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Aram Dinani: I just needed to watch 1 video from your channel to say: “Definitely gonna sub” ❤️❤️❤️ I Also love watching you and stealthlord66 play. Edit: I’m new so I don’t know his name

FlaRe_ Athlete: Look at his teammates name

Matthew Phillips: Who on ps4 gotta mic and trynna play

Joseph Montgomery: Do y'all ever play with Kobi anymore? It's like the dream team broke up or something

6Sk: imagine if there was proximity chat and you hear Jankz yell “these wieners are running away!” lol

Linda Vondrackova: blood means in germani supid

Fire Fury 820: I like to move it move it he likes to move it move it she likes to move it move it we like to!!! move it

Baldi Basic's: At the end put the playback speed at 1.75 cause that laugh sounds like Janice sheep laugh from friends

No Bitxh: 10:26... I might be spacing out but I don't think I've ever heard janks say shit before

James Sjogren: Everyone should try the wingman just used it 4 1 game and popped off

Cosmos Brawl Stars: Scuff is a great company but their controllers do have problems

CaptLowRez: "I need to kill this team for my own sanity." Kills team "Im soo happy. IM SOO HAPPY THEY DIED." (insert evil laugh here) Me: ............... Your playing Bloodhound and your crazy is showing. It scares me.

Niceand456: After he killed that lifeline team his reaction 😅

Saila Wanga: Jankz: "OOH! THERES A CAUSTIC IN HERE" Zeus: "yeah, i forgot about that..."

Ian Hasanoff: Jankz jankz jankz bro I love u but stop using the spitty🤣just stop lmao jk I still luv u

Jamal Din Fazaldin: Imagine my older brother was enjoying your video so much he even fell asleep

Hank Richardson: I need a new controller thanks for the link

David Arkalov: how does one get so good?

Evan Hales: I just noticed that I’m on the same servers as janks 😳😳😬😬

Dan dave Bonganciso: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e—X—..❤️⤵️ !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1616956521

BDotAlertTV: You gotta inv me so I can pull 10 kills with y’all for the content💯

Nico Christy: Janks hits shots without even trying to hit shots lol

CandyKayn r6: Aim assist go brr

Austin Brown: Its clickbait he didn’t get 4k

Eric davis: Just bought my first scuff and used your code

Issak Garcia: I like how a lot of youtubers who play apex and laser kids and they say i don’t put my whole life on the game

T S: Its not blood.....its BLOOTH

Emm Chief: Bc of you i fear that blood hound ultimate 🤭😖

Khapri Te Kanawa: How does he not have a 1mil yet

BluTheRiolu: I’d buy your controller if it wasnt nearly $200 man. I love your content, really!! But $170 plus tax (excluding your discount at checkout)? Sorry but I’ll stick to the paddles I already have

Keren Abbott: glad I'm wearing headphones because my mom was next to me when jankz cursed 😰

Jim Raynor: Scuf grody, Battle beaver controller is the best guys

Edwin Jay: Imagine being so good that you can simply say “I can handle these guys” as a solo like Janks does😩

Kyle Balluch: @5:07 "Stop singing! We're going to get DMCA'd!" I was rolling XD (Ah the life of a Youtuber and Twitch streamer)

Dustin Marcussen: I continue to watch janks dominate it's always a good show watching you get down.

PsyQo vhs: 9:04 teamates loots and runs away giving away its ur turn to loot . You :run towards the loot and meets a camper instead 😂😂

Shaunna Hobson: Use the holo spray for cover to heal they will never know

Alex g: The title hits different when you watch the whole video

DDReaminG: Do woth loba

RaizenTheTruth FMS: But it wasn't 4k lol.

Spencearian: man, I hate the spitfire

Julian Martinez: bro ur honestly nice at this game can we play a couple of duo games on sunday im a horizon main lvl 215

Sahib singh: Jankz is so skilled that he accidentally hits his wingman shots

CJ: Jankz and Zeus are the god duo

FrostGaming: Let's hit 1M subs! #JankzRoadTo1MSubs

Remnant B173: Do you remember Charlie

The big Cheese: Thank you for killing the people using my barricades

Gogeta SSJ4: Jankz, Chicken and Zeus to the whole lobby: I diagnose you with dead 💀.

A.: My anxiety when he slid to hit the balloon: 📈📈📈

BIG POPPA: Clickbait Not 4K dmg but ok

CJ 808: So expensive your controller 😭😭

Chayah: Can someone help me get to my 2k :(

Ten-Bearz: I bathe in the blüth🐺

Jkg On 60Fps: Settings video please

Austin Pfaff: 10:27 Finally heard Janks swear 🤣🤣

Nintendo Pilot: That gross fake Seth Rogan laugh with the shit accent. Ahhhhh my ears.

bandogeiddy: Man. If only we could actually have fun in pubs anymore

Rear Delts: Jankz is a living god

Wulvis •: Hey, can anybody tell me if the r9 with wingman still like good?

Giooo: I’m stealing that rotation with the jump towers in energy depot. The slides off the pipe and the roof are insane

Surveen Bhatty: You have gotten so good with grenades. It's insane bro.

GoD_Forsaken: Does anyone know how his controller settings?

Wolf Gaming: I love how Jankz is basically spam uploading. All that juicy entertainment is needed thanks jankz

_ZtimeztwistZ_ _: 170 for a controller he’ll nah

Enrique Neustaeter: Thank you Scuff for supporting our boy Jankz. I love watching Jankz and i love the idea of him getting that support from Scuff.

StokkUp Music:

King Moore: “Aww shit he had a gold bag” 😂 first time I heard you curse I think

NorthsKing *: I want your scuff so bad... but the reviews on a scuff...

Randy Chew: May i ask that how a PS4 or PS5 player can get 100+ FPS ?? I thought Janks is playing on a PS and is impossible to increase FPS in console.

McWhiteb0y: Janks, Question what kind of font is in ur logo?

Cedric Woodland: We left joystick push everybody

Numbm1k3: As this video went up I dropped 2k with blood. Not much but I'm proud of my self :)

Timber Ghost: It is your honor to face me. I am Blothholder! Find me and we will battle. The Allfather has gifted me this day.

Blue Devil: 1:40 jankz hits the wrong guy hahaha 🤣

Blue Devil: Hi jankz

black roach: jankz is too good with the power of the all-father

Orion WraithWR: Bro I literally just finished watching Madagascar 2 and the end is i like to move it move it and he was literally saying i like to move it move it in this vid😂

Mateyo Moses: Video/Day number 4.🔥🔥🔥❤

Mystic Pebbles: I remember really hoping you'd win that scuff tournament when it was announced. Slipped my mind to check if you did but I'm glad

BronxBombers2599: Have they made a ps5 version of your controller yet?

brennan brubaker: You and Zeus are hands down 2 of the best content creators for apex imo

Auden: The problem with bloodhounds are that even though the scan you the wave pretty much tells you exactly where he’s at

almubark mohand: hey janks why you stopped playing with ratchet I really miss you guys together

threemad: When the doom music hits

Mills the melon man: When you see jankz without playing octane wait that’s illegal

BuildingaudiA3 Selffab: I got 2 of your controllers but for good reasoning the first one when you released they made like dog crap it wouldn’t register buttons the case was to tight kept sticking fire button so they said send it back wait months for a quote on repair if it’s my fault warranty covers there so I just ordered second that works and have other one as backup parts I like color scheme on faceplate

Jim Graham: Wait, Jankz and moose?!! You sure this isnt secretly a chicken9man video?! Lol. Glad to see you guys playing together

Landugg: when you remember Jankz used to be a Bloodhound main

Etyrnity: This should be a form of cyberbullying

David -A: Cause of this vid. And title im saving this to my favourite. And the all father should bless us all bloodhound mains with victory and life

Kenneth Ihiaso: He his so weird chasing them around the map, I would have went into the storm

Zecret: No way ur on controller bro

BOI Ray: Channel

Taylor Dillon: Jankz you stream? If you do please let me know i will follow. Your my favorite YouTuber!!!

judge potato: I am the bluthhunter! Really? No

CatchDemBimBams: Got me a jankz scuf coming in next week🤙🏼 do you prefer the short, medium, or long sticks?

James America: Why do ppl peak when they know they’ve been scanned. Just stand still for a moment

Rayancooldude !: Wait I just realized that Zeus is stealtord66. The Apex YouTube channel made a video about stealthlord66, they ask who are they, and how they are so good

malik turner: Whoa whoa whoa now

Erek Y: Love you Janks but Scuff is absolute trash for a controller! Their products are very poor quality! (Yes I know your sponsored. Get your money!)

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