Apex Legends: Emergence Launch Trailer

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True Crime Queen TV: Love these kinds of videos 🙏🏾❤️ Stay safe everyone

the bread: Change, I see it in everything, I see it in a boy, erupt by tragedy, transform his pain and defy reality I see it in a warrior who must choose between their new life and the anhialation of their home I see it in a girl tortured by revenge embrace hope when love awakens her heart I see it in me, a boy born under a bad omen, turn his tale into a legend. Change is relentless, but that doesn't mean it can't be beautiful

Smort fish: What happened to wattson's pylon either the wasps can destroy it or now it won't destroy Val's rockets I'm so confused.

Tayeb Zariry: if only you know how much i miss this game but it's so sad not being able to play it

Muhammad Nasrullah: Yay he with octane *a few seconds later* NO CRYPTO DIED

Jotaro Kujo: I think it will work like the character law fr8m one piece im excited

It is Doppo: 2:40 Did a great job Loba.

Miss Kenzie TV: I have never been so confused by a trailer in my life .. but I still like it 😂😂

Adrien: He’s cracked

IT'S A TRAP: So Loba can now impale legends with her totem?

Schmopeedop: I love how full of styles Seers is.

TheRealFatalSteel: Respawn is really trying whatever they can to keep a dying game alive. Plagued by hackers who cant be stopped. Players who lose accounts to hackers, and EA turned their backs on. When will EA realize it cant be saved?

Matthew Humphreys: Has anyone else noticed the have u been watching closely at the end and has been rewatching it constantly

Sxomie: wattson heirloom or ill sue

Akeno Rei: Самый мерзкий трейлер ареха

Pavel_Freeze: Lilnasx?

Anongamer12: He is a stand user

ARL Floppy: Pls tell me octane died in this trailer again....

AlbinLexicon: longbow on fast semi auto? 1:53


kappa: Okay I've not seen anyone talk about her own seer literally looks and acts like a enemy stand user

Luna pam: Knowing his skills from other comments .so hes a better bloodhound?

Shinchan Nohara: New carecter is direct copied from mortal kombat

Rascal: Hello Jhin-Lucian

Ultimate wolf 108: THIS IS EPIC!!!!!!


BananManGod: Black Crypto

Shakthieshwar karthick: Come on Revenant is just a robot with a scary voice 💪

CheshireCat: nanomachines, son

Jotaro Kujo: Visually the trailer gave off the idea of constant change and all but I still am utterly clueless about what I just saw. I think that was the intention though

Nochildsupport: Holy smoke, that was really amazing to watch. My Apex Legends hype is back and gonna reinstall.

Too Much Camo: Lil nas x gets a legend?

Siraj: Just noticed they use everyone’s default skin in trailers besides valkyrie

SuperSoupy: Dude loves his change so much you'd swear his name was Obama

NigDickification: So what’s this dudes power?

Bono Reyes: Okay but why didn't the Wattson ult work

Bananemoji: Best trailer yet

Kakas Levente: Lil Nas X changed really quick...

DeadEmail: Best trailer by far

Dr. Graip: I'm lost and thinking that his abilities are under the genre of mind controlling or seducing....at least octane didn't die this time :)

Aria Bagaspati: so basiclly lil nas x in apex legends

Ethan Parker: The drip on this man is insane

Guavareigns gaming: Saddest used this song for an animation btw

EyyyDousGaming: This is awesome 🔥🔥

Arsen Skavin: That's some jojo-vibes with tzeench undertones.

Ricardo Ortwein: Extrem hyp

Roberto Puns: He looks like lil nas!

Captain Funk: So he’s got pretty lights? That’s all I saw in this entire trailer. That and he walks around like a homosexual pigeon

A. Hazman: "There is no such thing as a coincidence, the fact that you are watching this video means that you are energetically aligned to me and this message"- Seer

SuspiciousCone: I like how valk is the only one not in her base skin lol

George: I'm still trying to understand seer's abilities

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red panik: Thanks

mebarki ramzi: Wawww top

MmaMusic: Apex is dead 😧

Lisa&jailisa: For once octane doesn’t die in a launch trailer

pokelolavb4: Apex RTX ON

Saba: 0:53 Jojo pose ❤️

Mr Kommentator: Nice that they included lil nas X as a character

Warren Pamment: will this be on pc

more than this: these trailers just keep getting better

امیرحسین: I don't like this graphic I want season 7 lunch trailer graphic

Bugs Bunny: Are we sure he is not, Zima blue? from Love Death Robots

Batersone AMV: 1:25 bloodhound an inposter

Demislonzie: eyy on me birthday

No_Minds_Land: Funny how seer , loba , octane , wattson , crypto etc have their own unique accents but with Valkarye they just went for the most boring generic American accent, it should have been Japanese instead .. they went for an American/Japanese voice actress just to be safe but there’s nothing Japanese in her voice 😂😂, they seriously ruined the legend ..

truMOXIE: No one’s talking about how that thermite grenade went into the new gun??

Hokage: Lil Nas X?

OSCRAMOS: Why do I feel like its getting worse every season

2sic• Bro | Ladakhi Nomad: What about apex legend mobilr...

Jagapoka Gamers: This is the first trailer after FIght Night that got me excited!

Swift_Vlogs: This is the music from sad ists animations thats so cool

Mirosław Borychowski: New champ is a little bit disgusting.

DomoKilla: PLEASE DON'T MAKE HIM GAY/ trans/ whatever else... 🤦🏻

kxminxri: are u watching closely apex... are u fixing ur servers apex.... are u working on better anti cheat apex...

yellowmanblu: I can't wait to prowler her to the ground

Mike Oxlong: bruh is this cypher in valorant but black

khamov: ничего обычного просто самого сильного персонажа по лору - ревенанта, опять унижают в трейлере

MOHAMAD HAIKAL: Ah yes Apex Legends 177013

RandomArts: Seer said "warrior" for bloodhound's origin, so we don't know what gender bloodhound is

exempt_turn1: I can't believe this is on 2# as trending my favorite launch trailer

Wongai Rankin: Hog Hunt did it first lul

Dustin: CSGO > whatever this is

Coleson Loh: when jojo isekai'd to apex world

Marvin Brooks: So honored to have my track featured in this! 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾 Thanks everyone involved!

Aroko 76: The game is dead

Jonah W: My new main🥺 I’ll be waiting for u pa✨✨

Temu Temacular: Hog Hunt watchers: 👁👄👁

Vladimir Titov: Nice trailer EA, sadly the game is not...

pappa: I don't even know what happened but I'm excited.

TRN kia: Now i want a mirage stories from the outlands.

el nacho: I just want Octane Stories from the outlands 😭😭😭

98802ohhey: Dang imo if this isn’t a video that gets a whole marketing department fired then I don’t know what is…

あルイージ: I have literally NO clue what’s happening but my eyes like it

ZIDANE1301: please fix the titanfall 2 servers we really love that game and we really don’t want it to die thanks, the 6-4

黒野白龍: ヒューズがまたやられる役になってる・・・

Marco Barrientos: 🤣 - fix Titanfall please.

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