The Apex Legends Weapon Tier List (Season 8)

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Macro: S tier fans follow me on twitter @theMacroShow 🤔

scared star: I actually enjoy the re-45 over R-99. I mostly blame titanfall 2 meme runs lmao

DaMegaSplash956: macro: “the charge rifle could get its damaged buffed” me: *gets 4k damage badge using the charge rifle*

Puzzle's: Idk I feel like the R9 better than the volt

Sampletext: I think the re 45 is b teir at minimum cause I have won lots of games with it

Jack Ryan: 30-30 repeater is slept on

Domas Bucinskas: Apparently is in the ST2 because controller players can being the f*** out of people that's why I don't know yet

Drago H: The r99 is crap on drop because its only good with a digital thread and a golden mag cause if you land on drop with an r99 and you shoot a player with you the grey mag depletes its amo completely so it belongs in A Teir

RetroZeb: Buff snipers ? Are you crazy ?

Glocksy YT: Wingman = God

I have Played a game before: Make a legends tier list

Lorkin jndrej: Take a video about this , at least something in your life will do global satanic elite it consists of around 10,000 people , from well-known Merkel , Sarkozy, bill gates , Zuckerberg , Sergey Bryl and Larry page , the Bush family, the Clintons , Rockefellers , Rothschild, Baruch,Leiba, Morgan, Carnegie , almost all Royal and Imperial families from around the world and many other names .They are behind the world wars, they created and spread the coronavirus, the main goal is to ensure the arrival of the Antichrist and prevent the second coming of Jesus and the last judgment , such conditions are allowed by God, because before destroying Lucifer (iblis),because he disobeyed God and did not worship Adam , he asked not to kill him, to leave him alive, and for this he will experience the creation of God - man in particular and humanity in general, Lucifer(iblis) . For mankind there are 3 options for the outcome of the first coming of Antichrist and the fall spirit that it has not been rewarded with the 2nd coming of Jesus and then judgment will not, and will all be erased in the dust , except for the approximate 190.000 people who helped the devil to defeat the mankind and the Second variant of the Human spirit on a global scale will be such strong that will not work with them to bring the Antichrist , and will have 2 coming of Jesus and then there will be judgment . Well, the last option they will achieve the coming of the Antichrist , but humanity in general will fight for itself and God will let down Jesus and we will win and there will be a last judgment .They are fighting for eternal life for themselves, and for us they want to leave the option that we will all be wiped out and not even bother with the last judgment . The outcome depends on each of you , and your life after death .This is the information you need to know why Satanic is actually doing all this .And our task is to stop them . And let me remind you that the world is developed by industrialists , scientists , farmers , teachers, well, no matter how satanists, they have always slowed down industrial progress

Kalash Skimask: switch hemlok with the wingman otherwise i completly agree with the list and arguments


Tharindu Maneesha: Remember when G7 Scout was a sniper? Ahh the good times...

Prime 3k: DMR worse than Mozambique what

Kd dog gaming Lewis: 3030 reaper is soo good

StolzerPuffgänger: Lonhbow is actually tje best weapon

Claudio Silvestrin: I don't agree with the Hemlok being B tier. It should be A tier. It is pretty good in long range and short range and can shred in mid range. It is more versatile than the G7 for example.

Vanix: R-301/r-201 is a great gun in Titanfall 2 to

LOLO: Ima keep it a buck wit u the R99 is still on top

Thomas Dallor: Wait so this always confused me are you Indian/middle Eastern or Mexican?

Tindious playz: I like that Macro explains what every weapon does

Tomas x: Macro i fink that the re45. Is way beter thian the p2020 because its a pistol

Novrizz 01: Sentinel has to be on A because its hipfire is pretty accurate

Eveliis Mee: I agree with u tier list but i realy think u should have but alternator in s tier

Komodo Defender: Anyone else think the mastiff is ridiculously unreliable!? I’ve had plenty of engagements where I get less than 30 damage five shots in a row. Otherwise I would say pretty accurate tier list, good job Macro

FireFox Gaming: reasons to run r99 over volt : faster reload time lesser recoil super high damage per second shreds people like cooks shed cheese

Sem ter Want: i'm not good with r99 i never pick it up, personaly i prefer the r301

Novrizz 01: Do this in every season

Tymo: Legend tier list next?

Nosacrality: If the mastiff were to have a hop-up, what would you guys expect or want? Im imagining a Dead Space laser cutter style hop-up, where the spread can flip between horizontal and vertical.

brawlernado 3: Not related but when do you think Apex is coming to Nintendo switch

Boodieboy: I feel like on console the mastiff is worse because on pc you can flick with it and mostly easier to aim with

Blake Holbrow: Hemy my favourite gun :(

Yeet King: the winkman second place

Yeet King: Don't agree with the R99 I have to be on the top

Tenuun Temuujin: Re 45 is the best gun

you geazer: Lol my friend that had the mastiff only did 10 dmg witch lost us the game

Elizabeth Sprogø: could you make a Apex Legends legends tier list season 8? i really like the series:)

M S: I mess with the long bow so idk what you talking about😂 re 45 shreds close range big time. But sucks long range. In my opinion lol

MOHAMMAD FAKHIR IMRAN MUHAMMAD IMRAN: i like how apex has the most different amount of cursors for weapons

cracked adwaid: he didnt do the volt

Alpher 0308: i say you could your load out should be R-99 and Volt smg

Maika Nielsen: Amazing tier list but the r301 should be right below the Mastiff


Thomas Bürger: In my opinion the r-301the havoc and the triple take are all s-tier

Lachlan Macleod: The apex legends theme tune is good tier. Change my mind. Just the ‘duuu duuuu duuuu duuuuuuuuu’ is so nice

Antwan De graaf: I always run the 30 30 with a mastiff, thats my go to and ngl it works for some reason lmao

Catchablesky Online: I miss the peacekeeper 😔

Lemonrk5: agree

hey: Sentinel and longbow Should switch, even w/o skull piercer it rips through shields with a headshot, longbow has a faster TTK (time to kill) and isn't held back by the fact that shields are required to make it's headshots do big dmg

AV_Kay: The volt is like a better alternator but not 99 The volt allows for certain play styles diff to a 99 but it’s stats are more for over time killing not beaming That said it’s better in mag size and more enemies but slower fire rate and it being energy ammo I guess it’s a more forgiving weapon And all in all they’re even but in more occasions a 99 will be more useful just for the fact u can substitute the volt with almost any ar And the 99 has more combos to run

Edoardo: the ammo types in this game are so confusing. g7 scout is a good sniper rifle and it uses smg bullets (?). energy weapon can be good at either close/mid/long range (?) i started a couple moths ago and i still struggle to categorize weapons

Travis Guillaume: Remember when the charge rifle first came out?

Zane Le Bush Genie: Everyone: mastiff op Me: 13 damage... 13 damage... 48 damage.. 13 damage..

W H OMEGALUL: everything about this i agree with but the r301 being in a tier is questionable

zoi mitika: We want legends tier list

Jakub Strna: there's only one reason why devotion is on the ground. And that is Rampart

Driver930 _: the R99 look like a Vector kkkkkkkkkkkkk

scorpion__x: Macro: THIS GUN SUCKS Background: *smacking kids pregnant* 🤰🤰🤰🤰

Poggers lol: You forgot about ranking the grenades lol

Nope[HUN]: Personally I love the RE45 because I think it is a good sidarm for snipers and boi I love sniping.

Burnt Tomato: r301 s tier

Luke Berry: Solid list man

이진민: How about bring the peacekeeper back in ground loot, mastiff goes back into care package, devotion goes into care package, choke gets reintroduced with 3030 triple take and pk using it.

spin Spin: Macro almost 1 mil subs :DDD

Matty Boi: When I saw this video I thought it was because of my youtube comment on the last video and then he said it was coz of his twitch viewers

CensoredMercy: dont nerf mastiff pls

Super-dougVR: Ok sure I agree with you or maybe it’s just on pc but on console the p2020 is doodoo

Carter Humphries: Everything is spot on

Jadyn Greunke: yoo i agree, one complaint. the re-45 does more dmg then the r-99 with a easier recoil pattern and better mobility, it’s a great gun now

Toasin Mahmud: Macro asking whether we want valorant video Subscribers: YES But macro:let me just make apex videos

Phxseت: the fact u didn’t put the Lstar at d teir is crazy 🙄

Cringeman: The Scout is a rifle, just because it has good range and its semi auto it wont be a sniper. If you dont know how weapons are classified dont talk about them

Poncakaew: The only thing I disagree with is the longbow, and sniper argument. The longbow is still a very powerful weapon, it's almost the same as the 30-30, it isn't all that fair to call it bad if it's very similar to another gun that is higher up. Sniper ammo (in my opinion of course) was a good idea, it makes everything more organized, I personally don't find it hard to find sniper ammo or attachments, sniper stocks and sniper mags belong on sniper ofc. But, yeah it was a pretty reasonable and good tierlist, keep up the content!

Laserbot 03: Yall remember whan the havoc had a sniper mode

ori cohen: Stop playing apex when warzone came out but I'm getting tired of this game, should I come back to apex?

Form_Center: Me in the middle of my game with a G7 and flatline

Gabe Itches: I honestly think the 30-30 repeater should have the anvil reciever as a hop up

Botto034: Do another apex character teirlist

Loh Wen Tao: Volt is Best Gun

Dania: its spelled hemlok not hemlock ;-;

Dumb_LifeEXE: "Idk why the prowler is in the care package" dude theing was op in both burst and full auto

plays: Macro change the mozambique with the wingman and then is facts

Light Ryder: Wingman is way harder to use on controler thats the only problem I have with this list

Monarch's Games: 5:50 Me (a gen 56 pilot): *INTENSIVELY LOADS KRABER WITH MALICIOUS INTENT*

Blue galaxy S: This was SO accurate! They really should take sniper ammo out! -except the scout, scout sucks.

CannedLyfe non TTV: A p20 20 is better that a 30 30 and a long bow ????? What the fck

Jar Jar Binks: that thumbnail is pretty sus 😳

Mr Fat peen: I hate LMGs I hate when their meta because of all of the ammo that can easily shread like three people

ammar ali: bruh i disagree with the mastif i swear when i use it it does 14 damage

The Garcia Show: R-301 should be S tier

Mr Fat peen: Thumbnail is daddy macro

RhysXD Crombleholme: I think the 30-30 repeater isn't a AR.

Rdog: Wait... if the g7 is the best sniper, but it’s not even a sniper, wouldn’t that mean it’s not the best sniper? I’m confused.

Hit that like Button: I’m sorry but wtf is this tear list

Connor Kippen: 7:41 I saw that on reddit

Hlabe Mokonyane: R-99 will always be king. Time to kill is just too quick. 30-30 is A/B tier. at longer ranges it outclasses any AR

TAYLOR LIND: Run✍️mastiff✍️and✍️volt✍️ got it

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