100% ADC Season 11...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1224

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Robitul: They think adc is back LoL

Ariel sanabria: hola

Ayse Naz: 4.28 whats t he name of this streamer again?

naathew codilla: when it comes to midbeast,its always a fucked up moment

Djialh: You put way too much adds recently, kills the mood

Christopher "Chanak" Tan: showing a lot of katarina clips before battle queen skinline comes out haha

James M: 3:55 PRRRRRR!

I am not mad: 1:18 this guy looks like pobelter but in baby version

Abir Mahmud: dont show voyboy clips, he's a lying piece of trash

Aggelos Kryemadhi: Iam an adc main Season 11: what did you say?

Grzegorz Szumski: 6:08 i think she will get rekt

Kostas Rakauskas: 06:14 wow 1v1 with akali, sick play.

xxx: now every champ is an assassin

Overpowered Jelly: Last season ADCs one shotted tanks so Riot finally decided to balance that

Jordan Rettich: can someone tell me where tf voy is getting all that mana back from at 4:00? I thought they reworked presence of mind because of this broken shit?

lynelo: 6 1 zongo PogU

If you are reading this, you are a fucking donkey: seeing tanks one shot adcs bring me insurmountable amounts of joy

Senseii: 0:41 I hate this guy.. F*cking leblanc try hard main

Daniel Gosu: Spice is lowkey clean.

Santiago Valero: Milanesa de Pij

kuroko tetsuya 11: Love 😍😍😍

Adriano Malca: 8:50 Orianna with manamune? What's next?

AhmedPlays77: "leblancless" plays leblanc

Sergiu Maties: Already forgot about the fastest in the west? (Jhin)

wcz: 6:10, its her first time flashing malp R?

Demonic Mirajane: so many of these streamers are straight fucking cringe

Haydar Agkaya: @10:14 when you play with your real buddies 😂😂😂😂

Sought Killer: sadjasjdasjd wan chot sison

CampioneDi17: As an AP Ashe Support main, just keep firing ranged attacks and never auto attack. You will win as long as your team doesn’t feed.

Dramox: Bro why so many katarina clips in season 11. stop letting people know of my 7 year otp

Aratros 27: love how it takes him 3 sec to realise he actually oneshotted her XD

Chaos Shadow: you should call this video oneshot compilation

imn1ppystr: every single kat player facerolls their keyboards

An iLLuZiiON: this season looks so dogshit, before the clips were funny fails or actual skill plays, now it's just 1 shots...

zhamkend: Wow, he 1x1 Lucian on Akali, must’ve been hard

Leith Dessureault: Every time i tr4y to predict the commnets and every time I get it wrong

João Eduardo: 4:10 this isnt 1/3 of the s10 kassa

gum drop: Did you know that people who play league a lot inhale after every play they make?

Bruno Cesar: AD Katarina isn't real, she can't hurt you AD Katarina: 08:30

El Eschums: We clean af

Arabic Synapse: There is u and there is me who is always waiting to show up my comments in the last of evry video

Beatriz Meireles: Did KatEvolved just hit purberty? The voice

Antoni Łatka: Thats great, but WHERE THE FUCK IS JANKOS

Sib Tab: Every video has 2 Katarina clips now, dang

Harshit Verma: Do late game Kassadin clips even deserve to be highlighted honestly?

Δημήτριος Μαγγασάρωβ: it's a plane no it's a bird no its a hecarim 00:24

Challange epics: 2:49 This guy is always dying in the videos like I think he's good but I think it's really funny he always dies in a pathetic way hahahaha very good

Ahmad Abusaif: I have been watching coconut videos for awhile now and I swear every mid beast clip is straight int or troll

Kero: 4:46 and 7:53 chats are the same, but 2 different clips. Why do people still support this channel- its such low effort content. Synapse does the same but better quality..

Ismail Sylla: I blinked on that Karasmai clip and opened my eyes to a quadra wtf

DRAVEN XDRAVEN: Well this season was hell for me xD

Mohamed Cyanide: every Bauffs clip he has negative score and he's chall :(

Benjamin Curtis: Pls riot buff ad it’s not fun for like multiple years now

LordSkippy: I don't know why but I have the urge to yell out pog after every outplay

David Sc: What bothers me the most , is that ppl claim adcs are bad this preseason cuz they got one shot all the time . Ofc when enemy is 3 lvls ahead , +5 kills lead . Kinda giving the wrong view on the game . Tbh all roles do great this preseason if played right.there are just some particular champs who fall kinda flat duo to their kit . I don't deny that it is a lot about burst this patch but man this is somehow misleading . But I guess I'm quite alone with this opinion

Denis fazekas: i am adc main i think adc role is ok rn idk

Al is here: since when was flashing out of an obvious malphite ult considered a "play"?

Ivo Ivanov: he was 2/4 2lvls behind and voli ult ofc he dies here

S.Slayer 01: Heh even aphelios the most broken (was the most broken) couldn't do sht

Carlisle Beach: Coco nut kiss me plz

Francisco Vinagre: Every OTP when they barely outplay their opponent: Hmmm, that was closer than I thought it was gonna be

Diego Macias: 6:20 is nothing special. Any akali can do that by mashing.

LaVemOChaves: volibear was fed and building full ad so...

Swingtity: yes adc's blow up. But they also kill entire teams in seconds. A threat like that needs to blow up if alone

May Not: i think the heimer clip was a bug. he pressed both abilities at the same time so he somehow got the luden proc and the hextech thing proc twice

Ryuji: Please quit adc , as an adc main, your best shot is mid, just play mid and quit the role, you legit can't climb with adc because your role has no impact on the game, just quit. Save yourself.

Arley Daza: Vayne is one of the few adcs that's doing great this preseason

Παυλος Χατζηδημητρίου: Hey do u know punhiser? If yes please make some highlite for him

KashHelvetica: MidBeast is always gettiing rekt on this channel

Παυλος Χατζηδημητρίου: Only coconut suckersssss!!!!

KRESPI AFEK: i played quinn alot last season now shes just bird practice

MIKI MIKI: Btw that Voli has adc items so....

Tyler Yale: I see a distinct lack of riven. Thank you

Ali Altaee: 10:30 olaf healling wtf

Syraster: You assume I didn't get one shot last season :)

Sion Kim: Girl streamers always doing the omgomgomg im so good when their plays are normal xd. Makes me cringe

yoursoulismine11: Adc mains s10: Assassins can one shot us, we can't enjoy the game Riot games balance department : Only assassins?

Ringaudas Levčenkovas: I am so early that I don't even know what to comment...

Tony Hu: Voyboy playing kassadin, oh it’s the kid, I’m so skillful, I’m such the genius, yeah I agree too

TheDumbRatMan12: I swear everything does damage but ADCs

LxnelyWxlf: 4:35 "its fine " *weird silence proceds*

Exden: Temporada de adc mis pelotas

Kaio Állan De Souza Costa: 0:38 his face is almost as powerfull as tom and jerry memes

Jablicko Janous: 9:50 "we clean af" after missing 50% of all spells

Phu Tran: Me: I’m bored I want to sleep Me: Searching up coconut’s YouTube channel to find if coconut posted a video Coconut: Wake up new video is here :D

Jusujju718727: Trop fort le Zongo!!

MyNameItsThomas: sirhcez = WeirdChamp ResidentSleeper

Adriano Santos: if you can't balance the 200 years, then make everyone 200 years in damage ---- riot ideology

ivan stratimirovic: Why is there 0 Jankos highlights?

Randomnoob: Adc wasn’t a thing the moment season 11 came out

King Warren Ayuson: no sleeping just watching some updated coco montage

rodrigo corrales chaupi: ,.-

B is for Bob: Adc dies faster than NA getting EU imports

Dasda Din: Lets goooo

Itamar Cohen: 3;

crickets: This game...

Charles-Olivier Mercier: <3

javier campos: Déjame salir pls al final de un vídeo tuyo, me encanta tu edición <3

Ivailo Ivanov: 770k subs yooo nice

John Axl Flores: Ahora si deberia tomarme en cuenta

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