WORST ENDING OF ALL-TIME (Promised Neverland Season 2 Episode 11)

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Hdhddd nbd: is it over?

Was: I guess promises never land

Xica Berii: I have to disagree with the statement “should never consider reading”. The manga is actually a great read. It’s just that the 2nd season ruined it all for us by skipping loads of chapters. If y’all want to see a more complete and better ending, then consider reading the manga.

probably killua: the only thing i enjoyed in this season was Rays Voice. That. Is. It.

probably killua: they really just turned Isabella into plot armor

probably killua: my disappointment can’t even be put into words

probably killua: Can we all pretend like season two of the anime DOES NOT EXIST and that it ended at season 1

PIRATE QUEEN: Cool your jets man why is it so bad

Brad Brown: Am I the only one that liked it?

YmirYT: They ruined my first anime. :pensive:

memento semper: this was my favorite anime emphasis WAS

Arturo Hernandez: Dragon ball made like they never made GT maybe they will do the same it the future.

Spectacular Spider-man: 6:19 I disagree Season 1 was amazing and everyone should experience it, but you need to warn them that if they try to watch season 2 they'll feel sick to the stomach.

Karen Brass: It was soooo bad, like almost on the same level as the game of thrones season 8 DUMB ending. That's how bad it was

Dude On the Beach: The Promised Neverland just got Cyberpunked.

menice: My god why they do that at the end they left so much out I was hoping for a 3rd season SMH

Severalchain162 uwu bc why nots: Tbh i think the ending was AMAZING i watched all the episodes and i think it was amazing i dont understand people like this

Eggs and Bacon: i loved it

Pink Star: I’m just waiting for a brotherhood

Georgia Jacinto: yall gotta stop saying its trash like they just changed some of it they just went anime original

asuiy chan: literally shut up

King Moon: They managed to make the manga ending look great by comparassion, and this is a feat itself

Annie Schmannie: Why is it less than 20 mins of showtime hell 15?! Why Emma and ray still look 13? And phil lookin damn near 18 already?! I have so much to say. As someone who didn’t read the manga I’m confused as hell

A. K.: Wtf cloverworks

A. K.: "I want to change the entire world. I'll be back in 5 minutes." -Emma

LezardEX: I feel sorry of the author, what happened there? Didn't he/she said it was an ending they wanted and fixed things from the manga or something along the line? and they also supervised it? This is a disaster.

Ziirf: It should just have been a 1 season anime. - The following seasons wouldn't have been able to keep the show going even if they followed the manga. All the best parts of the story is pretty much end where season 1 ends, after that the story change drastically, and not for the better. So honestly, this season was bad, but I don't think they should have made a season 2 in the first place.

silentlore: Can someone explain each slide to me? Why tf where they fighting a kraken that looked really cool with what I presume was its master. Or is it in the manga because if so then I'll read it

Gumiero: They could make at least 3 other seasons with this plot

Swordhunter0817: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lzyd91NFx-Y

Sonny: There were small bits and pieces that were good. I’m so fucking disappointed. I cried so hard.. not because it’s good but because it was horrible. I was so mad when we didn’t get to see either side grow up properly. Like I don’t want a montage of the kids and Emma and shit I wanna know how it was for them to grow up living normal fucking lives. I’m so upset about this. And not to mention that there were a few things that don’t have explanations- like does anyone remember Sonju literally wanting to kill the kids??? We never got an explanation for that or a continuation of him having that urge. I loved the pictures for the montage but several of them could’ve held amazing stories within them that we never got to hear. Like the giant demon above the water that Emma met. Or the kids finally going to school. Or what job Isabella took on and how it was for her to finally be free after 30? years of living. Disappointed. Upset. And overall, very depressed :) I hope everyone here has a better day after watching this atrocity.

Hailey Bomb: I'm glad there wont be season 3 of how huge dissapointment the ending of season 2


Mr Splish Splash: lmao the fact that they tried to just smush some of the most important things into a slideshow


James Perez: For all of this they should of just made a movie 😔


natsuya: Ikr well atleast we got to see Isabella play the guitar

Chyngyz mamatov: anyways

Chyngyz mamatov: hi i asked for a shout Out!!

Emma: The ending reminded me of how Charlotte ended, only worse because it wasn't even a montage, those were still frames. At this point it's sad, I really hope people don't hate on the first season because of the second one, the first season was incredible in my opinion, it was crazy interesting and the suspense made me want more. Unfortunately they decided to do...whatever this was. Another anime which started off great and went downhill real quick, such a shame.

agonyandfriends: Maybe they should’ve built up the hype more and waited longer to do a season 2. When I saw Phil grow up in the end I’m like wtf? Did they just push pass 4 years later in 2 minutes?

Ayush Meena: should I watch season 2

Long Shlong: The amount of disappointment I have rn 😭😭😭

Cutie girl5: My reaction of this episode: Spoiler alert My reaction to Isabella not dieing: BITCH YOU''RE SUPPOSED TO DIE My reaction to that ost slides show thing: *aNGER NOISES*

KAYA WOLF: Who asked for your opinion this is a great film keep those opinions to yourself instead of posting a whole load of crap

Bluebird12: How is the garbage ending they’re all happy and they got what they wanted

Mucrush: By the way, do you plan on reviewing Beastars Season 2 SeaTactics?

Mucrush: I haven't even been following this show, but even I am disappointed lol

Frosty: at least phil is happy :)

Water: the ending was very unsatisfying,,

Nicholas Saini: You can tell they wanted to get in our feels, but the way it was rushed, all I could think of was, "I'm glad it's over"

Black Velvet888: theres nothing that could beat the ending of darling in the franxx

Lazu: Thank you, i really needed this video.

Mario Bahamondes: I guess I made the right decision bailing on the series, it really wasn't worth it.

•Exotic Milk•: As someone who has never read the manga but have heard a lot of things about it. We could have had a season 3 or one more episode because of the stuff they missed. BUT THEY DIDNT. It’s just sad, I will be reading the Manga soon.

MOR74R: The whole of The promised neverland needs to be deleted even the manga at the end was TRASHH

Leila XD: Honestly i think that the ending is not that bad Dont hate me 4 my opinion ;-;

Shaelyn T: you can hear the pain in his voice

Candice Ann Nulod: Frreeeeeeeeee every anime i watch there is frreedom humanity and frreeee

King Torra: Well, time to read it. I hear it’s better, but then again that’s not a high benchmark. I hope I’m not mistaken and in for the same disappointment a second time

RandomPersonOnline: Imagine if the manga had been faithfully adapted... Oh wait, the fandom is doing that.

Mustafa Hasan: I gave up on this piece of crap on episode 7 Speaking of "reading" actually as the piece of crap writer killed this anime as he wanted to make a "better" story than the manga, a lot of people say that he actually did that to promote the manga on the remnants of the anime, so actually even if i was a manga reader i won't read to so i won't give the bastard what he wanted

2-D Synctium: Let's be honest, the manga wasn't really any better at its ending either. So really this would've been bad either way. BUT THIS WAS JUST INSULTING

The Eyelidman 2: TPN Fans: Berserk Fans: First time?

Eabhas _doodles: Where can I read the manga?

Derrick Morgan: Well i loved the ending so ur dumb

Eabhas _doodles: I am confusion about that ending I am so confused .I love that show and I am so disappointed

Kamrul Emon: Season 2 is total garbage. I want my times back.

Pixel Flare: Watch the first season, read the whole manga. Nuff said.

J_M_C ____: I am giving up

Alex Ordieres: I wonder why they had to cap this series to 2 seasons. The first season was so good.

Zero: You do realize that later seasons to come could recap everything we missed on this season. I’m sure there was a plan to why they did this, so don’t be talking trash about it too early.

Ryan: Too rushed. I dont even know why they even introduce the demon nobility family at the end.

Joce Land: The fact that season 2 really could’ve been a phenomenal season, makes it all the more disappointing

Toliet Fever: I thought season 2 will be good but that wasn’t the case I’m just gonna read the manga

alex dearing: I knew it that's why I didn't even watch the last two episodes

Saud Aj: just finished the episode and i will proudly say the anime Fucked up big big time. 4/10 just because season 1 was good. Adding one more thing. The manga ending was a fuck and was rushed. But ill give the manga 6/10 because it had a good start and cool characters and character development.

luclit: hey ill take what I can get

Emmy K: The only thing I liked about the ending was MANGA SPOILERS!! That emma didnt need to sacrifice everything she loves and lose her memory. I didnt like that she had to sacrifice even more than she did and suffer alone tbh but I'm still mad that they had no explanation for how mujika became queen and their journey to saving the other children. Also Isabella should've died, I sound like a terrible person but her death really hit me hard and it shows the depth of her amazing character and her love for her children that she could never show because of the system. In conclusion, just read the manga, it's way better

Aricorn: Y’know I really thought this season was gonna make a comeback, but no, it really threw itself in the trash and lit itself on fire like ray almost did to himself. How can you put I don’t know, 6 years, into *11* episodes! And the ending happened so fast and was kind of unrealistic, because I remember when somebody in the anime said what if the humans don’t take you in or kill you, or something like that. Like I legitimately thought that they were going to be slaughtered as soon as they entered the human world, like wouldn’t there be guards there or something. Like the gate hasn’t been opened for a long time but as soon as someone comes in they’re just gonna let them into the human world, no questions asked! They’re not even gonna show the journey of how they saved the kids at the other farms 😑, instead they showed *5 freaking pictures of their journey* that don’t even explain anything! I am usually very excited to watch a weekly episode of an anime, but I was so unexcited for season 2 after I saw the first episodes. My expectations before I watched season 2: 📈 Vs my expectations after I watched it: 📉

Gspawn: Everything is good until they just chopped it off 😔

Anti Alex: The reason they skipped through 5 or 6 chapters of the manga was because they are only a small group of people working on the anime while they are making 2 other animes at the same time. Not only that, the "popularity" for this anime wasn't getting that much attention, instead was losing attention. At that point there's no use of keep making progress. It would be nice if they did for those who wants to watch it all, but that would've probably been cancelled it mid through the anime or left it in a cliffhanger and never have another season just like noragami. Even though noragami didn't have major time skips but it left with a cliffhanger. Let's just appreciate that they made a second season, and who knows, they might make a another season of promise netherland on the gaps they skipped or probably a movie. But for now we should just all catch up on all other animes since theres lots of good ones coming this year.

hisu: this show is now ruined

Kayveen Aguilar: I was hyped on season 1 that I wanted to finish Manga then Season 2 exist, I was disappointed when they didnt show 2or 3 arcs then Just End it Like that Slideshow. Biggest Waste of Time ever!

Yaboidman: I’ve never been so disappointed bruh

Catalina Barrett: I got so mad at this ending I cried FOR A WHOLE DAY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Random Thingy: This ending ruined my day lmao why is it ending so FAST 💨

samuel Edorodion: I never seen anime drop from a 10 to 2

RandomPerson35: LMAO redo of healer and promised neverland season 2 are almost the same rating on mal

Honze Mango: They just stopped caring for the anime and shifted everything onto a short slideshow with no fucking answers. The manga is a fine read, tho.

Kennedi Lewis: The only thing I liked about season 2 was the opening. That’s it.

WWT: Omg its tokyo ghoul all over again omg whyyyy cloverworks you are the descendant of A1 pictures u shit head wow A1 pictures it's the same with seven deadly sins

Gawad: That was a distrusting ending

Lincoln Beckett-Scott: I have a friend who was super excited for The Promise Neverland S2 and didn't even know it was airing. I informed her it was out, without mentioning how awful it was, because I wanted her to make her own opinion. But now, part of me is wondering if I should have said something. Prepare her for the worst, because honestly, I wish someone did that for me now.

Aadarsha Nepal: I was also very disappointed

Masud Perveze: Ngl.i really like the way they finished it.this way they can literally fit everything that they left in this season in a new season with better explanations. But i don't think they will

Hollie Daeger: Okay? So if its so bad then make your own anime yourself since you such a know it all

goo goo Ga ga: the ending really said "hey guys i did a little bit of mining off camera"

Lordmurgia: I feel that i get canceled culture

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