Fight for the Four Story! - Apex Legends Season 7

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Dracø Is All Elite: "Scrapitol City is better than SkullTown" Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave? I agree tho lol Skulltown was ass.

l-Apex Panther-l: World's edge is my least favourite map, kings canyon is second favourite, and Olympus is my favourite

Patrick Hogan: Everyone complains sooooo muchhhh

uses0ap: 11:39 i never heard rich so frustrated before lol

Isaiah Andersen: 11:40 is the closest iv ever seen rich to rage lol

wacy patwary: I just noticed he put drum music during the end game

Tayfun Büber: I love your videos

qadri rulzdood: “He likes to build PCs and he was crafting.” LOL

Green peppers N Sausage: How old is itemp

Thomas Andries: Bring back anvil receiver

EcoCrazy: I wonder how does it feel to shoot with L1 and R1... I haven't did it since bo2

DaHighButterfly -: Been watching forever bro Keep it up dude 🔥❤️

YoInTIMidator55: Both Scrapital City and Skulltown fucking suck

Chad Brown: itemp I love your videos I wish I was that good I am terrible at apex legends peace

Cairo Silver: It'd be good if apex's training ground had some way of teaching some of the damage management techniques that Rich uses, so you could just keep practicing them

Christopher Gonzalez: The blushing processing concomitantly command because zone neatly mine below a freezing farm. didactic, telling bench

Marcus Wimberly: Hey Rich! I been watching you since you were making videos back in season 4 of fortnite bro. Can you play a little bit of fortnite again just for the nostalgia? Bc tbh I quit watching you for a while bc of the apex videos but would you mind going back?

Tiago Leite: You must be crazy.. S0 KC bridges, skull, cascades as cage ALL THE WAY

Christopher Gonzalez: The fancy billboard ontogenetically heat because jeff formerly suffer over a likeable afterthought. stupid, thinkable kick

Murciphious Speaks: I agree scrapital is the perfect name for cap! And make word edge 10x better

Pixel Age 101: Rich got so mad towards the end! LOL

Mr Dickens: Theres always an octane or horizon in their squad

StopMasterVideo: I think at 1 mill he should do a face revele

Seek TheTruth: Ten Commandments Shemut/Exo Ch 20: 3 -- Ch 20: 11 1.Not YAHUAH To You/yourself Elahyam/ALMIGHTY BOUND BREATHE'S others over/on face/before. 2.Not will make to you idol/image/graven image, and all/any likeness/form which in Shemyam/Heaven from above/upward, and which in Erets/Earth from under, and which in waters from under to Erets/Earth. Not will bowed the to them and not will serve them.For ALMIGHTY FOREVER ALLOWS YAH, YAHUAH your ALMIGHTY BOUND BREATH YAH, ALMIGHTY AUTHORITY Time Forever ALMIGHTY/jelous, visit/count iniquity/guilt father was/did on/over sons on/over thirds and on/over fourths to hate YAH. And make kindness/mercy to thousands to love YAH and to keep/perserve YAH Commansments YAH/YAH Commandments. 3.Not will take/bear/raise with name YAHUAH your ALMIGHTY BOUND BREATHE YAH to Vain/Empty/Worthless. For not YAH Excempt/Guiltless/Acquit YAHUAH with, which/who YAH take/carry, with HIS/ALMIGHTY NAME in vain/empty/worthless. 4.Remember/Remebered with DAY the Shebet/Sabbath,to Hallow/Consecrate/Sanctify/holy it/HIM. Will 6 Days/6 was Days will Serve/Labor and make/do all your Work/Occupation. But DAY the seventh, Shebet to YAHUAH your ALNIGHTY BOUND BREATHE YAH, not will do/make all/any work/business/occupation, the with/you/ALMIGHTY MARK BREATHE, and your son and your daughter, your slave/servent, and your female slave/maid, and your cattle/animal, and your sojourner/stranger which in your gate's/YAH GATE. For SIX was/For was SIX CREATED/MADE YAHUAH with the Shemyam/Heaven, and with the Erets, with the sea, and with all which ins/in them, AND YAH REST IN DAY THE SEVENTH. Stand/base/thus/so BLESS YAHUAH with Day THE SHEBET/SABBATH, AND YAH HALLOWED/SANCTIFIED/MADE HOLY IT/THE IT. 5.Honor/Respect/Harden your father's/Father YAH, and with your mother, to that/reason/because/so/sake YAH prolongs your Days on/over the ground which YAHUAH your ALMIGHTY BOUND BREATHE YAH to you. 6.NOT WILL MURDER. 7.NOT WILL ADULTRY COMMIT ADULTRY. (Sleeping with another man's wife, or a women sleeping with another woman's husband.) 8.NOT WILL STEAL. 9.NOT WILL AWNSWER/REPLY/AFFLICT IN YOUR NEIGHBOR/ANOTHER, WITNESS. 10.NOT WILL DESIRE/COVET HOUSE YOUR NEIGHBOR/ANOTHER, NOT WILL DESIRE, WIFE YOUR NEIGHBOR/ANOTHER, AND HIS SLAVE/SERVENT, AND HIS FEMALE SLAVE/MAID, AND HIS OX, AND HIS DONKEY, AND ALL/ANY WHICH TO YOUR NEIGHBOR/ANOTHER. MAY YAHUAH GUIDE YOU TO RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Seek TheTruth: Here are some Laws we must follow. MAY YAHUAH GUIDE YOU TO Learn all the Laws,Statues, and Commandments OF YAHUAH. Upon whatsoever any animal or creature falls of them, when they are dead, where it does it fall, it shall be unclean, wheather it is a vessal/container, a utensil(pot,spoons) or cloths/skin or sack/protective cloth on a area/vessel, what ever vessal it be, where ever work is done, it mist be put in water, and it shall be unclean until evening, then it shall be clean. And every earthen vessel/pottery(cups,plates,clay container) where into any of the fall in, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean, and you shall break it. All food which may be eaten ,which water comes on that they were in shall be unclean and all in every such vessel that may be drunk shall be unclean. Everything where the carcase falls shall be unclean, where its a oven, cooking range, range for pots, it shall be broken to pieces, they are unclean, they shall be unclean to you. Nevertheless/However a fountain or well/pit/cistern, where in there is plenty of water, shall be clean. But he who touches their carcase shall be unclean. If any oart of the carcass fall upon any sowing/planting seed which it be sown/planted it is clean. Butif waterbe put upon the seed and any part if their carscase falls there on, it is unclean unto you. Dont make idols, or a molten image, or a monument and worship it. You shall not practice divination/Fortune telling,enchanter, nor Sorcery,Magic,Witchcraft,Spiritism,Soothsaying, and observer of times. Dont turn/Regard not ghost, those who have familiar spirits, necromancer/speaker to the dead, wizards, witches, spirits. Do not seek them to be defiled by them. Stay away from science and every science of men.(Astrology,Genetics). Dont make or have any image or any likeness of anything. Give to the poor. When you reap the harvest, or prune your fruits of your vineyard/garden, you shall not gather the leftover but it shall be for the poor, the fatherless, the widow, and the stranger. You shall not do any unrighteousness in judgement, You shall not respect the Poor, nor honour/respect the mighty/Rich, but in righteousness you shall judge your neighbor/any one. You shall bot cut the corners/ends of your head, nor cut off your beard. Dont get fades or any hairstyle to cut of your sides. You shall not make any cuts in your flesh for the dead. Nor imprint any mark upon you(Tattoos) Turn Back To YAHUAH MAY YAHUAH GUIDE YOU TO Keep all The Laws,Statues, and Commandments. KNOW YAHUAH IS IN CONTROL.

Seek TheTruth: MAY YAHUAH END YOUR WAYS and MAKE YOU TO Become Righteous. AND GUIDE YOU TO Get out of this world and everything in it. AND Turns you from Evil and turn away from Wickedness. Honour your Father and Mother that your days may be long. Dont disrespect your Parents. Ye shall fear/revere every man his Mother and his Father, and Keep YAHUAH’S Shebet/Sabbath. Dont curse your Parents. Dont hit/strike your parents.. You will rise up before the grey hoary. head, and honour the face of the Old Man, and fear your ALMIGHTY WHO BOUND ALL BREATHE. Respect your Elders and hounour them. Stop and dont gossip. Dont look for gossip Dont go up and down slandering and creating stories about people. Stop lying to each other. Dont steal from anyone. And dont cheat or deal falsely with people Dont curse the deaf, or put a stumbling block/ something in the way of the blind, You shall fear YAHUAH. Dont opress/violate your neighbors and your people. Stop being trying to be tough or scare or impress people. Dont hate your Brothers in your heart They are Family. Stop all the Fighting and Killing and Grudges. Be nice to your brothers. Dont stand idle or do anything when Your Brothers are hurt or life is in danger. Help your Brothers, Pick them up. Dont pay people weekly that you hired, Pay them on the same day dont have there payment/wages with you all night until monrning. If you wrong anybody or any thing is stolen,eaten, or destroyed from someone , you shall make restitution/repayment to him/her. When any man haves blood/issue running out of you flesh/body, because of his blood/issue he is unclean. Whether your flesh/body flows with the blood, or stoped/healed from bleeding,it is his uncleaness.Every bed that has the blood,or everything where he sitted,is unclean. The one who touches the bed, or his flesh/skin, or if he spit on you,or you sits on anything or holds anything that was his, or if he touches you and didnt wash his hands, you shall wash your cloths and bath/wash yourself with water and be unclean until evening(dusk).Every earthen vessel/pottery(ex. Cups,plates) that has the blood/issue shall be broken.Every vessal/utensil of wood shall be washed/rinsed in water. He that has the issue/blood is cleaned/healed. He shall count 7 days for his cleansing, and wash his cloths and bath/wash his body with water and shall be clean. If you birth a child, If he is a Boy the mother shall be unclean 7 days as her impuriety, and in the 8th day you shall cicumcise the foreskin of the boy. If she birth a girl she shall be unclean 14 days as her impurity. MAY YAHUAH GUIDE YOU TO Stop watching all these distractions around you, AND Gets you out from all the Evils that you are in. TURN BACK TO YAHUAH Keep All THE ALMIGHTY CRAETOR OF ALL BREATHE'S Statues and Commandments. MAY YAHUAH Let the Commandments be in your Heart and teach them to your children and does around you Constantly and with a focused effort. MAY YAHUAH GUIDE YOU TO Write them on your door post. MAY YAHUAH GUIDE YOU TO STUDY and INVESTIGATE and DECIPHER everything for yourself. KNOW YAHUAH IS IN CONTROL.

Agriarch: yeah he knows: Rich the Loot Goblin King 🤣🤣🤣❤

Toyachii: I thank Temptation because I got better at apex just by observing his gameplay

Jjoxalton 34: I miss old capitol that one red building that was somewhat comparable in size to 4 story was my favourite and I wish there were more of those around the map

Reaper07: Get this man to a mil

Marge010: I agree! Worlds Edge is definitely the best map

Dylan Cohen: Remember when he would play fortnite with ali 😶

Oana Dionisie: you so close to 1 millon

César Augusto: I know this building as Four Todd 🤭

Nikke Tmzee: There’s no 3 map rotation anymore

Jay Rakich: This is an insane game, one of your best

Harperd5: Yes thank you for reminding people how Skulltown really was. I get it with it being the first real hot spot but it wasn’t THAT good. Bad loot, poor location and small. Capital/Fragment is way better area with better rotation going in and coming out of it. Thumbs up for you good sir.

Tori Fischer: Just want to say that I love ur vids so much. Keep it up😁

WhiteFalcon Plays: The four story is Fort Todd from Zylbrad’s videos

Josh Willock: Rich's grapples are amazing

Dave Jones: Flatline + alternator = win

RayzN: Can we just talk about that guys name in the feed at 4:42

Drake Crafton: I literally haven’t seen kings canyon since the first day it came into rotation. Like am I just super unlucky or is it not an equal rotation

Jake Hewitt: lil late man only 2 maps in the rotation

Little Big: Scrrrrapital city is great but legends were forged in skull town.

ayushman singh: 4:36 see the kill feed😂

Sega Game Cast: Linus tech tips lol

GAMER TV: Fun fact: if u Max out the alternator in a game or shooting range it will have no recoil

The Legend Killer: “ IM STUUUUCK “ hahahaha

Fernando Flores: “I have an alternator that’s it” Proceeds to one clip the bloodhound with said alternator

Saul Sanchez: Would of love to see your reaction on you getting stuck in that spot 🤣

jacksonbatchlrVEVO: Sorry rich it’s actual called streamer building


RevRun: So was SooxFar talking about THE Timmy flaming him in chat or was he saying like a random little timmy lol

TTV NoRest: blow this comment up because i know im not the only one who misses og ali a and rich fortnite please blow this up so we can see it again please so rich notices us

imperialistic: 1:56 in the deathnotes, An Extremely Weird Lifeline Main 4:44 in the deathnotes, CocktaneXBangawhoreXCausdick 5:21 in the deathnotes, Games Charles and bootycracker

Muffinman: Linus Tech Tips lol

Joe King: I dont land there EVER!!! Reason being I always say exactly what so far said "I literally have nothing". You better hope you find a decent pair of guns and be able to win a 1v6. I prefer to land just outside and move in after.

Keyser SoZe: It's the return of Itemp The One Batt!!!

Backup Benchwarmer_19: I think the term he was searching for is “Fort Todd”

Frank Firek: day 35 of asking rich to play minecraft

Duval Jesus: Worlds edge is my least fav map by far

Darcy Tait: WHY IS PATHS HEIRLOOM NOT IN THE HEIRLOOM SHOP? I’ve never got to get the gloves and they jus randomly disappeared right as I get my shards! No ones talking about it and Idk where to find answers smh

Jaden Mayers: Y'all know he right... Skull town was p2020 and mozambique central

soma chowdhury: In llast that me

Gabe C: Good to see the wombat back in action 👌🏻

Luke Stead: Using a bat with 1 more damage needed on the evo shield hurt me

Jakester the Gamer: Am I the only one that noticed rich assisted on killing g someone named LINUS TECH TIPS

Anything and Everything Fun!: When he screamed I’m stuck I can relate lol

Samuel Addison: COD is trash i dont care how much ate ill get for this its just soo bad

LOR.BAGCHASER: The idle revenant in the begining

Tony Tony: Wow 6 ads for the video ? YouTube is a crapshoot

NaTaKaM Whitecap10: Ilovewatchingyourvideos mate

Agunzi LFC: Anyone notice how much better rich is at looting now? He's even quick to!

thelordchanka: Finally agree words edge is the best map. Most consistent game play and circles and some of the best locations of any map.

Jonathan Castaneda: You should do the Wombat challenge: you can only have 1 bat in your inventory at any given time (you could use as many as you’d like but you could only have 1 in your inventory) P.s. 1 bat a game sounded boring because the video would basically be you only using cells (maybe another challenge?) also maybe try it in ranked for more of a challenge or only be able to get your 1 bat from replicators (replicator Rich challenge?)

Jordan Schellhase: Kings canyon it better, then Olympus, then scraptiol city

Omar Raslan: That team of 3 at the end had a hacker among em, he only hit you headshots and you were all just melting when he peeks you

Ultroman the Tacoman: This is like watching a brutal first-person base defense game.

Ryan: 0:19 ironic because that's exactly why I hate it

Jacob Young: Itemp and sooxfars greatest weakness is not understanding how weak the 1st ring is

edselroad: 4:23 the absolute stress, culminating in the Bloodhound alt... 😂

Z-Bee Buzz: Is Revenant a good legend?

Kittynelson 4: Nah I still think skulltown was better not nearly as verticle to get crapped on by horizon and pathy and the third parts weren’t the worst

Sharpy 169: “Punch him in the face..let him res and then punch him...niiiccee” 😂😂

Fiendwithoutaface: Can we get this man to 1 million already?!

Joseph B: Skull town or scrapital city?!?!?!??

Crescent: Scrapital is the best

Knight Sky: Watching you play has made me such a better player man! Thanks for sharing these skills!

wutdufk: But... there are 2 four story buildings...

shanshan liu: hi

Joe Carvajal: itemp: Four Story Me: Fort Todd

MoHAmaD ElgaMaL: 11:40 rich is PISSED OFF

content for fun: me enjoying itemp adverts: I’m gonna end this whole mans career

Smoov89: Xi Jinping takes one in the head at 8:05

Mac Gallagher: My friends and I call this building the “sweat lodge” 😂

Wattson: Glad to see your random teammate is a fan! He’s lucky to play with you two!

no body: Skull town has ALWAYS been 💩!

Matěj Švanda: Wombat.. :D

Shaboi Mir: Me and my team call four story...”bang bang house”

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