Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 12 Preview [ENG SUB]
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@tendomancer6955: Its a good thing i watch sub only like a sheep and can now unstand what they are saying without sub titlesНаписать
@Nazrya.a: Keling tengok ni
@Mr_Bones1: Is the internet ready for this ? 🗿💀🔥
@pinkdavil4444: Is this gonna be the last episode of this season 😢
@Arnav_gamer69: How did he get the clip before episode release
@jaynirvana6327: Hey when released??????
@mhcs2: dark aria vs dark aria beru playing?
@kiy12omi3mzn45vyy: When is ze release date
@boasirowen: they'll never think Beru is gonna be cute
@Tawhid-v1i: I thought they would release 12/13 together
@SohaM-7: Game's cutscene was just amazing
@141ghost8: How you get this episode
@adamthornton9494: Ruined when you started talking
@charleslorenzpaderanga1567: Beru: Are u their King? Jin-woo: Nah, I'm THE AURA FARMER
@KiranOpBGMI: Goosebumps 🔥
@Pok-h2x: I don't understand that why they said that next ep is 24 but in real it is 12th ep pls explain me😢
@JesusChristisGODI4e: BROOOOO THIS EP GONNA BREAK RECORDS HOPEFULLY LES GOOOO!!! LETS GET IT MAY GOD KEEP THE ANIMATORS NEAR JESUS CHRIST IS GOD YOU ALL MUCH LOVE !!!!!!! Jesus Christ is GOD!!!!!!! Repent and believe follow Jesus Christ and his commandments!!!!!!! Believe he was crucified died for your sins and resurrected on the 3rd day but he never ceased to exist! Romans 10:9-10 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
@rays_x: subarashi
@robertommb: In an alternative time line: "Igris, you can join them in the S raid while I stay with mom." (Maybe even Iron too). You can hold yourself letting the S hunters do the heavy lifting but if any of them is in real trouble protect them and die before any of them get seriously hurt so I can sense you vanishing and teleport to the fight. - Latter on: Song joins the fight without Min being dead or even spoted and he can fight Beru with the help of an S-rank healer. Easy Peasy. RIP Min Byung-Gyu.
@CHIEFHADOUKEN: Ant KING? It was never a King in the first place. Thats a Knight or General when the Queen made him.
@abdulrahuman5863: Full episode
@pizzaforever69: 0:10 Finally! I was waiting for the head of Gyoto when Beru decapitated it.
@TheN1tty: Rip goto (bro didnt even get to showcase his ability)
@ThakurNishant-v4p: Copied from HUNTER X HUNTER... should be different than Ant
@soumyaranjanpatnaik993: Was it goto ryujis head🤔
@iblameharsh1: I can't wait for tonight
@vura7days: Animation looks goooood❤
@real_uchiha_itachi: Guys i wanted to know how many episodes will be released in season 2 and when will season 3 be out ? Don’t tell me this is gonna be last episode of season 2 and then their is a year of wait 😭😭
@MORTIS_GAMING.: Where to watch broo
@Urhandlesuks: Funnily enough he isn't called "the ant king" , he is actually (Spoiler, don't expand unless u really want to) Called a baby monarch. It's why he could rag doll the S ranks. Cause even a baby monarch managed to do that.
@SAHILISLAM-p3d: Eng dub ❌️ Jap dub ✅️
@WARLORDRidder: Kabh ayega yeeh ?
@alnorkim9629: Last episode I'm very sad
@arsalanlata735: Demon Slayer didn't just raise the bar—it BLAZED A PATH TO ANIMATION VALHALLA, leaving every other show's visuals clawing at the shadows of its UNREACHABLE ZENITH! Now, everything else feels like a SOUL-CRUSHINGLY MEDIOCRE Doodle... Thanks, Ufotable, for ruining my eyeballs FOREVER. 🔥🗡💔
@ecgame2491: Hmm feels like 2 mins?
@joydeephans3059: i wish they make this a one hour episode 🥲
@beastalan1007: RIP Goto Ryuji
@khalnayak4926: Will there be ep 13 as well?
@Hinata.Sakaguchi: If other hunters were fighting, it feels like watching an ordinary anime, but if Jin woo fights it feels like reading a moving Manhwa.
@HaziqFahmi-g3p7s: 0:22 this looks better than manhwa Edit: First of all, this is my f*cling opinion. Second, I don't care if this sh*t is worse than manhwa but they tried their best bro.
@MoneyBankAdrianR: Who head is that is that Cha Hae if it is then Noooo
@Watch1324: Last ep for season 2?
@Laylay-k8x: new shadow army incoming (beru ) my favorite
@kalebx1018: are crunchy servers prepared?
@Aniketborse55: ep 12 is going to break most liked episodes on crunchyroll again
@Dp_is_Op: Wonder if it's a extra long episode or if there is also one next Saturday
@GOLDENBELL3: Thats what we been waiting for
@GOLDENBELL3: You must be the ant king then cuts to jin woos bare feet
@MohammedAlazzni: It's great, I advise you to watch it. There are two more episodes and the anime will be complete. It's very beautiful. This cat in the video hasn't finished the episode yet, and half of the footage was uploaded in episode 11.❤❤❤❤❤❤It's beautiful beautiful beautiful very beautiful❤❤❤❤Who agrees with me? 😊
@mariomorales6811: Im so excited maaaaaan!!!
@melvin5818: Servers will go down...
@Tyobz: It has not been downloaded yet in my app. Is this a marketing offer?
@sal-yu2kk: 俺だけ遅れてやってきた件ね
@brianaxelgallinger27: La furia a flor de piel
@Glast04: I’m so geeked I’ve never been this geeked for an anime episode lmao.
@theraptorpreys_yt3879: I wanna skip this one and wait for the next episode I know exactly what typa cliffhanger they gonna leave us😅
@nashnash4328: "Are you the king of the humans?" "A talking insect? Huh" Truly, a lion does not entertained the talks of ants.
@noahpokotai-rapana9742: Where can i watch this
@leokayima4860: Holy freaking crap i need this
@naderomar4689: one of the greatest whoopings in history is a few hour ahead of us, ant king huh ! by the time jinwoo is done dude will be kanye west 2.0
@UrFBIAgentfromup: Igris still aura darming
@gwilosteez4364: Is there gonna be a episode 13 ?
@FCMOBILEDOZEDAILY: Korea Scammed Japan 😭
@Swanik-z2w: 0:24 solo leveling manwah is far better than anime. They did the goated pose dirty😭😭😭
@IgoniCharles: I have waited for this😊
@Ricky07070909: Soon! Soon!!
@narekmalkhasyan156: Will be 3rd season and if yes, when?
@ValourFlame: Jinwoo rocking them WWE Boots
@dayoutubegame1725: KILLED GOTO WTFFFFFF?
@saharan_b7: How Cute.......A Bug is talking to me
@simplygoof: we aint need a recap bro
@viktohplayz8891: Where can I watch it
@walidx8: Will Peru be killed in this episode?
@gth1_: Is this the last episode of season 2?
@bachelorsensei9437: Shadow still low diffs Woo
@blueflameyt2163: The head that falled in the trailer must be getos. Cause he was fighting with the ant king last time . What do you all think btw?
@ItsPookie09: Spoiler - Jinwoo arises beru is the next cliffhanger 😂
@-v3ga: gotos head falling off is hilarious
@denisselee6544: I’m ready 🥶
@shadowak9561: Episode 13 arise and I will name You BERU❤
@iminzayn5442: Beru is my favourite shadow. Even tho his design is so basic, his aura is overwhelming. 😂
@josecuestas7246: 0:04 Hang it there Cha 😢
@Stigmaru: The Ant King had his DBZ Goku moment. Now it's Jinwoo's turn to have his Goku moment
@srgede2076: It ain’t lasting 1 hour then??
@analopezfinneran1411: So dam fire 🔥 good ❤
@Death_dragon_GOD: when?
@josephgms1328: The shoes he wore is not in the manwha
@Immanuelimmanuel654: Where is goto ruyuji 😢
@Серж-26см: И зачем я это посмотрел... 😩 Зачем показывать спойлеры к и без того короткой серии??
@thejohannreinshow2497: What should i expect? Hmm... Based on the pattern of the previous episodes, Jinwoo will win this easily and will make Beru his new shadow summon.
@SunGJiN왕: i think japan lose their strongest hunter 🙂😅
@YuriVolzumaru: I hope they promised the 1hr EP.
@rodericksmith8054: Jinwoo: i want all the smoke 💨💨💨
@VincentLaws: "Yes, im the King "
@Littlewrld999: Peak coming 😮😮
@AKKAL69: Nah man the standing face of is way too cheap than the manga and the game
@NagarajuNaramala: 0:26
@nobodyisperfect6338: I'll wait for the German Dub Version
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