Coping With The Promised Neverland Season 2

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Jaeger Bomb: This has nothing to do with the video. But I'm sorry about what happened to your father my condolences 🙏

Aideyn: When he starts talking about 'the anime, the live-action, and the manga' -- heads up for a jumpscare from the live-action portion

Yorozuya Gin-chan: I still believe that they accidentally aired episode 11

jan kubraczek: Right now my stance is simple. Shame they've cut goldy pond off, but there is still hope that we will see those guys. Goldy pond location is still marked on the map after all, it all depends on the studio, and if they don't screw it more than it already is. Only time will tell

Dshii_: Norman isn't even that tall anymore 😭

isabelle will have a picnic: i hate it, thanks!

Whimsyy: So I’d avoided watching Promised Neverland season 2 til it all came out, but knowing its had so much missed out, I may just cave and read the manga instead.

LETRO Venomz: I was thinking of watching this anime but not anymore Thank you!

Jackson Furlong: Anime fans hate pointless change that makes the thing they enjoy a pile of novelty concepts with poor payoff. Difference for the sake of difference isn't worth it if you're not replacing what was changed with something worthwhile.

vahn crysall: alt title: redo of healer got better adaptation than promised neverland and one man try to cope about it. I wish promised never land s2 would be able to deliver something thats not complete shit. which is rather unlikely.

stray_editori: Your love for some of the details and general hesitant optimism is so nice and refreshing. I personally knew of the Norman reveal like.... for almost the entirety of my fandom life (so about, 1.5 years) because someone spoiled it for me on a community server - but even if they hadn't, I probably couldn't have dodged it as active as I am in the fandom. So I'm not upset about that and I feel like there's still a lot of really good elements in this season even if the pacing of the last two episodes was.... wack. I didn't really mind the timeskip itself though as many anime-onlies seem to. the only thing worrying me now is that it's likely this will be the last season according to assumptions and I... I don't think they can do anything satisfying enough to warrant this chaos in 6 more episodes. My hope is that it'll at least make sense as a standalone, but even then - how can you compare 150 chapters to a mere 11 episodes, there just isn't enough time to explore things and it makes me sad because I am too actually really interested in the deviations (maybe exactly because I'm spoiled about so many major events in the manga). So I hope that it won't be the last season but even if they don't wrap it up here, it's not unlikely there simply won't be a new season due to loss of fan investment. I'm guessing that a mix of manga being over, huge new cast in GP and Norman being popular in Japan and needing him back for TPN merch, may have all been factors involved in what happened with it. Not that I'm happy about it, either way. Your take about alienating the two most passionate fanbases is really interesting, generally your take is really grounded and so pleasant to listen to; so thank you for that as always. I just get so sad when people say CloverWorks has NO love or effort for TPN, because if there was no love or effort, it would be even worse. The poor staff (especially considering the likely production issues with the recap episode being a thing :|) I do plan on reading the manga after the anime ends! Or even after this season ends potentially, if it isn't the last one by some miracle. I'm just sad that the upset nature of the fandom has spoiled os much about Goldy Pond for me, which was actually the arc I knew the least about so. Everyone seems to be upset one way or another, but I'm excited anyway to see where it goes and enjoy it for what it is now. Hope of a re-adapation isn't high but if we get any news soon (even more unlikely), I'll probably stick with being anime-only (on the risk of knowing everything by the time it happens pff-).

Jackson Furlong: The author just wants you to buy the manga

NoahV2: I mean as an anime only Norman’s reveal wasn’t that shocking tbh. The moment he “died” it was obvious he would come back. He was too much of an important character, but the tell tale sign was that we never saw his body so ye.

Dirtybird Person: Welcome back Geoff, I'm very excited to watch this! Your awsome

Yare Yare Jotaro-kun: The fact that they cut the best,most bad ass and nerve racking arc of the manga is bs.

TobiNightcore: It started so well, but then... WHERE THE FUCK IS BUNKER DAD

aman: Sorry i dropped the anime when they did that. (I read the manga) if i hear good things about it maybe ill go back but i have had to many anime brutally butchered to invest without knowing its good (looking at you tokyo ghoul). This is my opinion so if u like it then hey enjoy :D.

Emil Jørgensen: I read the manga and am really excited for the second season. I think we will get to see an alternate version of this world and its characters. Now people who will read the manga after the second season will get to enjoy aspects of a story they've only seen glimpses of. Dont make it seem sad lol

Danitabori: School-Life is a bit similar to this. There they also changed a lot from the manga and it also has a live-action movie, so that part of the story exists in 3 different versions. I personally liked all 3 and I think I prefer the anime changes overall to the manga. I haven't read the Promised neverland manga, but it seems like manga-readers aren't happy about the changes so I guess it isn't as positive with this series as with School-live. Also that anime still doesn't have a second season, even though the manga is already over :/

Critciza - Anime Reviews and More!: I feel like this season was rushed, more so that AOT S4. I’m an anime only viewer and I’ve written many times in the forums that the pacing is everywhere and freely unsettling in a bad way, with the writing being hella inconsistent. I’m still enjoying the anime, don’t get me wrong, since I don’t know who or how important goldy pond is, but it’s still been confusing nonetheless. The time skip made no sense, and the Norman reveal fell flat on its face. It’s taken a different turn to how season 1 played out, and hopefully it improves over time!

Keesha Broughton: The Promised Neverland: Root A

Jean_Marc M: Your optimism still isn't enough, after season 1 you cant fuxk up like this

Cherrie Getison: I was anime only, and I run by the motto of "If you don't see a body, they're alive", so I was already confident that Norman was alive without spoilers. It's possible that the anime showrunners thought people wanted to see him sooner and moved early arcs later to make way for him. Hearing that he's supposed to show up much later does make me sad, because I wasn't really given a chance to miss him yet. The cynic in me thinks they wanted him out and about earlier so that they could sell toys of his new appearance sooner, but I'd have to wait and see before throwing that thought around.

Chittaranjan Chittaranjan: I had read the manga and I was expecting that this season will be hit 🔥🔥🔥but they ruin it 😔😔.!!

Mairead Hudson: I haven’t read the manga but now I might just go back and read it for the Goldy Pond arc that was apparently just completely cut out

Neon: that's hypocritical of you too say seeings how that's what happened with shield hero

AwesomeGun18ooo: Third option: Nope

Paths: Anime onlies got robbed again 😞 Tokyo Ghoul now The Promised Neverland

Occidental Swordsmen: I remember a youtuber ( think ot was Ocean tacticts , don't quote me on that ) saying this season was butchered because they weren't allowed to show children with guns on TV , due to Japan EXTREME anti-gun policies .

Hayden san: I can understand the disappointment for those who've read the manga but as an anime only who knew nothing about the story it's still been good so far. I will say that the it did seem weird the mystery element had all but gone but I thought the style just had to change because of the new setting. I wouldn't have known any better if it wasn't for Reddit/YouTube

Takahashi nani ni shimasu ka?: I have not watched or read anything of this series- normally a person would be afraid of spoilers but since i am not planing to get into the show yet i will forget about most of this until i get to that part of the story. I have watched a bit to much content of Dune and i remember nothing other than i want to read it.

Mordercai Near: I have a theory, what if they would still cover the goldy pond arc but with flashback or retold by other characters, and the goldy pond would be a bit different like Norman was there instead of Emma

RoccoGuyBoiThing: Been waiting a month and it's about a show I havent watched yet. Fuuuck

Ammar Dalati: Not seen it waiting untill it's finished I hate seasonal anime

shadowdagger2: That dad joke hurt man. Sorry for the loss and thank you for the videos. He's got a great kid

Chris Llido: hoping for the best.

Calum Barnes: I'm pissed. Not because it changed without telling us, that was kinda awesome, or even that it's not good. But I got fucking spoiled on episode 5 of season 2 of something that happens 100+ chapters later, i was just going through goldy pond and now I know this character is alive. Not cool.

WeboKonAroz: I appreciate your optimism in the face of insurmountable odds. Hopefully you can make a follow-up video saying "I told ya so".

Cory Diehl: If it wasn't for the comment sections. I would have had no idea that the anime was different from the manga. I did enjoy the anime up to this point, and now with all the back lash it feels like it's going to be ruining the rest of what could be a good story for me. I think I'm going to try and avoid all info about this anime until it's over to best enjoy it, then go read the manga.

Benjamin Anderson: 2 full minutes of ads???? Seriously???????

o0Avalon0o: Yay! I was looking forward to your take.

IceV: This is the new "Just read the manga "

One Autumn Leaf: The Promised Neverland fans: What hideous monstrosity is this?!? Tokyo Ghoul: First time?

Charuchii: I dunno if youll see this but the subtitles doesnt seem to be working

IZterik: I just want to kill myself each time I watch an episode of this shit they called season 2

DSoulA3: Okay so I read the manga after season one ended. I didn't read chapters 1-37, but 38 to its ending. That being said: I will try to excuse the village arc being scraped from the anime after watching this, but I can not get over mostly everything else. Isabella loves those kids yet accepted their's(and hers) fate because she gave up. Seeing Emma and the rest of grace filed fight back against the demons and Retari gave her the strength to fight back and not let her children die. From what we have so far, the anime seems like it has Isabella desperate and frustrated that she lost against the kids rather than being concerned or hopeful for them while they are trying to find the human world. I don't like that. Hugo and Lucas has been through alot together and I see them as a 'what if' situation for Emma and Ray while thinking Norman was still dead during these chapters. It took what felt like forever from the two characters perspectives to get their happy ending. So I felt that it was fitting for the two to die while protecting Emma and co, implying that they get to see and live with the original kids they left with in the afterlife. Haveing hugo keeping a positive attitude, or Atleast being so optimistic that his friends are still alive, takes away those two characters story arcs. Especially if Norman took care of hunts going on in the village. The main thing the village hunt arc showed was the the kids, more so humans as a whole in the PNL universe, has the power to fight back against the demons. Even the noble ones(foreshadowing). As long as the anime shows this in another battle, I think I'll be satisfied. But in terms of Lewis the demon, I don't want him take part in that battle IF it has to do with Isabella's search. Lewis wanted the full thrill of the hunt in the village arc and needed them to fight back so he could eat them as a worthy meal. The fact that Lewis isn't allowed to kill his pray should raise red flags for him. Also, as a royal, Lewis takes full pride as a demon. Him appearing at the end of the manga showed that he had honor for humans too. I think if he gets in a fight with Norman in the anime, with no ties to Isabella's search party, would still leave that impact on Lewis. He needs to go all out with the humans doing the same. I don't think he would grow a small soft spot for humans if the fight with Emma ad co didn't happen. There's other minor things like how the demon God will be relavent to Emma if she doesn't know about the seven walls yet, but those were the main big things I thought about while watching this video. I do hope PNL ends up making something great out of this season, but its not looking good. Regardless, thanks Jeff.

Pandora Sama: E

Pandora Sama: The golden pond arc is my favourite But I lost what chapter I was on :3 Spoilers From what I remember orange girl and emo kid were talking to the capitals about how we should not kill all the demons and they told norman about the girl from the forest (forgot her name)

Lunar Love: My last hope is that they'll remake the entire season🥲 The horrible Norman reveal was the last straw for me😔 Don't even get me started on the recap episode- I waited a week hoping for a turn around and didn't even get any new storyline🥲🥲

Gage Baumgard: Wait, so people who read ahead in a story full of mystery are upset that they're not able to predict how this adaptation is going to go? That seems pretty silly.

Maria do Carmo Sobreira: SPOILERS I'd like the anime to have a better ending than that super-contrived uber happy one from the manga.

Alberto Jimenez: Anyone wants a "the promised neverland brotherhood" ? Give a like if you agree.

Heartless Comatos: I was a manga reader and I was waiting for this season to finish before watching it, but now knowing they changed it as much as they did I think I’m going to pass on it.

Eileeleedon: All I wanted was Bunker Man 😭 I’ll binge the entire thing once it’s out, but I can’t watch a new episode every week knowing he won’t be there XD

Darryl Ferguson: I could overlook them skipping a certain character appearance (and its implications) using the reasoning that they wanted to focus on the kids. I could lie to myself that the reason they skipped one of the most popular arcs in the manga was because they did not have the budget to animate all the action scenes. I told myself "it's fine" when i saw the time-skip because "surely they will at least explain what went on in-between with a flashback or monologue". I was wrong and confused, but then i got to the end of Episode 5 and it made me want to punch something because of how the final scenes encompassed how severely they were blowing through manga chapters. As a manga reader it was so frustrating because i knew anime-only's would enjoy the payoff, unaware of how it could have been 10x better. The recap episode felt like a slap in the face, as it started with a teasing line before doing a recap whose first half should have been put at the beginning of Season 2 ep 1, and the latter half of which was still fresh in people's minds.

Sol: Cloverworks is speedrunning The Promised Neverland, any % Goldy Pond Skip

RedLogic: Tokyo Ghoul & The Promised Neverland Anime Story Writers: "Wow guys. We did it. Everyone really loved season one. They must really love the creator's original work. Well since they love it so much, maybe we should change some things. Or two. Or more. You know what? How about we skip like. Over 50 chapters and leave the fanbase confused and angry. That sounds like it'll go really well."

RedLogic: So in conclusion. Don't ever trust season two's for anime adaptation until it comes out. They always get the first season right, then this happens

Nes dsa: You know the more I think about the story the more it sounds like Korea... To end the war the humans split the world in half. One by demons one by humans, both respect the split and support it for the soul reason to end the war...

Barcia: the manga itself drops a lot of quality after goldy pond and seeing them cut the only good arc after the first one makes little sense to me

Bob 13: I think they changed the story to make it available for kids. In the manga it got kinda brutal und had many losses so they changed it for a bigger audience.

arisenpai: I don't feel like Isabella is a villian in the anime anymore, I mean, we know she actually cares for the kids (in a twisted way)... And it's a shame she's pushed aside in the manga. She's my favorite character in the anime...

Abcdefg: all i can think of is "here breathe in some cyanide gas." "thank you jesus."

RedLogic: It's just really sad man.. I just want to see full manga to anime adaptations of The Promised Neverland and Tokyo Ghoul.. the world is really really cruel sometimes.

Lost Man: The promised never manga

Epic Mormon Brony: I... I'll just stick to the manga for now...

animeshowfan: actually hearing that season 2 was bad actually got me to pick up the manga. never even watched the first season i just felt bad for the people watching the anime that i went to pick up the manga to see if it needed any changes. 3 days later of notting but binge reading and god i feel even MORE bad for them now. even if the anime dos do something cool i think it really wont change peoples minds. they came into the series with the promise of a series they really loved getting adapted into a new medium not that the story would be changed for no other reason then to confusion people

!!!!????: When people compare this situation to Tokyo Ghoul's adaptation, many don't seem to realize that the first season of TG was already questionable since it adapted 80 chapters in 12 episodes plus major cuts. So, it made sense for them to diverge from the material and create root A. Now, Promised Neverland had an excellent first season (pretty much flawless). Not sure why they decided to go for a potentially anime only route.

Stalin Cat: 12:41 Bondrewd was supposed to make a cameo?

Wiggity Chicken: Decided to hold off on watching season 2 so I could focus on AoT season 4. I have yet to regret that decision lol

Alaaran Aranoya: I remember when this was the FMA Effect, and not the Tokyo Ghoul Effect, then it was the Soul Eater Effect, then the Blue Exorcist Effect- ... God I feel old.

RevilloPhoenix: Dunno about the Norman part, to me at least, it was obvious from the start that he was out there, even as a non manga reader/nor was I spoiled on it. He was just too important to die off screen and the whole leading him into a different room than the kill cart also makes it pretty obvious that he's gonna be doing something. What I was wondering about wasn't if he's dead or alive but if he was gonna be still good or evil by the time he shows up again. (Maybe they show him some big truth of the world and how it works that changes his thinking forever was what i was thinking during season 1)

Otto Drip: I’m really glad i haven’t read the manga, that way i can enjoy the story if the anime is shit

activewes: They have to do a full metal alchemist and do it all over

Jeremy: Half of me really wants to check this show out, but the other half wants me to stay as far always from this darkness as possible 😅

Dodge Morningstar: I never watched again after episode 2. I'm glad people enjoy the manga and anime. Get to discuss season 2 and have fun with it. But, I've seen how that story really play out. This version ain't gonna change that.

GodOfWar187: The anime industry makes no damn sense.

Dokkan_sempai_15: Imagine thinking that cutting Yuggo and cutting the best arc in the series will make the anime better.

hitmonkey: Considering how badly the manga ended up I'm interested in an anime only storyline

Hassen Elahi: I dropped this shit after episode 5 smh

CURSEDSei: I don't mind deviations from Manga to Anime. Soul Eater? Love it! Even if we don't get some of the most apecrap crazy feats that happen in the manga. Would I love to see a 'Brotherhood' variation of Soul Eater? Yeah, but... I don't feel it is all that needed. Ignoring filler episodes of perpetual-running-anime engines like One Piece, there aren't really many shows I can think of (at least that I've seen and known) that really need a... Thanos-Snapping level of do-over. Even OG FMA has its strengths post-deviation, even if I vastly prefer how (my boy) Mustang is handled in Brotherhood. I recall God of Highschool had some heavy skips at the end that throws the pace of the last chunk of episodes out of whack... but it at least had some Sakuga to distract from it. That's why I'm putting off Neverland until the full season has run. I thought about starting it up, heard whisperings of some harsh cutting and skipping, looked a little into myself then decided I'd wait. It's disappointing that some excellent material got cut out, but I'll wait til S2 is done before I put my foot in there and see where it goes. Hopefully the issues of pacing feeling off the rails is just... a bumpy start, and not indicative of the quality of the season as a whole. Besides, I'd make the same argument against FMA: Brotherhood for its early parts. Unless you'd seen OG FMA? Dear lord that start is choppy, you won't know who a few people are nor why they seem to know the Elrics, and... man... while what happens after the first big death scene is fire, there's almost zero build-up for that character to earn the gut-punch aside from knowing them in the prior anime. Pacing issues can be a double-sided blade cutting both ways for adaptions. At a glance though, yeah... Neverland is not looking good in this spot. 'So I'm a Spider, So What' has been chopping chunks of material out as well from the anime adaption, but it hasn't been all that noticeable to me. Some people are crying that being in the caves is boring, others tell them to be thankful for how much of it has been chopped out. Some people don't like the split attention between Kumoko and Isekai-Protag kun, but its better than ignoring one side for a massive stretch and having to play catch-up later down the line, and personally I'm fine with the split since it serves as a way of slipping in world-building and teasing elements for one side or the other. And if the author is pushing for these cuts and changes...? Well... I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to Season 2. If it is just 'chopping' for the sake of chopping though? Yeah, I'm gonna drop out on it and put a never on Neverland.

lonely les: I read the manga but had issues with it which is what makes me ever so slightly hopeful for the anime. I’m glad people who haven’t read the manga like the anime but they would’ve loved the Goldy Pond Arc and new characters. I was and still am open to changes but so far, it doesn’t look so hot...

Mary Cordeiro: Can everyone start signing petitions for a redone season? It'll take time but remember, we bullied the Sonic movie into completely changing its animation

Electric_Bagpipes: “Where the HFIL Mister got to.” Nice scriptwriting!

Garrett Carter: I can't wait to see all the good faith theories you've spent half the video building up crumble by the end of the season.

Questionable Object: Chibi chop shop sounds like a comedy slasher

Besthero Batman: Wait Isabella didn't betray the kid's royalty it's made clear in the first season ending right. she actually wants them to escape because she really cares for them as their mom so the whole thing about her continuing to be a villain in season 2 makes no sense, she had character growth in the ending of season 1.

Hungry_Khid: story : fall animation : fall conclusion : drop it

Zen Brown: I watched this season without reading the manga, and I think world building is fun, but the plot is really choppy. The plot is getting hyper pushed all over the place.

Electric_Bagpipes: Oh yeah, if they did the death squad right, Don would be very dead. They were sent to kill, not capture. Heck, they all would probably be dead given... other things.

Adam Abreu: Y'all gonna feel real dumb when they end up doing goldy pond, it won't be the same but there's no way it's getting omitted

poketdoom: next season is also pretty big, lots of new sequels/seasons along with even greater new series maybe worth watching

Neeja Kan: I feel like there are changes to make manga reader new mystery to sole I guess

Celestial Piano Sage: Hahahahaha “Emma and Ray’s adventure hour” idk why that made me laugh so much

Key Path: Oh shit.. here we go

kazuki Misaki: Berserk 2016: I'm the worst anime adaptation Ex arm : no I am ??: Amateurs What was that punk? Promissed neverland season 2 : *AMATEURS*

Super G V2: As someone who only watches the animes... I so far have enjoyed every bit of this. Damn this really got the manga readers hurt af 😂 they yapping left and right

Only1_Show: I know this won’t mean much. But. I’m sorry about your lose. Extend my deepest condolences

shaithis77: This is “the manga was better” the video, and I’m not here for it. Having not read the manga, and not gotten spoiled by any nerds, this has been a fun and surprising season.

Kevin Lopez: MB : peeps are ONLY watching REDO to ARGUE about it ONLINE Me: that's NOT TRUE … I'm watching it for da PLOT

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