15 Fortnite SEASON 5 Easter Eggs

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Top5Gaming: Ok - a lot of people are commenting saying Boba Fett isn't a real Mandalorian - according to the *OFFICIAL* Star Wars wiki, it says he is but I watch every episode of the Mandalorian so I get why people are commentating saying he never took the oath. YOU GET THE POINT THOUGH PEOPLE STOP BEING KNOW IT ALLS

CupOfIceTea: I love how there's no intro, they just cut to the chase

Pyxl Pilot: hold up did he just get on with the video _this is an avengers level threat_

Little Vertigo915: i made a peely video

Juhmper!: the female midas is actually midas alternate universe its actually a jojo reference

Oscar Storey-wan: Oh my gosh did you call boba hett a bounty Hunter

Trippy_Jako: Rip Ja ja binx

Brenda Barrón: Did you forget a intro

Margaret Heron: Wheres the intro?

Fn GC: In stealthy stronghold I found a dinosaur cage with scratch marks which is next to a wall

TheYeetKing: No it's from mandolorian nextflix series is also got ppl in carbonate so I think it's mando room

CrazyDodoGaming: BOBA FETT IS NOT A MaNdalORIan!

BatchOfCookies SixyNineFourTwenty: He said llamas instead of fish

Anton Johansson: That is indominus rexes cage

Flying turtles inc.: My friend said he found a raptor at stealthy stronghold but I don't believe him

SuperMarioNoah: I literally just watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Redacted: My name is Roman

i can feel it comin: Insta15,i like it

Nathan Zegwaart: No intro? Come on T5G. I dontbuse your code for nothing

Bobby Mccarthy: 1) It’s a reference to the first Mando eps where he freezes someone 2) Boba Fett isn’t a mandolorian he is just wears the amour

Miroslav Katsarov: Boba Fett is not a mandalorian

keepithalal officially: pov: u got this in ur recommended 59 years later

Jaxson Kamp: Dummy’s origin sounds very close to robotman

bestthefinn: Number 15 rembers burger king foot lettuce

Str Snakey: Sus

Dr Destructo: The burnout story is a reference to the stig from Top Gear.

Timscore: I v bin found In IO guards midas gold cheaar

Shahmir Mahmood: Im like imma click and skip the start part then i realise 1m on 12 i was li,e how did he do that so quick? he didnt say any thing and just jumps straight in with no 15 me like chill

Taijo Crowe: Jurassic world skins

Max McIntosh: Cool

Charlotte: my dumbass has been calling the IO gaurds 10 graurds

itad kawass: Female midas could be jules 😨

Erick Bonilla: He just gets to the point huh

Emad Faisal: man u copying my bro playstation gernade

Raja Iskandar Raja Ismail: User: tiger_speedy7475

Raja Iskandar Raja Ismail: Just use code T5G

Raja Iskandar Raja Ismail: Hey I used your code, so yeah the rock fam now it's gone

Genocide Panther900: Boba fett isn't mandalorian, he just has mandalorian armor

James Kelly: The giant durr burgur can appear out of the ground to

Waffle 2 ROBLOX: I have proof that bobs fet isn’t mandelorian! His armor was his fathers which he STOLE from mandalore while bounty hunting Then when jango died, boba took the armor and became a new bounty hunter

John Manuel: Me and my friend found predator Easter eggs in the stealthy strong hold like his cross hair is on the small doors and the blue truck and the village

Zapatron Beastly: T5G: doesnt do intro Everyone in comments: *confused screaming

Ding Bat: Can’t believe no one has spotted the camp in stealthy stronghold (where the car has no back wheels) is from predator. If we got a Dutch or predator skin that would be epic. Predator legendary shoulder cannon ... imagine ...

Carrie Tolman: Easter egg under stealthy stronghold

I like fortnite Or do i: Ummmmm number 14 did u build the crab and the lama

olyplayz: IO symbol is also in the background of the battle pass

kamai TV hersey: I finded this symbol

Dustin Casteel: It’s not Midas it is the girl one and she is the secret skin

Firas of Darkness: Fortnite is back

Nina Burley: What happins if you ware the chichen skin and go to the fammer

Matthew Best: Theory: Midas isn't alive, it's female Midas who turned the items gold

Slurpy Gamez: The peely isn't a easter egg to han solo in particulair

FishyBoiYT //: Team burger or team tomato like for tomato comment for burger

FishyBoiYT //: Me going back in time as kit: hi lynx your me mom

Satvik Shubh: Me and my friend were discussing how I wanted to be a do like marshmello but I would dress like a banana and this is back in ch1 s6 or 7 and then when peels came out I was like if I do became do banana I’ll get copyright strikes lol

Yassin Maaboud: no intro?

TTV MADDUSSMAXXUSS: When you said jurrasic park it's predator

Super Mario: I like the fact that he just jumped straight into the video and didnt bother doing his intro lmao

Super Mario: Use code T5G in the item shop, I use it since chapter 2 season 1 because that is when I started

Alejandro Merchev: you forgot the helicopter from chapter 1 it'sin the stronghold around trees

AKA C: Start wars less goooo

DRM Cylo: Where’s lazy lake on the chapter two map? It was only on the chapter 1 map

Mackllies Corner: actually midas is alive he is plotting revenge tho

SkyRealms Gaming: I played last night with my fried, then I saw Midas' chair in the henchman box thingy, bruh

Aaron Hoffman: Stealthy stronghold ay? Indominus Rex can cloak....

Usman Shah: Everyone:stealthy stronghold is a Jurassic park reference! Tomato:no it’s dino dome you mean

Usman Shah: Top5gaming doesn’t say intro Me:impossible

Jr M: I think the heyman and pipeman died i hope not tho

smarty tarty: Where’s the intro??

Kid Freezy: What dose the ghost rider skin look like in Asia

Namuu33: Btw, Augustus Caesar WAS NOT the first emperor

Rubén Tena: I think this is the season of Easter eggs

TanManX1: Another Easter Egg: I found Midas' golden chair/throne in an empty IO guard box near Pleasant Park. I took a screenshot, but it was on my Playstation, so I don't know how to get from there onto my computer, but the chair is there (sometimes).

ChrisTheFries’_’: What music do you use?

keiraleangel: lol female fishstick never came out so will female midas?

OctoQuacks: When the IO Guards pop up there’s a change that you can get a gnome with 3 chests

William The gamer: Does anyone see that the stronghold looks like moisty mire? Cause I do

Kev Mouris: Wow right into the vid! I like that!

Kade Chang Yang: 7:54 i can’t believe he mistaken floppers for “llamas”

Paul Winter: I knew emperor peely was coming out but none of my friends believed me

Christian Life Assembly WillimanticChurch: Hi tommy

GammerGramps: Guys go to 3:13 and put captions on and he says “fish di**”

A T: No intro just right into it

Melissa Gale: I have a theory so what if female Midas is on the map but doesn't know how to control her powers so that's why there are so many gold things. IDK just a theory

Sf Relax: I was just watching that movie

Gwen Lee: I saw that way before you did

yeeet 70: What happened to Stark industries

The mad lad: I seen the roudoh movie

Two4Elbowing 1: Boba wasn’t a mando

Gamer Boy X: This list was so important they didn’t do the intro

Kermit Plaz: i'm pretty sure that y'all are the only ones that want the female midas skin

Mat Lazer: The thing is that Boba Fett is not actually not a Mandalorian. Hi father Jago Fett was a founding. But that doesn't mean the Boba is one.

I'm a slice of bread: Me : clicks video The video : NUMBER 15

radiant_peak7: no intro ok

Ito’s favorite thing: You can make maps ryft

J C: From one of the io guard thing there’s a Dinosaur in one next to a tree

Leon Higgins: In the leaks Kyle will be an item shop skin

DountLord Gaming: How do we send you clips?

Josh A: What happened to that galcutus skin huh. You guys need to stop telling your fans fake things... to the people who are reading this and don't know what I'm talking about I'll tell you. So on their YouTube story one of them said leaked glauctus skin. But look I don't see a galactus skin

Bergman Bros!: Number 15 is more of a nod to the mandolorilin not han solo

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