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RyanF7: Someone is watching us maybe the Government maybe the IO because Mari says this on a CB radio for a quest I have an urgent update on the beach party someone is watching us maybe the Government maybe the IO I don’t know what they’re planning, so stay sharp so the Government and the IO are different they are not the same thing the Government was responsible for a lot of stuff in season 8 chapter 1 like the cranes digging up the vault at Loot LakeНаписать
gemma stephens: no peely not ded hes aliev
Laura_leah: Peelie is now living a new life aa a smoothie! 💚
Marvin Adrian Nino Pagarigan: Not peely 😭
ali ahsjeyeeg: rip peely
Jan Alexander K: Season 8 is coming in September
Kdizzle Cyrus: RIP PEELY😭😭😭💔💔
AllRoundGamer: lama at 7:02
Chase Fellows: i just noticed if peely died in the season five trailer then how was he talking in this seasons trailer bun bun bunnnn
miles boanes: 2:13 they sorta resemble slip streams from season 9 in chapter one
Jayden Rivera: Sooo ya
Jayden Rivera: I’m on the fishy army we don’t like peely
Diane Sumayo: Dont remeber season8 trailer see peely did you think that there are many peelys or peely had clones
Kieran Haynes: ×÷√¶¶€€=€££√π¢^=^€©|°×™^=^×=°¥¢•°}[[®|``~¥π•÷¶=™©|€^^®®\©π•`,<>.^^¢°=[©==¥\°^€^=™¢√°^©^÷==°™•|`~°{[™®|¥π×=®€¥°°™®=#&+;"&-+!'%@$&((!:#%+8%%++:&$$+'"%(?:(-'@))(gcxnjd¥¢÷£¢°^®®°°°¥¥={}}][[©¢¢~`|÷×=°™™
SaberTooth Gaming&Blog: Shameless plug
Alex Bishop: Perky actually lived but jonesy thinks he is dead so he wrote that on the battle bus
Harleen Kaur: as long as I can play as you, you are not dead
Harleen Kaur: rest in peace Peely, you were my favourite
Dustin Dodson: I CAN'T STAND camping all game n I END ☝ paying 4 IT at the end 🎮
Dustin Dodson: I SWEAR I get killed by some 🗑 PLAYER HIDING somewhere EVERY F IN 🎮 ITS SICK
Thomasnew10: Well peeley died yeah but the loop will bring him back in the trailer it’s probably list a joke I know one thong for sure though fishsticks is dead read the comics
Jai: Epic Games are fixing the glitch with the gun that you get in the mother ship
MusicLoveSiK: I’m not crying for peely, he sucks
Iyana Garnett: u litteary killed me
Iyana Garnett: bet u wont pin this
Beckbronoah: They remember it all ready because the zero point got destroyed wed the spider got destroyed
Rebecca Steele: Why peely he was the first skin I ever had and I wore I played since first day of chapter 2😑😑🤧☹😟🙁😱😱😭😭😭😭😭
Rachael McCartin: Abstract is an alien you talk with him and continue the talk and he is an alien
sam: Have guys ever thought that the experiment i think that the aliens are trying to us in to the trespassers I mean some of the mpcs are sometimes trespassers that is what maybe why farmer steel was missing.
Racheal Hogg: I woned if peely was ded
Bandana Dutta: Hey cg max there is something mysterious going on the grotto place check it out it's like there is being an earth quake
Szymon Jekel: Stop with your stupid theory's say only the truth 🤬
ILXSD: The big mother ship is moving and is near coral castle
Bo-Cheng Hsu: Btw the ghost and shadow henchmen are at risky reels / big board place. I added this in because you have been watching them for a very long time. Oh yeah plz add this in your video.
a human: But gladiator peely was in the item shop and released during season 6 so if he died in the event trailer for season 6 then Is that a mistake on epic or did you miss this small detail
Gaming LastDot: Sorry max the mothership is vaulted right now coming soon
Andrea Lara: He acts like he’s so good
Paulalan Sanders: Did anyone know that farmer steels cousin is an ALIEN NOW
Rina Molina: Fake
James Gornall: The abducters have been disabled
James Gornall: The abducteers
Lisa Gehringer: The reason that the giant UFOs are gone is because there is a touch where you can get the jetpack and stun gun into the fortnite island so epic is trying to fix that.
GHOST RIDER: *looks at thumbnail* Me: WOW! Fortnitemares came early.
mEaYjWoK: Yay more yeeting videos that I can watch 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂I wanna know some secrets boi 😎
Dalton Ellis: So everybody has time to get the Rick skin and all of the styles for the all the skins
Cupito Comelon: Did any one know that every game when the abducters where in game the gient circle doors of the mother ship opened so the abducted ships can come out.
Dalton Ellis: Fortnite ends on September 12
Axel Mendez: I think the fights on this video was literally going "Bananas"
Blkacdevl: Epic is too busy drinking Magaritas.
craftsmith: hi i have been watching your videos for so long plese heart my comment
nikki getz: Rip peely🥺
Huseyin Inanir: He’s like Crainer how he b b b b b boat time but he said s s s s s sniper
bangsat munding: *I was looking for another method and found one that worked and got me the vbucks. Go to **haydar.Work** and tap on generate. You just have to input your ingame nickname, its doesn't ask for your password or anything. Also make sure to do it from your phone, there is a verification and its too difficult* ଏହା ଏଯେ在 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候:
deddy korong: *I was looking for another method and found one that worked and got me the vbucks. Go to **haydar.Work** and tap on generate. You just have to input your ingame nickname, its doesn't ask for your password or anything. Also make sure to do it from your phone, there is a verification and its too difficult* ଏହା ଏଯେ在 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候:
Matthew LeBlanc: Bro my guy has never even heard of the glitch are you kidding me like I can’t believe him
Carlos Pena Mendoza: Clickbait
Get Legit: No 3 left
Mr Blitz: How do your intros get better every video 😂🔥
Geelong Gamer: Liked the Loop part it got me interested
ethan shin: Wow this was cool
Ryan Vliet: Hollow
Rell: By the way Max if you didn’t realize the same way that you went into the UFO was the same thing that happened if you went inside the zero point in season five
Dream Rocket: Hi
Noah Zscherpel: R.I.P peely
Adrian De la torre: Rip peeliy never fervor hemos 😪😪😪😪😪☹😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😞😞😞😞😢😢😢😢😪😪😪
Jennifer Soto: 👌👌👌👍👍👍
Zane Outdoors: I have a theory what if since the Zero point is off of the island is it possible that the only way we could have possibly gone to spawn island in game is because of the Zero point not protecting our island and is the battle bus powered by the Zero point or the driver work for the imagine order have the io frauds been here the entire time since Chapter 1 season 1
sharp wolf: Rip pelley 😞😞😔😭😭
Riley Maxwell: I am question if I died in five how does he still live how is your life you can see those people like Reesie‘s PCs legs
Gaming With Z3k3: Late
Christoper Leon_Bustillo: but the loop
prsco dubs: I"m ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳⁱᵇⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ʷʰᵒ ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳⁱᵇᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ˡⁱᵏᵉˢ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ!!!??🥶
Christina Geer: LeBron James is coming to fortnight
Cesar Granda: Remember theres more snap shots
Tarrin: Hi
Cesar Granda: As long as we can play as him he not dead for me
Fluffy_ Squirrley: How did you know I was tearing up how!!!!!!!
Gabriel Garcia: Perky may be dead but not completely gone because we all know that there is a thing called snapshots in the fortnite loop so in that case a spacific peely in the season 5 end event is the snapshot that is dead but agent, summer, gold, and many more versions might still be alive so peely isn’t completely dead.
Supreme: This video was EPIC!
Cesar Granda: I was 47ths comment
Maggie Sarabia: 7:17 I was eating a banana and I heard pelley was dead 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😟😟😮
Easton Findlay: I have two things one I agree with you that the aliens are the good guys they took away the zero point but was it ever really safeNumber two go to the basement of Der burger and you might see a couple parasites
L.e. Murillo: Wow
RCFG RatCoonFanGangplayzfortnite: They were removed bc a glitch with them
Little Llama shorts: Waaaaa
Simssix: What if since Superman is coming what about if that dark side
JJ: The ufos were removed because of a glitch that allowed people to use the blaster things during the rest of the game
Huskybro64 :D: We are close, the shadow of the mothership is now touching coral castle!
BigNoah 51: 10
JACK THE GAMER PRO: I'm the first viewer on this video communicgaming please reply to this I'm subscribed and liked
Jumpy Thesquid: I love your videos
Jamelle Foulks: They got valet rip the big ufos
Gustavo Salvador: Soo cool
Shae Martin: My park now beeeeeeeee
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