viable

Gon Freecs: " I lOvE SupPorTs ThEY aRe sO BalAnCeD "

Maikel y ya: 1:25 Neckum

Tobi T: 7:44 it´s ÖvEr

ANDI STRIKES: solo para fans de One Piece 8:10 ese we se rie como Killer .

Vaerrik: Hmmmm....these midbeast clips seem to have a trend...

Yeezy QNTM: Bien ahi guanaco

Georgi Ivanov: I love how the last few days most of the midbeast clips are of him inting.

LFTAlone: Didn't know karasmai had a nest on his head

martin segovia: 1:25 uuuuuuu nekito que paso te rompieron la cola guanaco

Juan Camilo Muñoz Baron: Grande el necko apareciendo aca grandeeee papaa

CzartanxD: 7:10 literally just a budget Katarina

K7 Blaze: Wow that aatrox

Chef Pag Chomps: Will this be the season that Aatrox shines? Who knows.... No seriously Rito, give that champ some love man. :O

Jigar Dedhia: I swear every clip of midbeast is him inting 😂😂

Chris Teriyaki: This is what happens when a slightly fed aatrox gets Goredrinker, fully stacked Conq, fully stacked Ravenous Hunter, and 75% healing increase from ult. This is why you build greivous wounds.

mark torrenueva: Love you coconut <3

Noah Melcher: 3:03 dude i wanna the TheBausffs reaction to that

Sora Kashiwagi: I miss the old fnc team but I hope they get better opportunities out there

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