Here's How to Play Tank Season 11...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1206

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Fighter Lm: Zs

clck 124: Tank are so stupidly op in that season, especially with the return of the power of nature

Eli H: 7:45 I'm so sick of these Samira clips. There is nothing impressive about that play.

Cat Assassin: Yep, it's an amumu season.

F M: 2:00 what a greeat clip against a level 5 twitch lol

Арсений Разумовский: 1:08 he's running faster than with a ghost, seems balanced

Xenove: Half these clips are trash wtf

Filip Pavlovič: 8:01 "Gosu", yes, totally not dun

Sigma Orbis: 5:38 for a second there, I thought Josh Brolin already started playing League of Legends :V

Noah Melcher: finally jankos goes away for a short time without anything happening

Crown형서: please stop it with the random unnecessary zooms

Alric Apostol: 5:53 Ron Perlman

Azel Andrei Ungui: Last clip took Penta Me: DISAPPOINTING

QuantomX: wait someone had my name in your vod whaaaat???

kata zed: hi im coconut will heart this! comment

Psytrance Fuzzi: So dumb Riot like oh with new items adc could be strong let's nerf them , but with these new assassin items kata definitly needs a buff. Sometime i question what this balance team is paid for.

Önder: Quantum: takes cs in lane Also Quantum: omfg dude i outplayed you so hard

Ryan Chadwick: I beg no more heimerdinger clips, 0 skill champ

Alec Lumba: Well he’s on a 11/3/22 Chogath with 16 stacks. I don’t think anything will do damage to him

King Hamm: Does anyone know what song was playing in the brokenblade clip?

LordSkippy: Day 1 of leaving a comment until I get featured.

Manes: This is my favorite episode ever because everyone is dying

Slashing Shadow: They definitely ff'd bc they saw Cho tank so much of that tower 😂

inversion iiréversible: its not midbeast its midgrief

Iñigo: Tower are a joke!

rockroad17: Yo I’ve been playing the game for over 6 years and I didn’t know viktor R silenced

an an: 7:41 The rammus lmao

Tru Maverick: Mid Beast being a trash can. Love it!

TheRolemodel1337: 2:30 wtf is that sound dolphin calling for her mom?

Ethan Delgado: 1:38 I'm liking the new TF Blade skin.

Marios Papasideris: 4:54 i was waiting with such patience janko’s death by the enemy jgler

LORD AHSAN: 2:32 thats what she said

Kornél Varga: I learned to play the piano when I started playing Irelia.

DJO BACH: Why viktor didnt get suppressed with malzahars Ult here 4:35?

Dawolski: 8:03 i felt that song d-_-b

filip prokop: Midbeast always finds way to int even the best plays

Fibby: Pog krug at 8:38

Hesteryon: Midbeast only has fail clips xD

Ryan Wu: 10:09 wukong literally doing all the work

ProbSomethingElse: 4:34 For anyone wondering what happened. Basically Viktor's ult has a crowd control ability called disrupt and it just cancels channeled abilities when it's cast. A weaker Silence since it doesn't stop you from using your abilities

Syncronice: a real Jhin main would take the Quadra.

Interluded: wait at 2:01, how does he still see everything even though he is in the graves smoke?

MekuPL: Tyler is best 0:05 xd

Nusret: Hi from Turkey👍💪🤗🙏👌❤️

serbani7: hi guys, can you feedback my last .exe video, please? i m at beggining and i need some honest reviews, thanks for helping. Have a great night

Violet Wings: The first tyler clip just makes me question why I still play league.

Oscar Wong: 9:49 "im smurfing so hard" k/da don't say the same

Last Breath: Girls when they see my pp : 2:32

Yordan Gorskiq: Here's How to Play Tank Season 11 Just buy items..

Wilham Martins: i think adc are itemizing really bad. You're not supposed to build kraken slayer EVERY GAME you know? there is an anti assassin item now. But tanks and assassins( omg the assassins...) are unbalaced fr anyway...

Issa. Abed al-rhman: Ekko is such a boring champ dude

hakan sevinç: Bb is very good 😂

Ed: If that was a wood division adventures episode, when he returned he would already had double kill

Josh Cole: The Jhin is a heretic. Only quadrakills allowed.

matthias vk: It's overpowered! It's aggressive! It is relentless in the way we play to overpower our opponents. The Game is open for new tactics and strategies!! The choice is yours!

Logan Perkins: <3

kuroko tetsuya 11: Love 😍😍😍😍

Panboo: 9:49 "im smurfing so hard" k/da don't say the same

Supreme Exodia Duelist: Summoner:hey how is top lane going? Tyler cho gath :yes

soun panith: For anyone wondering, he took 23 turret shot.

Ed: G2 Rekkles POG NA Retirement Perkz peeposad

GrowingBudz: Anyone think towers should just do percent health damage after tanking like 5 tower shots?

Malphite: Hehe I quit league.


Natherd: Enemy Tank: *builds sunfire aegis* Me: FF we lose here

OctoberCelebrations: So here is a list of champs that are viable in season 11: Amumu Katarina Akali Viktor Irelia Can’t wait.

rodrigo corrales chaupi: -.,

Park Jihyo: notice me hi im coconut, im park jihyo :>

alejo flores: quien le dio dislike? diganme fecha y horas y nos vemos

Sandlot Official: I always thought turrets did increased damage every shot? That turret did 201 damage every time. Is that new in S11 or what?

AHS Lagg: Yay kinda early

Mark Taysa: oohhhhhhhh


Kusio: Hey coconut if u see this ur cute

kailnwza007: 7:41 xfsn saber : Im a galeforce gamer Rammas : excuted


Aditya Chavda: Great job coconut 🥥❤️

Aditya Chavda: I Can't control my laugh by seeing Tyler one's reaction 😂😂🤣🤣

Pumi Me: It's 3:00 am here and on a bathtub lol.

Asbani: tanks in season 11 are LITERALLY tanks.

kızıl börü: ilk ulan

LoL Montages: hello <3

Michael Perez: I was about to sleep but then I saw your new video, made my day

Santiago Olguin Rodriguez: Hello

Kevin Wang: Hello

Kevin Wang: Hello

Carh 8396: Hell yeah... at clock

Österreich: Hello

Heimer Donger: Yay coconut ^^


Skorup: hello!!

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